Jingning is his life. Genzi, if anything happened to Jingning, he would not live.

What's more, he still has two children with him. No matter what happens to any one of them, it's not what the Lu family can afford.

Que Su's face was also ugly.

This is the first time that he has been living in seclusion for so many years.

But he did not blame anyone.

In the first time that they are missing, they have sent their right-hand men to immediately go out to look for people and check the clues.

And Lu Jingshen also used his own dark line, ordered them to search for Jingning and Mo Caiwei everywhere in the city.


After two people's judgment, it is impossible for the other party to escape by land with two living people.

If you want to take the empty road, que Su has already sent someone to the airport to wait. As long as there are suspicious people, they will be stopped, so it is impossible to walk from the empty road.

Now that they are cut off, they have to stay in the city.

In this way, I still have the opportunity to find Jingning and Mo Caiwei.

After all this was told, they sat at home waiting for news.

When waiting, in fact, the mood is the most anxious.


Que Su took a look at Lu Jingshen and asked, "who are you going to attack them this time?"

Lu Jingshen's face was very ugly.

He sat there, and his whole body was emitting a fresh and cold air of forest, and said in a cold voice, "Nangong Jin."

Que Su was surprised.

"Nangong Jin? When will he come here? "

Lu Jingshen remembered that they didn't know what they had seen Nangong Jin before.

So he told them about that night.

After hearing this, que Su was silent.

"If it's really him, it's probably for the sake of Tianshu jade and silk."

Lu Jingshen sneered.

"They have threatened Gu Si Qian. They are looking for something for him. Do you want to threaten another me?"

"That's not necessarily true. After all, according to what you said, he wanted to find out the pieces of Tianshu jade and silk before the Chinese new year, but there are still three pieces missing, but there is only one more month left. If Gu Si qian can't find them all in this month, it will damage his great event. All his previous preparations will be wasted, so he can only find a way to threaten him More people, more people to work for him. "

Lu Jingshen heard the speech and frowned deeply.

I have to say that que Su's words are also reasonable.

Nangong Jin doesn't look like a quick tempered person, but he has to take care of Siqian to find him six pieces of Tianshu jade and silk in three months.

Although they said that they should have another piece of goosi Qian's hand now, they are only three yuan short.

But it is not easy to find it in a short period of one and a half months?

So if he really wants to find another person to help, it's not impossible.

But if it's really like that, at the first time they catch Jingning and Mo Caiwei, they should come to him to discuss the conditions.

Why has it been eight hours now and he hasn't shown up yet?

Lu Jingshen became more and more agitated.

At this time, An'an and xiaojingze don't know what happened.

Xiaojingze is still young and knows that mommy has not come back yet. He has been pulling the landing depth of field.

Lu Jingshen didn't want to affect the children, so he only said that mummy had something to do and would be back soon.

Then the servant took the child down.

Ann is not so easy to coax.

After all, she is so old, a nine year old child, and already knows something.

One look at their faces so wrong, think of the past things, about to guess, Jingning is likely to have an accident.

But at this time, Dad's mood is very restless, he must also be very worried about Mommy, so he can't make trouble for him.

She just looked at the depth of landing and tearfully said, "Daddy, will Mommy come back?"

Lu Jingshen looked into her eyes and knew she had guessed it.

He didn't want to hide it. He said in a deep voice, "do you believe in daddy?"

"Believe it."

Ann nodded heavily.

"Then don't ask anything. Go down and take good care of your brother. Daddy promised that she would bring her back safely."

Ann looked at him. After a while, she nodded and turned away.

Lu Jingshen looks at the child's small back, if you want to say that he is not distressed, it is false.

But now it's time for him to worry about it.

Seeing this, que Su stood up.

"No, I can't wait any longer. I'll go out and look for it myself.""Stop."

Lu Jingshen suddenly stopped him.

"If you go out and look for it yourself, will they be able to come back? Don't forget who you are. You have more important things to do

Que Su was shocked severely and turned to look at him.

"More important things?"


Lu Jingshen raises the corner of his mouth coldly.

"Since Nangong Jin did it, what does he care about most?"

The palace was stunned.


"The book of heaven, jade and silk."

Lu Jingshen paused and said in a deep voice, "isn't he willing to come to us? That's because we don't have what he wants. What if we do? Then he may wish to come to us soon. "

"You mean..."

"Wait a minute. I'll call guschin and them right away."

Lu Jingshen said and quickly called Gu Siqian.

When Gu Siqian received his call, he was still a little surprised.

You should know that although the relationship between him and Lu Jingshen is much closer now, there are few direct contacts between them.

Usually, it was he who contacted Jingning.

Jingning again conveyed his meaning to Lu Jingshen.

Therefore, as soon as the phone was connected, Gu Siqian asked, "Lu Jingshen, is something wrong?"

Lu Jing said in a deep voice: "Ning Ning and Mo Caiwei were captured by Nangong Jin."


Gu Si Qian was also surprised.

"How could that happen? What did he do with them? "

"I don't know."

Lu Jingshen pinched his eyebrows. "Did you get that piece of Tianshu jade and silk in southern Yunnan?"

"Got it."

"Don't give it to Nangong Jin. If it's convenient, you may have to come here. I'm sure he will show up."

When Jingning is in trouble, Gu Siqian and Qiao Qi are naturally duty bound.

So I agreed immediately.

"Well, we'll see the flight right away and try to get here before tomorrow morning."

"Good." Lu Jingshen stopped and added, "thank you for your kindness."

Gu Siqian seldom smiles.

"Jingning had an accident for us, so it's unnecessary to thank you."