Chapter 275   - Debut Ball (3)

I'm standing in front of Caroline Grahm. She looks at me with a surprised expression, but she doesn't dare to comment on the fact that I approached her.

Her blonde hair is a few shades darker than her sister's. Her eyes have the same shape, but her lips are thinner and more delicate. Overall, she's prettier than Elisabeth.

Samuel Grahm, on her side, is rather dashing. I didn't think much of him, but he's not bad at all. He's tall, not like my Duke but almost. His eyes are grey, perfectly enhanced by the dark blue suit. He's holding his arm, the hand in a pocket, so that Caroline can hold it with elegance.

?I don't think we've been introduced yet,? I say, smiling at the girl. She widens her eyes in surprise, but she doesn't dare to show more than this reaction.

Her brother, on the other side, stares at me dumbfounded. He's more surprised than anyone else in the hall. And he's the one married to Alexander's cousin! If he's surprised that I have no ill intentions, what does the rest of the hall think?

?I'm glad to finally meet the younger daughter of Count Grahm. I've heard many times your name, lady, but never managed to know more about you. Only that your beauty and elegance are to par to the most refined royals of the continent.?


It's her debut. Every girl likes to be complimented on a day like this, and it's the rest of the court's task to make her feel important for one day.

After this event, the girls will start being appraised like market goods, and their hands asked in marriage for various motives. Every girl waits for this day with impatience.

Except for Caroline Grahm. She delayed her debut by one year.

Not she personally, of course. It must have been the Duke's decision. In order to be still free for the Emperor to choose a bride, they risked making their young miss debut at fifteen rather than fourteen, which is the norm.

?Seeing you in person, I'm surprised there aren't marriage proposals flocking from every edge of the world.?

She smiles and bows her head, her cheeks of a light red. She's pretending to be pleased and surprised by such compliments. If only I hadn't looked this happen so often at my court, I would have believed her.


?I hope to find a way to help at the best of my capabilities,? she replies. ?Thank you for your kind praise, your grace.?

?Ethiro will need an Empress, sooner rather than later,? I murmur. ?I hope you'll be still free when that time comes...?

Caroline Grahm winces, but she doesn't add anything. I can tell, from the light in her eyes, that she's utterly pleased. She's content and hoping to stand a chance against the fierce competition that will soon flood the court.

Then, said my devilish words, I turn around and look for another one of the other girls. I approach the first I find free, talk for a few minutes, and walk back to the table where his majesty is still sitting and talking with one of the ministers.

?What do you think, Duchess?? he asks me.

?I will be glad to explain to your majesty every detail and opinion of mine, but in an appropriate, more silent, and discreet place. This occasion is for us to know the girls that are now part of society. There will be time to judge them.?

?Stingy with advice as always,? he sighs. ?Can I hear at least an honest, personal opinion??

?Of course, your majesty. The girls are all proper and beautiful. I'm not sure they have what it takes to be by your majesty's side, but we have time to find out. We don't need an Empress for tomorrow, after all...?

?You're right, Duchess. It's not a choice for today.?

He leans back on the chair and observes the four ladies with a gentle smile.

?I feel guilty for making them believe they have a chance,? he says, in a low tone to allow only me to hear. ?Aren't we overstepping some boundary by manipulating young girls??

?We're not manipulating anyone, your majesty. And we're not promising a position either. On the contrary, this will be a chance for each one of them. If they know how to exploit it, of course. After all, only one can become Empress. They know the chances are low. But one that is discarded from such a delicate competition isn't degraded by any means. It's their honour to be chosen to attend the selection. This will be a booster for their value on the marriage market.?

?Is that so? Then, I can sleep peaceful nights...?

?Your majesty needs to sleep without worries. It's important for the Empire that our ruler has healthy habits, including enough sleep and rest.?

?You were born for flattery, Duchess. I wasn't trying to get any kind of... I don't even know what that was. How do you manage to turn everything I say into something that sounds agreeable and about me??

?I do not understand.?

?You've turned around my sentence to suggest to me to sleep. It's not the first time you reply to me like this, out of the blue.?

?Oh,? I chuckle. ?I'm just worried for my country. I'm trying to do the best to help. Sometimes, it's just about reminding your majesty of your majesty's qualities. Self-irony is an enjoyable characteristic for most people. But not for emperors and kings.?

Also, I wouldn't have any use if I didn't talk about what the rest of the court doesn't dare to utter a word about. I'm here for that: to show his majesty where to improve.

He doesn't need yet another puppy that will tell him that he doesn't make mistakes. There are enough of those in the court.

What I've noticed so far, few dare to tell their true mind to his majesty, and I'm one of those few. If I stop being honest, I'll lose any value the Emperor sees in me.