Chapter 167  : A Scream (part 1)

Watching the scattered golden hair dancing in the wind, the Black Stone King’s face turned pale. This humiliation was akin to being slapped across the face in public. He felt a burning anger welling up in him. However, the cold feeling on his neck was a reminder to control himself from expressing his anger.

It was clear that the strength of the Chambord King far exceeded the description on his report. He was absolutely capable of cutting off his head instantly … this was too horrifying!

The Black Stone King reluctantly turned around and looked at the cavalry soldier by his side in silver armour, and he saw his eyes flash as he undetectably shook his head.

The Black Stone King heaved a sigh. He instantly understood the meaning from the cavalry soldier – it was clear that the Chambord King had greater strength, which had far exceeded the plan they envisioned before. It seemed that the plan would never be achieved… No matter how unwilling his heart felt, there was nothing he could possibly do. In the Azeroth continent where the Law of Jungle, the deterrent force of an elite fighter is way beyond the army. The Black Stone King had only mediocre talent, he had only achieved the two-star strength rank when he reached age fifty. However, the reason he was able to become one of the kings that specially focused on military strength, aside from his royal bloodline, was his forbearance and tactics, so he naturally knew what kind of strategy was the best choice in such situation.

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” One….. Two……”



Fei ignored the enemy’s thoughts. His Majesty sat on the back of [Black Whirlwind] counting numbers. Each number sounded like a heavy hammer that struck into each and everyone of the Blackstone King and knights’ hearts. Fei’s cold voice caused their hearts to beat faster and ther hands to subconsciously grip their weapons strongly.

“Four….. Five……. Six ……”

Fei counted number unhurriedly.

The chilly late autumn wind blew through the whole Blackstone force army. Don’t know why, the Black Stone Army suddenly felt that this gorgeous orange morning sky was unprecedentedly cold.

“……. Seven…… Eight……”


These were just a few simple numbers coming unhurriedly from His Majesty’s mouth, but at this moment these words boiled the blood of every Chambord soldier. It seemed that there were something trying to pour out from their chests. The Black Stone kingdom had always been harsh towards Chambord’s citizens, using any excuse as a chance to abuse them. Who knew that there would be a day that the King of Chambord could, with only sword, deter a whole two thousand Blackstone knights, in addition to forcing the selfish and arrogant Blackstone King to become obsequious, afraid to speak and express his anger. At this moment, Chambord soldiers sunk into anger, and counted the numbers with Fei, as if they were about to vent all the humiliation from the Black Stone Kingdom.

More than a hundred muscular men from Chambord shouted angrily together. The momentum came simultaneously, the voices flowed with the sound of their eagerness to kill, shaking everyone’s soul.

The tide of battle was instantly reversed.

Even though the Chambord expeditionary army was smaller in number, they gained the upper hand in this battle.

The roar from less than two hundred soldiers was even more ground-breaking than the two thousand Blackstone Knights banging their spears against their shields to signal their horses to charge.

Pressing the edge!

No one dared to look straight!

“ Nine……”

Simultaneously, Fei held up an empty hand. There was a purple light that turned into a long purple sword. Every soldier looked at His Majesty the King’s action, and all Chambord city soldiers immediately drew their swords. Along came the sound of metal clanging against each other.

The clash of cold steel became the last straw that broke the camel’s back. The Black Stone King was frightened, and at that moment he as if he remembered the previous phantom-like figure flying through the air to get him again. His horse suddenly reared and neighed, and the king finally exclaimed “Retreat……”

Rumble- !!!

Like a black lake tide receding, the two thousand Black Stone knights backed up the route immediately, and disappeared into Blackstone fortress leaving behind a cloud of white smoke and dust.

“Pooh!” Taurus Golden Knight Drogba spat on the floor in disdain.

“They ran pretty quickly… …” Capricorn Saint Seiya Pierce appeared a little disappointed.


Ten minutes later, the Chambord army arrived at the Black Stone fortress gate.

Fei originally thought that the Blackstone king would try to make things difficult. He even prepared to have Elder princess Tanasha knock on the door. But surprisingly, the Black Stone fortress gates were widely opened, Blackstone defenders obviously had received an order to not block the Chambord army. They directed Fei’s people into the city.

“Could it be that the Black Stone king wants to trap us in and fight us … wrap me up like a dumpling after I enter the city?” Fei thought casually, without a trace of fear. He petted the [Black Whirlwind] under his crotch and became the first who stepped into the Black Stone fortress.

Cech and Lampard who were behind Fei obviously also had the same thought. Several commands were passed down, and the expeditionary formation changed. Angela and Natasha’s carriage got assigned more Bylaw Enforcement Officers to guard and the formation became looser on the outside, but tough on the inside. Everyone stayed highly alerted. However, there weren’t any attacks from the beginning till the end.

