Chapter 350: The other kind of powerful

In the eyes of the Illume-union, Sheyan was like an omnipresent specter, always appearing where he needed to. For example, for those fighting at the front had several times where they were about to suffer an attack, but Sheyan had showed up in the nick of time; either through his fists, or the repelling ability of the shotgun to repel viperwolves away, and thus obstruct the viperwolves’ onslaught.

Speaking from the party’s perspective, Sheyan’s readiness to get attacked by these beasts, was obviously more advantageous than having the beasts attack Sable. That was because the latter would have a higher chance of suffering from an explosive strike. Besides, it was naturally more worthwhile for the prepared Seaman, who obviously had excellent defensive strength, to get bitten instead of their own contestants who weren’t prepared.

Yet another viperwolf pack swarmed in. This time, Yuan Zhan and Demondream could tell that the hand-to-hand combat frontlines had finally reached its limit, and to sustain any longer was excruciatingly difficult. The frontlines crumbling would inevitably lead to the entire defense crumbling. In a flash, they readied themselves to act. But at this moment, without a single warning, Sheyan retreated backwards by 2-3 steps.

“He’s finally reached his limits?” This complicated notion finally welled up in both Archeaphill and Sable’s minds.

But just before they affirmed their notion; with a twist of Sheyan’s wrist, a shocking flask appeared from his palm. This flash had a huge belly and was swirling with a faint black liquid, filled to half. Then with a flick, he tossed it ahead.

The flask propelled through the air, crashing against a viperwolf’s body and shattered. Suddenly, with the shattered flask at its core, a dull black shock-wave swept out rapidly; finally a faint black miasma enveloped a radius of 20 square metre around the area. Those viperwolves that were caught inside the shock-wave seemed to have froze in that instance, sinking into a confused state! Those wolves that were wildly charging in with vicious intent were more miserable; losing their balance in mid air, they became like goods delivered to their targets.


At this moment, though the contestants of the Illume-union were ignorant of what was happening, the went by this principle; scumbags would take advantage of cheap exploits. Thus, they naturally seized this immense opening! Although Sheyan’s curse-mix only issued a second of confusion, it was enough to collapse the enemy’s onslaught, and allowed the contestants to make the first strike. It was definitely a significant twist of event in this battle.


After the curse-mix shattered and formed into a faint black fog of black miasma, persisting without dispersing as it enveloped the pack of viperwolves, someone very swiftly transmitted into the party’s channel.

“Eh, how did my attacks become stronger?”

“It’s crushing! What the hell is happening, how am I dealing out crushing damage?”

“This guy’s a real demon, his potion gave me a 3 point strength boost! But now it actually removed 4 strength off the viperwolf! What an insane 7 points difference, my strength can actually crush these sons of bitches! Ha ha! Bastards, taste my iron fist!”


“Seaman’s earlier ability should be his tossed potion; dealing an AOE effect causing the viperwolves strength to plunge by 4 points, movement and attack speed decline by 20%, and even released a second of confusion through its shockwave!”

“Wow, what an exquisite explosion effect… I was just 3 centimetres away from that damned son of a bitch’s fangs.”



Following the successive exclamations of joy and surprise from several close combat contestants, the Illume-union’s moral instantly soared. Especially, Sable who snarled thunderously as he slashed forth with his giant black longsword; dealing out an atrocious explosive strike + crushing damages + AOE effect. It was as if a disgusting wind blade had swept through 4 viperwolves destructively, slaying 3 and heavily wounding 1; instantly reversing their current situation.

This battle sequence was within Sheyan’s predictions. He already understood beforehand that an average viperwolf had a strength of roughly 18 points. After a series of observations and deductions, he reckoned the mean strength of the close combatants here to be around 25-30 points. Naturally, +3 strength wasn’t adequate to invoke an outrageous upheaval; yet after tossing out his curse-mix and lowering the strength of the viperwolves to 14 points, it only required 28 points of strength to deal crushing damage. This undoubtedly meant that the majority of close combatants would be able to crush them and seal the nail on their coffins!

Yuan Zhan, who was Initially about to act, glanced towards Demondream, and spoke with a low tone.

“This Seaman’s support ability……is truly magnificent!”

Demondream had a mist covering her slender figure. Her curvy waist and perky buttocks could be faintly seen, but her face was a blur; with both hands pressing down on weapons at her waist. A long scabbard on her left, and a short one at the right, as she emanated a threatening and piercing aura. She remained silent as she gazed towards the battle. Suddenly, she turned around with a slightly surprised tone.

“Why did you come out……Zi?”

A tall and lofty female strolled out of the valkyrie’s interior. She was wearing a broad long robe that displayed an elegant and ancient Ramesses* dynasty style. Just by looking at it, one sense the feeling of fine exquisite craftsmanship. It’s design boasted of a sphinx, cuneiform and a scarab. The backdrop of azure blue undoubtedly projected an image of the roaring sea.

(TN: Ramesses was the third pharaoh of the nineteenth dynasty of egypt)

Shockingly, 3 rhombus glows appeared around Zi’s body, circling incessantly around her body. Merely by standing still, she emitted an awe-inspiring and compelling aura. It was as if she was a scholarly egyptian during egypt’s most prosperous era, an image of an egyptian queen standing behind pharoah as she inspected her subjects from the crown of a pyramid.

Zi’s deep blue pupils casted down towards the battlefield, the viperwolf side had already exposed a clear decline.

“A sudden appearance of an element X, I definitely need to see what is going on. So Demondream, what’s your view?”

A thread of gloom surfaced within Demondream’s voice.

“I’m sorry, sire, I have no answer.”

Zi was taken aback and replied.

“You……have no answer?”

Demondream lightly whistled out a breath.

“Really regretful, sire. This person named Seaman has a rather capable perceptive sense, I reckon it’s at least close to 30 points! More importantly, he should be wearing an equipment that can interfere with my ability. I’m unable to probe him effectively.”

Yuan Zhan couldn’t help but interrupt.

“Doesn’t your ability have precedence?”

Demondream coldly replied.

“Can’t his interference type ability similarly possess precedence?”

Zi quietly scanned the battlefield and uttered.

“Even if I don’t show up, I believe Sable and Archeaphill will definitely rope him in, then let’s first observe. The realm wars are ever changing and unstable, severely treacherous, with slaughters and conspiracies as its pillar. But now it’s just the beginning. Before the Golden side mission appears, it is better to play it safe. Of course, if this person wants to join our party; I have to admit we must be vigilant, certain core matters must still be kept a secret.”

Not even 10 seconds after she finished speaking, the party’s upper tier secret communications channel suddenly rang with Sable’s voice.

“Hey Zi, are you there?”

