Chapter 274   - Debut Ball (2) magic

The Princess observes my face with wide eyes. She's surprised that I offered to support Caroline Grahm. After all, she's on the other side.

She's not a friend.

?Why?? the Princess inquires.

?Because she needs to think that we're on the same side. And the rest of the court has to witness our close relationship.? Even though I didn't know her name before this evening.

?Will we greet the others as well??

?What do you think?? I ask. I don't need to make every decision, for goodness. Also, her highness doesn't have to follow me.


?I will do as you decide.?

?That's quite some trust, your highness.?

She just shrugs, and I reach out for my cup filled with water. My plate is still full, but I don't have much appetite. I'm on a mission here, and it's not to eat.

The first girl to come in is the Baron's daughter. She was lucky to have been accepted for the debut in front of his majesty. It's usually an honour only higher nobles have.

She walks in with a brother or cousin, holding arms. She smiles at the hall, trying to attract the right people's attention. She even dares to send an innocent smile in this direction, aiming at the Emperor.

She will make things interesting during the selection. I might as well greet her later. She will think I'm favouring her, even if not as openly as Caroline Grahm.


The second girl has a golden gown. Her hair is styled with the latest fashion, and her eyes are decorated with light makeup. She used the shadows most women of the Empire know of, but she also drew a thin line on the eyelid. It's a mix of Ethirian and Polis's style of eyeshadow.

Well, it's more like the Ethirian adaptation of the southern trends.

The third girl's style looks familiar as well. This one, other than the makeup, dared to choose a dress with a high waist and large, comfortable sleeves.

I turn to the Princess and observe her clothes as well. I haven't paid much attention to it, but these people are kind of copying me. They're probably doing it because the Princess has changed her style, so they're actually imitating her.

But through her, their inspiration comes from how I usually dress.

I have spent the whole summer in these dresses, never considering it improper or strange. I have a rounded, giant belly to carry around. It's not like I could use a corset even if I wanted.

But seeing this show at a debut, in front of the royal family... It's weird, but I don't dislike it.

Like this, I feel like I have a saying into it. I haven't talked about fashion during any of the tea parties I attended. I stayed silent until the other ladies would tackle the topic.

But it seems my silence wasn't reason enough to avoid them noticing that I was wearing clothes different from theirs.

This might be an easy way to understand who is on whose side. In the end, the Dowager Empress's followers are maintaining the strict style of before. The same goes for Elisabeth Grahm.

Someone with a strong antipathy towards me won't be capable of changing her style to look more similar to me.

All of a sudden, the hall is easier to understand. I can tell friends and foes.

The debut continues regardless my illuminated moments.

Caroline Grahm is the last one to come out. She takes her time, making us wait for a minute more than the other girls.

She appears at the arm of Samuel Grahm. They walk inside, step by step, without looking in the hall as if they weren't a bit interested in the crowd.

The lady resembles the Duke more than his other grandchildren. She's calm and deadly cold, her eyes don't show any emotion, but her expression is made of a polite smile and high chin.

Is she trying to imitate the Dowager Empress, or she's like this for real?

Her dress is a copy of those the Dowager Empress usually wears, which is hinting that those two are close. It might become difficult to approach her, but it makes getting rid of her easier.

His majesty won't marry anyone the Dowager Empress supports, be it the prettiest girl in the world.

Caroline smiles at the hall without directing her attention anywhere, especially not towards the Empress or his majesty.

Her manners are adequate for a lady from the highest tier of nobles. It's a pity we're on opposite sides.

?It wouldn't have been so easy, for me, if she was the one proposed to Alexander,? I comment. ?This one is well-mannered, as it seems.?

?Yes,? the Princess confirms. ?She's too good at masking her intentions. You won't see her make a wrong step, sister. Shall we combine something to...?

?No need,? I stop her before she has time to elaborate some wicked plan. ?We don't need a reason to choose another girl over her, your highness.?

?What a pity...?

A discreet pout reminds me that the Princess is just a year older than all those girls presented to society for the first time. She also has some basic understanding of how politics work and years of living in between court intrigues, by the way.

The Princess is mature, for her age, and generally well-intending. She won't hurt someone unless she has a valid reason to.

?Let's go talk with her before the Dowager Empress,? I say, and the Princess seems to wake up from a daze.

She nods, a little too fiercely for a royal.

We walk towards the centre of the hall, reaching Caroline Grahm a moment before the Empress. Seeing that we were faster, the woman pretends to have been approaching another girl from the start, and she talks with the Marquise's daughter.

Good, first step achieved. Now, let's make Caroline Grahm think we're on the same side. At least for what regards his majesty's hand and the free spot next to him.