Inside the Black Stone fortress was very calm, and everything was running orderly.

Fei carefully observed this hostile country’s number 1 military fortress with thoughts in his mind.

Chapter 167  : A Scream (part 2)

Due to the geographical and strategic aspects, the Black Stone fortress was completely militarized. All the buildings were piled together by the giant black stones, and there were no buildings made of wood. Moreover, all the layout and levels of the buildings were designed after careful and reasonable planning. Even the two sides of the mountain peak was cut out for the dense stone chamber and the outpost was fully loaded with armed archers hidden inside.

The streets of the fortress were narrow, and the terrain was like a maze. Even if the enemy were to break the gates and rush in, they could not be able to organize a large-scale attack, and have no choice but to split into a fragmented team. The loosened strength of most forces would then be eliminated by the Black Stone army who were familiar with the geography.

The fortress perfectly embodied the genius design of the cold weapon era’s military fortress, and it was just like a cold-blooded killing machine entrenched between the valleys.

The Black Stone king treated the fortress seriously. Before Fei and his army came in, a lot of the military facilities had been hidden to prevent exposing their strength to the enemies from Chambord City, so what Fei looked at was just one tenth of the actual fortress’s military power.

The widest street that went through the entire fortress was only about two meters wide, which almost only allows a carriage through. There were only a few people on the street. There were not many residents or small traders. All they saw were armed soldiers and large caravans travelling in the Fortress. The Black Stone fortress occupied the shortest road leading to St.Petersburg, and it was heavily taxed for anyone who wanted to pass by. Usually only those bigger caravans could afford it.

Besides the soldiers and a small number of caravans, most people here were slaves.

Mining slaves!!

The Black Stone City opened a lot of mines in the mountains under the scorching sun. The mines steadily produces large quantities of ores at all times, which was one of their national income pillars, as well as the Black Stone King’s foundation for his military. As long as there was enough population, he could easily organize a heavily armed army since the supply of iron weapons would never be a problem, unlike for Chambord City.

To the Black Stone king, the only problem was the lack of slaves for

mining, which explains why this country liked wars. It’s because wars could

bring them a large number of prisoners and these prisoners were one of the great sources

for high quality slaves.

Since the crowning of the ambitious current generation Black Stone King in the past 30 years, Black Stone City had conflicted with countless countries in order to meet the labour needs of their mining, and they would also support some of the thieves and mercenary groups secretly, slaughtering other countries for slaves. Chambord was one of the countries to suffer the most. Especially in the last three years, Chambord’s national strength was weak and the king was a recognized retard, with the ambitious Bazel stirring chaos in politics. At least one-sixth of the young and middle-aged labour had been secretly kidnapped to this scorched mountain region as slaves. With countless injuries and casualties, those slaves led to the Black Stone kingdom’s glory.

The unresolvable hatred between the two kingdoms was already instilled between them a long time ago. .

This was why Fei began the massacre last night, and it also explained why Pierce, Drogba and even people like Warden Oleg were enjoying the killing when fighting Black Stone Kingdom’s soldiers. The City Of Chambord suffered a lot because of them, many women lost their husbands, many children became orphans, lots of old people did not have a home and had no one to rely on…… This was all because of the Kingdom of Black Stone.

The Chambord expedition army slowly moved forward on the street.

When they entered the center Black Stone’s fortress, Fei frowned.

Because he saw on the sides of the center square, erected three to four hundred blood-stained stone pillars of different height. The white pillars are very eye-catching being surrounded by black buildings. With the pillars stained with a large amount of blood, they looked terrifying. Despite the late autumn season, there were still a large number of flies buzzing and dancing near the pillars. Of course, that was not the only reason Fei frowned. He noticed that on some stone pillars, there were iron chains tightly tied to naked and skinny people.

These people, without exception, were covered with shocking scars.

Fei noticed very soon, some people that were tied to the pillars had already been tortured to death or were already in coma, while some maintained a sense of consciousness but groaned painfully, sounding like a wounded beast with deformed twitching facial expressions. Death might be their preferred option at this point.

“Your Majesty, those mining slaves who did something wrong were dragged and hung onto the pillars to deter other slaves!” Cech whispered.

Fei nodded, he did not say anything.

In the land of Azeroth nowadays, Fei expected that there would be some cruel scenes like this, but he did not have the authority nor ambition to do anything about it… But, it’s just that seeing this scene led to some uncomfortable feelings and emotions.

Just at that moment, suddenly, there was was miserable screamm that came from the other side of the square.