Zi’s dark blue eyes flashed with a glitter, as she lightly replied.


Sable’s voice wasn’t as insolent as before, it had became rather humble and meek.

“I’ll just say two points. First, this kid is really useful. Just based on his current performance of abilities, it is enough to land him into any core circle of a party of this realm war.”

The rhombus glows revolving around Zi suddenly sped up, then quickly returned to normal.

“I find your evaluation a little exaggerated.”

Sable silently scoffed.

“I’m glad, our opinions seldom reach an unanimous verdict, but sadly, this brings me to my second point. My previous statement was actually Archeaphill’s judgement.”

Zi’s gaze tightened. No party leader would ever neglect the opinion of her own party’s MT. If not, that factor could easily lead to a division and eventual demise of the party. Zi wasn’t in a rush to question Archeaphill, but continued with a warm and unquestionable tone to Sable.

“I’d like to hear your opinion.”

Sable rubbed his hands and hesitated slightly before saying.

“Screw it! Really, I also kinda like this kid, he can allow ‘Tom’ (Referring to his sword) to crush damn morons! Moreover, he even showed up several times to tank some blows for me. Still, I think Archeaphill’s words would weigh more.”

“Your f***king mind is only filled with a pile of dogshit!” Suddenly, an irritable voice resounded, to be more precise, it was a shout!

Needless to say, it was MT Archeaphill that spoke. Hearing those words, Sable’s face instantly turned pale a little. If other members dared to shout at him, he would instantly fly into a fit of rage. Only Archeaphill dared to admonish him; with Archeaphill’s roar, only Zi’s calm voice could appease it!

“Sable, do you need me to repeat myself? Your f****king mid is filled with a pile of dogshit! Do you know what does it mean for someone to tank several blows for you? Those damned viperwolves definitely do not have low damage. If they struck you, an explosive strike would leave you devoid of close to 100 HP. As for Seaman who helped you tank this strike, at most he had lost 30 health points! Counting him within the entire party, it would mean being spared 70 points of damage! Just calculate, how many times has he tanked for you? And you hadn’t even considered the fact, how many fatal strikes has he tanked for me?”

Chapter 351: Bombastic attention for safety

Sable fell into a daze before snorted coldly in response.


“No right? But I did! Seaman shielded you 4 times! Covered me 11 times. Apart from that, he even blocked 2 sneak assaults against Kaide’s neck; and used that weak white grade shotgun that you ridiculed to send 4 viperwolves flying back! Those 4 viperwolves had their fangs an inch away from sinking into those weaker kid’s body!”

The vertical scar underneath Archeaphill’s oxygen mask flushed with red.

“1,500 HP! Since he entered this battle, this Seaman has spared our party at least 1,500 HP! When you guys were slothing around, he was defending. When you guys were fleeing, he was defending. When you were on the offense, he was on the defence! When you were happily slaughtering away, he was defending. When you were looting spoils of war, he was still defending! This brat completely disregarded desires of attacking, like a mad dog, crazily tightly crunching on the word ‘defence’!”

Zi gasped deeply, and then spoke with gentleness.

“Archeaphill, the burden of our party’s defence still rests on you. Perhaps Seaman is indeed capable, but without you, he is still nothing.”

Archeaphill’s tone finally soothened a little.

“Zi, perhaps this brat is unable to assume leadership; but honestly speaking when comparing to Huckle, it is simply comparing a clumsy rear guard to Micheal Jordan. Believe me, if this guy possess an innate ability and adequate equipment, he would be MT material! I firmly believe so!”

Zi’s robe fluttered even amidst the still air.

“I understand your intentions.”

Archeaphill callously added on.

“If usable, we use. If not, then we discard! Eh? f****, where’s Seaman?”

The reason why Archeaphill could afford to be distracted and participate in this core meeting, was because the current state of battle was settled. As the main frontier of the frontlines, it was crucial to plan ahead and prepare for a rainy day; awaiting for the next wave of aggression. Hence, he retreated to the rear safety region to rest and mend his wounds. Yet he had never expected that, within these few seconds, Seaman actually vanished!!!

Sable immediately screamed into the party channel.

“Who has seen Seaman!”

Swiftly, a reply transmitted.

“A severely wounded viperwolf just fled, and Seaman pursued it!”

Sable slapped his thigh as he sighed in vexation, his eyes flickered maliciously.

“Need me to bring some guys to stop him? If he isn’t willing, then I’ll kill him immediately!”

Zi humbly shook her head.

“If this person’s present conditions are really as formidable as what Archeaphill described; then once he has left, it would be difficult to find him. Let’s not talking about Seaman having other companions; don’t forget, the next wave of viperwolves are incoming! If you guys left, then wouldn’t our party be susceptible to a huge calamity?”

Sable was instantly flabbergasted. Zi shut her eyes to blink, then with a frosty like expression, she uttered.

“Go back to your posts, the next wave is already on the way!”

Perhaps only a few of them noticed; in that instance she blinked, Zi’s eyes turned from sky azure to black and then to golden!

Golden pupils!

With vertical pupils like dragons or cats!


If the first wave of viperwolves were considered as a tiny greeting from planet Pandora; then the next flooding tide, could be described as full of warmth and utmost respect! This warmth was like a tsunami, swallowing up a dozen of contestant lives.

Presently, Sheyan had already made rounds through the northern, eastern and southern regions and returned. Through his interactions with many contestants, all contestants had obtained a valuable piece of information:

In this particular realm war, there was a shocking alchemist, a support class contestant whose name was Seaman. The parties were all exceedingly aware, that this bugger utilized a white grade knucklers and white grade shotgun, and didn’t participate in any offense…..

Including the Illume-union, there were at least 3 other parties that harbored intentions to rope Sheyan in. They could all perceive the colossal worth he would provide, and silently made resolutions that if they couldn’t obtain him, his death would be the only option…….but this also meant one thing! Their primary attitude towards Sheyan would be to recruit him for themselves! In other words, before he rejected their hopes, Sheyan could be said to possess a friendly security amongst them!

That was the reason why Sheyan had decided to blow things up bombastically.

The sole reason.

Right now, it was during a resting interval after a battle. Many contestants were leaning against the valkyrie’s walls and panting heavily; hastily bandaging themselves and consuming healing medicines/foods.

Mogensha was currently standing aloft, raising his military canteen as he gulped down the salt water within. Stretching his throat up, his Adam apple shrank in as the water flowed fluidly into his throat.

Under the careful guarding and attention of Reef, his life wasn’t threatened at all. Even when the Mountain Banshees dove down from the heavens towards Mogensha, Reef charged towards him with lightning speed and casted ‘Courage’ on Mogensha; forcibly tanking for him!

