Chapter 376: Scalding fleshdance!

Yet in the next second,

That next second after Sheyan’s eyes were brimming with anger, and trembling with wrath.

Lacking a single warning, Sheyan’s left hand loosened as a black flask suddenly crashed to the ground. Piank! It shattered!

In a split second, a formless shockwave swept out in a radius of 20 metre. Wherever the shockwave passed, clouds and fogs of murky yellow poisonous miasma formed. Any enemy who entered it would experience a decline in 4 agility and their movement speed drop by 20%.

Sheyan breathed in deeply, inhaling the fresh air of Pandorian vegetation deep into his lungs. Then he faced a fresh green leaf as he basked in the evening sun, and drank from his soul equipment ‘Endless Spirited Vodka’ without hesitation.

He then proceeded with an inconceivable action, something Lille nor Uzel hadn’t anticipated.


Sheyan actually turn and fled!


Concurrently, a loud yell emerged from his mouth.

“There’s a Great Leeeeooonopteryxx skull here ahhhh!!!”

Sheyan’s escape and his deafening yells were like a pair of incomparably vile daggers, deeply piercing into Lille and Uzel’s heart!!! Their eyes darkened, they were utterly astounded by this tremendous discrepancy…..

What was the reason they didn’t mind squandering a boundary awakening? A supremely precious boundary awakening? Wasn’t it to annihilate the witnesses and preserve this immense secret of discovering a Great Leonopteryx skull?


One must understand, there were still several loose contestants who had just left after accomplishing their milestone. It was hard to tell if they would still be residing nearby. Which goes to say, Sheyan’s current over 120 decibels yelling….definitely had a chance of leaking to the remaining contestants!

Moreover, Sheyan’s fleeing was in conjunction with striking a huge weakness of Uzel – the scope of influence of his illusions! Previously during that neuro-interference state, Uzel could mislead a contestant’s senses; causing them to hallucinate as though they were ‘ghost hitting the wall’, unable to escape.

But under normal circumstances, Uzel’s weakness was greatly covered. Primarily because he could move according to his enemy, closely following the enemy to prevent him from leaving his scope of influence.

Secondly was due to the illusions, the enemies would frequently decide to flee from Lille. However in such a case of the enemy attempting to flee, they would undoubtedly expose their vital backs to the incisive fatal dagger strikes of the agile contestant. Moreover, Lille’s speed was never inferior! Hence, they would still be able to unleash devastating damage in a short span of time.

But Sheyan actually chose to flee! Furthermore, it was during a time when Lille and Uzel had least expected him to! He even still drank a comforting cup of alcohol while doing so, appearing as if his heart was completely unhindered at the fact of abandoning his comrades. Besides, his expression was a total look of contentedness.

Just a second ago, he was still swearing with unwavering confidence of not discarding his comrades.

The next, he was fleeing in trepidation, not even glancing back with second thoughts,

Such an intense contrast almost caused Lille and Uzel to vomit blood. They had never come across such a shameless, such a hypocritical and despicable level of shamelessness!

What was worse was that vile fog of poison miasma, and more importantly……Sheyan’s fleeing velocity wasn’t slow at all. He was yelling out news of the Great Leonopteryx skull while running speedily. He made it look so easy as if he was a veteran in this, probably someone who had accomplished this deed countless times.

How could Lille and Uzel not chase Sheyan? How would they not dare to? Contestants who understood the value of a Great Leonopteryx skull weren’t considered many, but it wasn’t rare as well. Once this piece of information leaked out, then trying to swallow up this secret would become impossible, they could only obediently hand it over to Zeus.

In their flustered exasperation, they urgently gave chase simultaneously; not resisting the urge as they cursed words like ‘I xxx your mother xxxx slut’. If this secret was leaked out, they may really faint from anger.

They both felt a sense of extreme annoyance. Facing such a speechlessly despicable slut, their only desire was to carve out his tongue and force him to swallow it back into his own belly. Meanwhile, as they passed through the poison fog, they had their agility plunged by 4 points. Translating that into figures, it was like having a full 10% movement speed reduction!

Thus, this chase went on for few minutes.

Lille was an agility specialized contestant, while it was still unsure what track contestant Uzel specialized in; but if not spirit, then it would be intelligence. It was seemingly impossible to be associated with strength or agility. Hence naturally, Lille ran much faster than Uzel. Uzel had been tossed 50-60 metres away from the two, while Lille was constantly gaining ground on Sheyan. From 50 metres, to 40 metres, and now finally 20 metres………

“Bastard, I’m gonna kill you!” Lille’s face leaked out a cruel sneer, drawing a strange object from his body. Everytime he interacted with it, he would feel his fingertips tingling with elation.

Lille suddenly made an abrupt leap; vividly seen beneath his leap, the soil exploding forth under the immense pressure. A brittle fracturing dried twig crackled, as a worm nestling beneath the leaves squirted out faint vomit colored fluids upon been squashed.

Lille strived forward with his leap, in a flash traversing through 7-8 metres. At the peak of his leap, he hurled out that object! A weapon sparkled with metallic brilliance, taking a whirling shape of a slanted cross as it carved a perfect arc during its flight; dragging along an unceasing black trace, before whooping against Sheyan’s legs. A clear layer of snowflakes covered Sheyan’s legs, as the object spiralled back into Lille’s hands!

This was a shocking black grade throwing weapon, it was called ‘Frost Boomerang’. It didn’t inflict high damage, and its negative attributes were even higher than its positive ones. Only a single property was extremely alluring; when it successfully hit its target, its ‘Frost-flakes’ would envelop the enemy’s legs. Movement speed reduced by 40%, duration for 5 seconds and its effect had precedence.

As for the cooldown period for each ‘Frost-flakes’ it was only 3 seconds. Which implied one thing. Whenever it landed on a target, that target would be stucked in a perpetual frosty nightmare. It was really an unfortunate inescapable circumstance.

Sheyan’s sharp decline in movement speed wasn’t merely due to the excellent speed reduction property of the ‘Frost Boomerang’. It was also due to his 28% speed bonus of the ‘Endless Spirited Vodka’ diminishing upon being struck, and ruthlessly dissipating.

On one side a 40% speed reduction, and a 28% on the other; each compiling over each. Lille finally caught up with Sheyan, as Sheyan entered his effective attacking range. At this moment, Sheyan swung his head back, casting a panic and fearful expression towards Lille. But when he hastily swung his head back, his vision returned to a blazing untamed and wild lust.

After witnessing Seaman’s flustered expression, Lille smiled craftily. In the heat of excitement, he extended his tongue as he insatiably licked against the blades of his dagger. What he didn’t know was, Sheyan had turned around to affirm the effective scope of Uzel’s illusion dimension.

The feedback Sheyan got was extremely clear, there was only one Lille that was hot on his heels now. Undoubtedly, he had already escaped the region of Uzel’s illusion dimension……this undoubtedly signified to him, from his perspective, that Uzel all the way 50 metres behind that was bitterly trying to catch up was real!

