Chapter 326: Ransacking the Wizard Tower!

Sheyan returned a feeble smile.

“This is because I don’t belong to Middle-earth…..I was sent here on a special mission, that is the reason why. Take note of that door ahead, right, walk to the left.”

As they chatted, they arrived at the third floor. Upon reaching here, Sheyan’s face turned stern and he warned.

“This floor is Saruman’s cloning room. There should be at least one Tentacled-freak monitoring his experiments inside, in order to adjust the temperature at times. If not, the uruk-hais that are cloned out would malfunction. Do you think you can swiftly dispatch the Tentacled-freak?”

Melody delayed for a moment before replying.

“I should be able to. As long as it isn’t one of those larger tentacle models.”


Sheyan nodded and performed a gesture to Melody to prepare to burst in. Gesturing three, then two, but he hadn’t reached one!!! Sheyan had completely forgotten he wasn’t in the present world, and Melody had no knowledge of the standard ‘3,2,1 ready go!’ action!

He could clearly see Melody’s crystal spring-water pupils dilating as she raised her pure untainted slender fingers, swiftly carving out abstrusely as a splendid gold ancient elvish character floated out. It rapidly undulated into form in midair, before a turbulent surge of force was emanated out. The character ultimately congealed into a golden chain shackle, shimmering brilliantly as it directly broke through the stone door ahead!

Twilight Silencing-shackle!!

A tentacled-freak was currently jabbing away towards one cloning process with its tentacles. However though, that single eye, filled with densely packed compounded eyes, on its brain was like a 24 hours CCTV without a blind spot. Still, when facing the sudden crashing in of an alienated golden shackle spinning in, it had totally no chance of resisting.

Melody twisted her hands with a flower blossoming gesture; the golden chain shackles suddenly crisscrossed and morphed into an ancient archaic golden lock, locking down over the brain of that Tentacled-freak!

The Tentacled-freak was now locked to the ground. Melody then strolled in, her slender fingers consecutively formed 3-4 different gestures, as she commanded the golden lock to morph back into a chain shackle, then back into the golden elven character, and finally disappearing back into her fingertips. The Tentacled-freak then slumped to the ground, from henceforth, it was pronounced dead.


Presently, an astonished expression flushed on Melody’s face. Truthfully, she too didn’t believe her spell would be so fearsome! Instead, it was Sheyan that appeared rather relaxed. Just based on the awe-inspiring might of this one spell, it wasn’t really out of reason; besides, throughout 317 years, she was the first twilight elf that had appeared in Rivendell.

The following events were needless to say. The guards in this Wizard tower were all rather weak and frail, and Sheyan knew the insides and out of every mechanism those orcs had installed. Very quickly, they sped up to the fourth floor. This was Saruman’s research dissecting room, and 3 orcs were currently accomplishing several odd jobs inside. In a flash, Melody unleashed 3 ‘Twilight Dictum’; the nature based javelin impaled their chest, turning them into a tree puppet.

Placed within this broad room were 8 crudely manufactured wooden tables. The granite on the floor displayed dense crisscrossed flaws, and this place could be the model of uninhibited. Massive amounts of organs like hearts, kidneys, livers and so on were arranged on the tables, while a dissected orc corpse was piled against a corner like a piece of junk.

Black ponds of blood congregated on the floor along with clumps of flesh that looked like pebbles. A piercing and pungent stench forced Melody to frown instantly, as she executed a nature spell to envelope her own body.

Sheyan’s attention halted at an ordinarily looking door located at the remote end of this hall. The sliding door was made with wood, which wasn’t at all sturdy as it contained distinct cracks. Even through the cracks, one could easily view the contents inside the room. Yet Sheyan knew this was just an illusion. Once this door was opened, it would lead to the passageway towards the fifth floor of the Wizard Tower.

As the saying goes, the closer one gets to completion, the tougher the task gets. From here onwards, Sheyan and Melody weren’t just facing those crude physical mechanisms; instead, it was the true authentic defense mechanisms of the Wizard tower.

This signified that mithril killing weapons or murderous talismans could be embedded in unimaginable places, or perhaps other lethal deviations that issues immense threat could occur. Traps that weren’t limited to just acid, flames, storms, lava, deadly spokes, poison gas but also untold dangerous creature summons, or incomparably deadly magic pitfalls.

The golden ancient character glittered in front of Sheyan’s face. Melody once again executed the formidable ‘Twilight Dictum’, sending the golden javelin tearing through the wooden door. Then it seemed like the empty space rippled for a moment, before swallowing the golden javelin in.

At this moment, glorious sparks erupted. Black and white magic lines interweaved and finally everything settled down. A shocking and spotlessly white flight of stairs built with mica stones could be now seen stretching upwards. The lateral walls of the flight of stairs was vandalized with an appalling writing – ‘City of Silver Streams’.

This crooked upwards flight of stairs wasn’t particularly long. In fact, it was so short that even by raising one’s head to look, one could see the flooring of the roof floor. The handrails of the stairs radiated a metallic brilliance. Although it didn’t emit a splendorous and majestic aura, it still carried the imposing aura of a sovereign king!

From here onwards, physical common sense would no longer work anymore. Based on its construction itself, it was already established that it contained a supernatural foundation, like arcane magic or devil witchcraft etc.

The only good news was that strictly speaking, the genuine portion of this tower was only one floor. Therefore, whatever enchantment magic or mechanisms were all situated on this floor. Besides, the main resident of the Wizard tower was probably still battling an octopus. This undoubtedly meant the threat of this Wizard tower had probably declined by half.

Sheyan deliberated carefully. Although he wasn’t able to recognize or destroy any magic mechanisms; when he entered as a alchemy assistant previously, he still had his 25 points of perceptive sense. Hence, his perceptive sense had already warned him of this fatal region. Moreover, he had previously sense the tremendous threat jabbing at him from different positions, and could now pinpoint them for Melody.

After a series of squandering spells, the passageway was now a chaotic mess with billowing smokes. Only half of the writings on the wall were left after the explosion. As for Melody, she had previously summoned 13 ancient elf characters but was only left with 3 characters now.

Melody’s face was terribly pale; though her pupils remained clear as water, a distinct weariness could be seen within it. Fortunately, those ancient elf characters wouldn’t vanish after forming, and only its internal magic would be exhausted. After meditation and adequate rest, she would gradually recover.

Along with the final magic trap mechanism being destroyed, the entire interior of the Wizard tower abruptly pierced out with a warning siren. The siren was like a lunatic female ghost screaming mournful shrills tirelessly as though it would go on forever. The siren extended throughout the entire orc metropolis, and proceeded to sorrowfully echo through the snowy peaks. Its loudness was essentially like an anti-aircraft defense alarm in the present world, amplified by several folds.