(TN: Recap of Reef’s ability: ‘Courage’ – Base Ultimate ability: ‘Courage’. Castable on allies, cooldown duration of 15 seconds. Damage incurred to your target will be shouldered by you, damage lessened by 15%.)

It had to be mentioned that Reef had also acquired substantial upgrades after meeting Sheyan. Although his equipment hadn’t advanced in the recent few worlds, his base attributes had climbed at an astonishing pace. More crucially, his MP had been raised by nearly 200 points, allowing him more freedom to execute abilities requiring MP.

One must know, though Reef’s ‘Shattering Cardiac Roar’ was a powerful non-mp ability, his rank 5 ability ‘Faith guard’ had already been upgraded from the fourth tier to the fifth; it was now half step into max lvl. Right now, he could cast ‘Faith guard’ on others, naturally the MP requirements grew from 30 to 40 MP.

(TN: Recap on Reef’s ability! – Rank 5 ‘skill tree’ ability: ‘Faith guard’ (Previous cultivation of the 4th tier). Activating it will instantly form a layer of mental constructed formidable armour, armour possess 100 HP, 10 points of defence and duration of 300 seconds. After it is destroyed, it will restore 100 HP to user within 10 seconds. (Tier 5 cultivation will allow casting on others). Activation of ability at tier 4 requires 30 MP.)

Apart from that, his ability ‘Courage’ not only had a cool down duration of 120 seconds, it required 30 MP to execute. Therefore, the two MP requisites became huge bottlenecks restricting Reef from exhibiting his fullest potential. After his adventures with Sheyan and acquiring those extra 200 MP, pulling his total MP to nearly 400 points, he was now able to substantially alleviate his previous frustrations.

At present, an exceedingly peculiar equilibrium was happening on the western battlefield, and this was due to Sheyan and buddies. This was because there was an awkward combination of 2-3 medium scale parties in the western battlefield, with none above the others, and they just had to be without a single MT. (MT is most known as contestants possessing defensive innate) Right now, Reef’s unrivalled valiance yet humble presence pervaded the atmosphere. Therefore, having him to lead this temporary western faction naturally became widely acceptable to the various parties.

At just this moment, Sheyan sneakily returned to their sides, sitting beside Reef as he laughed.

“How’s it? Is the pressure on?”

Reef shrugged his shoulders.

“It’s alright, but we already lost 6 people on our side. Also just a casual statement, that assistant tank from that Gothic party is really trash. Looting keys, he is faster than everyone. Shirking from danger, you’ll find him at the rear.”

Able to trigger a noble and lawful guy like Reef to anger, it could be said that guy was really one of a kind. Sheyan laughed heartily, focussing his gaze on Reef.

“I swear after I left, that MT Archeaphill from the Illume-union, would also describe his assistant tank with the same phrase. We only lost 6 guys in our western region? Right, they are really lucky. Your ‘Shattering Cardiac Roar’ ability is perfect for such chaotic massive battles against ordinary beasts, it can even be said to be a field controller. Sadly, the rate of elite or legendary creatures resisting your ‘Shattering Cardiac Roar’ is rather high.”

At this moment, Mogensha spat out his chewing gum as he lazily interrupted.

“Archeaphill? That tortoise moving baldy that carries a cumbersome shield? Oh, I understand why he has taken a liking to you. Because he is gay, and Seaman, your ass is ****! Oi oi oi, boss please don’t clench your fists so tightly, I’m just kidding. The real reason is because you probably raised his strength by 3. His top 3 attributes are actually physique, intelligence and spirit. After that is strength.”

“What!?!” Sheyan was stunned. Mogensha shrugged his shoulders.

“Don’t look at me with those eyes, I promise my information is genuine. Because in the past, his life was previously redeemed by the Symbiosis sect.”

Hearing this information, Sheyan’s eyes suddenly imagined that strange scene he viewed previously. That was at the instance he supported Archeaphill for the first time, his neck had rapidly transformed ash gray, as though it became granite; and it was the exact spot the viperwolf was about to munch on!

“Don’t tell me, that MT walks another path? A magic based, defensive warrior?”

Sheyan shook his head, casting aside his thoughts temporarily, as though he was placing a case file back into the shelf. Then he started to calmly assess the next wave of beasts. After facing that terrifying difficulty ‘A’ world, a natural scorn towards this difficulty ‘B+’ world had already formed in Sheyan’s heart.

“I feel we should dig a pit; bury these carcassess and flush away the blood.” A contestant randomly blurted out, his tone revealed his relative excitement.

Sheyan had obviously been drawn by his words. Yet sadly, the rest of the contestants around him completely paid no attention.

TN: I’ve changed the term limit-venator to Growth-hunter instead, there is a reason for this which would I will explain in later chapters. 🙂

Chapter 352: 300,000 HP!

Though he treated as a highbrow entertainer, that contestant wasn’t the slightest bit discouraged. He continued to wave his arms and danced about.

“No doubt, the first 2-3 batches of viperwolves were inevitable. This is because of the gigantic steel bug behind our arses, which probably agitated and infuriated them when landing! Perhaps, it even wrecked their nests. As for the Mountain Banshees visiting, that is still a mystery, but an obvious idea would be the dense black smoke spiralling out of the valkyrie.”

“Stop bullshitting, moron……”

“Shut it, if not I wouldn’t mind silencing you with bullets.”

“Friend, listen to me please…..shut the hell up!”

Bang! echoes “The next time, it will be aimed at your brains.”

After hearing the words of this contestant, Sheyan’s vision congealed. He then headed over and spoke to that contestant.

“Hi, friend. Your reasoning seems rather fresh.”

The contestant was still dispirited, as he grudgingly shook his head.

“It is actually pretty common sense. The initial attraction of those frightening creatures is most likely due to their curiosity and agitation. However, every living thing possess two kinds of basic instincts, survival and reproduction. I fear that right now over here, the enticement for those beasts has accumulated too excessively, the blood and flesh littered over this battlefield is the greatest bait for them!”

“Yet the most fearsome part is that, if the battle continues persisting for too long, it may produce a chain reaction…..that would mean the more we kill, the more flesh and blood we leave hanging around. The more those savage hunting beasts would pay a visit!”

Sheyan pondered for a moment and immediately replied.

“That does sound logical. You’re a summoner based on charm?”

The contestant helplessly nodded.

“Yes, but unfortunately, my strongest, most formidable child had died in the previous world.”

“Child?” Sheyan was a little intrigued. However, he immediately reacted; he should be referring to his previously tamed creature. He stared into the contestants eyes.

“I am Seaman, and your name?”

“Makaji, glad to meet you, Mr Seaman.”

