At the thought of this, she could not help but have a look.

Looking at the tea brought by the servants in front of me, I felt that it was either poisonous or something else.

The servant's attitude was very good. Seeing her sitting still, she whispered, "Miss Jing, your tea."

Jingning didn't get angry with the servant, so he didn't say anything.

Only a cold voice said, "put it there."

In fact, I haven't even seen it.

The servant pursed his lips and did not dare to say anything. After putting down the tea, he left.


Jingning is the only one left in the room.

She sat there, not in a hurry, but first looked at the room carefully.

The decoration of the house is luxurious, but the furnishings are quite simple.

She counted, and there were at least four surveillance cameras installed where she could see with her naked eye.

What does Nangong Jin want to do?

She would not be naive to think that Nangong Jin spent so much effort to catch her here and tie her with a chain, just to play.


However, although she is a friend of Gu Siqian and Qiao Qi, she thinks that she and Nangong Jin have no intersection and no interest involvement.

Lu's group and the Nan family are even more distinct, there is no business involved.

So, what kind of medicine does he sell in his gourd?

Just when Jingning couldn't understand it, there was a cry voice outside.

"Ning Ning."

Jingning severely shocked, subconsciously said, "Mom, I'm here."

"Ning Ning!"

Mo Caiwei came in crying.

I don't know it's because she's old and she can't do martial arts. Nangong Jin doesn't take care of her so strictly.

At least, for now, she is relatively free to move, rather than tied to her hands and feet like Jingning.

As soon as Mo Caiwei saw Jingning, she immediately felt as if she had found the backbone. She rushed over and held her face and looked up and down, "Ning Ning, are you ok? Rather

Jingning shook his head. "I'm fine."

She first quickly swept Mo Caiwei's body, found that there was nothing unusual, more like what was injured, this is slightly reassuring.

"How are you, mom? Did they hit you? Is there anything wrong with you? "

"No, I'm fine."

Mo Caiwei whispered, but the body was shaking slightly.

Jingning knows that it is because of the sudden changes now that she has recalled some bad memories in her subconscious mind, so she is afraid.

So, she gently comforted way: "Mom, don't be afraid, with me, we will be OK."

Mo Caiwei nodded and asked with a pair of red eyes: "Ning Ning, who are they? Why did you get us here? "

Jingning sipped the corner of her lip.

She is not sure whether to tell Mo Caiwei about it.

But if she didn't, she would only be more worried.

Thinking of this, Jingning bit his teeth and said in a deep voice: "they are the people who I mentioned to you before, threatening Gu Si Qian and Qiao Qi to look for Tianshu jade and silk."

Jingning talked about this matter with her when she was still in country t.

So Mo Caiwei and que Su all know it.

Mo Caiwei smell speech, eyes immediately stare big.

"You mean they're from the NANs?"


Jingning nodded.

"But Why do you want to arrest us

"I don't know."

Jingning thought for a while and then said, "but you don't have to worry. They didn't mean to kill us. Anyway, it's already late. Lu Jingshen and uncle que must have known the news of our accident, and they will try to find a way to save us. So we just need to relax and watch the change and wait for them to come."

Mo Tsai Wei was pale and nodded.

Although Jingning comforts her like this on the mouth, but actually also understands in the heart.

Nangong Jin is different from those she met before.

They know too little about this person. If it wasn't for Gu Siqian and Qiaoqi, they didn't know there was such a person in the world.

What's more, it turns out that in their minds, such a large family of millennial Nanshi was actually manipulated by such a person.

The head of the Nanshi family, who is superior to others, is a joke.

But for such an enemy that they do not know, it is actually very difficult to deal with him.

Even if he is as smart as Lu Jingshen, he may not be able to find them in a short time.

But all this, she can't say to Mo Caiwei, lest she should have been afraid of the mood, because of these reasons and more afraid.Mo Caiwei was very afraid before, but now that she is reunited with Jingning, she is not as afraid as before.

Jingning is right. Lu Jingshen and que Su are not going to let them go, so I just need to calm down and wait for them to come.

Yes, calm down. Be calm.

She thought like this, slightly drooping her eyes, and saw the iron chain on Jingning's wrist and ankle.

My eyes are tight.

"Ning Ning, what is this?"

She grabbed the chain and her eyes were bloodshot.

"How can they do this to you? You're still a pregnant woman, this, this... "

Jingning was afraid that she would be excited and quickly advised: "Mom, I'm ok. They are just to prevent me from escaping. Besides, my action is not limited."

She said, slightly pursed her lower lip, and suddenly lowered her voice. In a low voice that only the two of them could hear, she said in a low voice: "there are cameras in the room, one in the direction of four o'clock behind you, one in the direction of twelve o'clock, one in the flower pot on your right foot, and one on the door. You should pay attention and try to block them if you have a chance. ”

Mo Caiwei is a little stunned. Subconsciously, she wants to look up, but is stopped by Jingning.

"Don't look. Pretend you don't know. Check it later when you don't know it."

Mo Caiwei this just reacts to come over, quickly nodded.

So they stayed in the house.

Although Nangong Jin didn't have the hands and feet to lock Mo Caiwei, she had been guarding people outside the house, saying that she was a servant at their command. However, Jingning understood that she was actually the person guarding them.

But she is now a pregnant woman, Mo Caiwei is old again, and what skills can't, is a weak woman who has no strength to bind a chicken.

Naturally, she did not expect the two of her own to escape from here.

So simply set down the heart, with static brake, she would like to see, Nangong Jin in the end want to do.

At this time, on the other side, Lu Jingshen went crazy.

How could he have never thought that such a thing would happen when he was about to return to China.