Upon hearing this ghostly female screech, Sheyan instantly celebrated. Obviously, this was the final desperation method installed by Saruman’s doppelganger, and was merely a helpless distress call. Actually, no matter if the final mechanism had been destroyed with brute force or triggered in a legit fashion, it would similarly emit this horrifying screech and stir up the entire orc encampment. If Saruman did not utilize his booming voice technique to calm the orcs down within 5 seconds, then the orcs would have to rush here immediately.

Yet the current orcs who were left to guard this camp, were probably the weaker or injured insignificant ones. According to Sheyan’s deductions, they amounted to not more than a pathetic ten! Even if those orcs dared to rush here as reinforcements, the 3 tree-puppets would put an end to them. Sheyan and Melody overlooked down from up above, but only witnessed a line of sparse orcs limping and hobbling over. He released a long sigh.

Time was tight as the two hastily rushed forward. The area of the fifth floor wasn’t exactly huge, and was roughly a hundred square metres. In the middle was a huge experimental stage made with a glossy stone material, it resembled marble but distinctly revealed vestiges of undulating magic. It had been probably solidified and polished with a small small cleansing spell. On the stage were several filthy looking metals/crystals refining apparatus, even a magnifying lens, crystal ball etc.

Pasted against the surrounding wall were several large chests. Some of them appeared like they were constructed with bronze metal, looking extremely solid and fortified. Sheyan opened them in succession, his ears then rung with a list of delightful and wild notifications.

“You discovered a precious metal: Mithril (14.65 pounds).”

“The value of Mithril is a hundred folds that of gold, and is the most desirable metal of this world. It can be beaten like copper, and polished like glass. Dwarves used it to forge metals that are harder than tempered steel, yet light as a feather. Its beauty is likened to common silver, but the beauty of the mithril would not tarnish or grow dim. It contains a cloth-like flexibility, but remains cool as ice and tougher than steel.”

“Its greatest value lies therein its rare affinity with magic. If forged into a mithril mail or mithril weapon, it would not influence the casting of spells, but enhance the deadliness of it. This would bestow the magic wielder with unparalleled supremacy. Moreover, by the Third age, mithril became exceedingly rare, its only source was Khazad-d?m, the kingdom of the dwarves in Moria. It became incomparably priceless after the kingdom was destroyed by a Balrog.”

“You discovered precious gems: Ruby x3, Sapphire x4, Cat’s eye (Chrysoberyl) x 2.”

“These rare gems after being embedded can cause an equipments to be ‘born again’. One rock is sufficient for one to exchange for a thousand slaves in any kingdom.”

“You discovered 3 pounds of Adamantine. This extremely solid, rarely seen metal can raise the intrinsic quality of an armour or weapon. A weapon forged with Adamantine has an innate strength of neglecting hardness. When being struck by other weapon or destroying materials, it can neglect a hardness of less than 20. An Adamantine armour will provide damage reduction for its wearer. Normally, only a metal based weapon, armour or shield can be forged with Adamantine. A weapon, armour or shield that is forged with Adamantine has a durability that is stronger than others by a third.”

(TN: Probably referring to durability. A lower hardness weapon will not deal damage to its durability, or when the weapon is striking against a hard material)

Chapter 327: Plundering is a life skill

Obviously, the items stored here by Saruman was the outcome of industrious labour by the olden day dwarves, the ancient past of the mines of Moria. In the past, there was a great War of the Dwarves and Orcs in Carn D?m, capital of the dwarves. Afterwhich, Saruman had enslaved many orc tribes, and thus naturally the loots of the orcs were dominated by him.

As Sheyan gazed upon his notifications, his pupils almost exploded up; especially the mithril. If that metal was forged into a shield, there would be a high chance an insanely powerful attribute, something similar to Sheyan’s innate ability ‘Endurance’ would be created. No doubt, that attribute was critical for a high-offense low-speed contestant model. Yet, yet! This metal could not be brought out!

“Even if I can’t bring it out, I won’t leave it here!” Sheyan clenched his teeth, as he started to store all his good fortune into one of the chest.

At this moment, Melody was stunned. Although young, she was no fool; even in Rivendell, Mithril and Adamantine weapons were insanely rare. It was said that only elvish royalty, for example the elvish princess, Arwen, had a pure mithril princess ornament, and the elvish prince, Legolas, possessed a pure mithril weapon and a refined mithril inner coat!

In Rivendell itself, only 3-5 equipments/weapons were known as ‘refined’ mithril (Mithril content between 10 – 20%), as well as only 1 other Adamantine weapon. As for weapons known as ‘plated’ mithril (only the blade coated with mithril), it would only be given to powerful individuals in Rivendell. As for Adamantine, it couldn’t even be used for ‘plating’ but even the lowest level of adamantine belonged to the ‘refined’ category.

The reason why Melody was knowledgeable in this, was that she had previously worked odd jobs like cleaning weapons and armours…….

Although Sheyan had been demoted to an ordinary mortal, they way he managed items was still capable and experience. After storing the materials efficiently into a chest, he then pulled a rope from a side and tied it up. He then glanced down from the window of the Wizard tower, before speaking to Melody.

“When I leave, I won’t be able to take these items. Thus, you have to immediately flee with this chest. After leaving the orc camp, cast a twilight elf blessing onto it and bury it deep underground before carving a marking sign.”

“When Saruman realizes his secrets here have been leaked out, he wouldn’t wait for the elves of Rivendell to arrive but choose to forsake this place himself! When it happens, you can then move the items metals away. Remember, you mustn’t tell anyone you possess such wealth! Seek any expert dwarven blacksmith in secrecy to forge an equipment for you! Rely on your own strength as your source. If you doubt my words, just think about how your fellow elves had behaved when they didn’t know of your identity as a twilight elf!”

Melody bashfully gazed at Sheyan, her eyes tearing up.

“Your words are really harsh, then what about you?”

Sheyan returned a reluctant smile.

“Obviously I will stay behind, but don’t worry for I will not die here. How about this, take this chest and bury it first before coming back to receive me. Before the orcs come back, go now!”

The final two words sounded extremely stern. The schemes in his heart was utterly shameless; if the realm didn’t allow him to reap benefits, then he’ll get someone to do it for him! Counting on Melody’s meek nature, she would definitely be extremely obedient and attentive to him. “If she gets stronger, doesn’t that mean I’ll be more powerful too? Besides, I’ll definitely come back to this Lord of the Rings world in the future!”

Melody stared at him with teary and sorrowful eyes, taking one step at a time reluctantly. Finally, she ran back and hugged Sheyan’s legs as she cried profusely. Sheyan observing this scene, couldn’t help feeling twisted, but he finally did what he had to do. He scolded her loudly and shoved her away before she ran off with tears trickling down her cheeks.