Sheyan then transmitted several lines into his party channel. Reef then leapt atop a vantage point and clapped for attention. As the strongest, most formidable MT in the western region, his words carried far more weight than most, and could fix the tone with a single hammer blow.

“I loathe this detestable planet, really. I once again reiterate. This is utter desolation, even breathing is difficult because of the venomous atmosphere! So now, brothers whom I had just fought shoulder to shoulder with, please aid me! Help me bury these bloodied carcasses that are blocking the way ahead, who knows what sort of fatal venom these carcassess would contaminate or release? Dammit, I really don’t wish to be unknowingly poisoned, while tanking an elite creature!”

Without a doubt, once Reef spoke, Mogensha and Sheyan backed him up. With others instigating, and in additional to the prestige and awe of Reef’s prowess, various others started responding in succession. Those present were both diversified and ordinary contestants; even without any working tools, they quickly excavated several deep pits dozens of metres at a suitable distance. Then they flung those carcasses into the pits and buried them.

When the workers gathered back to the western entrance of the valkyrie, the battlefield was only left with spots of blood stains. Mogensha leisurely tossed out an immeasurably powerful gasoline ignition grenade. In a flash, the entire region was covered in a sea of flames. When the flames subsided, a plain field was left.

Of course, to some wild beasts with keener sense of smell, the remaining blood stains and stench were like light bulbs guiding their path. Besides, for them, the sense of smell was akin to the driving license in modern day society, or possessing essential IT skill towards computers. But never ever forget, Sheyan’s group was only one out of the 4 battlefields! Putting it bluntly, as long as the bait enticement on their side was vastly inferior to the others; then naturally, the pressure they face would respectively deescalate.

Reef then spoke through the party channel.

“Boss, those beasts provided rather good drop loots, sometimes, even high quality rare materials would appear……from the start till now, AK and I have already raked in at least over 10,000 utility points. As for that light blue key that was just dropped, it even gifted us 3 potential points.”

Sheyan replied.

“I understand what you mean. You wish to reap more benefits right. Just like what you said, these creatures are not a threat to us at present. But never ever forget, our enemies aren’t merely these primitive beasts! If we pull out all our aces here….then, wouldn’t the most majestic forest trees be blown down by gales*!”

(TN: Chinese saying, that means trees would normally greed for rain, but when the fiercest rain and gales arrives, they would be toppled by that same greed. Similar to humans)

Reef’s expression changed as he sighed. He was ultimately only a powerful warrior, and comprehended matters at a simpler level. As for Sheyan whose thoughts dissected through layers, naturally he was wiser. At this moment, another wave of beast came surging from afar. Amidst the tide of beast, was an appalling sight of a giant monstrous beast; as enormous as a road roller!

This giant beast had indigo and orange stripes interweaved over each other into a waving pattern. Its head rather resembled a bison plus a stegosaurus combined. However, its body surface displayed chunks of muscular swells, brimming with explosive strength. Even from miles away, one could sense its tremendous hoofs trampling, producing “Thump Thump” reverberations on the ground; like an oppressive and shuddering drumbeat, resonating violently with the human’s internal organs!

Sheyan’s gaze flickered.

“That is…….”

He was about to probe, but another contestant who was given the task of sentry immediately reported the statistics. Seeing the silvery glitters from the binoculars he held, it should be a silver storyline grade equipment. Following that, a 3D imagery of statistics appeared to the audience.

Sturmbeest (Tier 2 legendary creature)

(TN: I’ll be using tier classification for legendary creatures from here on. So junior tier, tier 1, tier 2 and so on)

Na’vi tongue: Talioang

Scientific name: Bovindicum Monocerii

Height: 5 metres

Weight: Over 10 tons

Description: Planet Pandora’s giant type creature, height 5 metres, weight 10 tons. Omnivorous, violent and bad tempered, easily startled.

Strength: 39 points

Agility: ?? points

Physique: 10 points

Spirit: ??

Intelligence: ??

Legendary creature ability: ‘Mother-earth Skin lvl 4’ – Grants an additional 15,000 HP. Lvl 4 bonus effect, grants additional 5,000 HP.

Legendary creature ability: ‘Steel will lvl 1’ – Most speed reduction / Charming / controlling effects fare poorly against any creature with this ability.

Creature ability: ‘Wild collision’ – Deal an exceptionally terrorizing base damage + bleeding damages + strike back to enemies. Once activated, unable to stop (Once activating, immune to controlling effects / effect that has precedence). The further the distance charge up to collision, the more devastating its might.

Creature ability: ‘Warstomp’ – Heavily stomp onto the ground, unleashing an immense seismic wave.

Realm war additional bonus: Grant additional 300,000 HP to this creature.

No doubt, this bad boy was at least a legendary tier mightier than the mountain troll. This teaser, don’t even mention Reef, even the present state Archeaphill using that giant shield would be completely unable to resist it! Actually, an additional 300,000 HP bonus from the realm war was completely normal. With over 60 long range combatants, even with primary ordinary shots, they would at least be able to deliver 4,000 damage. Without that additional bonus, then this Sturmbeest would only be able to hold on for 10 seconds.

However, now with that 300,000 HP, this undoubtedly meant the contestants wouldn’t be able to bring it down within a short span of time. This undoubtedly signified that their defensive circle would inevitably collapse to total shambles in due time!

As the human crowd glanced apprehensively at each other; when the tide of beasts approached a kilometre distance away, suddenly two portion of black armies splitted from the main colossal army. The two portions were led by an obviously larger elite viperwolf leader, separating and heading towards the southern and northern defence side.

Viewing such a comforting scene, the western contestants couldn’t help but gasp in delight. Following that was another scene that left them gratified; numerous viperwolves actually sped ahead to the graveyard dug by the contestants previously. Their movements were fast and nimble, as soil and mud were being tossed out like raindrops. Those fierce and avaricious beasts begun to gorge themselves on the carcasses they dug out.

After that happened, the ranks of viperwolves swarming around the Sturmbeest became relatively sparse. Observing that their earlier preparations had yielded results, Reef then boomed thunderously.

“Move aside, move aside. I’ll draw back that lil’ monster. All long range combatants, concentrate your firepower against its front left leg! Try your best to slow it down, don’t just target its head!”

As Reef commanded the army, a layer of crystal gem shielded his body; obviously activating his ‘Faith guard’. Then he hoised his shield as he anchored himself at foremost of the army. Honor did not allow one to glance back; Sheyan naturally followed by his side in preparation for combat. Estimatedly under this difficulty, the chances of Reef instantly being whacked into near death state was not high. But if variables appeared; crushing damages neglecting defence or even amplified explosive strikes, or minute probability occurrences, then Sheyan had decided to immediately lift him up and flee.


