
Three silver coins are spinning fast on the ground, like three spinning tops!

Lin Tian squatted on the ground, staring tightly.


Three coins slowly stopped! One even stood on the ground.

At the moment when the three coins stopped, a message suddenly spread into Lin Tian's mind.

Lin Tian nodded slightly, and when he was about to pick up the three coins on the ground, a curious voice rang in his ears.


"What are you doing?" Wang Lan looked at Lin Tian curiously, and leaned down slightly.

Lin Tian looked up and found that it was a girl in her twenties.

As she leaned down and the girl was wearing looser clothes, Lin Tian could see a piece of white snow under the collar.

I vaguely saw the red bra.

After a glance, he was afraid of being discovered, so Lin Tian retracted his gaze, raised his head to look at her and said, "I'm divination."

"Divination?" Wang Lan looked at Lin Tian in amazement, and pointed to the three silver coins in Lin Tian's hand: "Just use this?"


"Of course!" Lin Tian nodded naturally. Then he glanced at that Xue Bai again. Afraid of being discovered, Lin Tian didn't look much. But Lin Tian didn't get up either. If he got up, there would be no benefits.

Wang Lan didn't notice Lin Tian's gaze at all, or looked at Lin Tian curiously: "Then what did you fortune tell? Can you do the math for me?"

"What do you think it is?" Lin Tian glanced at that Xue Bai again, and asked with a smile.

"Then you don't care what my name is!" Wang Lan looked at Lin Tian with a smile. She was still bent over without seeing Lin Tian's wretched eyes.

Wang Lan looked at Lin Tian with a smile. She obviously didn't believe Lin Tian could use divination.

Anyone who uses coins for divination?

Don't be funny!

"Yes!" Lin Tian didn't make any excuses at all, holding the coin in his hand and tossing it!


The three coins quickly spun on the ground.

"This hand is fine!" Wang Lan knelt down in surprise as he watched the coins spinning fast on the ground.

Seeing Wang Lan squatting down, Lin Tian was disappointed, and it seemed that the "welfare" was gone.

Disappointed for a while, Lin Tian retracted his eyes and looked at the rotating coin.

After waiting for a while, the coin stopped.

"How is it? Have you figured it out." Wang Lan looked at Lin Tian with a smile. A look of good looks.

She didn't believe Lin Tian at all.

Lin Tian smiled slightly, without any timidity at all. The moment the coin stopped, a name had already appeared in Lin Tian's mind.

Looking at Wang Lan, and then at her look on the show, Lin Tian smiled slightly: "Your last name is Wang, right?"

"Huh?" Wang Lan was taken aback, somewhat surprised.

How does he know?

Is it a guess?

Noting the surprise on Wang Lan's face, Lin Tian smiled again and said: "Your surname is Wang, and your single name is Lan!"

"How do you know?" Wang Lan looked at Lin Tian in surprise.

"I figured it out!" Lin Tian looked at her with a smile, with a smile in his eyes.

"How is it possible? You must have guessed it, or where did you know it!" Wang Lan didn't believe Lin Tian's words at all, and anyone could figure it out from the coin?


Wang Lan firmly does not believe it!

Noting Wang Lan's expression, Lin Tian smiled and said: "I also know that your grandfather actually took your name. Before taking your name, your father also named Wang Lan, the orchid of Lanhua. Later, it was your grandfather who changed it to Lan at the head of the mountain!"

"Ah!" Wang Lan was stunned, with a devilish expression on her face.

This this……

Many of my friends don’t know the story of his name. Why would he know?

Is it really calculated?

After a while, Wang Lan looked at Lin Tian in shock: "You, did you really figure it out?"

"Of course?" Lin Tian looked at her with a smile on his face: "I have always said that I can divination, but you don't believe it."

"Really, really?" Wang Lan still couldn't believe it.He doesn't have time to pay attention to Wang Lan's task now, and the first task is to complete Liu Ruoyu's task. Wang Lan's task had to be left behind.

