Chapter 275  

Arthur Glory: SS rank merc of the Southern Union .

Arthur Glory was a young lad when he became a merc . The time he became one was back when the Southern Union wasn’t the Southern Union, but still different smaller countries at war with each other .

At the time, Arthur Glory wanted to avenge his father’s death . His father was a soldier, and his only living relative . Yet due to the war his father’s life was taken . Arthur being too young to train and become a soldier, instead became a mercenary, which allowed anyone of any age to register as long as they could hold a gun and shoot they were allowed to be a mercenary .

Arthur had no talent in using guns or any sort of firearms, he was also unable to use melee weapons such as swords and spears well enough to defend himself . The only reason he survived for so long was because of sheer luck .

When he failed another mission, the other mercenaries told him that the merc life might not be for him . Arthur frustrated that he couldn’t do anything started to train . He knew that he had no talent whatsoever in using weapons, so he decided to make his body the weapon . If he had no talent even in that, then he would give five times the amount of effort that everyone else does .

Arthur then headed to the the side of an unnamed mountain which was a famous training ground for masters . It remained unnamed and no one knew why . There were many legends as to why the mountain remained unnamed but none could find proof for those claims .


Arthur who had finally reached the mountain of legend, thought that there would be tons of practitioners training themselves, but found that there were none . It would seem that over the years, the famous training ground became desolate . Due to more modern ways and techniques, training in the unnamed mountains became obsolete .

Still that didn’t bother Arthur as he set up camp and trained at the mountain side . Arthur never left the mountain side, as he hunted for food and continued strengthening himself there . At the end of the day as he was done training, Arthur would punch the side of the mountain to supposedly strengthen his fist .

This routine of his, Arthur did for days, which turned into weeks, which turned into months, and then turned into years . Arthur who has gotten obsessed with training, didn’t noticed the years go by .

After a few more years Arthur’s body changed into one with lean muscles . He didn’t even notice that he had continued punching the side of the mountain for months now and he also hadn’t notice that he had been punching without rest, as he didn’t eat nor did he drink water . At this moment his mind was clear and there was nothing else but his fist . He felt every muscle in his body was moving in perfect harmony . Arthur could feel that he was nearing it, he was nearing something . He kept on punching as he felt that he was gaining something unimaginable .

Yet the moment he punch out once more he felt something different, it was then he was sent out of his dazed state . He looked around and the mountain was no longer in front of him, when he looked behind him there stood the mountain and the hole he made right through it .

Arthur finally noticed the changes in his body, and he was then assailed by hunger and thirst . Arthur went out to hunt, when he noticed that his body even though he was hungry was moving way better than before . He was able to easily hunt the wild boars that he had difficulty dealing with before .


After eating his meal, drinking a ton of water, and sleeping, once he woke up Arthur could finally feel how powerful he had become . He needed to test this out quickly, and went back into civilization, it was then Arthur took on the hardest mission he could find . He did it with no problem whatsoever, and by doing this mission he was able to save thousands .

With this one mission Arthur shot up in rank and became an SS rank merc, and not only that due to his care for the citizens as he protected them while fighting enemy forces, he became a Saint as well . A few years after this rise in fame and power the small countries became one and named themselves the Southern Union .

Arthur Glory had become the strongest defender of the Southern Union . At this point Arthur already forgotten his original purpose of vengeance .

. . .

Rika Saunter: SS rank merc of the Granado Empire

Rika Saunter was considered a monster right after birth . Not even a two days old, Rika was able to squeeze the finger of her father and made him feel pain . This was not the strength of a little baby . The doctors who had checked Rika’s body were surprised to see that the bones of this little baby, were thicker and denser than normal . Not only that her skin which looked clean and smooth was actually hard and thick .

As Rika grew up even more, it became more evident that she was nothing like a normal human being . She was faster and stronger than everyone . She didn’t need to train or anything and she just grew stronger as she grew older . If that wasn’t weird enough no matter how much she ate, she never grew fat . Not only that she was so beautiful that even the goddess of beauty would weep in front of her .

Yet no matter how beautiful she was many were afraid of her overwhelming strength and perfection . When they look at Rika they found themselves lacking . She was far too good to be the same species of human as them .

It was yet unknown to the people and even Rika herself, that there was something sinister hidden within herself .

. . .

One day Rika Saunter was forced to become a mercenary, after her parents were taken hostage by the government . They didn’t want her to become a soldiers, since soldiers in the Empire were harder to control since they only needed to listen to the generals and the Emperor himself .

The government officials wanted a power that was equal to the ten generals . They wanted this power since on the outside it would seem that they and the ten generals were on equal standing, but in the nation that loves strength, the ten generals were in fact of a higher standing than them . If the ten generals killed one of them, they would only be under house arrest for a few years, before being forgiven .

So they wanted to show the ten generals that they had something that could match their military might . Rika having her parents held hostage had no choice but to follow the orders of those higher ups .

Yet on her first taste of battle, Rika felt a blood curling rage that she couldn’t control . Something within her snapped as she proceeded to massacre an entire battalion of rebel forces . She even killed the leader of the rebel forces that she was supposed to capture .

It took her a few hours to cool down from her berserker state . When she came back to report what had happened, the higher ups were of course not pleased by her actions . They told her because of her failure they killed her father, and would torture her mother if she would fail again .

With what was said, Rika went into another berserker like rage and attacked the higher ups and their bodyguards, once she was done with them, Rika headed to the place where her parents were supposedly imprisoned . When she got there, what she saw horrified her . Her Father was indeed dead, but her mother was also dead and not only that, her beautiful mother’s dead body was being defiled by some men, who were supposedly government officials .

Since the beginning they would never allow Rika’s parents to live . They planned to trick her all the while without admitting that they already killed her parents . They also planned to dispose of her once she proves to be useless . Yet they didn’t expect someone like her who had no fighting experience to be this strong .

Rika killed everyone in sight, and as she wept she buried her parents with her own two hands . After that incident Rika went on a rampage in different battlefields, until she reached the rank of SS after a few months . That was when Rika met General Hilda, the person whom Rika allowed to capture and imprison her .