Chapter 779 Mountain Gates

In the square of the cold cave, a huge world law seed is formed.

This world law seed, one person is tall, huge, and the intricate runes on it are flashing, containing a combination of many laws, between the random rotation, those laws have a powerful world power. The power of the law of one stock is fed back to the most deep corners of all places in Dongtian.


The caves are shaking, and the changes occur again. The mountains rise, the forests are dense, the sun and the moon alternate, the stars are dense, the sea is born in the flat land, rivers, oceans, lakes, fish, birds and beasts, and even some primitive human-like The monks appeared in the cave.

No, this should not be called a cave, but a world, a real world.

Now, the world of Fang Han, the life of the world, the space inside does not know how big. There are almost a million. At that time, Taiyi taught the supreme, cultivated into his own world, and expanded it. At most, it was a hundred thousand miles. Now the world of Fang Han is ten times bigger than him!


It can be seen how strong the savings of Fang Han are.

Nowadays, the world rule of some kings is only the size of a fist. Even if it is a white beast, only the size of the watermelon, and Fang Han can not be compared.

"My world is finally born, the world structure is gradually stable." Fang Han expanded his world and stopped expanding after the world expanded to a radius of 3 million to 600,000. This is the limit. If it expands again, the earth, mountains, rivers, and souls inside will collapse and re-restore into the most essential world.

Later, it can be regrouped, but the creatures cultivated inside will be plagued by disasters.

Finally stepped into the "world of kingdom", longevity seven. A landmark sign, the meaning of this sign, is equivalent to the magical ten golden dragon, is a small giant. Once the monk stepped into the realm of the kingdom and had his own world, he truly entered the implication of the immortality and created the power.

Lifespan is increasing in madness.


Power, endless ascension.

Whether it is Huang Quantu, or the Eight Buddhism, or the Emperor Fire Dragon Ding, the Black Emperor Chaoshan, the infinite Hengsha, the Cangsheng Dayin, are cheering, the source is shaking, their power of the world and the power of the world of Fang Han are harmonious. The intimacy and the deepest prohibition power have also been fully developed.

The world's original law is used to motivate the perfection device to be able to exert the true power of the perfect product.

The master of the kingdom of the world has been able to refine the perfect machine.

"It's so comfortable! Is this the mysterious king of the kingdom? I feel that I have truly become the king of the world, the king of heaven and earth, the life! Power! The skill of manipulating the magic weapon! The means of evolving the soul, everything is in my grasp Fang Han pinched his fist and noticed his life, not only recovered completely, but also reached a horrible number, one million years!

A million years of life!

In the secular, 5,000 years of history can brew an epic civilization.

For a million years, you can see the vast sea of ​​mulberry fields. The winds and clouds are changing. I don’t know how many civilizations have disappeared, and how many civilizations have arisen. In an instant, Fang Han realized the truth of the monk's longevity.

In the long river of history, any existence is a wave, and then it will be vanished, and it will disappear. Only by making itself live longer, it will splash the waves of life for a longer time.

The life span reached a million years of horror, and the power of Fang Han also increased by one trillion yuan. Finally, it stayed at the level of ninety-nine trillion.

The general king of the kingdom, the mana is between one trillion and ten trillion, even the white king, the king of the beast, now the mana is about ten trillion.

And Fang Han, but more than ten times stronger than the white !! This kind of horrible promotion is almost the first person in the world.


Fang Hanzheng was immersed in the process of strength and life promotion, and suddenly a voice came and interrupted his pleasure.

Ms. Mibao’s bursts of force were transmitted, as if she had to take her own strength away, and she was ruddy, and now she has benefited greatly in her promotion to the kingdom.

"How? Finally, I was promoted to the kingdom of the world? I can't think of it, your savings are so strong. There are so many unique dishes." Miss Mi Bao saw Fang Han wake up from the realm and suddenly flew up. There was a piece of clothing on the body, and he wrapped himself up to be sturdy, still sacred, and high in the sky.

Fang Han’s heart was slightly disappointed, but it also stabilized his body shape. When he stood up, Huang Quan’s figure was wrapped in yellow clothes and wrapped around his body. After a while, he became a monk standing at the top of the world. The momentum of the whole body is more sharp and sharp, as if to tear the fairy world, above all rules.

"Miss Mikhail..."

Just had a dew relationship with Miss Mi Bao, and there was a trace of unnaturalness between Fang Han’s speech. It seems to have experienced a spring dream.

"Also called me Missy?" Mi Bao's eyebrows moved: "Just call me Mibao. Also, although I have this fate with you, but now I don't owe each other, you are from the **** of Lance. I have saved my life in my hand, and I have saved my life now. Don't treat me as your woman. My Mibao is still the heir to the treasure, and the upper level of Jiuqing is too high."