At present, Lille had closed up to within 5 metres of Sheyan. He whistled conceitedly, his body surging forward, as he raised his twin daggers; as if they were the ivory fangs of a wild beast, shimmering with a pitiful brutality.

Sheyan turned around, he could only turn around as he raised his arms to shelter his head. If he continued running, then- undoubtedly- that was akin to offering up his back to his enemy, and getting easily trampled over.

An incessant flash of cutting silver overwhelmed him. Lille’s mobility had reached the pinnacle of his attack speed, with his twin silver daggers materializing as two silver linings. It tore through the space in eagerness, its velocity so tremendous that it repeatedly sliced out buzzing sharp ‘Hooo’ in the air; like a speechless mirage in the sky, brimming with domineering oppression.

This was the ability that Lille had learnt from the werewolfs back in the Underworld world.

Scalding fleshdance!

In a flash, it would accord consecutive fury swipes with peak frequency at its enemy. Of course, every strike would have a 50% damage reduction.

This move can be rated as brutal cruelty, it was akin to a death by a thousand cuts!

Under such brutality, dozens of densely knitted wounds emerged on Sheyan’s body, oozing out blood at the same time. It was utterly bitter, and right at this moment, he chose to complement it would a pathetic moan. His sorry appearance told of an inevitable death in any second.

Chapter 377: Abrupt revolt

Although Sheyan exhibited an agonizing display, but oftentime, eyes would deceive others. In actual fact, the real battle statistics were as such:

“Determining……your perceptive sense has exceeded the enemy by 10 points, you can deal a perception suppress to the enemy; receiving a detailed battle log, while the enemy will only receive the most basic battle information.”

“Factoring basic close combat.”

“Factoring explosive strike rate suppression.”

“This attack dealt a primary damage of 50 points + 8 points of flame damages (Weapon ability) (Ability damage reduction: 50%)”

“Your defence is 22.5 points, damage reduction: 47%.”

“Actual damage dealt by enemy is 50 x (1 – 40%) x (1 – 47%) = 15 points of damage + 5 points of flame damages (Weapon ability takes precedence).”

(TN: first 40% is realm regulation, next 47% is his defence)

“Your innate ability: ‘Endurance’ activated!”

“Enemy’s actual damage dealt is 1 + 5 = 6 points.”



“Total actual cumulative damages received from enemy’s ‘Scalding fleshdance’ is 71 points.”

While he was submerged in his elation of his opponent’s pathetic state, Lille hadn’t noticed. While he was wantonly slashing away at Sheyan in his anger, the armour Sheyan was wearing had flickered with a dim bluish current, jolting through like an electric spark.

An uncanny roar that had suddenly resounded in the air had also been masked by Sheyan’s incessant wailing. Closely following, currents of electric blue flickered on Sheyan’s fist.

Meanwhile, there was another thing that Lille hadn’t noticed. Sheyan’s eyes that were currently covered by his arms were shockingly combusting, his gaze was identical to a predatory lion laying ambush; warm breaths of hunger and thirst, a rapacious coveting of the enemy’s flesh, and even his soul!

“Your weakness, lies in the illusion dimension’s radius of effect!”

After forcibly tanking through Lille’s ability, Sheyan turned then dashed forward another few steps as he utterly exposed his back to Lille, and lifted his head. But at this moment, Uzel had finally closed up the gap to Sheyan within 40 metres!

He suddenly caught a glimpse of Sheyan’s maliciously blazing expression. Even though there was such a wide gap between them, it felt like a huge rough hand was choking Uzel’s neck. Even breathing was difficult!

Uzel’s heart suddenly tightened, his mind raced, “How is that the expression one that of a coward trying to flee?”

In this instant, it felt like a frightening tyrant was on the verge of unleashing utter annihilation

It felt like that tyrant would snarl out and brandish his scepter, pronouncing judgement over a towering scaffold. In that instance, the raw terror caused Uzel to halt his steps; activating his ‘Illusion dimension’ ability to conceal himself, as though this would provide a sense of security.

Yet concurrently, Sheyan released a thunderous roar, like a stampeding of a giant beast. He raised his left hand. A demonic sepia ring glowed atop his middle finger, as though trying to encroach into the depths of Uzel’s soul. Then, with unbelievably astonishing speed, he surged towards the Uzel that was 35 metres away!

In that instance, it felt like Sheyan had transformed into a wild ox, fanatically charging in. Rocks, grass and branches rolled in a pile of dust behind his legs. Lille was still in the midst of his wild hasty chase, but could now only gaze at the ocean and lament one’s inadequacy.

His reaction wasn’t slow at all, he had managed to toss out that ‘Frost Boomerang’, but it only dealt damage to Sheyan. The layer of snowflakes shattered instantly, like it was nothing.

Right then previously, Sheyan had already activated the ability of his ‘Barbaric-demon pupil’ – Horn rage!

Within a distance of 8-35 metres, breaking into a fanatical charge towards the targeted enemy; causing a 3 second stun effect, but with no damage dealt. During the charging process, movement speed will be deemed as the extreme limit of the world’s difficulty, and will not be impeded by any negative movement debuffs.

Just within a worthless 1 second, Sheyan that had been 35 metres away had charged to Uzel’s frontyard. Of course, he also entered Uzel’s ‘Illusion dimension’. In that moment, where Uzel had stopped, was now a tree in its place. Yet Sheyan had chosen to shut his eyes! Right now, he only trusted his fists, and his memory from before!

At present, Sheyan’s strength was 44 points.

(TN: he hasn’t activated the ability of his necklace, to format 5 points of strength)

Uzel needed at least 23 points of strength (Or 20 points of pure strength) to prevent any crushing damages. But to Uzel who obviously specialized in intelligence and spirit, the probability of that happening, was the same as the author receiving a 27 month bonus from his boss. (ED: I think the author is trying to say something here)

Even though ‘Horn rage’ description was that its user would similarly suffer a 1-6 seconds stun, Sheyan’s strength had reached 44 points. Obviously, he only suffered a second of stun. Moreover with his 22.5 defence, he even reduced the stunning duration by another half. Hence, after 0.5 seconds of stun, Sheyan brandished his iron fist at this ‘tree’ he crashed into! Don’t even mention the Lille who was still frantically sprinting in a dozen metre away, even if he did arrive, there was simply no way of stopping Sheyan’s action!

“Just die!”

Sheyan drooped his head, as he regurgitated the two words in a calm manner.

Simultaneously, his fist surged forward with indescribable speed! Retracting, and striking! Retracting again, and striking!

Sheyan’s first fist had a distinct enhancement in speed.

His second fist carried an afterimage.

When his third fist struck out, it was invisible like a mist; like a gust of wind!

‘Barbarous Crust armour’ effect! ‘Zergling-rush’ activated.

(This passive ability has a cooldown of 30 seconds. After unleashing it, 30 seconds must lapse before the ability can be triggered)

The next 3 ordinary strikes would receive an attack speed boost of 100%/200%/300%!!! Every strike would have its damage reduced by 50%.

Sheyan’s ‘Zergling-rush’ had been triggered by Lille, but now he was utilizing it against Uzel!