A 100 metres!

This distance was already within most of the long range contestants firing arc. Sheyan could even see the thick profound vein lines on the Sturmbeest’s leather skin; it appeared like splintered cracks on a dried paddy field. Moreover, there seemed to be black string like parasites squirming about within it. Its swelling sinew muscles moved rhythmically beneath its thick skin. Its nostrils repeatedly sprayed out white fog, fogging out a metre far!

Chapter 353: Dash and slash

The imposing manner of which the Sturmbeest stampeded in, could only be described as an magnified steam train rolling in rapidly!!!

Facing such an impending horrific collision, who would dare to dash and slash?

Within the western region; there were probably a hundred or so contestants, amongst which were at least 70 long range combatants. Minusing those weirdos who picked unorthodox combat paths, and those agility based close combatants, then the genuine few would could hold the frontlines were barely more than 10. However, the only one that dared claim to be a MT, was Reef. Only he possessed a defence base innate ability! It could be told how rare a MT was.

As Mogensha sprayed out long fiery tongues through his trademark golden AK, the other long range combatants followed suit, as they commenced bombardment on the giant beast’s left front leg. Of course, the battle line was as broad as nearly a hundred metres; due to awkward angles or various reasons, only a third were genuinely able to concentrate their firepower there. The rest still had to deal with the pesky average viperwolves.

Actually, if this Sturmbeest was alone; solely focusing their firepower could in fact swiftly beat out a crippling effect onto it. With a plunge in its movement speed, its threat would be reduced substantially. After all, not possessing long range offensive capabilities was its greatest flaw.

The true terror of the Sturmbeest was displayed with its ability to plough through their defensive formation, slaughtering a gap for the viperwolves behind to rummage towards the rear lines unobstructed. With such a focused assault, it instantly threw the entire battle into disarray. If an ordinary party was inflicted as such; even if they weren’t annihilated, they would’ve suffered immense casualties!

Fortunately, Reef had a handy AOE speed reduction ability, naturally he was able to hinder the viperwolves from their reckless wild charge. Though an average viperwolf dealt decent damage, they were incapable of long range assaults. Luckily, there were still 10 or so others alongside Reef, sharing the burden of these beasts; not expecting to slay them speedily, but just hindering them was enough.

When the Sturmbeest was finally dealt a crippling blow and its mobility had waned greatly, it finally allowed the slightly faster contestants to draw its attention and lure it away. The rest of the contestants then concentrated their firepower against massacring the viperwolves, before they would proceeding to slay the Sturmbeest easily.

In theory, Reef’s battle plan showed no flaws, however, unexpected variables would always drift into the battlefield like a looming spectre. At the instant where the Sturmbeest arrived 20-30 metres away from the valkyrie, a dozen plus weird beasts clad in golden exterior simultaneously flashed out from its rear buttocks. These peculiar beasts could aim faraway towards the long range contestants who had just emptied a round of fire, before their cheeks swelled and abruptly sprayed out a gust of air!

The external appearance of these golden beasts were queer. They had slender long beaks like a red-crowned crane, a curved neck of a pheasant, yet its lower body had an oval shape of a turtle. It had 6 legs, amongst which 4 were used to gallop while the front 2 were oddly crooked; identical to a praying mantis sawtooth blades, looking extremely menacing.

Their skin was smooth yet dry, exposing loosened creases due to its relaxed state. The outline of their muscles could be vaguely seen beneath their skin. When these freakish beasts locked onto the distant long range contestants, their necks weirdly cocked back into a striking position like a cobra. From its sharp beak, a shocking venomous sting erupted forth, carrying a deadly neurotoxin!

Within the disorderly mess, that sentry contestant was actually still able to report information of that creature at first notice.

Slinger (Ordinary)

Na’vi tongue: Lenayga, scientific name: acediacutus xenoterribili

Height: 2.4 metres. Weight: 62 kilograms

Strength: 13 points

Agility: 25 points

Physique: 8 points

Perceptive sense: 17 points

Charm: 3 points

Intelligence: 7 points

Spirit: 7 points

Basic long range combat lvl 4, basic footwork lvl 4

Creature ability: ‘Thunder-rock embrace’ – grants additional 1000 HP.

Creature ability: ‘Camouflage’ – Slingers can effectively alter their pigment, concealing themselves and inciting sneak attacks.

Slinger special ability (Passive): ‘Neurotoxin overflow’ – Cause target’s muscles to turn rigid, and impair breathing. Movement speed decrease 33%, attack speed decrease 27%. Additional 5 damage/3 seconds, duration lasts for 15 seconds.

Slinger special ability (Passive): ‘Hairless skin’ – elemental damage dealt to it reduce by 15%. ‘Hairless skin’ has a 10% chance of causing enemy to miss.

Slinger special ability (Passive): ‘blade-foot’ – Every first successful physical claw will be an explosive strike. However, its crooked claws will easily lodge into the enemy’s flesh, and become unable to withdraw. Hence, after successfully striking the enemy, there is a 50% chance of disability of engaging in close combat for 20 seconds.

Description: This creature named lenayga in the na’zi tongue, is the strangest discovery on planet Pandora up till today; and is also one of the most dangerous species. This terrestrial carnivore loves to perch in tropical rain forests, and primarily prey on Hexapedes*.

(TN: *another species in Avatar, a land herbivore)

It is as tall as 2.4 metres and possess a muscular neck. Its triangular head contains a venomous sting that secretes neurotoxins. When nearing its prey; to prevent itself letting out sounds, it would move slowly and silently to pass through the forest ferns. When inducting its prey, its rooster lie neck would rapidly jet out its venomous sting, and finally capture its prey.


The first onslaught of the Slingers’ venomous stings instantly killed two long range combatants. This group of intellectual creatures even knew how to concentrate their assaults onto single targets, thus inflicting massive devastation. To the defensively weary long range combatants, a single venomous sting dealt even 50 – 70 points of damage; what was scarier was the poisonous element damage that surfaced!

For example being assaulted by a Slinger; it carried an additional poison element damage of 5 points/ 3 seconds, duration of 15 seconds. Then two Slingers would equate to 10 points / 3 seconds, duration 15 seconds. 10 Slingers would simply be 50 points / 3 seconds, duration 15 seconds…..and so on.

In actual fact, the pack of Slingers’ initial targets converged onto 3 contestants. Every 4 Slingers had focused on 1 contestant, and their targets were naturally the most prominent few amidst the long range combatants. In the end, those guys melted in a flash, not even having time to consume medicines. Fortunately, one of the survivor was indeed Mogensha, who delivered the highest damage output. Firstly, he had the bonus 100 HP from his Silver party’s skill, and the equipment he was wearing was forged by Reef using pandora crystals from the Starship Trooper world. Even with all that, he was still reduced into a near death state.