At this time, Sheyan, who had affirmed his decisions, started to calm down and search for his objectives – obviously that was Saruman’s research diary!!!

The research diary recorded Saruman’s research data, containing data on efficiency, speed and many other attributes. If he were to slowly compile them in the future instead, then that would be twice the effort for half the result in the end! Therefore, the first thing he did was to stand at the experimental position that Saruman normally stood, as he scanned the radius for it.

Table, nothing.

Inside the table……nope not the drawer, nothing.

The interior of this experimental lab was filthy, apparatus were flung everywhere; indicating that Saruman’s doppelganger wasn’t a very orderly person. Thus, there was a possible he would randomly placed his diary around.

Thus it could be inferred that the tables around, the dining table, even the toilet had a chance of containing the diary.

Sheyan continued his search, although to no avail, he didn’t give up. Yet after his repeated failed attempts, it meant that though Saruman’s doppelganger was disorderly in appearance, he was extremely particular towards his research diary. Then, the most suitable place was definitely in a drawer.

However, after consecutively scrolling through every single drawer, big or small……it yielded no results. Right now, he had already been inside this orc encampment for half an hour. Counting the time they travelled here and if Saruman’s army wasn’t totally wiped out, then they would at least be enroute back after his victory.

Although Sheyan appeared calm, he couldn’t help feeling flustered inside. With an agitated yell, he crazily swept his hand across the nearest table! The crystal glass apparatus crashed to the ground and shattered, and then he proceeded to vent this anger on a wooden stool.

Since he understood Saruman was conspiring against Ocean-freak Moria, he had been nervously plotting; throughout the way here, his plans were without a hiccup……yet now at the final moments, he was faced with an impregnable hurdle!!

“Don’t tell me, although Saruman carries an arrogant and haughty appearance, he is actually someone that lacks a sense of security. Hence, before leaving the Wizard tower, he had installed a powerful mechanism; conjuring a magic type stronghold to store his item?”

Sheyan huffed, feeling the increasing possibility of that occurring, his heart begun welling up with disappointment……If Saruman really did that, then undoubtedly it meant that he really had no fate with that research diary, and he could kiss goodbye to it. As time passed slowly, Sheyan couldn’t help but sigh to the heavens. Feeling annoyed, he casually slammed his hands heavily onto the experimental desk in frustration…….

“Woah!” Sheyan suddenly felt something wasn’t right. He currently only had the strength of an ordinary person; after losing all his enhanced strength, why did he still felt a slight depression on the table?

Sheyan hurriedly observed the place he was standing on, he then looked back at the unusually smooth floor beneath the wooden table. He suddenly realized; actually the place he was standing, should be the place where Saruman stood the most and longest while doing experiments.

His heart stirred, as he pressed down with his left hand. He immediately felt that this flawless table was indeed pressable, but the table itself wouldn’t bulge. Sheyan carefully deliberated, then he proceeded to press down lightly onto the wooden table, finally pushing it downwards!

Still no reaction.

Sheyan breathed deeply; this small glimmer of hope had arisen, but he felt like it was as brittle as porcelain, completely viable to shatter anytime. Yet with this glimmer of hope, he definitely wouldn’t give up so easily as he lightly pressed against it and pushed upwards!

Still nothing…….

“Then, how about I press and push towards the left?” As he pushed, he immediately heard a clicking sound. Suddenly, a wooden block roughly the size of a book, ejected out from underneath at the right; extending 10 cm out of the desk.

Then the wooden block opened up like a book; on its left side, it held horizontal rolls of parchment paper, while on its right was an ink bottle and a spotlessly white goose feather pen! Pressed under the ink bottle was a clump of wrinkled, black, stained white cloth; probably used to wipe off any spillage of ink.

It was obvious, this was the place that Saruman recorded his experimental research. This ingenious mechanism was triggered only after pressing down and sliding to the left. This was extremely convenient, the right wooden slab would be used to record his findings. Then he would use simple magic to control the goose feather pen to record anything.

Pulling frenziedly, he started to unroll the parchment papers, before flipping through them fanatically. Then, his heart abruptly sank. The long rolls of parchment paper were brand new!! Don’t even mention words, there wasn’t even a drop of ink on it. It seemed like Saruman had recently concluded a task, and probably tore off his recorded findings!

Sheyan shut his eyes in anguish. If he knew this was going to be the outcome, he would rather not uncover this mechanism! Finding hope only to be disappointed. Suddenly, that wrinkled black stained white cloth flashed through his mind once again….. “Those black stains….doesn’t it seem rather systematic?”

Chapter 328: Snatching and mad rushing!

Thinking of that, Sheyan’s heart was stirred. His eyes popped open as he seized that clump of white cloth,


Written on the cloth, were lines of disorderly black handwriting. These writings seemed to have no discipline but were just a bunch of ranting of Saruman…..random graffiti that was left behind by Saruman.

Sheyan shut his eyes and took a deep breath. “Something is better than nothing” He then earnestly started reading it; yet contrary to his expectations, these random absent-minded writings had not a farts relation to his alchemy endeavour!!!

Recently I discovered an error. When throwing out a curse-gene mix concoction, the angle, strength and accuracy is crucial; if factoring in wind speeds and other elements….it is simply too complicated.

Recently, I discovered that adding lead to that new blend in the crystal flask……”

“The feeling of throwing a curse-mix gene isn’t bad.”

“Today’s dinner was a little bland.”

“If there’s a slight flaw in that concoction……”

“That idiot, Lurtz, messed up 3 portions of experimental materials again.”

Beneath were over 300 more characters



After he read finished with a dejected heart, he could confirm something crucial – there was indeed not a single news pertaining to any relevant concoction of gene-mix…..No idea what that insane old man was thinking, apart from his rubbish gibberish; everything else recorded were mostly queer fantasies pertaining to throwing or hurling out gene-mix concoction. Sheyan couldn’t believe his eyes as he carefully read through the gibberish again. Cold sweat broke out over him as he felt this wild absurdity absolutely crushing him; really, this was the case of ‘man proposes but God disposes’.

Yet when it felt like his entire life was in vain; a split second later, the nightmare imprint rung in his ears:

“Contestant no.1018 has discovered Saruman’s experimental insights, and read through it in detail.”

“Scanning: Contestant no.1018 possesses a compatible skill ‘Uruk-hai genetic mix (Incomplete) .”


“Contestant no.1018, you will now enter comprehension state. Under this state, you musn’t be attacked or moved; if not comprehension state would be brokened.”

“Your intelligence/spirit is too low. Comprehension state will require a longer time, and failure may occur.”