When his first fist crashed in, Uzel was still under the 3 seconds stun. Yet the attack seemed to have failed, a shocking thin faint blue cover appeared, wrapping him up like an egg.

This was one of the basic attribute bonus when a magic based contestant reached a pure intelligence of 20 points. The 2 choose 1 bonus – ‘MP-guard’.

This guard could absorb 50% of incoming damage and transfer it as damage to his MP instead. His primary damage absorption is 1 point of damage for every 4 points of MP. However, the ‘MP-guard’ could be upgraded. An average magic based contestant would upgrade it to a 2:1 MP to HP ratio.

Uzel had already awakened his boundary; yet his previous prolonged battling had consumed a substantial amount of MP to a deficit state. At present, his MP was mostly relying on MP regeneration. If not for his outstanding equipment, his ‘Illusion dimension’ would’ve already drained him dry. Since that was the case, his MP regeneration was only barely sustaining his consumption rate.

Under such circumstance, Sheyan’s first punch came crashing in. It very bluntly shattered that thin faint blue ‘MP-guard’, disintegrating into the air like soap bubbles!

When his second fist arrived, it heavily crashed into Uzel’s abdomen and actually sank into his flesh! That was tremendous might of his strength. Just from Sheyan’s fist can one clearly sense, even if there was a thick abdominal wall, the opponent’s innards would still be squeezed into a miserable state.

When his third fist arrived, Uzel had awoke. Yet with the terrifying attack speed of 106 (32 x 3) agility, even an agile contestant like Lille would acknowledge it; much less to say a magic type contestant.

This fist crackled in with a thunderous momentum. Boom! It struck upwards against Uzel’s chin. An uppercut striking Uzel up.

In that instance, Uzel’s chin fractured into 17-18 disorderly fragments. That searing pain resulted in his vision blackening, even a cry was impossible.

“NO!!” Lille howled behind Sheyan.

His twin-daggers forcefully stabbed into Sheyan’s back. From a faraway distance, one would view Lille as a faint mirage thrusting in hastily, his silver daggers piercing forward like ivory fangs.

Silver scorching radiance,

Impaling straight into the enduring back skin, dicing through the dark-yellow fat, as it severed the bloody maroon flesh. Crimson blood gushed out, and was sprinkled away by a speedy dagger blade. Its horrific scene shocking the eyes and astonishing the heart.

Sheyan groaned. Lille’s attack this time had probably activated a defence negate probability. A deep profound puncture formed on his body, and it had been penetrated through. The tip of the daggers were sticking out from his abdomen!

Instead, Sheyan reacted in only one manner. He deeply inhaled, as he tightened his stomach muscles to clamp down on Lille’s daggers. Then he raised his arm, his fish clenching tightly; as crude as a gigantic pneumatic drill. He aimed at Uzel who had been struck high up the air, as he heavily hammered in!

This one ferocious attack, sent Uzel flying for a full 5-6 metres; but also dragged him into a desperate critically wounded state!! Uzel landed onto the ground, paralyzed.

Chapter 378: Die!

Sadly, to preserve that powerful neuro-interference state, Uzel had previously used his full-restore honorary medicine!! This meant that he had already utilized the only life saving trump card he had!!

At this moment, a list of battle log bounced out.

“Determining…….your perceptive sense exceeds the enemy by 10 points, you can receive a detailed battle log.”

“Enemy strength is 16 points, your strength is 44 points. Your strength is 2.75 times the enemy.”

“Determining……your strength exceeds the enemy by two times, resulting in a additional crushing damages!!!!”

“Crushing damages is equivalent to 50% of this attack.”

“Crushing damages is deemed as an additional attack, and will negate all defenses or damage absorbing effects. When this attack conflicts with other effects, it possesses an authority precedence.”


“Factoring basic close combat.”

“Factoring explosive strike rate bonus of ‘Alcohol Master’ .”

“Attack primary damage is 61 points + 30 additional crushing damages.”

“Enemy defence is 10 points, 28% damage reduction.”

“You deal an actual damage of 61 x (1-40%) x (1-28%) = 26 points.”

“You deal an actual crushing damages of 30 points.”

“Total actual damage dealt to enemy is 56 points!!”

“Your ordinary strike dealt: 26 + 30 (Crushing) = 56 actual damage to reserve-duty Growth-hunter no.19011.”

“23 points of damage is absorbed by reserve-duty Growth-hunter no.19011’s ‘MP-guard’ .”

“Reserve-duty Growth-hunter no.19011’s ‘MP-guard’ is destroyed.”

“Your ordinary strike dealt: 24 + 28 (Crushing) = 52 actual damage to reserve-duty Growth-hunter no.19011.”

“Your ordinary strike dealt: 26 + 31 (Crushing) = 57 actual damage to reserve-duty Growth-hunter no.19011.”

“Your crushing damage is an explosive strike, you deal 23 + 48 (Crushing) = 71 actual damage to reserve-duty Growth-hunter no.19011.”

“Reserve-duty Growth-hunter no.19011’s HP is almost zero. The nature of this battle is between contestants, reserve-duty Growth-hunter has entered near death state.”

“Reserve-duty Growth-hunter no.19011’s party skill ‘Life-shield’ (100 HP) activated. Before the shield is destroyed, you are unable to deal any damage.”

While the notifications surfaced; a milky white shield formed around Uzel’s body, while he started to frantically seize the chance to bandage himself! Even till this moment, recovering a sliver of health would be important!

Sheyan endured another two strikes from Lille; his health wasn’t full already, and the ruthless frequency of Lille’s attacks resulted in numerous explosive strikes, all while Sheyan was unable to turn and block him. Instead, Sheyan ignored his existence as he utilized his party skill ‘Gloryheal’ ! Loads of information were being processed by his mind.

“Zergling-rush would require at least another 20 seconds to trigger.”

“That 100 HP ‘life-shield’, it even inherits the target’s defence.”

“I would need at least two punches to break his shield.”

“3 punches to kill him.”

“5 metres away, I’m like a snail with Lille on my back, I need 7 seconds to reach him.”

“Under normal circumstances, I would require at least 15 seconds to finish Uzel, this 15 seconds includes me enduring Lille’s crazed assaults. If that Lille continues to dish out explosive strike and that deadly defence negating property of his weapon activates again………moreover, Uzel is frantically trying to heal up……the variables are too much! The chances of my original plan being foiled is over 73%!”

Many thoughts swept through Sheyan’s mind in a split second. Without hesitation, he immediately pulled out an exquisite archaic black musket!

When the musket surfaced, it startled countless birds that were nesting within the forest! It peacefully resided in Sheyan’s hand, like a demon sleeping soundly filled with serene tolerance. However soon, piercing fumes leaked out of its black barrel and assailed the nose. That loud rumble shook the heavens and the earth, instigating great carnage!

Sheyan very simply aimed at the 5 metres away Uzel, as he pressed the trigger.

A red-glowing lead projectile shot out!

Sparks emerged, engraving atop Uzel’s brows, his expression still desiring to live. Not a single drop of blood splashed out, only a tiny red dot. Then a trickle of blood streamed out.