Shaken to the core, Mogensha threw away his image as he rolled wretchedly ahead, before activating his party skill ‘gloryheal’; immediately considered as negating the effects of poison with a sliver of healing. After the heart wrenching 15 seconds of poison damage lapsed, he then bandaged himself, waiting for his health to be restored to half before straightening himself to resume fire.

The contestants were caught totally unprepared with the appearance of like-minded long range aggressors. This was also due to the craftiness of these Slingers, who actually pasted themselves behind the buttocks of the Sturmbeest; only coming out in ambush when they reached firing range, thus dealing immaculate damage.

However, contestants who had worked their way here had all gone through their own storms and droughts. Though there were casualties, they had all fought against long range enemies before. Of course, the primary action was to seek cover, before approximating the enemy’s attacking intervals.

Such attacking intervals in firearms terms, would refer to its reloading phase. For the Slinger, after propelling its venomous sting, it had to suck in air and spray it out again.

By understanding this gap, one could grasp its attacking pulse, then grasping their personal attacking tempo, and finally grasping their authority to take initiative in the battlefield.

There were 5 long range combatants belonging to a party called ‘Sons of Caden’. Every time they mobilized and concentrated their firepower, they inevitably inflicted severe damage and even managed to slay one Slinger. Meanwhile, two other close combatants of the same party abandoned their own opponents; sneaking up to the Slinger’s ass, as they fished in troubled waters, and backstabbed them.

Strictly speaking, though they were long range combating freaks, Sheyan could tell the differences between them and the tentacled-freaks of the previous world. At least the round eye of the tentacled-freak was an irritating shit, boasting a 24 hours, no blind spot surveillance. Those tentacled-freaks held no fear of others sneaking up on their assess, and rupturing their butts.

Naturally, the Slingers suffered catastrophic casualties in a flash! However, don’t forget that the agile close combatants had forsaken their targets to rush back in aid. The two viperwolves they were originally dealing with wouldn’t possibly idle around, or yawn while suntanning under the sun, perhaps even copulating with their bellies facing the sky. They naturally shifted to charge towards Reef. If Reef hadn’t preserved his true strength earlier, and if Sheyan was merely an assistant without the calibre of a MT; then undoubtedly, if Reef didn’t die, he would be at least semi-crippled!

Yet more crucially, once the Slingers surfaced, nobody even bothered with Reef’s orders with regards to the Sturmbeest. Like a lively dragon and animated tiger, the Sturmbeest decided to pursue a sniping contestant brat vigorously. That unlucky child dished out immeasurable damage, therefore it was natural that the Sturmbeest harboured deep hatred towards him! While the Slingers were defeated and their bodies scattered around, the Sturmbeest had caught up to that contestant.

“Save him!” Observing the situation, Sheyan immediately roared into his party channel!

Chapter 354: Hidden motives

Sheyan had to admit, the live and death of that contestant held no relations to him, however! If they allowed those who obeyed commands to die, while those uncooperative ones to survive; then no matter if he ended up dead or alive, it would be a slap against party ‘Ace’s’ face!

Hence, at this point, Mogensha fumed loudly as he pulled out his silver short spear; the spear metamorphosed into a dancing lightning as it bounced through the viperwolves ahead of Sheyan and Reef. The 3 viperwolves didn’t possess full health to begin with, and instantly exploded into a pool of flesh.

Simultaneously, Reef triggered his ‘Courage’ ability, as he swiftly flew and threw himself in blocking stance in front of that sniper contestant. Raising his shield, he represented the contestant to shudder the full collision of the Sturmbeest!

Howling winds first slapped against him……

The sensation of this collision, was exactly like being trapped in a landslide on the swiss alps!

At that moment of impact, the sturdy and valiant Reef was essentially blown away like a little pebble!

In that brief instance, the sparkling ‘Faith guard’ was thoroughly shattered, as fragments of silver shards evaporating out before dissolving into nothing. When it shattered, it reinstated 100 health to Reef.

“Its calculated damage is……373 points!” Sheyan easily analyzed the collision.

And then, he threw out a flask.

A flask of flourishing curse-mix.

After the collision, the sturmbeest would inevitably halt briefly, allowing Sheyan to seize this gap to throw out his flask, as it smashed against the head of the Sturmbeest! Right now, the Sturmbeest had already left its immune to controlling effects state.

A formless shockwave swept out, a temporary confusion penetrated the giant beast as it sprawled to the ground, while grunting bewilderedly. It’s unstoppable ‘Wild Collision’ had finally ceased, but not only that, a fog of faint greenish miasma rapidly dispersed out; enveloping it within. The fog appeared like ants swarming over it, gnawing and nibbling at its limbs.

“Poison fog! Lowering the enemy’s movement and attack speed by 20%!”

One had to acknowledge, the colliding might of an enormous and bulky creature like the Sturmbeest was exceedingly dreadful. Its cumbersome weight added amplified deadliness to its reckless charging. However, it was important to note, its frightening weight also compounded inertia needed to maneuver back into a wild sprinting charge!

As for the effects of the poison fog, it definitely influenced its speed. After colliding with Reef with its maximum charging speed; in order for it to accelerate back to its maximum speed, it would require another 5 seconds. However, after being confused for 1 second in addition to the persisting 20% speed decline, the Sturmbeest now required an entire 15 seconds to accelerate to maximum speed.

Flying through the air and heavily crashing to the ground, the impact force continued dragging Reef for another 5-6 metres; uprooting clumps of grass and mud behind him along the way. Just when everyone was worried, Reef made an agile roll as he climbed back to his feet. Blood trickled down his scalp, covering his face instantly as he looked extremely miserable.

Without saying a word, Reef casually wiped away the blood in his eyes. Finally clasping his lightsabre shaft tightly, he strided in large steps towards the Sturmbeest!

Releasing a grandeur that of the mighty Sparta marching towards the battle of Thermopylae under the setting sun!

Before closing up on the Sturmbeest, Reef activated his ‘Faith guard’ once more. After squandering his MP away, Reef’s survivability undoubtedly improved once again. ‘Faith guard’ was indeed a rather incredible ability.

Normally, with only a hundred plus MP, Reef could only treat this ability as his trump card. But now with three hundred plus MP, Reef was able to cast one whenever he felt danger. The disparity between the past and present was simply too vast to assess.

Within 20 metres of the Sturmbeest, Reef unleashed his ‘Shattering Cardiac Roar’. A ferocious ripple swept out like a ring. However, the Sturmbeest only lost a little health, its movement shook a little before it recovered to its initial speed.

