Chapter 274  

General Tang was sitting in front of the other ten generals with a face full of anger . He then pounded on the table in a rage .

"HOW THE HELL DID THAT HAPPEN?! HOW WAS HE ABLE TO ESCAPE?! We had him, he was there surrounded by thousands of soldiers, tanks, and even fighter jets! We had the superior equipment and superior numbers, but he was still able to escape! If that wasn’t shameful enough, Lyner was protecting some civilians, and was unable to retreat until they could escape . Yet you Royce let the civilians escape!"

Hearing the angry shouts of old man Tang, Royce got a bit irritated as well .

"Why blame me? I was able to hold down the messenger of death for three whole hours! What about you people? The nine of you weren’t able to kill one person that was surrounded and outnumbered, for a whole three hours! How should I know that you people were so incompetent . "

The other eight aside from old man Tang, were offended by what Royce said, but they couldn’t rebuke him, because what he said was the truth .

"Enough! We clearly underestimated how strong Lyner was . With his strength it would seem that dropping a Thermobaric bomb like the ATBIP at him would be needed to kill him . Of course with his speed and unusual battle instinct he could avoid the bomb altogether . "


When Andrew spoke his point of view, the other nine suddenly went silent . It was the truth, Lyner’s strength especially when he is near death, or backed into a corner went beyond logic or any human understanding . This was a man that could literally fight an army by himself, and live to tell the tale .

"How about sending our very own monster, to fight that monster . An eye for an eye, a monster for a monster . "

Hilda the only woman in the ten generals spoke, giving out her idea .

"You don’t mean to use that arrogant crazy b*tch!?"

"Yes I want to send her to the battlefield . The SS rank mercenary of the Granado Empire, Rika Saunter . "

"You do know we cannot control her . She does whatever she wants . " Royce voiced out his worries in trying to bring Rika into this war .


"We have no choice . . . At this point when the Southern Union joins the fight, we might use our trump card earlier than planned . If we use it near the beginning of the war, it might be the reason of our loss . On the other hand, if we let Lyner be and he rampages about, with the help of the Southern Union specifically Arthur Glory, then the lives of our soldiers will be extinguished by the thousands . Right now even with the combine might of Berdonia and the Southern Union, they barely match the number of soldiers we have, but as the war rages on, without using our trump card it is certain that we will lose a significant amount of soldiers . . . So in the end we really need to send her to the battlefield, to deal with the two other SS rank mercs . "

The room grew silent once more, until Hilda once again broke the silence .

. . .

Deep underground in the most secured prison of the Granado Empire, that was made to hold one prisoner . In a barely lit room, a beautiful woman, with silver hair was in a straitjacket bound by chains . She was also wearing a heavy metal mask that covered her mouth . If that wasn’t enough at her back there were syringes that were set to inject into her if she moves too much . The syringes were filled with tranquilizers that could take down an elephant .

This person that was heavily guarded was Rika Saunter the one and only SS rank merc of the Granado Empire . She was also known as the strongest of the SS rank mercs . To the people not within the higher ups of the Empire, they all though that Rika Saunter was being treated like a queen by the authorities, but in truth she was being treated as a dangerous animal .

Rika Saunter was being treated like this, due to her immense strength, that the Empire couldn’t properly control . To the Empire Rika Saunter was a weapon, and a weapon that the Empire cannot control was defective .

The only reason Rika was alive, was because the Empire needed an insurance just in case something unforeseeable happens . Also the only reason why the Empire was able to lock up Rika, was because she herself allowed it . Though she didn’t like the higher ups of the Empire, she in general liked the Granado Empire itself . She loved her homeland, but the people feared her, and rightfully so, since when she is in battle Rika loses herself and goes into a berserker state .

So the only way to make the people in charge feel safe, she needed to be chained down like this . Still it didn’t really bother her much, since she was still able to eat and sleep, which was basically all Rika needed .

And as to why she was called the strongest SS rank merc, that was because she was indeed the strongest . Unlike Lyner and Arthur who trained to become stronger, Rika was already strong upon birth, She didn’t need to do anything in particular, she from the start was already powerful .

She registered as a merc, a little bit late, and that’s why Lyner was considered to be the youngest to ever receive the SS rank, but if Rika registered earlier that title would’ve been hers . She was a deviant of the human race .

As Rika continued her silent imprisonment, something different happened . She had a visitor, and it was someone she knew well . It was Hilda of the ten generals .

"Rika Saunter SS rank mercenary, your country needs you . " As Hilda was saying this, the soldiers with her were removing Rika’s restraints . Once she was free from the straitjacket and the chains, Rika looked at Hilda and spoke .

"Who do I need to kill?" Her voice sounded like a beautiful harp, but the words she said didn’t match her peaceful sounding voice .