Uzel’s expression turned rigid, that red dot atop his brows started diffusing, thickening; an afterglow of the evening sunset. The cruelness permeated the air, coldly draining away his body temperature.

‘Ambition’ had a primary damage of 420 points. Although the 40% realm regulation and Uzel’s 28% defence were factored in, that single scorching lead bullet was enough for his existence to cease.

Uzel’s eyes were filled with despair and unbelief. His life mercilessly fleeing his body as he slumped down, never to rise again.

“You’ve killed reserve-duty Growth-hunter no.19011!”

“PvP milestone ‘Suspect’ count: 3.”

Affirming the notifications from his nightmare imprint, Sheyan gently turned around. Although Lille had wildly slashed against his back while he was opening fire, slashing 3 times while stabbing 4 times, the ‘Ambition’ in Sheyan’s hand remained steady as a rock.

He then gradually retracted, and stored it back.

At the instance Sheyan had pressed the trigger, Lille understood his partner was a goner. He abandoned his attacks as he hastily retreated 5 metres away from Sheyan, his expression grim. Sheyan continued to advance to Uzel’s corpse; picking up the blood key. He then squinted his eyes at Lille.

“How’s the feeling of personally witnessing your brother being murdered?”

Step by step, Lille staggered backwards. His eyes were emanating a blazing fury as he clenched his teeth.

“I will carve out your heart and offer it to him! I Swear!”

Sheyan gently replied.

“Then what are you waiting for?”

Lille didn’t answer, his facial muscles twitched unceasingly as he continued his retreating posture.

Sheyan started to bandage himself, even fishing out a green apple to take a bite. Then he indistinctly continued.

“I know what are you waiting for, friend. You’re waiting for the curse-mix effect to dissipate.”

Already retreated behind a tree, Lille’s pupils shrank. In that moment, he finally understood the true horror of this Seaman!

Sheyan then confidently continued.

“Actually it isn’t a tough guess, really. To a reserve-duty Growth-hunter, to maximize one’s advantages, undoubtedly one would scheme one’s personal attribute to maintain at around 49 points. Then one would just need to put on a simple +1 attribute equipment, and anytime reach the 50 points boundary breakthrough. After you’ve been contaminated by my poison fog, your agility has dropped by 4 points. Therefore, even if you wield your reserved equipment now, you wouldn’t awaken the boundary breakthrough! Aren’t I right?”

Lille had already disappeared into the forest. Yet Sheyan knew he definitely didn’t leave, he was like a wolf sneaking around in the darkness; quietly licking his wounds. Sheyan shut both eyes as he stood uprightly where he was. The reason he spoke those words, definitely wasn’t just to act like a smart alec. In actual fact, Sheyan too wanted to slay him before Lille even had the chance for a boundary breakthrough!

But under his current conditions, Sheyan had no ways to stop him! The cooldown of ‘Ambition’ was 1 minute, his ‘Horn-rage’ had a 180 seconds cooldown. The only thing on hand was throwing a curse-mix. But with that 1 second confusion, Sheyan’s 32 agility was definitely inadequate to chase up to Lille’s current 45 or so agility!

Furthermore, Lille still had a disgusting movement impeding ‘Frost Boomerang’. This thing could not only be used for pursuing, it could be used for fleeing as well! Furthermore, that throwing weapon could be equipped, thus using it was simple and fast.

“If that’s the case, my curse-mix effects should still be prevalent on him for around 30 seconds.” Sheyan breathed in deeply, he knew the upcoming battle would be a tough one.

Lille was no fool, if he still couldn’t guess Sheyan’s 3 attributes were roughly circulating around strength, perceptive sense and physique; then he would’ve longed been demolished into ashes in the realm. Lille decided to leave under such circumstances and waited for the negative effects to dissipate. Undoubtedly, when Lille awakened himself, he would surely have confidence in slaying Sheyan!

Moreover, Lille would only monitor Sheyan and not head over to commit homicide at the previous battle scene. He still feared the possibility of Sheyan fleeing and divulging his secrets. Besides, that Reef, Mogensha and Jin Ximin were definitely incapable of movement for a brief period. He could settle the matters here quickly and rush back.

With this understanding in mind, Sheyan shut his eyes as he peacefully sat down. He first changed to his Black-iron grade title ‘Alcohol Master’ before he gulped down two mouthfuls of his ‘Endless Spirited Vodka’. He then changed to his ‘Bowtruckle’s feedback’ to hurriedly regenerate some HP.

Sadly, to preserve that powerful neuro-interference state, Uzel had previously used his full-restore honorary medicine!! This meant that he had already utilized the only life saving trump card he had!!

At this moment, a list of battle log bounced out.

“Determining…….your perceptive sense exceeds the enemy by 10 points, you can receive a detailed battle log.”

“Enemy strength is 16 points, your strength is 44 points. Your strength is 2.75 times the enemy.”

“Determining……your strength exceeds the enemy by two times, resulting in a additional crushing damages!!!!”

“Crushing damages is equivalent to 50% of this attack.”

“Crushing damages is deemed as an additional attack, and will negate all defenses or damage absorbing effects. When this attack conflicts with other effects, it possesses an authority precedence.”


“Factoring basic close combat.”

“Factoring explosive strike rate bonus of ‘Alcohol Master’ .”

“Attack primary damage is 61 points + 30 additional crushing damages.”

“Enemy defence is 10 points, 28% damage reduction.”

“You deal an actual damage of 61 x (1-40%) x (1-28%) = 26 points.”

“You deal an actual crushing damages of 30 points.”

“Total actual damage dealt to enemy is 56 points!!”

“Your ordinary strike dealt: 26 + 30 (Crushing) = 56 actual damage to reserve-duty Growth-hunter no.19011.”

“23 points of damage is absorbed by reserve-duty Growth-hunter no.19011’s ‘MP-guard’ .”

“Reserve-duty Growth-hunter no.19011’s ‘MP-guard’ is destroyed.”

“Your ordinary strike dealt: 24 + 28 (Crushing) = 52 actual damage to reserve-duty Growth-hunter no.19011.”

“Your ordinary strike dealt: 26 + 31 (Crushing) = 57 actual damage to reserve-duty Growth-hunter no.19011.”

“Your crushing damage is an explosive strike, you deal 23 + 48 (Crushing) = 71 actual damage to reserve-duty Growth-hunter no.19011.”

“Reserve-duty Growth-hunter no.19011’s HP is almost zero. The nature of this battle is between contestants, reserve-duty Growth-hunter has entered near death state.”

“Reserve-duty Growth-hunter no.19011’s party skill ‘Life-shield’ (100 HP) activated. Before the shield is destroyed, you are unable to deal any damage.”

While the notifications surfaced; a milky white shield formed around Uzel’s body, while he started to frantically seize the chance to bandage himself! Even till this moment, recovering a sliver of health would be important!

Sheyan endured another two strikes from Lille; his health wasn’t full already, and the ruthless frequency of Lille’s attacks resulted in numerous explosive strikes, all while Sheyan was unable to turn and block him. Instead, Sheyan ignored his existence as he utilized his party skill ‘Gloryheal’ ! Loads of information were being processed by his mind.