This was the outstanding speciality of a legendary creature – ‘Iron will’ !

The Sturmbeest buried its head and charged once again. Instead, the distance required to build its speed wasn’t adequate, resulting in its acceleration falling short of maximum. Reef immediately darted to the side, as he made a roll before jolting back up, before continue awaiting the beast sternly. Instead, the massive Sturmbeest had already poured its fullest weight forward, and was completely unable to retract its inertia; it stumbled several metres forward before scrambling to turn around.

Seizing this opportunity, Sheyan handed his ‘Endless spirited vodka’ to Reef, allowing him to gulp down two mouthfuls. Sheyan then signalled towards Reef, who didn’t even possess half HP now, signalling him to cut off 5-6 viperwolves who were fleeing away. Although Reef didn’t understand, he still gave up on the Sturmbeest and obeyed orders.

Sheyan himself then lunged towards a heavily wounded Slinger that was on his lateral side. Pulling out his white grade shotgun, he emptied his rounds to harvest the Slinger. It was as though he had completely given up on that Sturmbeest, and paid no attention to it!

“If you want chaos…..then I’ll give you chaos!” Sheyan’s eyes flickered with a lethal glare.

“ANNNGGGG!” At this moment, the cumbersome Sturmbeest scanned around its surroundings, as it released a bewildered long grunt. It then squinted its incomparably vicious bell-shaped eyes in search of a new target. Afterward, it no longer bothered much, burying its head as it initiate its wild charging. Presently, the entire battlefield situation had shaped up to become an increasing mess, a complete disorder! Yet right now, this chaotic battlefield caused an awkward phenomenon; a lack of accelerating space for the Sturmbeest. Unlucky contestants who were smashed by it only lost about half their health, or a little more!

At this moment, the majority of the crowd were berating and cursing. “Where did the f***king MT go?” Instead, Sheyan and Reef treated their words as fart, and lazily disregarded them.

Within a short 3 minutes, the entire western battlefield was in a total upheaval. The Sturmbeest grunted bewilderedly and furiously again, lifting its front hoofs and heavily stomping the ground. Right now, at least 3 contestants had died to it. Fortunately, Mogensha and the other sniper contestant were constantly guarded by Reef, allowing them to effortlessly unite their firepower. As for the battle situation right now, though the contestants were plagued with injuries and fatigue, the remainder of wild beasts were suffering the same fate.

As time sped by, the viperwolves and slingers were utterly eradicated, leaving behind only the cumbersome Sturmbeest wildly charging throughout the battlefield. Its gaze held contempt and great disdain, as it repeatedly bellowed furiously. Without the additional smaller pesky beasts loitering by its sides, the cumbersomeness of the Sturmbeest had finally became its greatest fatality.

Reef’s life had already recovered to 90% with bandages and medical supplements, he then started to directly confront and draw the Sturmbeest’s attention. Sheyan continued to assist him by his side. The chaotic situation immediately returned to its orderly state. Probably because victory had came smoothly in view of their earlier few skirmishes; hence, the contestants only realized now that the previous orderly state of the battlefield was actually unfavourable. As for the crux of the matter, it was all due to the quick wittedness of this MT in front of them, the same one they clearly neglected a while back!

At this moment, people finally started listening to Reef’s orders. Without selfish ambitions, they commenced destruction of the Sturmbeest’s left front leg. Yet noteworthily, as the Sturmbeest’s life force gradually plunged to a critical state, Sheyan and Reef started commencing their shady businesses. Once another close combatant approached, they would intentionally not intercept or draw away the Sturmbeest, allowing it to do their dirty work!

A ‘Son of Caden’ party member, an agile contestant wielding a double-edged blade, wanted to approach the beast in lieu of acquiring advantages. Yet Sheyan and Reef were already roughly clear on the habits of this Sturmbeest. Identifying this opportunity, they waited for the moment that contestant attacked before retreating. The agile contestant sank his double-edged blade into the Sturmbeest’s flesh, delivering a terrifying blow to it. However, he hadn’t anticipated that Sheyan and Reef would abruptly and shamelessly dodge away to spectate, not participating in blocking the Sturmbeest.

Consecutively, the Sturmbeest immediately retaliated against its nearest foe. With an enraged roar, it smashed its head into that agile contestant. The contestant hastily blocked with his double-edged blade, ultimately saving himself in time; but his life force was only 200 points. After suffering a merciless headbutt, he hurriedly executed his life saving ability and swallowed down a medicine; barely pulling his HP back up.

But right at that moment, the Sturmbeest had raised its towering giant hooves, and stomped down viciously!

A thunderous tremor shook the earth, unleashing a seismic wave. The ‘Warstomp’ severely injured that contestant, before the Sturmbeest came galloping in with a finishing blow. With a horrified shriek, the contestant was thrown 8 metres back, crashing down as his life similarly crashed to oblivion. But at this moment, when the Sturmbeest seemed to casting a vengeful glare towards the distant Mogensha, Sheyan and Reef instead hurriedly appeared in its line of sight, blocking away its charging path.

During the process of battling the Sturmbeest, all self-esteem he had lost to the Uruk-hais through the many cuts and bruises he received in the previous world, was finally redeemed. Though the Sturmbeest had an incredible offensive might of at least 150 – 250 points; but in comparison, Sheyan’s physique had reached a terrifying 45 points. His defence was now 22.5 + 2 = 24.5, absorbing at least 49% of damage! His innate ability absorbed 25 damage, as though absorbing a quarter of its attack! This was all exceedingly astronomical defensive statistics!

(TN: the Sturmbeest’s average damage is around 150 – 250, while its ‘Wild collision’ probably does more damage as seen from its max acceleration collision against Reef)

Chapter 355: Domineering

Everything must have a beginning and an end; for example the Red Bull I’m drinking now, or Michael Jackson’s passing, or the Sturmbeest’s life……as the contestants continued chiseling at it, its life finally declined to oblivion.

It was constantly thinking of shaking off the two pesky worms in its face, and go after the clamorous, annoying houseflies further away. However, its cumbersome physique and wounded legs repeatedly provided them with ample time to escape.

What was worse, was the fact the two pesky worms were dishing out decent damage. They were like little pebbles by the riverbank; appearing insignificant, but tough enough to break someone’s tooth! Carrying an unwilling grievance, this enormous beast sprayed out massive amounts of blood; emitting a reluctant and sorrowful grunt, as it despondently collapsed to the ground. Ultimately, dropping a brilliantly radiating, silver key!

At that very moment, contestants who participated in slaughtering the Sturmbeest instantly received 1000 contribution points from the RDA company.

