After tying up the dog, Lin Tian carried the completely immobile dog out.

On the road, Lin Tian stopped a taxi and then asked the driver to take him to the best veterinary clinic in the city.

An hour later, Lin Tian came out of the veterinary clinic. When he came out, Lin Tian was still carrying a large dog cage in his hand, and the Doberman was barking in it.

"What's your name!" Lin Tian glared, and said a little impatiently.

Hearing Lin Tian's cursing, the Doberman's voice instantly became smaller.

Glancing at the dog, Lin Tian shook his head, looking helplessly and stopped a taxi again. Continue to the next veterinary clinic.

Lin Tian found nothing in this seemingly high-end veterinary clinic.


Because those veterinarians can't find the dog's problem.

Check that everything is normal, but this dog loves to bite and is very violent. So helpless Lin Tian had to go to another clinic to see if there was any drama.

Half an hour later, Lin Tian once again came out of the veterinary clinic carrying the dog cage with a helpless expression.

Can't find the reason!

The reason cannot be found here!

Helpless, Lin Tian had to go to another place.


Within a few hours, Lin Tian had found five or six veterinary clinics to treat the dog, and even because of this, Lin Tian didn't even eat lunch.

Very hard, but there is no gain.

No clinics can find out why this dog is doing this.

After going to so many clinics in a row, Lin Tian was also a little desperate.

Lin Tian sat down in front of a lawn and muttered to himself, looking a little tired: "I can't find the cause at all, what should I do?"

Lin Tian frowned deeply and looked puzzled: "I can't find the cause, how can I treat and treat the dog?" Lin Tian looked suspicious and dissatisfied.

Thinking about it, Lin Tian suddenly brightened his mind and hesitated: "Could it be..."

Since all the veterinarians couldn't find the dog's problem. That should not be resolved under normal circumstances.


A gleam of light flashed in Lin Tian's mind. Thought of a thing!

Grade 0 healing water!

Lin Tian thought of the 0-level healing water that helped him many times.

Although this healing water is only Grade 0, it has proven its powerful functions several times.

"Is it really necessary to use healing water? This can be a power point!" This 0-level healing water needs a power point to exchange, and Lin Tian is really reluctant.At seven o'clock in the evening, Liu Ruoyu sat on the window sill alone, holding a doll in his arms.

Liu Ruoyu pouted her mouth and looked outside, her expression aggrieved.

She asked her parents just now to get Yangyang back. But he was scolded by his parents, saying that Yangyang was mad, no more.

He also said that Yang Yang must have been captured by the city management, and told her to stop thinking about it.

This makes her very unhappy.

Liu Ruoyu held the doll in his hand tightly and looked at the neighborhood below.

In normal times, she can often see Yang Yang running in the green belt below the community here. but now……

When she thought of this, she seemed a little sad, thinking that she might never see Yangyang again. Her nose was sour, and tears were about to shed.

"Hey, I don't know where Yang Yang is now? I definitely haven't eaten now? Isn't he really caught by the city management..." Liu Ruoyu thought silently.

"It would be great if Yangyang appeared now!" She thought sadly.

But she knew that this was basically impossible.

After thinking for a while, she thought of the big brother she saw during the day.

Think of Lin Tian.

She thinks Lin Tian is very powerful, even though he beat Yang Yang, Lin Tian is indeed very powerful.

"Didn't he say that he would help himself? He said he would cure Yangyang's disease? Will it..." Thinking of this, a glimmer of expectation flashed in the girl's eyes.

But soon, this expectation soon extinguished.

She also told her parents this, but her parents vowed to tell her that Lin Tian was a lie.

Although Liu Ruoyu is young, he also knows that what Lin Tian said is basically impossible to realize.

"Oh, it would be great if it were!" the girl thought sadly.

She slowly stroked the doll in her arms, lowered her head to face the doll and whispered: "Huahua, Yangyang is gone, do you miss it too, I miss it too."

"Oh!" The girl sighed again, her eyes looked down with a little hopelessness.

Suddenly, the girl was stunned for a while, she fixed her eyes, she couldn't believe it.

What is that?

She saw a dark shadow, a familiar dark shadow.

That is a dog, a black Doberman!

"Yangyang!?" Liu Ruoyu stood up with a surprised look.

"Wow!" As if hearing Liu Ruoyu's voice, the Doberman stopped, knelt down and raised his head to shout at Liu Ruoyu.

At this time, a figure also walked over from a distance.

Liu Ruoyu took a look, wasn't that the elder brother who said he wanted to help him during the day?