"What are you planning for Mibao now?" Fang Handao: "Or take the treasure? The ethereal library?"

"It's no use. The Protoss already know that I have the thing of the ethereal order. This treasure house has ten **, I am afraid it has been monitored by the Protoss. I am now ready to return to Baoyan and make plans. And in the double repair with you, I got In your body, the big yin and yang techniques, the big five elements, and many other martial arts methods of the 3,000th Avenue, you must retreat again. I hope to break through the laws of life and death and reach the real fairyland. The position in the heavens of Jiuqing is once again elevated. ""

Mi Bao shook his head.

"Since you have to go back to practice, I have something. However, I have thirty-three days to all the refining methods of the treasure, and I will tell you!" Fang Han Zhang spit out a page of gold books, falling into the treasure In the hands, "Thirty-three days to the treasure of the refining method, I also told Qi Zhenjun, because I imprisoned his son, he chased me, I have to succumb to the snake, he is afraid to have the materials, to start Practice. I hope you pay attention to Mibao, and then grab it!"

"Oh? No wonder before I came, Qi Zhenjun saw me and wanted to buy some materials from my diversion rock." Mibao contemplatively said: "This is indeed an opportunity, thirty-three days to the treasure, not a small one, once the refining is successful, It will dominate the world and glory many different spaces. This attraction to Qi Zhenjun is naturally more important than his son. No wonder he does not chase you. This set of treasures is too important for me, I will collect it first. Materials, after waiting for the collection to be successful, we have refining together, with the help of the baby's promotion to the vision of the heavens and the earth. Great benefits."

Between the words, Miss Mibao’s body moves, the space jumps, and between the moments, it goes without a trace.

Seeing this woman who had just had a fate with her, she simply left, and there was some loss in Fang Han’s heart. However, in a blink of an eye, he adjusted his mind again and looked at the familiar Xuanhuang big world. .

"I finally promoted to the kingdom of the world! But in the world, there are not many creatures. I have to arrest a lot of people for life. It is best to be a protoss, a demon outside the world! All kinds of demons! Unfortunately, so many gods, all Sacrifice. Otherwise, it is now included in my world, running the world, at least I can be three or five times stronger!"

While Fang Han is running his own world, he explores the world's embryonic form and finds it empty. Just like a solid city, no one is going to defend.

It is a pity that he thinks of the many demons that have been sacrificed by the sacrificial offerings.

"No matter what, first return to the feather door and say. Waiting for the Protoss army to come, I will turn to the infinite Protoss." Fang Han stood up and flew away toward the feather door.

Now, in the world of Xuanhuang, he is located in a remote mountain. He does not know how many miles away from the feather gate. Ordinary Jindan master, I am afraid to fly for several months, but he can now move directly in the interstellar, but also can not be considered what.

Without a few breaths, the feathers of the mountains are displayed in front of their own eyes.

The scene in front of him surprised him. The feathered mountains in front of him have completely changed their appearance. Thousands of hills have been covered by a sky-shaped sky, and the big floor blocks have moved. Fang Han can even feel it. In the depths of the earth, the vast expanse of firepower, the gas of various mantles is continuously extracted and integrated into the treasury mask.

The emergence of the Heavenly Palace, but the power has been completely opened, the endless sky in the sky, the power of the stars, all kinds of tides have been taken down, but also into the protective mask.

Among the mountains of the Yuhuamen, many disciples flew around and spurred each other. In the mountains, some alchemy, some swords, some refining, a busy, tense Breath, and the idleness that I have seen before, the leisure time is absolutely different, it has come a big change.

"Come and people? Close to my feathering hills."

Fang Han swayed into the big pendulum, and did not hide his body shape. He is now the head of the feathering door, and his status is lofty. Hua Tian, ​​who is against him, has been expelled from the door by Feng Baiyu, and naturally he is returning home.

However, just as he approached the mountain of Yuhuamen, from the mask, suddenly a few disciples flew out, facing the side of the cold and screamed: "This month, I have a big event to be handled, and declined all guests. Please go back quickly."

"Is there something big to do? I am the head of Yuhuamen, Fang Han!" Fang Han’s eyes swept a little, and found that these disciples have cultivated into the mysterious secrets. They are three-fold, four-fold disciples. It’s not bad, but I don’t know it. It seems to have been promoted recently.

However, Fang Han is not unusual for this. It must be that Feng Baiyu knows that the robbery is approaching, and he has begun to accelerate the time. He will not be pure Yang Yang and create his disciples.

"What? You are Fang Han?"

When a few disciples heard it, they were all shocked, but their faces showed a vigilant look.