“Zergling-rush would require at least another 20 seconds to trigger.”

“That 100 HP ‘life-shield’, it even inherits the target’s defence.”

“I would need at least two punches to break his shield.”

“3 punches to kill him.”

“5 metres away, I’m like a snail with Lille on my back, I need 7 seconds to reach him.”

“Under normal circumstances, I would require at least 15 seconds to finish Uzel, this 15 seconds includes me enduring Lille’s crazed assaults. If that Lille continues to dish out explosive strike and that deadly defence negating property of his weapon activates again………moreover, Uzel is frantically trying to heal up……the variables are too much! The chances of my original plan being foiled is over 73%!”

Many thoughts swept through Sheyan’s mind in a split second. Without hesitation, he immediately pulled out an exquisite archaic black musket!

When the musket surfaced, it startled countless birds that were nesting within the forest! It peacefully resided in Sheyan’s hand, like a demon sleeping soundly filled with serene tolerance. However soon, piercing fumes leaked out of its black barrel and assailed the nose. That loud rumble shook the heavens and the earth, instigating great carnage!

Sheyan very simply aimed at the 5 metres away Uzel, as he pressed the trigger.

A red-glowing lead projectile shot out!

Sparks emerged, engraving atop Uzel’s brows, his expression still desiring to live. Not a single drop of blood splashed out, only a tiny red dot. Then a trickle of blood streamed out.

Uzel’s expression turned rigid, that red dot atop his brows started diffusing, thickening; an afterglow of the evening sunset. The cruelness permeated the air, coldly draining away his body temperature.

‘Ambition’ had a primary damage of 420 points. Although the 40% realm regulation and Uzel’s 28% defence were factored in, that single scorching lead bullet was enough for his existence to cease.

Uzel’s eyes were filled with despair and unbelief. His life mercilessly fleeing his body as he slumped down, never to rise again.

“You’ve killed reserve-duty Growth-hunter no.19011!”

“PvP milestone ‘Suspect’ count: 3.”

Affirming the notifications from his nightmare imprint, Sheyan gently turned around. Although Lille had wildly slashed against his back while he was opening fire, slashing 3 times while stabbing 4 times, the ‘Ambition’ in Sheyan’s hand remained steady as a rock.

He then gradually retracted, and stored it back.

At the instance Sheyan had pressed the trigger, Lille understood his partner was a goner. He abandoned his attacks as he hastily retreated 5 metres away from Sheyan, his expression grim. Sheyan continued to advance to Uzel’s corpse; picking up the blood key. He then squinted his eyes at Lille.

“How’s the feeling of personally witnessing your brother being murdered?”

Step by step, Lille staggered backwards. His eyes were emanating a blazing fury as he clenched his teeth.

“I will carve out your heart and offer it to him! I Swear!”

Sheyan gently replied.

“Then what are you waiting for?”

Lille didn’t answer, his facial muscles twitched unceasingly as he continued his retreating posture.

Sheyan started to bandage himself, even fishing out a green apple to take a bite. Then he indistinctly continued.

“I know what are you waiting for, friend. You’re waiting for the curse-mix effect to dissipate.”

Already retreated behind a tree, Lille’s pupils shrank. In that moment, he finally understood the true horror of this Seaman!

Sheyan then confidently continued.

“Actually it isn’t a tough guess, really. To a reserve-duty Growth-hunter, to maximize one’s advantages, undoubtedly one would scheme one’s personal attribute to maintain at around 49 points. Then one would just need to put on a simple +1 attribute equipment, and anytime reach the 50 points boundary breakthrough. After you’ve been contaminated by my poison fog, your agility has dropped by 4 points. Therefore, even if you wield your reserved equipment now, you wouldn’t awaken the boundary breakthrough! Aren’t I right?”

Lille had already disappeared into the forest. Yet Sheyan knew he definitely didn’t leave, he was like a wolf sneaking around in the darkness; quietly licking his wounds. Sheyan shut both eyes as he stood uprightly where he was. The reason he spoke those words, definitely wasn’t just to act like a smart alec. In actual fact, Sheyan too wanted to slay him before Lille even had the chance for a boundary breakthrough!

But under his current conditions, Sheyan had no ways to stop him! The cooldown of ‘Ambition’ was 1 minute, his ‘Horn-rage’ had a 180 seconds cooldown. The only thing on hand was throwing a curse-mix. But with that 1 second confusion, Sheyan’s 32 agility was definitely inadequate to chase up to Lille’s current 45 or so agility!

Furthermore, Lille still had a disgusting movement impeding ‘Frost Boomerang’. This thing could not only be used for pursuing, it could be used for fleeing as well! Furthermore, that throwing weapon could be equipped, thus using it was simple and fast.

“If that’s the case, my curse-mix effects should still be prevalent on him for around 30 seconds.” Sheyan breathed in deeply, he knew the upcoming battle would be a tough one.

Lille was no fool, if he still couldn’t guess Sheyan’s 3 attributes were roughly circulating around strength, perceptive sense and physique; then he would’ve longed been demolished into ashes in the realm. Lille decided to leave under such circumstances and waited for the negative effects to dissipate. Undoubtedly, when Lille awakened himself, he would surely have confidence in slaying Sheyan!

Moreover, Lille would only monitor Sheyan and not head over to commit homicide at the previous battle scene. He still feared the possibility of Sheyan fleeing and divulging his secrets. Besides, that Reef, Mogensha and Jin Ximin were definitely incapable of movement for a brief period. He could settle the matters here quickly and rush back.

With this understanding in mind, Sheyan shut his eyes as he peacefully sat down. He first changed to his Black-iron grade title ‘Alcohol Master’ before he gulped down two mouthfuls of his ‘Endless Spirited Vodka’. He then changed to his ‘Bowtruckle’s feedback’ to hurriedly regenerate some HP.

Chapter 379: Lille’s trump card

Uzel had died, it was almost impossible for Lille to try and mount a sneak attack against Sheyan. Hence, Sheyan still had confidence in switching out to his ‘Alcohol Master’ title before Lille resurfaced. Besides, that additional explosive strike rate boost was tremendously useful.

Time drained by swiftly…….the sunset had extinguished into the misty abyss; a layer of ember red still dyed the funnel like clouds in the sky. The other half of the sky floated with an ashen color, seemingly brewing in a berserking force!

Naturally, a thunderstorm was about to descend. Sheyan breathed heavily. Even with his filtering oxygen mask, he could still sense that wild electrical discharge throbbing within the air. The fresh air travelled through his nasal cavity, into his blood; his mind rousing itself.

At this very moment, a person strolled out excruciatingly slowly from the left of the forest.

A male with his head buried down, his hands seemingly hauling something. Though his eyes could not be seen, his aura seemed to be on full display.

On the nightmare imprint of this male, was radiating a crimson glow. That glow enshrouded his entire body, speckles of it assimilating into his body. Wherever he walked, the grass withered and the earth split!