Sheyan was emotionally moved, he had actually triggered a relevant matter! Following the nightmare imprint’s notification, he stood there silently but pathetically failed 3 times. After a full 8 minutes, he finally received a sweet sounding notification:

“Comprehension state concluded.”

“Contestant no.1018 has obtained a new appreciation for Saruman’s experimental log.”

“Your Rank 6 ability ‘Black Art mix Technique (Incomplete)’ has received a passive upgrade.”

“When throwing a curse-mix at the enemy, the curse-mix will now explode with a shockwave. Any enemies within that shockwave will suffer a 1 second confusion/stun.”

“Shockwave is limited within the radius of the poison fog of the curse-mix.”

“Any enemies within the poison fog will have their movement speed and attack speed reduced by 20%, until the poison fog dissipates or until they leave the poisonous zone.”

“Duration of curse-mix poison fog is extended by 15 seconds; but it is still susceptible to being dispersed or purified.”

“You can now throw gene-mix bombs to allies, which explodes with a 10 seconds vapor. Within a 10 metres radius, all allies will receive the relevant buff of the gene-mix. Movement speed and attack speed raise by 3%, speed boost last for 120 seconds.”

“However, the buff vapor will produce a weaker effect than direct consumption.” (A +3 strength gene-mix thrown out would be reduced to an AOE +2 strength effect.)

“Warning: Henceforth, every time you throw out a concocted mix, it will consume 2 MP.”

“Wow, how did this happen?” Suddenly receiving such news, Sheyan really felt this was an unexpectedly surprising reaping. He hurriedly scrolled out his skill tree to examine in disbelief, confirming that everything was true!!

“Then, if it’s like that……” Sheyan’s eyes flashed a glint. He begun examining the items in front, his gaze fell on the rolls of parchment paper on the right, and then towards that solid goose feather dip pen. He then gasped loudly, his gasp contained a certain comprehension, amazement, regret, annoyance, impatience…all sorts of complicated emotions.

He then hastily seized the few parchment papers and stuffed it into his pocket before snatching a clump of thin cloth on the table beside, and sprinted to towards the Wizard tower stairs! His anxiousness now was as though his butt was being roasted!


It could be said that Sheyan was lucky; but after escaping from the Wizard tower till the edge of the Orc metropolis, nobody had noticed him.

But it could be said that he was unlucky; because when he just needed at most 10 seconds to disappear into the rocks and into the icy vegetation shrubs, he was instead noticed by the first batch of returning orcs, leading to a frenzied chase.

Never forget, Sheyan was now at his weakest state! His stats were – Strength (8 points) / Agility (6 points) / Physique (12 points) / Perceptive sense (11 points) / Charm (6 points) / intelligence (5 points) / Spirit (4 points). He was a total garbage!!!

Crunching sounds emerged as he trampled over the loose snow, it was a long time since he had experienced such breathlessness; it was as though his lungs were about to explode. Grasping a snowflake and popping into his mouth, he breathed heavily as he enjoyed the melting coolness to satisfy his insatiable thirst.

If not for that twilight elf blessing he received from Melody allowing him to assimilate into nature, those pursuing orcs would’ve long arrested Sheyan over a hundred times.

Still, his fleeing footsteps on the snow surface occasionally betrayed him, guiding the pursuing orcs behind.

“Those damnable orcs, I definitely mustn’t be caught now!!” His heart howled agitatedly. Although his willpower was strong, the weakness of his body was fully displayed.

Due to packed terrain of rocks, snow and shrubs, the pursuing orcs couldn’t see Sheyan’s figure. Suddenly, a snowy slope at least angled 75 degrees down surfaced ahead. If Sheyan was in perfect state, no, even if it was just his innate ability present, he would dare to directly charge down this slippery slope. Yet now…..if he did, no doubt it was courting death, no, it was returning early to the realm.

The 3 orcs panted heavily as they gradually closed up the gap till roughly a hundred metres. Sheyan grit his teeth; his butt stuck on the snowy slope as he slid down with his hands, trying to maintain balance. But not even halfway in, his entire being lost balance and he started rolling down; resulting into 2 mournful cuts across his face! Several minor cuts also surfaced on his limbs.

Still, Sheyan endured this agony as he continued to stagger forward breathlessly. Although his physique was reduced to its mortal origins, the experiences and hardships he had gone through previously were his greatest treasures! It supplied him with the strength to continue fleeing. Drips of blood scattered onto the snow, as a lone ghastly blood trail lead his enemy’s on!

Ahead was a region of quiet, desolate forest. Some trees possessed tenacious vitality, forcing out fresh green sprouts even in the snowy ice. Sheyan didn’t even notice this point, without looking back he hurriedly charge into the desolate forest. The 3 orcs behind continued to close the gap, from a hundred metres to fifty.

The orcs were clearly physically larger than Sheyan, they roared angrily as they charged into the forest; occasionally bumping into the trees clumsily, triggering snow to fall down in piles. The leading orc fume angrily with nasty language, as snow fell into his mouth, causing him to cough as he swallowed two mouthfuls of snow.

Roughly 7-8 seconds later, all of the orcs suddenly heard a sound.

This sound was exceedingly queer; it sounded like a mix of boiling beef stew in a cauldron and farting.

The leading orc immediately halted, vigilantly scanning around.

Because he could feel this queer sound closing up on him, yet nothing was happening. The other two orcs shot him an eccentric look, their gaze stopping over their boss’s stomach – because the sound had originated from his stomach.

Suddenly, the leading orc’s face cringed painfully as he collapsed to the ground, a lifeless look in his eyes. In a short span of time, his life left his body. Then shockingly green shoots starting growing out of its ears, eyes, nose and mouth. It was as if his entire inner body was flourishing with new sprouts!

Within a minute, the orc looked as if it had been rotting for a month. Even its bones were decayed to dust, like a dried corpse in shambles! Over the dried corpse, were huge patches of emerald green grass sprouting.

Chapter 329: Final crossing

Viewing such a strange situation unfolding, the other two orcs glanced at each other with horrified expressions. One orc grasped his wooden club tighter, while the other prepared to send out a warning call. Still they hesitated for a moment.

The orcs had strict regulations; if they unnecessarily released a warning, they would be beaten up, or would have to endure a rough scolding. Saruman’s orcs were a vicious and malicious race, they had many different punishment tools up their sleeves. Finally, they would mercilessly press a glowing branding iron onto the offender.

Writhing in pain and smelling the dense burnt aroma of their own flesh; after the offender awoke, they would realize they had been demoted to a slave ranking, only by labouring non-stop would they regain their freedom.

Due to these various reasons, it determined the tragic fate of the two orcs! They couldn’t sense the deep lying danger hidden in the dark, thus they paid the price of their lives!

Amidst their hesitation, they caught a whiff of a scent.

