Chapter 166  : The Meeting of Two Kings

The bloody killing at night came and left fast.

In less than ten minutes, Blackstone’s cavalry of two hundred men was completely wiped out after the last scream resonated under the night sky. The six masters from Chambord didn’t stop and quickly disappeared into the darkness like ghosts in the night. Except for the blood that was running on the ground like rivers and the bloody smell from the one-sided cruel battle that occurred, no trace was left.

After more than an hour, there was finally some other sounds.

A small team of cavaliers in silver armor that were riding on black armored war horses rushed out of the stone fortress from afar with torches in their hands. Their cavaliers were chatting and laughing among themselves, and the atmosphere was very light. Soon, they got close to the battleground. When they were about to arrive, a single-eyed cavalier frowned out of curiosity as his guards paced themselves. He made a hand gesture to the cavaliers that were still charging after him at full speed, and the cavaliers immediately slowed down. They drew out their swords and held tightly onto their shields as they all went on guard.

“There’s such a thick and bloody smell. Could it be that Prince Eric and his men fought with the bastards from Chambord already?”

With the question on his mind, the single-eyed cavalier slowly rode his horse forward. He saw a dark small hill in the shadows. A night breeze suddenly blew by and brought along a thick, disgusting and bloody smell that made him and the rest of the cavaliers want to puke. The horses that the cavaliers were riding on were scared; these horses neighed in fear as they stepped back continuously. The single-eyed cavalier jumped off of the horse as he grabbed a torch from a cavalier beside him and threw it forward.



Whoosh – !

The flames flickered in the night breeze and lit up the darkness in front of them.

“God… What am I seeing?”

At that moment, every cavalier felt like they were placed in a fridge in hell; they felt like all their blood was freezing up.

No one expected that the small hill in the shadows was made from piling Blackstone Kingdom’s corpses. Blood, torn armor, broken swords, chipped blades, dead horses, white bones, and human heads… they were all piled onto each other uniformly by someone. On top of this hill made of corpses, a somewhat complete cavalier spear was stabbed onto the “hill”, and a head with a helmet was attached to the other end of the spear. Red blood was dripping down the body of the spear, and most of the blood had already solidified… “No… it’s Prince Eric!!!” The single-eyed cavalier shouted as he couldn’t believe what was in front of him.


“Who attacked them?”

“It must be those guys from Chambord… They must have ambushed them around here and attacked Prince Eric by surprise. Except for them, no other forces are a match for Prince Eric and his men…”

“So cruel, not a single person survived!”

These cavaliers couldn’t think straight anymore. As the night wind blew through the trees, numerous leaves fell off the trees to the ground. These cavaliers felt like there were numerous killers hiding in the dark, preparing to give them the lethal and deadly blow. The scenery around them was scary and ghastly; since their enemies could kill Prince Eric with his two hundred cavaliers quietly, then the twenty of them couldn’t even last a second if the enemies really wanted to kill them. The single-eyed cavalier quickly realized the dangerous situation they were in, so he took the head of Prince Eric off the spear on the “hill” and carefully wrapped it in his cape. After he did that, he quickly turned around, jumped onto his horse, and quickly escaped from this murderous place with his cavaliers as if they would die if they stayed there one more second.

They came fast like the wind, but left in a hurry like homeless dogs; they didn’t even take care of their peers’ corpse by burying them properly.

The beautiful golden sun gradually climbed out from behind the mountains on the Far East and covered the land in a bright golden light.

It was another pretty, yet quiet morning.

The only thing was that there was a red glow in the sky, as if red blood had dyed the half of it. It was very clear and eye-catching.

The Chambord Expeditionary Force started to progress forward again. They marched towards the entrance to the [Burning Sun Mountains]. The temperature in the morning was still a little bit chilly. Angela and Emma went into Eldest Princess Tanasha’s magic carriage to chat with and keep her company. Fei rode on the big black dog and led everyone at the very front of the troop. As he saw the red glow in the sky, he laughed and said, “Oh, see? Blood had stained the sky. There must have been some bloody fight that occurred last night…”

Everyone around the king laughed as they heard his majesty speak.

Two of Fei’s henchmen Pierce and Drogba were both riding on the back of Roaring Flame Beasts. They rubbed the blades on their axes as they still felt a little thirsty when thinking about what happened last night. The fat and huge Warden Oleg was obviously still immersed in the beautiful memory, but the commander of the Saint Seiyas Force Cech was still silent. He carefully observed the surroundings, and there were Saint Seiyas on Roaring Flame Beasts from afar who were waving a little green flag. This meant that everything was fine.

