Chapter 1076: The end of everything  

A small gasp escaped her lips as a tear fell on her cheek.

Lilac gazed at the lava beneath her and then turned her head to see the white lycan, facing hundreds of creatures from hell not far from her, alone.

There was no way Jedrek could fight them off alone in his current situation without getting serious injuries and that was the last thing that Lilac wanted to happen in her last moments.

Despite of everything that happened, Lilac didn't want to see Jedrek getting hurt. She loved him in spite of how deeply heartbroken she was, yet there would always be this feeling that nagged at her, screaming at her that whatever they have right now was not real.

All of that was a result of the mate bond between them and Lilac no longer wanted to walk on the delicate egg- shelled path, which would break at any moment.

She no longer wanted to feel insecure and be worried about his feelings toward her. This was very exhausting and Lilac didn't want to go through all of that anymore.


It also hurt her that she had to be separated from Jedrek this way, in this kind of situation and feelings. However, time waited for no one until they were ready to say their goodbyes.

Lilac could literally feel her heart breaking into a million pieces, but at the same time, her mind told her that it was the right thing to do, that it was something that she had known from the very beginning.

She knew her choice, she knew it beyond the shadow of a doubt, she felt it in her soul about the necessary things that she had to do.

Her heart began to race when she stood there, at the edge of the crater, at the brink of her own life.

And for a moment, Lilac opened her mind so she could mind- link her mate. [Jedrek…]

[Lilac?]The white beast titled its big head and looked at Lilac with wide eyes, which were blood red, as he was ready to face another fierce battle in front of him. [Little flower, please don't leave me. We will find another way to do this.]


There was no other way.

If Lilac ruined this chance, then Hope and Raine's sacrifices would go to waste, and Lilac wouldn't be selfish enough to do that. Especially to risk everything for being with Jedrek.

However, Lilac didn't say anything and just stared at the white beast, as he stared back at her, while the creatures from hell crept closer to them, indicating that they didn't have much time to be wasted.

[They are coming.] Lilac nodded at the massive number of creatures that would kill them without a second thought. Actually, that was not the last thing that she wanted to say to him, but she couldn't think of any right words to be said in this moment.

All of the things that swirled in her head were imprecise, wide of the mark.

It needed a great amount of courage to avert her eyes from the white lycan and finally turn around to face her fate, that was waiting for her in the form of a burning crater.

[Stay there Lilac. Stay there!] the white lycan felt as if he was being torn apart between facing the enemies and trying to keep his mate in the safe place. [I will get back to you!]

But Lilac didn't answer back, she shut her mind again and closed the mind- link between her and Jedrek when the white beast dashed toward the creatures from hell.

Those filthy creatures wouldn't stop coming until the crater was closed and that was Lilac's task now.

Lilac shouldn't hesitate to do it, as she could feel that Raine was already done with her task. The two guardian angels were gone and this was her turn to do the same.

Wasn't this the purpose of her resurrection?

But, why did her heart feel very heavy now when she already knew it?

The flames from the craters beneath her feet reflected in Lilac's eyes, when she turned her body. "Goodbye my king," Lilac whispered to the wind when she closed her eyes and a tear rolled down her face.

This was an improper farewell…

And the last thing that Lilac could hear was the painful roar from the beast, as if he was in a great agony. The sound was very heart- wrenching that it forced Lilac to open her eyes.

As her body dove into the flame of the crater, Lilac noticed the white beast standing at the brink of the crater. His bloodshot eyes, showed how much fear he was experiencing right now.

However, the next thing he did left Lilac gaping at him in disbelief.

Because the white beast didn't think twice before he jumped into the lava, to follow his mate. He didn't even care when the flames licked his fur, as he was determined to be with her.

People tend to say you would do everything for the one that you loved.

Did it mean Jedrek finally loved her? Or, it was only the mate bond?

It would be great if there was no such thing between them.


Calleb, who was watching how the creatures from hell disappeared before his eyes, immediately ran toward Torak and looked around him when the humans started to move again.

However, because of the thin white mist that shrouded them that appeared to conceal their presence, those humans couldn't see them and looked confused to find out they were in this vast land only with their people, while the non- human creatures could no longer be seen.

The white mist was like a soft curtain which helped hiding them even in their humans form, as if shielding them away from any harm or unnecessary battle that shouldn't have happened in the first place.

But, it would only last for a short period of time, only until everything had settled down.

And this was the last gift that Raine gave to them. The sense of protection. The guardian angels were the protectors of this realm.

"Torak…" Calleb walked closer toward his Alpha, who dropped to his knees while clutching his chest tightly, as if he was in a great agony that was hard to be endured. "Where is Raine?"

Calleb didn't see when Raine disappeared as hundreds of fireflies, because the only thing that he noticed at that time was the mist shielding them successfully.

Torak didn't answer his Beta, as he gripped the sharp gravel on the ground, until his hands were bleeding, but the pain couldn't be compared to what he was feeling right now.

He lost the love of his life…

Calleb looked around him to find Raine. The guardian angel must know how to handle Torak right now, but as long as he could see, there were only the shifters, magicians and the minatours that stood behind the curtain, staring at the mist and the humans on the other side of it, as if they were in a different world, because the human couldn't see them, even though they were standing head to head.

The supernatural creatures looked perplexed at this scene.

"Have the war finally ended?" one of the creatures asked in confusion.

The war had finally ended, but for some people, it didn't feel like they achieved something great. If anything, they felt utterly miserable for losing the most precious thing that had ever happened in their lives…


Kace couldn't believe with what he was seeing right now. He was still holding Hope's hand when her body started turning ice- cold as her heart stopped beating altogether.

It was impossible and couldn't be real, right? There must be some mistake here… Hope wouldn't die like this…

"Hope…?" Kace blinked his eyes to get rid of his tears that were now rolling down his cheeks. His voice turned hoarse and his body was trembling. "Hope… wake up, Hope…"

Everything flashed before his eyes when the first time he held baby Hope in his arms, how she called his name for the first time...

How Kace protected her with everything he had, but now he lost her…

"Hope, please wake up… you are scaring me…" Kace caressed her cheeks and smoothed her hair from her face. "Don't scare me like this, baby girl…"

Yet, there was no response from his mate. The guardian angel didn't move, neither was she breathing…

Kace then sat down and cradled her in his arms, kissing her forehead, her hair, her cheeks, nose and lips, but Hope still didn't give any response.

And the most heartbreaking thing was when Kace realized the spark between them started to fade away, just like Hope's body that started to turn into hundreds of fireflies.

The sight was beautiful, but the pain was very devastating, especially when Kace could no longer feel her body in his arms.

"No… no…" He mumbled in panic when he watched how Hope's body disappeared from his sight and he was left alone there, while from the outside he could hear all the supernatural creatures shouting in joy, telling to one another that they had won the war, that the creatures from hell finally disappeared and the barrier of the two worlds had been stabilized again.

The screams of joy was a complete contradiction to what the Donovans were feeling right now.

There was nothing they wanted so badly except to get their mates back.

This victory was sorrowful and not even a glimmer of joy could they feel from it…

The Donovans lost the battle within themselves when they fell to their grievances upon losing the love of their lives…