An alluring scent, like a warming alcohol or a sumptuous soup broth. The faint aromatic scent enchanted their flesh, the scent of freshly matured fruits. The two orcs were cold and hungry as they couldn’t help swallowing their saliva.

In a flash, shoots started to swiftly shoot out from the nearby tree, wrestling as it enlarged with green leaves rapidly emerging. A surge of vigorous nature vitality governed the cold desolated ground, as though spring had been prematurely induced. In a flash, this powerful strength receded as quickly as it came. In that moment, the two orcs awakened from their stupor as they hurriedly transmitted the magic warning!

Yet though they had the notion, their actions couldn’t match up. Their bodies jerked and surged with burning anguish, golden sparks flashed before their eyes as an ancient elf character swept past their eyes. In that instance, it felt like their souls were sucked into that ancient character, and were being eroded with scalding burns.

“Idiot…..” An orc tried to wave his hatchet, but only managed to raise it halfway before his hand turn limpid. As he uttered out that profanity, the tree beside it suddenly snapped into two, which was coincidentally at the same time his waist was snapped. His body slumped to the snowy ground like two splintered pieces of wood, blood gushing out tremendously as it warmed the snow. Quickly, it coagulated into fresh red ice.

In its horror, the other orc tried to turn and flee, yet that ancient elven character shot forth like a plague. Following that, the orc discovered a terrifying puncture through its back, before seeing the character swerving behind. The orc felt neither pain nor leaked any blood, he was oblivious as he continued dashing 10 metres ahead in panic; before abruptly collapsing to the ground without a single movement!

Inside the forest, Sheyan knelt onto the ground, his hands holding against a tree as he panted heavily. While he tried catching his breath, he cursed at the realm for stealing away his strength. Only after a moment did he stand up, as he staggered forward for a few steps. Then a graceful figure shot out from the woods and supported him. Indeed, it was Melody.

Sheyan glanced backwards and asked.

“How is it? Have you buried the chest?”

Melody nodded but didn’t say anything else, she didn’t like mindless slaughter in her heart. Sheyan observed her strangely pale face as he frowned slightly.

“Are you alright?”

Melody lowered her head as she gazed at her finger, shyly speaking.

“I followed, followed your plans and buried the chest. Yet I coincidentally came across a…..a wounded bear. Its fur was extremely soft, its eyes filled with fear and horror. Thus, I helped to treat its wounds……”

“I understand.” Sheyan sighed. There were no reasons in finding fault with this kind hearted elf maiden. In actual fact, a twilight elf’s recalled memories wouldn’t cause her entire inherent nature to change. As for a recently coming of age elf maiden, equivalent to a 16 year old girl, this string of arduous events had already demonstrated her resolute courage.

“I’m sorry…..” Melody’s current state seemed like she was about to cry anytime. “My strength was almost drained, I could only use one more ancient elf character. Killing 3 orcs is already my limit.”

“Don’t worry.” Sheyan earnestly replied. “We should hurry up and go, while they haven’t caught up yet.”

His heart was feeling a pinch of regret. It is said that every wise man would have his moment of folly, he was regretting allowing Reef to take off with all the Ocean-freak Moria’s eggs! If they had 1 now, Melody would be able to recover her perfect state!

“Are you sure it’s fine?” Melody whined a little.

Sheyan nodded.

“Yes, but if we don’t leave now, it won’t be.”

The two continued trudging forward. Although they had slayed the 3 pursuing orcs, his heart was still pricked by an ominous premonition.

It was obvious, Saruman’s losses could only be described as outrageous. Just based on those precious gems, even the incredibly rare mithril and adamantine metals were a one-of-a-kind fortune in the entire Middle-earth! Under such circumstances, Sheyan definitely believed Saruman wouldn’t just swallow this and let him off! Furthermore, he was actively known as a ‘burden’ now. With their current pace, he was afraid a terrifying group of pursuers will arrive shortly.

Since that was the case, Sheyan hurriedly advised Melody to search for a sheltering cave, then asking her to leave first. Although her spirit and vitality were exhausted, without this ‘burden’, she would still be able to advance more quickly. Instead, Melody resolutely refused, as she dragged Sheyan along with a teary face. Helplessly, Sheyan continued to advance forward with her.

Although he could sense a tremendous threat; their way ahead was shockingly smooth, without a single orc chasing up. It was unknown whether it was the formidable covering of the twilight elf blessing, or that Ocean-freak Moria had dealt such devastation to Saruman; hence, he was unable to deal with others.


At present, they were passing through a treacherously cold and slippery route.

The winds were howling, and snowflakes cut against their bodies like knives. So much so that Sheyan had to bend himself, and force himself forward through the winds. Occasionally, green flashes appeared, the twilight elf blessing dispelling any negative status on him.

On their left was an icy gorge at least a hundred metres deep, the gorge was as broad as 200 metres. Looking down, they could see fearsome bony, fang like stalactites crisscrossing the entire gorge. Death by a thousand impale was guaranteed if they fell. The opposite bank of the icy gorge was roughly 7-8 kilometres away from the orc metropolis. From here, they could even see that snowy peak with the white honeycomb like holes that those orcs had dug.

Before being imprisoned and escorted, Sheyan had already noticed this unique terrain. The orc metropolis should be situated inside the depths of the Misty Mountains, within a depression of an ice mountain. This depression could only be accessed through a narrow mountain pass at the southern end of the depression. Yet beneath this mountain range and after the narrow mountain pass, was a frightening horizontal stretch of icy gorge. It was like a nightmare stretching all the way throughout the foot of the mountain.

Without this incomparably treacherous ice gorge; to pass through that narrow mountain pass, one just needed to continue walking straight for 5-6 km before reaching the orc metropolis. However, because of this ice gorge; even after bypassing the narrow mountain pass, one had to first walk alongside this horizontal ice gorge for roughly 7-8 kilometre. And once they arrived at the narrowest region of the gorge, they had to travel through a previously constructed wooden bridge, braving through the threatening winds to cross over the icy gorge.

This simple wooden bridge had been worn down by years of unrepair. Previously the inexperienced captives had to cautiously cross through this dangerous bridge. Because of this, the real distance from the narrow mountain pass to the orc metropolis, exceeded 15 kilometres.

Naturally, this was a favorably advantageous vital spot for Saruman; a place where if one held the ground, ten thousand could not pass. There was no way Saruman wouldn’t arrange for guards here. Under normal circumstances, there would be 3 Uruk-hais, and a dozen orcs sitting inside a little shed at the head of the bridge. They would constantly take turns patrolling through day and night. Not even a house fly could infiltrate.

But because of the immense enticement of a legendary creature like the Ocean-freak Moria; without hesitation, Saruman had withdrew the main forces here. Hence, this place was left with only a sickly and frail orc to keep watch.