A smile appeared on Lampard, who was riding a Roaring Flame Beasts behind Fei, subconsciously. Last night was the first time that he used Lighting Speed Fists in battle, and the effectiveness of it was beyond his expectation. Using lightning-attribute warrior energy, his attack speed after being empowered from a few secret energy connection channels was very impressive. Lampard had never dreamed that he would be able to retrain his lightning-attribute warrior energy after that devastating destruction; e also never dreamed that he could get his hands on a new and unimaginable training path and retrain. His warrior energy recovered at such a fast speed. He couldn’t imagine what kind of power and achievement he could obtain if he trained the Lightning Speed Fists to its peak since King Alexander said that this training scroll wasn’t at its final form, and that there was still room for improvement and refinement.

With his fists held tightly together, Lampard felt the power that he missed for a long time.

As the expeditionary force got closer to the foot of the mountain, the military fortress of Blackstone Kingdom was getting clearer and clearer in their eyes. This fortress made out of a black material was built right next to the mountain, where its defense walls covered three directions. The defense walls that were about twenty meters tall were very hard and firm. When Fei took a closer look, he could tell that they were made by stacking unforged iron ores together. Two-hundred-meter-tall warrior statues were standing on top of the two mountains behind the fortress. Battlements on the defense wall were placed uniformly, and a ton of heavily-armored soldiers were sent here by the King of Blackstone to guard it. This was a strategically located fortress that was easy to guard, but hard to siege! On top of that, this fortress perfectly blocked the only path on [Burning Sun Mountains] that led to the Capital St. Petersburg, so it was a very important fortress that took advantage of Chambord!

If Chambord’s Expeditionary Force wanted to arrive at St. Petersburg on time, they would have to get across this fortress called Blackstone Fortress.

However, Chambord Kingdom and Blackstone Kingdom were currently in a hostile relationship; it would be very hard for Chambord’s Expeditionary Force to get across. If the expeditionary force of Chambord didn’t put up the flag that stated that they were going for Zenit’s Military Exercise, they would be treated as invaders by Blackstone Kingdom as soon as they stepped into Blackstone’s territories. Someone had recommended Fei to choose another path and avoid going through [Burning Sun Mountains]. They wanted to get to St. Petersburg by walking on the edge of the mountain since the Roaring Flame Beasts and the war horses were fast. Therefore, they would be able to arrive at St. Petersburg on time. However, Fei rejected that recommendation.

If they did that, wouldn’t it show that Chambord was scared of Blackstone?

Fei was going to step over Blackstone Fortress directly with pride.

The only thing was that before Chambord’s Expeditionary Force could get close to Blackstone Fortress, the gate to the fortress suddenly opened. Then, a series of bugle sounds resonated in the sky. The dust on the ground was sent into the sky as a black armored cavalier force rushed out of the fortress; there were at least two thousand cavaliers in that force. A blonde haired and bearded elder that was about fifty years old led the charge. He was wearing a golden helmet covered in diamond. His expression was gloomy, and viciousness filled his eyes. He pointed his hands forward, and the cavaliers divided themselves into two streams and charged at Chambord’s Expeditionary Force from the two sides with unhidden hostility and murderous intent.

“Formation – Defense!”

Cech kept his cool the entire time. He shouted and the fifty Saint Seiyas jumped off of the Roaring Flame Beasts and hooked the fifty-iron tower shields together. They instantly formed one mobile iron defense wall. The defense wall formed into a V-shape. At the very front of the formation, Warden Oleg laughed viciously with the huge axe held tightly in his hands. Right behind him, Pierce and Drogba stood beside each other with two hammers… When facing enemies, the three battle hungry warriors didn’t have any sense of fear on their faces, and an excited and hungry expression appeared instead.

Crack, crack, crack – !

The hundred Bylaw Enforcement Force divided themselves into two groups. One group sat on their horses and drew their bows. White-feathered arrows shined in the sun and were aimed at the enemies that were charging at them. These soldiers were all god-tier archers, and they had the ability to shoot down fifty elite enemy cavaliers with one round of firing. The other group in the Bylaw Enforcement Force made of fifty soldiers guarded the Eldest Princess’s magic carriage to prevent Her Highness and the future queen Angela from being attacked by the cavaliers.

As for King Alexander, he had no one beside him except for his bodyguard Fernando-Torres.