Turn left and right. Ten minutes later, Lin Tian asked the driver to stop under a demolished building.

After getting off the car, Lin Tian glanced at the demolished building.

This was originally the old city, and the houses in front had to be demolished.

I don't know if the construction staff of the building in front were resting or for other reasons. The building in front of me was half demolished and not demolished.

Lin Tian looked up and saw some stones hanging on the steel bars, which was very dangerous.

After a glance, Lin Tian passed through the isolation belt and walked in.

Lin Tian felt it, the dog was inside.

Walking forward slowly, Lin Tian walked towards a dilapidated second floor based on feelings.


Lin Tian walked up step by step.

"Woo..." Lin Tian faintly heard a dog barking before he walked up.

This voice is full of threats.

Lin Tian's expression remained unchanged, and he walked upward without hurries.

"Wang!" As Lin Tian appeared, a barking dog appeared.

Lin Tian glanced away, and it turned out to be the black Doberman.

But at the moment when he saw Lin Tian, ​​the Doberman who was about to pounce on to bite, not only did not step forward, but took a step back.


Lin Tian actually saw fear in this dog's eyes.

"What a spiritual dog!" Lin Tian exclaimed.

Lin Tian once watched the ranking of dog IQ on the Internet, and the Doberman Pinscher was ranked among the top few dogs. He forgot the fifth or sixth.

Feeling that the dog seems to have some wisdom, Lin Tian did not use force as soon as he came up, but watched him and said, "I don’t know if you can understand what I’m saying. If you can understand, just follow me. Go. I'll see the doctor for you."

Looking at Lin Tian, ​​a trace of confusion flashed in the Doberman's eyes, and even a trace of hesitation.

But the pervasive hesitation quickly disappeared. It stared at Lin Tian with blood-red eyes again, and even screamed at Lin Tian, ​​showing its fangs.

Obviously threatening Lin Tian.

Seeing the fangs exposed in the Doberman's mouth, Lin Tian chuckled: "Do you disagree? That's hard to come!" Lin Tian stepped forward slowly.

"Woo~!" the Doberman screamed, hanging down slightly, showing two white fangs at the corner of his mouth. Blood-red eyes stared at Lin Tian tightly.



Lin Tian clearly saw this in his eyes.

But Lin Tian didn't care, his feet didn't stop, and he continued to walk towards it step by step.

"Oh~!" the Doberman groaned while his body slowly backed away.

Lin Tian's expression remained unchanged, and he continued to step forward.

The Doberman slowly backed away and backed a few steps. The Doberman's pupils shrank and his limbs slammed hard!

call out!

Move like a rabbit!

This flutter is extremely fast!

Lin Tian narrowed his eyes and punched directly!

"Wow!" The Doberman screamed, his mouth grew wildly, and he bit directly at Lin Tian's fist.

Lin Tian snorted coldly, shook his hand, turned his fist into a palm and slapped it directly!


Lin Tian slapped the Doberman's head directly to one side!

Lin Tian waved his hand!


Lin Tian slapped a palm directly on the back of the Doberman's head Woo! "Doberman lay on the ground and wailed for an instant. At the same time, he struggled to get up.

Lin Tian glanced away and found some nylon rope in the corner of the room, so he walked over and picked it up.

Holding a nylon rope in his hand, Lin Tian squatted down and looked at it and said: "Since you are toasting and not eating fine wine, don't blame me for being polite!" As he said, Lin Tian took the rope and tied his limbs directly Up.

"Oh!" Although the Doberman struggled desperately, it was useless under Lin Tian's strange power.

At the same time, Lin Tian also found that the Hetou Dog had a good physical fitness. If ordinary people were beaten like this by himself, he would definitely not have the strength to move. And this dog looks alive just after taking a rest!

A few minutes later, looking at the Doberman Pinscher whose limbs had been completely trapped, Lin Tian clapped his hands: "Okay, I will send you to the vet now."