The only responsibility of this orc was; when it encounters any suspicious activity, it had to rip apart an enchanted scroll to warn Saruman. Regrettably, this old orc wasn’t a diligent and responsible person.

When Sheyan and Melody caught sight of him, he was currently dozing away by a bonfire. Yellowish teeth leaking out of its lips as his saliva dripped down. A huge puddle of saliva had accumulated on the ground. Hence, Sheyan had ample grounds to believe that Reef who had fled earlier, had simply strutted through this area like a boss.

Chapter 330: The most fearsome assault, the fiercest domain!

Not wanting to count his chickens before they hatch, Sheyan decided to wreck this bridge to foil any possible pursuing orcs. Although Melody agreed to this, she didn’t wish for any more mindless bloodshed. Hence, she summoned the remaining vitality spirit she had to activate the ancient elf character. Massive amounts of new roots shot out from the wooden stool, shoving the old orc to the ground and constricting him completely. Even his eyes were covered by a piece of leaf. The only thing the orc could do was roar and yell in shock!

minutes later, Sheyan and Melody had successfully crossed over the treacherous icy gorge. Undoubtedly, the bridge behind them was recklessly destroyed. Of course, the two fugitives had hastily and wantonly destroyed the frame of the bridge, its foundations were still restorable. However, under normal situations, it would’ve at least won them 10 hours of buffer time.

After continuously trekking alongside the opposite bank of the icy gorge for another hour, the narrow mountain pass was finally in sight. After passing through there, it would then signal a perfect escape. The towering majestic mountain range had effectively obstructed the northern cold winds; hence, though the temperature was still freezing ahead, it wasn’t the state of ice and snow like on this side.

The narrow mountain pass was right ahead!!

A hundred metres,

Fifty metres,

Thirty metres,


Begin the ascension!

This narrow mountain pass was extremely bizarre, like a giant formless knife that plunged down from heaven; cutting a narrow wound onto this southern majestic peak. Though that was the case, it was still several hundred metres high, black cliff rocks covering it entirely. For some unknown reasons, snow wouldn’t accumulate onto these cliff rocks, hence, it earned itself the name ‘Black Tooth-pass’.

Sheyan summoned his strength to welcome the winds, his limbs pushing forward. Every breath required his hand to cover his nose first, if not the winds of winter would pierce into his belly.

Undoubtedly, the twilight elf was like nature’s darling, completely unaffected by the vile climate. Actually, the winds now were considered average. Previously, when they were captured and made to climb through this pass, Sheyan had personally witnessed a raging billowing wind roll past which lifted up a dwarf as he struggled and shrieked miserably. Then his life was ended at the bottom of the gorge.

The summit of the narrow mountain pass was in sight, just 3 metres away. After that, would be a blissful path down. Sheyan could even see the distant snow capped trees beyond here amidst the lucious greenery. Melody was smiling slightly as she squatted at the summit of the mountain pass, extending her hand to him…..Sheyan stretched his hand out, exerting his body forward.

Yet somehow, at this very moment, he decided to look back.

He himself didn’t understand why he had looked back,

It was like a passing black cloud covering the sunlight, causing people to reflexively raise their heads to look.

This one glimpse.

At the bottom of the narrow pass, the opposite bank of the icy gorge, atop an erected cliff rock.

An astounding Uruk-hai.

Though the gap between them stretched out to more than 300 metres, though the Uruk-hai was only the size of a thumb from here….yet his appearance…..the dancing snowflakes and breezing glacic cold winds orbiting around this uruk-hai… a mere split second, it was as though an insurmountably terrifying hurricane was churned up with him as its core.

The uruk-hai stood still as he panted, naturally he had dashed here frantically. The uruk-hai should’ve been closely tracing their trail, but was finally obstructed by that wreckage of a bridge. Yet he instantly considered one thing, whoever wishes to leave had to pass through that natural landmark ‘Black Tooth-pass’. Thus, he frantically made his way along the opposite bank of the icy gorge.

This uruk-hai was outstandingly familiar. Even in the entire Lord of the Rings world, it played a vastly critical role!

White disheveled hair flowing against its shoulders,

Protruding eyebrows doubling his maliciousness,

A pair of triangular eyes piercing forward with a sharp mournful glow,

His arms were ridiculously thick, and outrageously long! Clear wounds covered it, but it only served to intensify his brutality.

A dreadful longbow, the sickle of the death god. Just by looking, Sheyan’s soul trembled!!

“Lurtz……” Sheyan exclaimed. “F****! Saruman this bastard!”

Just in mere seconds, he would have reached the summit of this Black Tooth-pass, and enter the other side of the mountain range; completely out of Lurtz’s shooting range. However, Lurtz’s arrows were so formidable that it could kill Boromir, and even inflict heavy damages onto Ocean-freak Moria! Even if Sheyan was in his optimal state, he wouldn’t be able to evade his arrow, what more now he was a useless ordinary mortal?

“If I were Lurtz……” Though his strength was drained, his thoughts still remained as clear as day! His mind flashed with several ideas as he ferociously pounced forward. Without a slightest hesitation, he pulled Melody towards him! Directly shielding her beneath his embrace!

Meanwhile, Lurtz had clearly raised his bow, mounting the arrow and drawing the bow and then he…..released!

A complicated set of movements, yet executed like flowing water. It was perfectly completed within an unbelievable short duration!

Lurtz had immensely perceptive eyesight; instantly from his vision of the two fugitives, he could tell Sheyan was the weaker and negligible individual. Probably a random wind could easily fling him off the icy gorge. The real threat was that twilight elf, Melody!

Hence, he immediately regarded Sheyan as an ‘ant’, directly hoisting his special bowman techniques and released a devastating shot!

He was fully confident, this arrow would deeply lodged into the elf maiden’s body; a +2 devil arrowhead crafted specially for Sindarian bodies wouldn’t penetrate through it, but directly explode the body innards into smithereens! Even a legendary creature would receive unbearable damage!

Yet he never expected, the unmissable arrow, was actually blocked by Sheyan with his own body! As Lurtz lowered his hand, Sheyan’s back and chest immediately erupted into a fountain of blood. A silvery light acute arrowhead pierced out from the right of his belly! Then like a twinkling star, it dimmed and exploded blindingly! Transforming into chaotic beams piercing out in all directions!

Simultaneously, a ghostly vengeful screech resounded in the air. This strange sound resulted from a vacuum tear that was sucking in all matter!!

Sheyan’s expression erupted with a flurry of emotions; mocking, triumph, sneer, conceited and anguish. His lips curled into a sneer. The nightmare imprint released a tide of notifications:

“You suffered an assault from the Uruk-hai leader, Lurtz.”