The awakened Lille trudged slowly towards Sheyan. When he finally closed the gap to 30 metres, his body blurred as he gusted like the wind towards a west tree, a hundred metres away. Even in that burst of speed, he still maintained his hauling grip over that object; his velocity was so remarkable, his body dragged along a long afterimage. In the next second, a distinctly clear sniping gunfire sonorously resounded!

Sheyan’s pupils contracted in. This gunfire was so familiar, it was shockingly the sniping gunfire of Jin Ximin! It was unknown when this fella had crept in here. Unfortunately, he had been discovered by Lille!

If that Korean had harbored kind intentions, then he undoubtedly should’ve notified Sheyan through the party channel first. Yet his silence was definitely thought provoking, naturally trying to be a third party who gains from disagreeing neighbors*, and reap benefits!

(TN: *trying to subdue both after they fought)

No matter who was the final victor, he certainly wouldn’t be in a perfectly unharmed optimal state. No doubt, there was the best opportunity to deliver a devastating lone sniping shot! As for the binding restrictions of the party……..currently Jin Ximin definitely hadn’t left the party; but since that Makaji previously had a method to instantly leave the party, why wouldn’t someone else possess a similar technique?

Instead, it was Reef and Mogensha that Sheyan was worried about. He instantly paid to incite a long distance transmission.

“Oi, Reef. How are you guys doing?”

Reef coughed and replied.

“We are good. AK seems to be fine, that Korean has no reaction but he is probably in an unconscious state. That damned flesh vines seem to have a temporary HP binding effect. But for some weird reason, a sudden dense fog decided to form around here, I’m completely unable of seeing them. Shit man, why is the HP regeneration rate so low in near death state? Seaman are you fine? If you aren’t, try and hold on. I’ll head over in a jiffy.”

Listening to the comforting news of their conditions, Sheyan sighed in relief. Then he laughed and responded.

“If nobody provides emergency treatment, to recover from near death state would require at least 40 minutes! The dust would’ve settled by then, therefore, just patiently wait for my good news.”


Jin Ximin was currently incredibly vexed. His fingernails were pinching deeply into the fleshy tree bark. The luscious moss emitting a peculiar damp odour, while a squashed fiery red beetle was presently quivering.

“I just squashed a stupid red beetle! He actually discovered my flawless camouflage disguise?”

Jin Ximin muttered to himself in disbelief.

“Curse it! If I knew it’d be like this, then why did I even utilized my one-off usage ‘A’ grade item to wrestle out from those flesh vines!”

Of course, just a slight flutter of disturbance had actually been revealed to Lille, this could only be described by the terrifying might of an awakened reserve-duty Growth-hunter.

“So what if he’s awakened?” Jin Ximin gritted his teeth in defiance. “Even the death god would tremble against my gun!”

He immediately pressed his trigger!

Boom! Gunfire resounded, the muffled rumbling echoed through the aisle of the forest, startling several birds on the way. Carrying immense kinetic energy, the bullet swerved in with unbelievable speed! Yet strangely, the speedily rushing Lille seemed to have amplified his speed as well! If not for that gorgeous melancholy string of crimson blood trailing his body, one would mistake his charging image to be an illusion.

“He actually…….forced through?” In that instance, Jin Ximin’s eyes turned sluggish, a tremendous danger welled up in his heart as he breathed in deeply; aiming once again! Then he fired! This time, he pressed down so hard, that even his fingers turned white!

Green tinted gems condensed at the sniper rifle’s muzzle; this sensation felt like it was even pulling in the surrounding air! Immediately after, a deep-green repentant ray propelled out with unfathomable velocity; its trajectory spiralling like a helix, directly piercing into Lille’s body!

But at that moment, something strange happened. Lille’s body continued charging forward, but a shocking phantom appeared behind him; exactly identical to his body! In his place, the phantom was struck so disastrously that it flew back 5-6 metres, with its body ablaze with deep-green flames as it crashed to the ground like a meteor before rolling. The raging deep-green flames even stretched towards the nearby trees and combusted them.

Within a split second, Lille had arrived in front of Jin Ximin! Jin Ximin definitely wouldn’t resign himself to extinction; berserkly yelling out as he pulled out a dagger and struck froward. At present, Lille’s hands were still empty; but after he turned around, his entire self was now stationed behind Jin Ximin’s back!

In that moment, Jin Ximin was stunned to discover for some unknown reason, his body could no longer move! An icy-cold chill was sent down his spine. Lille shouted loudly as he spun round, another phantom followed him behind as it shockingly mirrored his actions. Then a vast stretch of ocean-blue rays swept in as though engulfing heaven and earth, ruthlessly slicing across Jin Ximin’s neck!

Time seemed to have slowed down, the dagger in Jin Ximin’s hands clinking against the ground. He was now clutching his neck, his throat releasing gurgling chokes. An agonizing expression synthesizing with his disbelief gaze. Any onlooker would feel great sympathy towards such a gruesome sight. Then he crumbled to the ground, sinking into near death state!

It was actually a one-blade-KO!

Blood poured out profusely from his carotid artery, like a tragic vapor fountain; dying the suave Lille in dark red. The light in Jin Ximin’s eyes gradually dimmed, as he convulsed helplessly. Lille, stepped forward, as he lightly jabbed, mercilessly claiming the life from the horrified and unwilling Jin Ximin!

As a sniper, he definitely partnered perceptive sense and intelligence, while his agility had also reached 40 points. His former reaction couldn’t be considered slow; even in close proximity, he immediately reacted to guard his neck from that sorrowful blade ray. Yet that domineering slash still kissed his neck. Such a blade of ferocity, it was as though two blade rays had coagulated together, it even exhibited a gracefulness that of falling leaves!

“You must’ve been shocked right? I actually forsakened my twin-daggers! And changed to such a long blade?” The blood drenched Lille arrogantly exclaimed to Sheyan. He actually unequipped the rare silver storyline grade daggers after awakening, and in its place was a dark-blue long blade.

Although the luster of his long blade was dark blue, it gave one an unfathomable feeling of the deep ocean abyss. Not a single drop of blood could stain it. Yet more frightening was that dark blue rays congealed over the long blade without dispersing, loose glows scarcely escaping it and wafted into the air. This shocking long blade had been enhanced to a +7 upgrade!

With Jin Ximin’s death, a notification was transmitted to the party. Sheyan instead remained calmed, staring at the long blade in Lille’s grip and gently replied.

“When you fought me repeatedly just now, you must’ve discovered my defensive abilities are relatively valiant against high speed high frequency attacks. Thus, I originally thought after you awakened, you would try utilizing a long range weapon to complement your superior speed and that ‘Frost Boomerang’ to suppress me. I never expected you’d actually use a dual-handed weapon…….in the case, your primary attribute is without a doubt agility after you awakened; and the second attribute you chose is definitely strength, +15 strength!”

Lille’s figure blurred, he deeply inhaled as he hauled his long blade and dashed towards Sheyan. That astounding phantom continued tailing smugly behind him, before chopping down towards Sheyan’s head!

Chapter 380: Sorrowful sword blade

If it was the first time Sheyan had witnessed this phantom afterimage, he definitely wouldn’t pay attention to it. Yet after personally witnessing the phantom peculiarly resisting two snipes of Jin Ximin, he no longer dared to be careless when facing it. Taking a step back as his back pasted onto the tree behind, a metallic shimmer glistened distinctively on his left hand as he directly blocked out.

