Chapter 778 is the king of the king

"Fang Han, Fang Han, although your cultivation is still low, only the heavens, but your strength, but you can already counter the virtual fairy, and I have never seen a man who is more determined than your will, this time If you didn't save me, I would probably fall into the hands of the Protoss, tens of thousands of years of cultivation, and be destroyed."

While adjusting the temperament of Fang Han and his body, he helped his body re-consolidate the immortal material. Mi Bao touched the face of Fang Han with his hand and suddenly changed his tone.

"Miss Mikhail, what are you doing?"

Fang Han suddenly felt that there were some strange behaviors in Mibao, and there were some flaws in his voice. He couldn’t help but be amazed and tried to run his body and stand up.

However, he suddenly discovered that his vitality has been sealed, and even the eight floating sects in the body, Huang Quantu, water and fire wings, Cangsheng Dayin, Wuliang Hengsha, were sealed in their own caves, and all leaked. Not coming out, in other words, now Fang Han has become a normal person.

This is the seal of Mibao.


"Don't do anything, it's just to heal you." Miss Mibao suddenly became very charming: "So seal your hole in the sky, lest some people in the sky see it."

"Take me a cure, seal my hole? What are you going to do?" Fang Han hurried, struggling to stand up, but was held down by Miss Mibao.

"Of course it is a double repair with you. I have a big fairy technique here. It is called Taishang Rongqing and rebelling against Tianyuan Road. It was my teacher's respect when I broke through the virtual fairy, and taught it to me, saying that I will meet in the future. The first time I robbed, I should have met the man who was destined for it. If I doubled with this man, I would eliminate a lot of robbery in the future."

Ms. Mi Bao is blunt and screams.

"What, and I double repair?" Fang Han was shocked and stunned, and the blue sky was generally: "You..."

"How? I have been practicing for tens of thousands of years. I haven’t done it with a man. The average man, where can I enter my eyes?" Mi Bao proudly said, "Only you are cold, it really makes me tempted. God respects, earth-shattering. The will is strong, and it must be the great man of Megatron in the future, but my Mibao is also a master of the immortal, is it not worthy of you?"


"This..." Fang Han's eyes moved: "Mr. Mi Bao's identity is honorable, how can I get the cold? How can I get Missy's wrong love?"

"Nothing. I like it." Mi Bao sneered and laughed: "And to heal you, you must use the yin essence that I have cultivated for tens of thousands of years to help you adjust your strength, and at the same time, you practice the Big Five. It also has a lot of benefits for me. They are all tyrannical characters of the long-lived mystery. They look at each other's eyes, double-repair, strengthen each other's cultivation, and treat the pain. It is nothing. My Mibao has never touched a man. But it’s not stupid to practice for tens of thousands of years. There are more Taoist monks in the martial art. It’s just that no man has been in my eyes.”

Mi Bao practiced for tens of thousands of years, Fang Han is actually not a young man. In Huang Quantu, he accelerated the time and also cultivated for nearly 20,000 years. He also counted the 20,000-year old blame. This kind of monk, the mind is naturally not as childish as a little boy and little girl.

"What? You agree?"

Mi Bao saw Fang Han sinking into silence and suddenly reached out... Fang Han’s body was chilling. If the power of the statement is still there, Fang Han can still resist with the magical powers, but now, it is equal to an ordinary person, and Fang Han can bear it.

Although Miss Mibao did not touch the former man, but in the end is a high-level immortal, what has not seen? The technique is a kind of fairy technique called "Tai Shang Rong Qing Chao Tian Yuan Dao". Once it is displayed, the man who is strong again can't bear it.


Fang Han couldn't stand it and hugged Mi Bao.

When the clothes fell, the two men entangled in an instant.

"Fang Han, you are my first man, but we are all masters of practice. Now I teach you the secret of sorrowful rebellion against Tianyuan Road. If you cooperate with me, you can heal the wound and restore your life. yuan."

A mysterious idea entered the mind of Fang Han.

Fang Han immediately felt that some of his seals seemed to be opened. A trace of magical power, flowed out.

In this, he immediately realized some of the supreme truth of the Great Yin and Yang technique, and passed the past the secret of the cultivation of the Great Yin and Yang.

In the combination of the two, the power is brewing, all kinds of magical exchanges, the vitality is completely combined.

The huge vitality of Mibao's body completely washes the body of Fang Han, and the magical meaning of Fang Han is also passed into the other's mind, and the pleasant impact continues.

After another impact, Fang Han’s body was once again running, and countless pure yang medicines began to burn!

Ms. Mibao’s eyes also opened, and with the help of Fang Han, she joined the world. She suddenly combined the world with her own cold and the cold, and began the most profound combination in the double repair.

"Fang Han, the nine Qing dynasty I cultivated, is the most pure fairy of the thunder, and now helps you to repair the injury, concise the cave, and practice together!" Miss Mi Bao, the tone is full of love Intention, it seems that I finally chose a wishful Lang Jun, nine clean air, spit out from her mouth, she hooked Fang Han’s neck with one hand, kissed her up, and then passed the vitality into the body of Fang Han.


Immediately, Fang Han’s body had undergone earth-shaking changes. He was seriously injured, but he was double-repaired with Miss Mibao, and he was fully injured by a master of virtual fairy. He recovered very quickly. In the spoon of the wilderness, all kinds of healing medicinal herbs should not be delivered.

Numerous clear light, full of his cave days, many thousand avenues, rotating. Blend with Mibao.

Space, time, creation, heaven, and many laws are all confused, and the eight Buddhism, the Cangsheng, the Huangquan, the water and the fire, the complete imprisonment in the cave, followed by the rotation, these unique The power of the world was completely released and forced into the cave wall system.

Last time, Fang Han shocked the "world of kingdom" and concocted Dong Tian to the limit. This time, in the process of double repair with Mi Bao, it once again hit.

Originally, it is impossible to create the power of the world out of thin air. However, it is not the same as having a perfect taster. There is a world law in the perfect taster, which can continuously generate the power of the world, and directly draw it and force it. Breaking into the hole and transforming into the world is a hegemonic method of impact.

Shock again!

Numerous pure yang medicines burned, many excellent road tools, and even the spoiled roads that passed through the thunder, the power of the world exuded, forcibly squeezed into the square cold cave days.

His hole in the sky seems to be beginning to collapse. The space inside is bursting and the crystal wall is broken. It cannot withstand the squeeze of the power of the world.

But at this time, Mi Bao shot the body and moved into the middle of it, helping the cold and hard squeeze! Each time the crystal wall system is broken, it is repaired once, and the world's power is overbearing into the depths. Time and time again, it has changed hundreds of times. Finally, the cold days of Fang Han began to produce new changes.

In the cave, countless stars and tides surged, and there was a vast starry sky in the sky. The law of space and time, infinite extension, and then the power of the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter, appeared in the cave. The five elements of the hole in the sky began to decompose, precipitate, and evolved into mountains and rivers, flowers and trees, and even various vitalities, gold and stone veins.

The anger in the flesh and blood of Fang Han’s body is suddenly combined with the five elements. In this cave, many animals, birds, tigers, giant bears, apes, and so on, have evolved into seemingly ancient times.

These beasts are all real! It is not an illusion. It is a prototype of the world.

Fang Han now, you can always drop a trace of flesh and blood, after peeling off the body, combined with the five elements of gas, into animal plants. Really worthwhile.

"The world is changed, the universe is with my heart, the vitality is great, the world is new!"

The idea of ​​Fang Han, in this cave, is the temperament of the ancient creation.


A world law seed, agglomerated.