“You receive a calculated damage: ‘Sky-fall (Ability and explosive strike)’ – 17,787 points + ‘Sindarian attached devil arrowhead’ – 6,671 points.”

“You are inflicted with a negative buff of ‘Vitality Evaporation’ – You will lose 5% HP of blood loss damage every 20 seconds, duration of 800 seconds!”

“Details: When ‘Vitality Evaporation’ is inflicted on a legendary / Elite/ leader (head or boss) /world leader class creature, the resultant effect will be 300 points of blood loss damage every 5 seconds, duration of 30 seconds.

“Details: ‘Vitality Evaporation’ negative buff has a precedence!!”

“Warning, warning!! Contestant no.1018’s current maximum health is 120 points. Calculated damage inflicted is 24,458 points.”

“Contestant no.1018 has suffered a fatal blow!”

“Details: World regulation triggered! Contestant no.1018 is currently engaging in a party establishment mission. Any fatal blows will only reduce him into a critically wounded state. 10 seconds of immunity!”

“Total resultant damage to contestant no.1018: 108 points.”

“Warning: You are left with 12 HP! You are now in critically wounded state – Movement speed decreased by 80%, attack reduced by 80%, all attributes reduced by 50%.”

“You receive a domain: “Absolute defence’, duration of 10 seconds.”

“Under the state of ‘Absolute defence’, your current negative buffs will be ineffective, any damage dealt would be absorbed. You are not allowed to attack.”

“Domain takes precedence over any effects.”

Sheyan violently pushed away the dumbstruck Melody as he shouted furiously.

“Go! I will cover you! This is the protection bestowed by my god, it only lasts for 10 seconds. You have to leave his shooting range within 10 seconds!”

After speaking, he widened out both arms, and turned to glare at Lurtz! His face carried an unperturbed expression, he pulled out the arrowhead as his blood wildly gushed out. A huge regiment of mutilated flesh dangled from his wound, yet he steadied his gaze towards the disbelieving Lurtz, and pointed a middle finger…….

Of course this formidable uruk-hai didn’t understand that obscene gesture, but he could tell Sheyan’s expression essentially meant “Pathetic fool”! Having his ego crushed, Lurtz’s eyes became bloodshot. Nobody had dared to take his bow skills lightly, not even the mighty Saruman!

But this ant………this damned ant was actually so brazen!!!


Chapter 331: Conceited

“Fine, since that arrow wasn’t enough to slay you……”

(That arrow contained a 10% chance of 5x attack and a lower 20 points of defence effect; coupled with the difficulty level of this world, thus the resultant damage was so frightening)

Lurtz howled so furiously that even the showers of snowflakes couldn’t conceal it, as it echoed throughout the mountain range. Then he drew his lowered bow and mounted the arrows.

Mounting a total of 3 arrows!

The three arrowheads looked mediocre; yet it released a sensation of being dipped in molten gold, it possessed a flicker of scorching gold brilliance.

The fuming Lurtz didn’t hesitate to use his strongest arrow – +7 Adamantine arrow,

Infused into the arrow was Saruman’s personal magic – ‘Arcane pursuit/Chain lightning’ !

beams left the longbow, flying steadily forward as they curved into an upwards arc, volleying in at astonishing speeds.

The moment he released his arrow, a blast of wind slammed back against Lurtz’s head! The wind slowly dissipated into the snow winds. He instantly recoiled to the ground, taking in deep breaths as blood trickled down his eyes.

This strike appeared like he was lightly sketching, yet it produced a thundering boom, resembling that of a sonic boom. Three golden flashes swept over the icy gorge like a chain lightning.

The rocks beneath had been frozen for thousands of years and were more solid than steel itself; yet the lightning tore through it like it was beancurd, rock fragments scattering everywhere. Tearing through paths of deep craggy crevices which were as long as hundreds of metres, that stretched up the narrow pass! It was as if three terrifying scars were carved onto the ‘Black Tooth-pass’!

The three lightning paced arrows pierced straight towards Sheyan’s face. But in that instance, roughly a metre around Sheyan, a crystal yellow transparent curved shield suddenly appeared. Ripples flashed over it, as though Sheyan was protected by an eggshell.

Once the three arrows collided against the transparent egg shell, it strangely evaporated. Every arrow, evaporated. That insanely domineering might was reduced to tranquility in an instance, utterly fading away. The overbearing chain lightning then crashed into the eggshell, but was reduced into a headless dead snake. It fanatically and chaotically bounced around, rocks were sprayed in all direction before thoroughly fading in the face of the egg shell!

Witnessing such a strange scene, Lurtz’s pupils almost split apart. Right at this time, Sheyan had even tilted his head and casted a condescending expression towards him, as he faintly shook his head.

Lurtz, who had a heroic potential regardless if it was pertaining to the darkside, possessed an unbreakable confidence in his heart. Once he released an arrow, no matter the outcome; his heart was already convinced it was enough to slay the opponent! This was the result of thousands of hours of bitter practice, forming such wild and obstinate conviction.

Yet solely because of Sheyan’s current action; he had become the cornerstone that had toppled Lurtz’s unwavering conviction. Of course to Lurtz, he understood his arrows weren’t flawless; yet he had never expected the 3 arrows he exhausted his full strength to release, couldn’t even touch the hair of an ant like Sheyan!!!

“What power…….incomparably praiseworthy!! In the face of such power, my abilities are not even worth mentioning!!”

Lurtz’s bloodshot eyes leaked out an unfathomable decadent expression, as he howled bitterly to the heavens. His howl carried the grief of his shattered heart. Picking up his beloved bow, he no longer released anymore arrows; instead, he viciously bent it to the limits!

“Crack!” That heart-wrenching longbow snapped in two.

“WHY! Why is it like this?!” Lurtz raged in his heart. He once again gazed towards that transparent yellowish screen at the tip of the black narrow pass. His heart expressed his heart contents, exposing a shred of flustered dread.

Men always possesses an underlying fear for the unknown and freaks of nature; hence, even the primitive ancient men worshipped lightning, fire, rain, snow, earthquakes. Lurtz wasn’t such a case; but after witnessing such a puny toe-like undying ant like Sheyan, henceforth, an unerasable shadow had been cast in his heart!

This was also the primary reason why although he could be hailed as a legendary creature created by Saruman, he would never be able to surpass the elvish prince, Legolas!

Lurtz was no Saruman. Once he lost his bow, he was no longer capable of dealing any threat to Sheyan and Melody. They were an entire 300 metres away, with an unpassable icy hell in between!

Within the eggshell, Sheyan released a long sigh. He turned around and walk but immediately fell to the ground weakly! The yellowish screen around him dissipated!

seconds had elapsed!!!