Of course in comparison to Jin Ximin, Sheyan who had plenty of close combat experience definitely wouldn’t get beheaded with one blade. Lille too didn’t harbour such unrealistic expectations.

Clank!! An screech emerged. Sparks sprayed out from his knuckles as his white grade knucklers released a gloomy cawing, while his body trembled violently. In this instant, he finally understood the primary reason Jin Ximin had entered near death state instantly!

“Determining…….your perceptive sense exceeds your opponent by 10 points. You receive a detailed combat log.”

“Factoring basic close combat.”

“Factoring explosive strike suppression.”

“Your resistive block is successful, opponent’s damage reduced by 15%.”

“Primary damage received is 120 points + 42 (Negates defence, +7 weapon property) points + 60 (Ability: ‘Phantom Clone’) points”

“Your defence is 22.5 points, damage reduction: 47%.”

“Actual damage received: 120 x (1-40%) x (1-47%) = 38 points + 42 (weapon property precedence) points + 19 points!

“Your innate ability: ‘Endurance’ is effective!”

“Total resultant damage received: 13 + 17 + 1 = 31 points.”

Watching the blade hacking ferociously against him along with the ‘13 + 17 + 1’ statistics from the nightmare imprint, Sheyan hatefully gnashed his teeth and muttered the word ‘pervert’ in his heart.

Naturally, that dark-blue grade weapon had a property that negated defence. Moreover, it was on the same level as crushing damages that had authority precedence. Thus, it was completely unaffected by the realm’s 40% regulation!

Even more disgusting was that the phantom behind could dish out half of his every attack…….this Lille had chosen a +15 strength for his secondary attribute, he probably had even inflicted crushing damages onto Jin Ximin! No wonder, Lille had abandoned his twin-daggers for this incomparably tyrannical longblade!

With one swipe of the blade, it delivered 4* different damages! One still had to consider the agile nature of Lille and his oppressive attack frequency, and the explosive strike rate involved! Jin Ximin was definitely not like Sheyan who could suppress the enemy’s explosive strike rate by 10%! Hence to him, if a single explosive strike resulted from the 4 damages, near death state was inevitable!

(TN:*4 due to addition of crushing damages as well, which didn’t surface on Sheyan)

From another perspective; though Jin Ximin enjoyed the bonus 100 HP from the silver party skill ‘Asylum’, Makaji’s flesh vines already had a cursing ability that binded any victimized contestant’s maximum HP to 15%. Therefore, his death was definitely justified, but filled with immense grievance.

Strictly speaking, even Reef would have a hard time facing this longblade, primarily because of that deadly +7 negate defense property. Now the formidability of Sheyan’s innate ability ‘Endurance’ was exceedingly clear. Though he hadn’t awakened it, it was like a secret lightscreen preserving his life. 25 definite damage reduction didn’t seem high, but based on its superior precedence; amidst conflicts between contestants, it had become his absolute advantage!

“Fortunately Reef warned me previously. A reserve-duty Growth-hunter’s base attribute boost are only temporary. Only by becoming an official Growth-Hunter can one receive the additional ability reward of reaching 20 points of one’s pure attribute. If not, this battle would be increasingly hard.”

(TN: This part is referring to Lille choosing strength as his secondary attribute, causing his pure strength to surpass 20 points. However, that will not provide the bonus ability when an attribute reaches the 20 pure attribute points mark.)

Sheyan’s heart schemed as he observed the movements of the enemy. Lille raised his blade and issued.

“Do you think by relying on your equipment’s resistance, you can block me? Let me tell you, even if you’re wearing a tortoise shell made of iron, I will forcefully smash it apart!”

As he spoke, Lille waved his blade and surged forward; its ocean-blue glow elegantly showering forth like the rain. Wherever it struck, a thousand miles would be affected. The present Lille’s agility had broken through 50 points, and both his retreat and advance were shockingly abrupt; a ghastly experience that of a monster. Sheyan tried to retaliate twice, but both were easily dodged by Lille.

When Lille struck forth his blade with a third slash, as Sheyan finally managed to touch onto Lille’s movement patterns. Blood gushed out from receiving another bluish ray, yet this time, his clenched fist, brimming with accumulated force, finally slammed heavily against Lille’s face!

Lille’s assault was halted by this one fist, as he was slammed 3-4 metres away. But after receiving this punch, he raised his head as his eyes emitted a painful yet conceited smirk. He then laughed crazily.

“Let me see, 23 actual damage! Are you unaccustomed to not delivering crushing damages when you punch others? Trying to crush me? I have 27 points of strength now, only if you are an awakened reserve-duty strength-hunter! But if you were a ****king awakened strength-hunter, would you have watched on as your own party member died?”

Lille’s theory hosted a misunderstanding. He had always been viewing Jin Ximin as one of Sheyan’s confidantes. This was because of the previous defensive battle at the shuttle. Sheyan and Reef had rescued Jin Ximin several times, and this was observed accurately by Uzel and Lille.

Sheyan’s face was sullen, and remained silent to Lille’s provocation while committing his full focus onto resisting and blocking. In time, he managed to dodge Lille’s blade twice consecutively, and even managed to release two punches! Lille no longer dared to be too arrogant, and he immediately gave his wholehearted attention into battling.

As both parties became gradually accustomed, every time Lille released three strikes, Sheyan would manage to successfully land one punch! Instead, Lille could sense the opponent’s breath becoming heavier, and his actions turning sluggish. Hence, he pressed on bitterly.

Roughly a kilometre faraway, Reef and Mogensha were naturally concerned about the battle progress. One had to acknowledge that official Growth-Hunter Makaji’s might; even though he had died, that flesh vines still wrapped unwaveringly around Mogensha, weakening him to the utmost limits. He could not rely on his own strength to struggle out. After that fog had alleviated from the area, Jin Ximin had suddenly vanished. It was obvious that fella had produced some sort of deception, tricking Reef and preventing him from alerting Sheyan.

As long distance party communications required a fee of utility points, after Sheyan had affirmed that Reef and Mogensha were unharmed, he switched it off. Although the two members who had temporarily lost their combat prowess couldn’t survey the battle scene, they could still view the shared information of the party; allowing them to observe Sheyan’s health status.

As the battle sunk into a stalemate, suddenly! Sheyan’s original leftover of 300 HP suddenly inflated to full!

Such a strange scene instantly caused Reef to gasp in shock. He couldn’t help exclaiming.

“What the hell is happening?”

Mogensha widened his fat lips, finally forcing out a sound.

“This can only mean one thing. Seaman had utilized that honorary medicine ‘Max-protein injection gun dosage’ !!”

Reef responded in disbelief.

“But……..but his health was obviously still 300 points!”

Brother black Mogensha similarly widened his fat lips in astonishment and confusion.

“Don’t tell me it was an accidental usage?”

Reef sunk his head down in deep thought.

“Definitely impossible! Using a medicine stored inside the nightmare imprint just requires a thought, how could he make such a foolish mistake! Unless………..”

