Chapter 1077: After the war  

Raine didn't know how long she was sitting alone in the same place, maybe she had been there for a minute, two minutes, an hour or two, or maybe she had already spent a whole day…

Raine couldn't tell because the sun still appeared as if it was just disappearing into the horizon but it didn't move down since… since God knows when.

The only thing that Raine knew was; she had to wait for someone, even she herself didn't know who she was waiting for…

She just knew it, as if she had known this all long and what she was doing right now was something normal.

It was natural for her to wait for this someone, even though she didn't know who she was waiting for.

Few more seconds or minutes passed, but Raine was still alone, staring at the red hue from the sun that was still radiating faintly in the horizon, as though the time was stopped and Raine was the only one who was immune to it.


Raine didn't remember why exactly she ended up here, or who she was, or the story of her past… the only memory that she had was that of her waiting on this bench, with various colors of flowers surrounding her and her name; Raine.

That's it.

She was someone with no past or future.

But then, a woman walked toward her with a warm smile on her lips and her beautiful white gown almost looked identical to the one that Raine is wearing right now.

The woman's warm smile made Raine smile as well and she stood up to walk closer to her, because she knew she was the person that she had been waiting for.

"Did you wait for too long?" The woman asked her sweetly when Raine stopped right in front of her.


Raine shook her head.

"Can we walk now?" The woman asked again and Raine nodded.

"To where?" her voice was very soft and tender, just like the woman in front of her.

"Walk down this path with me." The woman waved her hand and Raine turned around to see which path she was talking about.

Behind her, there was a small path with big trees, which overlapped their branches with those of the opposite trees, on either side of it, canopied the path with theirs leaves, like a tunnel.

Raine was not aware that there was a very beautiful path behind her earlier, but now she was very excited to walk with this beautiful woman with long black hair who was smiling at her sweetly.

"Sure," Raine agreed and they walked together. "Where are we going? Will we meet someone?"

"Yes, we will meet someone." The woman grabbed Raine's wrist and together they walked along that path. "You will meet two other persons like you."

"Like me?" Raine scrunched her brows, not quite understanding what this woman was talking about.

However, as they walked alongside a river, before they entered the tunnel, Raine glanced at her and this woman's reflection on the water and she frowned.

"Why does our faces look very similar?" Raine asked the woman beside her, who had stopped walking too and was now staring their reflections.

"Because you are me," the woman said and wrapped her hand around Raine's shoulder and talked in a low voice. "Remember about the story of the first guardian angel of time?"

The moment she asked Raine about that, dozens of memories spiraled down in her mind like a broken dam and Raine could remember everything.


From the time when she was only a child until the last battle that cost her life…

But the most important thing was a man named Torak Donovan.

As soon as her heart remembered that man, Raine could feel the longing that gnawed at every inch of her skin…

She missed him terribly…


"Where is Eddard?" Bree was roaming around the pack house, but couldn't find the little boy anywhere.

"I think he was outside with Belinda," one of the women in the kitchen answered the teenager before continuing with their task again, washing all of the dishes and preparing food for dinner, since the sun was almost down.

Bree immediately ran toward the back door which would lead her to the back yard, where Belinda had planted many flowers.

Years had passed since the last battle with the devils and human, and now everything, gradually, became normal again.

Bree stayed in Torak's pack because she couldn't go with Kace, since that lycan disappeared right after the war. No one knew where he had gone, but they knew he would be fine.

Kace just needed time to mourn upon the loss of his mate, just like the other Donovans.

And moreover, there was Belinda in this pack, who insisted for Bree to stay with her along with baby Eddard.

He was no longer a baby though, he turned seven a week ago and Torak threw a party for him, yet the Alpha only appeared for a short while just to congratulate him and then the rest of the party was hosted by Calleb, who hyped the situation.

Even though the Beta looked all happy and cheerful, but Bree sometimes found him staring into the distance, as if he was deep in thought.

It was not hard to guess what he was thinking all the time.

Most of the time Calleb would think about his mate and his best friends, who were no longer by their side.

Since the guardian angels disappeared after the war, the Donovans looked very down and chose to be alone almost all the time.

But, the look in Torak's eyes was not one of the mourning, he was waiting…

Just like Calleb, the Alpha would also look deep in thought and when there was someone walking behind him whenever he was in that state, he would get startled and turn around very fast to see who was approaching him.

It was not because he was scared, because Bree knew there was nothing that could easily scare him, but it was because he was waiting for his mate and the disappointment was apparent in his eyes when the person that approached him was not someone that he expected them to be.

That person could definitely not be Raine but it was just that, Torak had built such habit over the years…

Calleb had talked to him, but it seemed there was nothing much he could do, since he was not in a better situation to give some advance to his Alpha either.

"Eddard!"Bree walked through the various flower plants and arrived at the meadow, the place that she and the little boy always played at, yet he was not there either. Bree couldn't find Belinda either…

Where did Eddard go? He was supposed to be in the pack house at this time because dinner was almost ready and he had not yet done his homework.

"Eddard!"Bree called out his name again before she rushed forward and leapt, yet she didn't touch the ground when her body started shifting into a beautiful dragon while flapping its humongous wings.


Eddard is a seven year old little boy who inherited everything about looks from his father, but in terms of curiosity and determination, he is a carbon copy of his mother.

He was always full of curiosity and a little bit hard to be handled. When his was throwing a tantrum, it was only Calleb or Torak, who was able to calm him down.

Thanks to Raphael's blood as the supreme Beta, since he was just a child, he showed the domination of his bloodline, coupled with Lana's traits, it was simply hard to talk down the little boy.

Bree and Belinda would usually go with him whenever he wanted to take a walk, out of the pack house, because they were afraid Eddard would roam too far into the humans residences.

After the war, the barrier between the two worlds had appeared again and the humans wouldn't be able to see them in their beast form, but their existence had been exposed, thus they were still searching for them, even though seven years had passed.

Eddard was very curious of this part of Torak's territory.

This place was indeed a little bit far from the pack house and he was only been here once when Torak took him for a walk.

However, since the Alpha was always very busy and Calleb didn't want to bring him to this place, Eddard decided that he was big enough to venture alone in this part of their pack area.

The number of the shifters that survived after the war was not much, therefore it could be said that the supernatural creatures had decreased in numbers significantly.

"I think it's over here…" Eddard mumbled to himself when he walked passed a familiar path that led him to a beautiful waterfall that Torak had showed him once.

Thanks to his smart brain, he could remember it perfectly, because not long after that, his ears perked when he heard the sound of the water.

A big grin appeared on his tiny lips when he leapt forward and shifted into his beast. He could already shift when he was only five. Calleb was very proud of him when he did that. And Torak brought him to this place and told a story about his father.

Eddard loved to hear how brave his father had always been and how beautiful his mother was.

The little beast sped up when the sound of the waterfall got louder. He stopped running when the water splashed his face and he shifted back into human form.

However, when he was soaking happily, a woman walked toward him and greeted him with a sweet smile etched on her lips, she squatted down and spoke tenderly, despite Eddard's attempts to scare her by growling viciously.

"You must be Eddard, right? You look very much like your father," she said.