In that instance, the frailty of a severely injured and trembling mortal returned, the searing pain in his chest returned. More frighteningly, massive amounts of blood came pouring out of his chest, soaking and drenching Sheyan completely! Sheyan clutched his chest, groaning in anguish.

This was that negative effect ‘Vitality Evaporation’ that Lurtz’s first arrow carried. It still remained, and its cruel effects were now manifesting within his body!

The merciless tone of the nightmare imprint rung out.

“You are still affected by ‘Vitality Evaporation’ – 5% Hp will be drained every 20 seconds, current duration left: 780 seconds!”

Naturally, this horrific negative effect was based on his maximum health; after suffering this negative effect, 13 minutes was all it takes to kill a person even if they had two lives! If one didn’t possess medical supplements, death was the only way out!

To Sheyan, he was slightly advantaged because his current maximum HP was only 120 points…..every 20 seconds would only deduct 6 HP! Yet! Never forget, Sheyan was only left with 12 points of health in his critically wounded state! Which goes to say, in the next 20 seconds if he didn’t return to the realm of find a health restoration method, then he would be a tragic death.

The faraway Lurtz had naturally caught on to this. Although he was incapable of knowing such data, the sixth sense of a wild beast was manifested in the exceptional perceptive sense of a formidable uruk-hai leader. The prior feeling of respect for Sheyan had vanished, once again discovering the weak and pathetic ant ahead!

At this moment, Lurtz suddenly felt a surge of incomparably regret. “If I hadn’t destroyed my bow….then he would be dead by now!” He once again directed his focus into the distance, he was extremely clear on the devastation his arrow could cause. He thirsted for the pesky undying ant ahead to bleed to death! Then the shadow in his heart, would utterly disappear.

seconds of time, what could Sheyan do? What can he do?

Medical supplies, he had!

But everything was stored inside his nightmare imprint! Currently, it was impossible lay hands on them.

Divine healing arts, Melody was capable!

Yet it required three ancient elvish characters to activate.

Was returning to the nightmare realm his only option?

It seemed like this was the only path. However, according to the original plan, Sheyan was to remain inside the Wizard tower and continued rummaging and searching, finding any useful information he could fine. Until the fuming owner had returned, then he would politely salute and terminate his journey in this world.

Yet Sheyan suddenly changed his plans and fled the Wizard tower for some unknown reasons. But one thing was sure, he had a definite reason for doing so.

Then, if he returned to the realm now, this no doubt meant the struggles he had gone through fleeing the Wizard tower was all for nought!


It appeared that he was at the end of his route. There were absolutely no moves left to make, his only course of action was still a bitter return of defeat. Yet he still maintained a calm expression, he smiled at the teary face Melody in front of him, holding onto her hand in consolation. Then he flipped his body round as he gazed towards the distant bank, his eyes sparkling with venomous hate; yet it contained a sinisterly conceited trace towards the uruk-hai Lurtz.

Sheyan released a faint smile.

His smile was warm, but still carried a trace of conceitedness.

An all knowing conceitedness.

He then reached his hands towards his waist, and hooked out an item.

It was roughly the size of two palms. On it there were dried clumps of bloodstain and dried flesh.

Uruk-hai Lurtz had a tremendously sharp eagle like vision; once he saw that item, a buzz resounded in his mind. His body shivered as though his blood was all rushing towards his brain! Because this item, was indeed something he had in possession right now! This item, was something Lurtz was even more familiar with than his own fingerprints!

Chapter 332: Devastating side effects

An ordinary wine pouch.

Back at the summit of the icy mountain, he had stolen this very cowhide pouch from the mutilated mess of a Tentacled-freak corpse!

(TN: This happened in chapter 19, the mutilated clump of flesh he retrieved from the Tentacled-freak)

But more crucially, the contents inside this pouch wasn’t alcohol!

It was the outcome of Saruman’s experimental breakthrough; a gene-mix – ‘Mucus of the Ocean-freak of Moria’ !!!

This item was a miracle; the more severely injured the consumer was, the more ‘Mucus of the Ocean-freak of Moria’ would trigger its potential, allowing his health to swiftly replenish! HP regeneration speed would be raised; to ranging from ‘every 10 seconds restores 1 HP’ to ’10 HP restored every second’, duration last for 120 minutes.”

No doubt to the current Sheyan, his wounded state was of the extreme limit! This signified…once he drank down this potion, it would completely negate the negative effects of ‘Vitality Evaporation’! As for the repercussions of consuming it, to hell with it! If the realm wouldn’t be able to treat the side effects, then Sheyan would live with it!

Without panicking, he raised the wine pouch, swirling it around before pressing upwards with his thumb. “Pop!” he pried open the cork. At this moment, he was smiling while nodding, as he faced Lurtz whose eyeballs were about to erupt, and raised the wine pouch. Then he gulped it down. His string of actions were courteous and refined, carrying the air of a gentleman; the appearance of a toast done by an european nobility!

Actually, it was because of this item that Sheyan was willing to allow Reef to carry every single Ocean-freak Moria’s eggs away. But he miscalculated one point; that was ‘Mucus of the Ocean-freak of Moria’ could only restore health, but the egg was a full restoration.

Lurtz was ruined. He shut his eyes, as he quietly leapt down the cliff rock and headed back to the orc metropolis; even any energy left to fume was depleted. Although Sheyan’s powers in his eyes was akin to an ant, but…..this pesky ant, had actually left such a crushing defeat and torment in his heart!!!

Dancing shadows cast onto the cavern wall by a flame.

A gentle resin aroma filled the air. Occasional sounds of crackle could be heard.

Placed horizontally above the bonfire was a thick branch, with a fat trout pierced through it. The roasting fire shriveled its skin, splitting it and exposed its snowy white flesh. The fish oil dripped into the lapping flames, ignited it further. Small explosions of indigo surfaced amidst the flames, fumes spiralled up constantly.

After a short roasting, numerous cracks appeared on the fish, its alluring fragrance permeated into the air. Sheyan was awakened by the fragrance; previously when passing out at the narrow pass, it wasn’t because of ‘Mucus of the Ocean-freak of Moria’, but because of losing too much blood and the freezing winds. Sheyan was basically no different from an ordinary human, naturally he passed out. However, its regenerative effects were indeed miraculous, completely suppressing the vile effects of ‘Vitality Evaporation’.

Once he woke, Melody who was roasting the fish hurriedly rushed to support him. Sheyan attempted to move his limbs, sighing with relief when he could. His wounds seemed to have been treated by Melody using her healing divine arts. Apart from the weakness of losing too much blood, he was fine.

Sheyan suddenly recalled something, he instantly asked out anxiously.

“How long have I been unconscious?”

Melody tilted her head to blow the fir