In every soldier’s eyes, their king was a true invincible master who didn’t need the protection of weaker soldiers. If they actually stood in front of the king, it would be an insult to him.

The cavaliers from Blackstone Kingdom rushed by quickly.

Although they had a strong presence, they didn’t charge and initiate the attack right away. Instead, they circled around Chambord’s Expeditionary Force. They rode their horses around Chambord’s force in circles as they collided their spears with their shields and made loud sounds. The noise from more than two thousand people hitting their shields sounded like an earthquake and the gods’ anger. These sounds were so loud that they seemed tangible. A violent wind blew the dust off the ground and pushed it towards the Chambord’s force that was surrounded in the middle.

This was battle presence, the battle presence of cavaliers.

On the battlefield, if their battle presence was used properly, it would achieve the goal of making the enemies surrender without fighting them.

In many situations, the rookie soldiers who had never fought in battle or wars before would mentally break down and crap their pants when they experience it for the first time.

It was obvious that these two thousand cavaliers were veterans who had been through numerous battles. They were very experienced at creating impressive battle presence. Although there were only a little more than two thousand enemies, they created the presence of having more than ten thousand soldiers. The palms of every Chambord soldier started to sweat. Their lips started to dry, and their throats started to tickle as they felt nervous. After all, they had never been through a real battle on the battlefield.

However, all these were not important because Chambord had a super big black dog.

“Woof! Woof! Woof!”

The big black dog that was letting out a deep roar through its throat suddenly started to shouted angrily; it was so loud that it sounded like a huge dragon’s howl.

What happened next was unimaginable – The dog’s bark instantly covered the battle presence that the more than two thousand cavaliers created. Also, this dog bark had an indescribable and shocking effect on the horses. More than a dozen Blackstone’s horses that were running around Chambord’s Expeditionary Force suddenly collapsed onto the group due to fear. Their bodies started to twitch, and white foam spurted out of their mouths. The cavaliers that were riding on them didn’t expect this to happen. Like dumplings, they all fell to the ground due to the momentum… This scene made the battle presence that the Blackstone’s cavaliers created with a ton of effort instantly disappear.

Everyone from Chambord didn’t hesitate to laugh at this.


The elder with the golden helmet shouted, and the Blackstone’s cavaliers that were circling around Chambord’s Expeditionary Force stopped. The dozen poor cavaliers were already stomped on into meat paste by their peers. The viciousness and hatred in the elder’s eyes was so great that it could almost be solidified. He divided the cavaliers in half and rode his horse forward towards Fei slowly as he stared at him tightly. He was holding onto the golden sword in his hands so tightly that his palms were turning white. His knuckles were popping, and his veins were bulging. After a while, he let one of his hands go from the sword unwillingly as he said maliciously, “I’m Condi, the king of Blackstone. King Alexander, leave the murderers of my third prince Eric and my two hundred cavaliers and I will let you guys go. Otherwise…!”

As he said that, all of cavaliers that surrounded Chambord’s Expeditionary Force pointed the tip of their spears at them in cooperation with their king’s threat.

The murderous spirit was real.

“Yawn… Auh. I don’t know what you are talking about.” Fei stretched his back and said, “Someone was killed last night? No wonder why there was a bright rosy dawn this morning. The shouting last night prevented me from getting a good night of sleep. King of Blackstone, the public security and order in your Blackstone territory is not very good!”

“You…” The golden haired and golden beard strong elder was so mad that his heart skipped a beat. His expression became very serious as he shouted, “Alexander, how dare you act to arrogantly in front of my Blackstone’s elite soldiers. Hehe, for killing a prince of a Level 4 affiliated kingdom, the law is on my side even if we take this case in front of Emperor Essen. If I want, I can command and make the Royal Family of Chambord lose their bloodline!”

Fei lightly glanced around at the cavaliers with a murderous spirit and said with a very disdainful tone, “Clear a path for us in ten seconds and let us move. Otherwise… Blackstone Kingdom will never have a king again!”

After he said that, Fei’s body lightly shook. Everyone felt like Fei had blurred for a second. The king of Blackstone felt his neck get a little cold, and he instantly reached for his neck in surprise. He found that the blonde beard that he combed and took care of every morning was shorter. When he looked up, he saw the King of Chambord, who was standing on his opposite side, sprinkling his blonde beard in the cool autumn wind…… Every cavalier from Blackstone gasped in shock.

Except for a few high level warriors, no one else saw how King Alexander of Chambord moved and attacked.