This key…….obviously attracted every contestant’s attention. Instead, it was seized by Reef; without hesitation, he flung it into the party’s shared interspatial storage. Then he swept a provocative gaze around, but none stood forward to question him! Reef then blatantly issued.

“This key is mine, whoever is unhappy can step forward now.”

Nobody spoke up……after completing this domineering deed, Reef remained exceedingly composed. He continued with his own affairs as he sat by the ground, bandaging and mending his wounds. Discontented murmurs could be heard around, but none dared to project their resentment. Most chose to remain silent, because they understood; it was better for things to flow smoothly.

At this instant, Sheyan deeply realized the imposing dominance of a MT – ruling by force, an evil tyrant. Anger, that would be placed on others. Therefore, for even a noble and gentlemanly guy like Reef, snatching equipments were indeed reasonable!

After a brief rest, seeing that his own health had roughly recovered, Reef widened his eyes as he headed towards the crowd of ‘Sons of Caden’ members. He then fumed angrily.

“Why didn’t you guys follow my instructions? If you think my orders are questionable, then you should’ve raised it up previously! But once the operation commences, you should’ve followed accordingly!! Are you idiots on your first vacation in the realm? You don’t know the rules?!”

Honestly speaking, amongst the mortality ranks of the contestants, the ‘Sons of Caden’ members died the most! Especially that agile dual-edged blade user, he was their current leader. After being berated by Reef, a female holding onto a longbow directly screamed out.

“Who do you think you are? On what grounds, are you throwing your weight around for?! Also, that Sturmbeest was killed by everyone, on what grounds are you monopolizing its key?”

Reef glanced at her, snorting coldly before turning to leave. Puffing on a cigar at the side, Mogensha leaned back, his lips curving as he hugged his golden AK and laughed.

“Oh, I’m so sorry to hear that, sounds like you guys are feeling rather indignant. Then how about you guys be the tanker for the next round of beasts? Then nobody would bother.”

The woman’s face changed, gnashing her teeth at Mogensha’s back figure, but not daring to do anything. She suddenly glanced towards another close combatant in her party and ordered.

“Jemu! You hold the front next, you’ll take half the spoils.”

Jemu scoffed mockingly.

“What can a dead corpse do with battle spoils. Previously, treating me like wind after mission completion but after being pressured by others now, you finally realized my presence? In your dreams! You think wielding a shield and being a MT is a breeze? Let me tell you, without him and his formidable assistant, yes, that Seaman also at the frontlines; our f***king pathetic frontlines would’ve crumbled long ago!”

“Just look at that person on the right, yes, that one toying with those twin daggers. Do you know who is he? That is Lille who slaughtered 7 members of Ahdi’s party in one breath! Yes, that haughty, rash and ill-mannered brat, he was someone who wholeheartedly listened to Reef’s orders…..”

Meanwhile, this period of rest had concluded. Mogensha unloaded a clip towards the faraway pack of viperwolves who were still unearthing their dead comrades from the pit; naturally his actions agitated the remaining portion of viperwolves. However, regarding the viperwolves whose deadliness lies within their pack; after getting familiar with their attack patterns, their individual threat had lessened substantially.

But with sheer numbers, they still offered unparalleled terror.

After several contestants had coordinated with Reef’s formidable ‘Shattering Cardiac Roar’, the veterans who had long acclimatized to this world’s battles swiftly and efficiently concluded the battle with overwhelming superiority.

One noteworthy observation was that for the remainder of the battle; whatever keys or drop loots, Reef no longer hogged them for himself. Even when a dark blue glowing key surfaced beside him, it was no exception. As for Sheyan, he himself understood the logic of this; since he had eaten the meat, he should leave the soup for others, and wholeheartedly supported Reef’s behavior. In the long run, everyone still had to battle together as one. If things were done too excessively, then others would become dispirited or even rebel.

After the beast horde was cleansed, Reef called for 3 other influential and reputable contestants for a small meeting. After the meeting concluded, they formed a pact. Then they allowed that sentry contestant Uzel, an expert in reconnaissance belonging to the Gothic party, to head over to the northern and southern region to investigate their situation.

Right now, the Silver grade key earned through the supreme hegemony of MT Reef wasn’t opened yet. Since there was ample time now, they opened the silver chest. Glittering silver loot appeared with a list of notifications.

“You receive 4,200 utility points.”

“You receive 5 potential points.”

“You receive a giant bezoar. Valuable object/drug, exchangeable for 3000 utility points.”

“You receive a ring: Barbaric-demon pupil”

“You receive a horcrux: Sturmbeest’s Horcrux.”


“Ring: Barbaric-demon pupil.”

“Equipment rarity: Black.”

“Detail: Strength +3

“Detail: Spirit -4, charm -1, Basic long range combat -1 (If user doesn’t possess this ability, effect will be void)

“Equipment position: finger.”

“Material: Silicate calcium, two vulcanization salt, carbohydrate.”

“Equipment passive ability: Soul Irradiate – This pupil would occasionally strip off a fragment of the enemy’s soul, dealing 10 points of damage that ignore defence.”

“Equipment ability: Horn-rage – Within a distance of 8 – 35 metres, inciting a fanatical charge towards the enemy. Enemy will be stunned for 3 seconds, does not deal damage to enemy. During the charge, your movement speed will assume the extreme limits of the world’s difficulty, immune to all speed reduction effects.”

“Only when your strength vastly exceeds the target (Able to deal crushing damages), would you maintain the 100% accuracy rate of ‘Horn-rage’. If your strength is lesser than the target, this ability cannot be activated.”

“No matter if you struck your target or not, you will be stunned up to 1-6 seconds after ‘Horn-rage’ concludes. (Duration of stun is determined by strength, the higher the strength, the shorted the stunned duration). Cooldown of 180 seconds.”

“Weight: 14 g.”

Description: Brimming with vengeance, this is the pupil of the Sturmbeest. Although its soul has vanished, a portion of the Sturmbeest’s abilities remained. Of course, for a Sturmbeest who worshipped fleshy strength, it naturally weakens your spirit.

Sturmbeest’s horcrux

Equipment rarity: Silver Storyline grade

Usage effect: Usable on black grade equipments / weapons. Transforming them into soul artifacts, upgrading the weapon/equipment grade to Silver storyline grade.

Warning: If the horcrux is incompatible with the equipment, horcrux will be destroyed.

Material: ghost

Weight: 3 g

Description: Planet Pandora’s special circumstances has caused horcruxes to appear by a wide margin. Undoubtedly, this is due to the existence of the Avatar’s planet Eywa.

(TN: Eywa is the guiding force and deity of planet Pandora and the Na’vis)


Identifying that slut Jinkuang would be very interested in the giant Bezoar, Sheyan confided with