Chapter 276   - Debut Ball (4)

There is much work to do to transform a teenager into a real Emperor. The foundation is strong, and he's learning every day at a commendable speed.

But some things are hard for an advisor to pinpoint. Only someone that was once a ruler can recognise the early phases of rulership.

One doesn't just acknowledge they have what it takes to wear a crown. Unless they're crazy, that is.

At first, one doubts their own capabilities and talents. Until, one day, they turn back and see how a country worked for years under their incompetent commands.

Only then, a ruler understands how much they're worth. And that not everything is as dark as it sometimes seems. Not all the qualities of this world are actually needed to sit on a throne.

It's not easy to be a wise ruler, but it's not impossible either. The secret is to stay in between the two extremes: doing everything by oneself and allowing the officers to take control.


The secret is balance.

?What are you thinking about with such a focused expression, Duchess?? the Emperor inquires, curious about my daze.

?Just philosophy,? I chuckle. ?Life is always a surprise. We don't know what tomorrow has in store for us. Let alone the next few years.?

?Is that a warning??

?Just an observation. We can't have control over everything. No one can. It's all about how well one adapts to unpredicted situations.?

?For sure, you're one of those that adapt pretty well.?


?Thank you, your majesty. I do my best.?

Till now, my best has been quite enough.

After managing to steal Caroline Grahm from the Dowager Empress, by talking to her first, I can relax and observe the events for the rest of the evening.

I lean back on the chair, trying to find a position that doesn't inconvenience me too much. It's difficult, especially for my back.

My bones ache, and I swear I heard them crack a couple of times.

The Princess socialises on her own, letting me have a few minutes of rest.

Elisabeth Grahm throws daggers from her eyes.

The Emperor oversees the hall with a bored expression.

Everything is in its place. I don't need to worry about a thing. Not now, at least.

Until the Dowager Empress walks to our table and bows her head to the Emperor.

?Might I sit next to you?? she asks her stepson.

?Of course, mother. There aren't many chairs in the Palace where you can't sit.?

Just one: the throne.

The Dowager Empress smiles tenderly as if his majesty's words didn't annoy her one bite, and she sits next to me.

?I'd ask Duchess Kyre if she's feeling all right. Her expression isn't as calm as usual...?

?I'm just tired, your majesty. It must be a consequence of my state,? I reply, swift and precise. ?My back aches because of the weight of the baby. I can't wait for this to be over...?

?If it weren't for your belly, one would think you're having fun while your husband is away,? she chuckles.


?I don't understand,? I say, blinking confused. What have I done that could be interpreted like that?

?You usually stay hidden in your wing of the Palace, but it's easier to see you around from when your husband left... Oh, I'm sure it's all a coincidence.?

?This is the first event I attend, your majesty,? I point out. ?And it's a debut, not a ball or a banquet.?

?Oh, don't get me wrong!? she exclaims. ?I didn't want to insinuate anything, believe me, Duchess...?

?Oh, of course not,? I chuckle. ?Your majesty said it: I'm not capable of crossing any line while in this state. Even if I had any ill intent, who would look twice at me??

She smiles, bringing a lock of her hair behind an ear and showing me her perfect waistline, tightened by the corset to pain.

I am a little envious, but what I'm carrying is more important than my physical appearance. I don't need to be attractive to anyone but my Duke, after all.

?Don't talk like that,? the Princess intrudes. She walked here as soon as she saw the Empress, and she managed to hear our last exchanges. ?You're beautiful, sister. They say pregnant women become prettier, and it's the case with you for sure. You weren't this radiant before... I can't believe my brother didn't tell you this, by the way. What does he have in his head??

I bite my tongue not to laugh and talk only when I have my temper under control. I wasn't expecting this.

?It's not like that, your highness. My husband did tell me all of that, to be honest. Several times. But I don't think it was sincere. Rather, the way of a worried husband to reassure his wife.?

?You two must be in love,? the Empress comments, settled on not letting my word be the last.

As she wishes, I'm not desperate to be noticed by anyone. And for sure, I'm not itching to get back his majesty's trust.

?Thank you, your majesty,? I reply, bowing my head to hide my innocent smile. As if I was embarrassed to admit my feelings for my husband.

Oh, I was settled on not thinking about him at least tonight. But all those people continue mentioning him, for goodness!

The Dowager Empress will continue with her attacks, aiming at embarrassing me or showing to the court who, among us two, is the real counsellor for his majesty. She wants her position back by any means. And she wants me out of the picture, as a change.

Will it ever come a time when my existence won't be a hindrance for someone? Will my life become boring if such a day comes?

?Aren't you worried, though? Your beloved husband is in between barbarian tribes, trying to bring peace to the northern border. Yet you're here, having fun with all of us.?

What else should I do? Hide in my chambers and worry for the whole day?