Witnessing the radiating flickers of brilliance on Sheyan’s body, Lille’s expression turned solemn. Sheyan then stormed in, glowing with health and vigor as he sacrificed his own body to pressure Lille! Lille appeared to be in straitened circumstances, still, he repeatedly left lines of wounds onto Sheyan.

After a flurry of movements, Sheyan had exposed his vital chest and allowed Lille to gash at him twice; however, this move had ingeniously forced Lille into a dead end between a narrow structure of a tree. He then pulled out ‘Ambition’, aiming it and fired! Then, he roared out with bloodlusted eyes.

“Go and die!”

Yet all of a sudden, Lille drove forward instead!

Gritting his teeth as he forcibly received the bullet,

The lead bullet caused blood to erupt from his face, yet it astonishingly didn’t weaken his current state. Instead, his hoisted longblade pervaded through the smoke,

A long blade impaling into Sheyan’s chest!

Penetrating deep into his chest, its unstoppable might sliced against the vegetation behind Sheyan. Instantly, an explosion of gruesome blood and flesh followed.

A vital strike!

Explosive strike!

Disintegrated leaves blended with warm blood pelted through the skies, and the air reeked of an intensified blood stench!

Sheyan grunted and hastily retreated after understanding he had been duped!

However, this vital impalation, this fanatical onslaught had already dealt a fatal strike!

Similarly, Lille’s body flickered with the radiating brilliance of a honorary medicine ‘Max-protein injection gun dosage’. No wonder he didn’t fall to the gunshot. Lille’s lips curled into a sinister sneer.

“Not only you possess the trump of an honorary medicine! Fool!”

In a flash, Lille drew back his long blade. Holding onto the warm and steadfast snake-skin bounded blade shaft, as he smirked over the sharp blade dyed with the blood of his opponent. Today! Its pointed blade once again claimed the soul of another foe.

That sorrowful ocean-blue glow radiated. With his overwhelming superiority of triumph, Lille heaved forward with his long blade. Sheyan staggered backwards with blood gushing wildly, his current horrified and stupefied expression propelling the complacency of the ignorant Lille.

Chapter 381: Towering

“Say, you’re really a disgusting freak. To inflict crushing on Uzel, your strength must be at least above 30 points, and your perceptive sense above 20 points. Yet strangely, your HP is actually a towering 400 – 500 points, and your defence should be 20 points! And yet with all these, you’re able to f****ing provide a support ability! Which means your intelligence or spirit should be above 20 points!”

“It’s been a long time since I’ve met an allrounder fool like you. If i hadn’t risked myself and seized the chance to deliver a fatal blow, then I might’ve really been in deep shit facing you. How much HP do you have left? 200, 300? How much blood do you have left to bleed?”

Facing Lille’s provocation, Sheyan remained grim and silent. His face deathly pale as he staggered backwards, step by step. The disastrous punctured wound over his chest spurted out blood continuously, spilling all over the ground. Lille had occupied the advantage, and being fully content with his achievement, he raised his long blade as he fiercely chopped in!

Once again both parties sank into an attack-defense deadlock, except Lille harbored absolute confidence of victory this time! Blade rays flashed out, pressing in step by step, leaving not a single chance of escape for Sheyan. At present, any retaliation by Sheyan was deemed futile, he was like a cornered beast in Lille’s eyes.

The two dueled for several minutes. Lille finally stepped backwards and retracted his blade, before he callously announced.

“Just die!”

For some unknown reason, a strange ominous premonition was currently pricking him; yet he reckoned it was due to personally witnessing how his opponent had abruptly turned the tides previously. Hence, even though his ‘Phantom Clone’ drained MP, Lille had a firm resolution. He triggered the strongest ability he had!

Suddenly, his figure vanished. When he appeared, he was shockingly facing Sheyan’s back!

The serious looking Lille crept in as light as a feather from behind, leaping up as he somersaulted over Sheyan’s head. Instead, the longblade following his right hand had sketched out a sorrowful oceanic-blue ray; fluently splashing downwards like ink.

This blade ray was like a bright blue crescent, sweeping down unhurriedly from Sheyan’s cheek to his chest!

Rank B ability: ‘Blade-dance Slash’ !!

This incomparably furtive slash drew out an agonizing loud groan from Sheyan. Like a beast on the verge of extinction, he was sent rolling 10 times before he scurried to flee; blood dripping from his fingertips! Then he shockingly threw out a curse-mix, heavily smashing it against the ground! The engulfing poisonous fog raged out, as he turned tail and fled; completely disregarding his exposed back.

Lille’s eyes twinkled with a blood-thirsty excitement. After a tiny 1 second confusion, he ignored the poison fog and pursued in. His agility had already exceeded the boundary; although the fog lowered his speed by 20%, he already caught up to Sheyan after a mere 30 metres.

Pressing down with both legs,

He leapt up highly as he beheaded down with both hands gripped around the long blade’s shaft! His strike was thriving with his aspiration!

But, but!

In this instant; already deemed as a prey, Sheyan suddenly clenched his fist as he turned around!

Their eyes met. Lille immediately felt a stabbing sensation in his eyes, because Sheyan’s gaze contained no timidity, nor pain, nor any fear he was anticipating! Within those blazing pupils, was a wild, untamed and victorious conviction!!!

In that moment, Lille felt like he had raised his blade to chop down a towering mountain that he could not even see the peak. Yet his soul remained resolute as he gritted his teeth, wholeheartedly beheading down with his might!

Chomp! Blood sprayed out. Sheyan’s blocking left arm was instantly severed, flinging 5-6 metres away as it landed on the ground. The unstoppable blade pressed in, like a racing current of the Yangtze river; boom! It finally left an unfathomable crevice onto the ground! A crevice as long as a dozen metre!

Several surrounding large plants suffered from this calamitous event, and were chopped cleanly in two as they collapsed with a loud bang; with dust soaring into the skies!

Yet simultaneously, a dark-gold glimmer shone on Sheyan’s neck; a layer of faint blue current trickled down his right fist!

Dark-gold necklace ‘Smith’s Matrix Microchip’ ability ‘Format’ activated……….

‘Barbarous armour’ activated! ‘Zergling Rush’ triggered……..

At this moment, Lille was still hanging in midair. Instead, lightning speed punches shot out from Sheyan repetitively! Like sounds of thunder as he frenziedly bombarded Lille’s left leg!

Explosive strike!

Crushing damages!!

An immense pain descended from Sheyan’s first punch. He could only see the second fist incoming, before Lille felt like a tremendous elephant had trampled over his left thigh. As for the third……there was no more feeling.

This feeling signified one thing…….his left leg was crippled.

Just a second ago, Lille was still brimming with complacency. A second later, he submerged into treacherous despair!

Within a split second, Lille’s heart sank. A tremendous disappointment, dismay and contradiction, he howled in anguish to the heavens!

A desperate howl identical to a wolf in captivity!

Yet his howl met a spontaneous end, because the ferocious explosive might of Sheyan’s fist had rammed against him. The incessant 3 punches shattered his left thigh bo