Chapter 1031: The war (2)  

Calleb seemed unable to endure the pain he was feeling now and was trying to vent these deep emotions of frustration, anger, depression and sadness into something.

Something that meant pure destruction.

Something that meant damage. Severe damage, which could show the world that he was hurt and was in pain.

So that this damage could reflect how he was feeling now. However, the strange thing was; at the same time, Calleb felt numb. It was as if, no matter what he did, he wouldn't feel anything except this uncomfortable pain.

He felt like he was floating in a sea that was so calm, but also terrifying, because he didn't know how deep it was or what was at its bottom.

The ocean was so mysterious, but he was too afraid to even move. Afraid to aggravate the monster within him further and cause even more terrible destruction.


It could even destroy himself, it was just that Calleb felt like he needed it.

He just wanted to break anything and everything. And turn into dust, dissolve into nothingness, or simply die like the people he had killed.

Thus he went on a rampage, destroying everything in his vicinity.

He wanted to kill all these bastard humans. He couldn't even show pity on those who begged him for forgiveness.

He needed all this because the pain was too much for him to bear...

They had taken the most important person in his life. A person he didn't even dare to imagine if he could live without.


However, these humans just managed to take her away...

Therefore, they must also feel what it would be like if someone precious to them was taken from them.

Other people who knew Calleb, would not have thought that a very easy going and peace-loving lycan could leave such fatal repercussions and heartless massacre like this.

Not only attacking humans, Calleb also attacked his fellow lycanthropes who tried to stop him or break the magic spells that the witches were trying to cast at him to calm him down.

However, all their efforts were only in vain...

And the humans could do nothing… they had already lost their weapons and trained people in the first battle.

So, the last two resorts they had was either run or hide until more reinforcements arrived.

But when?

The last piece of information they got was; Most of the armed forces had been dispatched to other areas where the non-human beings had gathered. They were truly on the verge of despair, just how Calleb felt now.

A roar that shook the ground again could be heard from the wounded beast and yet another life was lost.

Meanwhile, the lycan warriors who tried to stop him, only received more wounds from the beast who was in intense pain.

His roars thundered through the darkness.

And the only thing they could do right now was to wait until the killing- spree of the humans started showing side effects and weakened the beast.


Kace brought Hope closer to Serefina and ran beside Jedrek, while Torak was beside him.

The five of them lunged forward, toward the devils who were trying to stop them, but as the distance between them shortened, the lycans could see panic starting to show on the devils' countenances as they didn't expect them to come this far.

Serefina, although looking very pale and exhausted, was still trying to keep up with the Donovans.

"Kace, get closer to them!" Hope shouted to overcome the roar of the wind that was whooshing around her. "Move toward their left!"

Kace followed what Hope said, while Jedrek moved toward the right, following Serefina, but when he saw the witch looked exhausted and couldn't keep up with their movements, Jedrek took the initiative to get the witch onto his back.

Serefina didn't refuse and draped her arms around the white beast's neck and buried her face in his bloodstained fur, but that didn't seem to bother her at all.

"Move in the opposite direction from Hope," Serefina whispered into the beast's ear in a weak voice. Her head slumped to the left side of the beast and this made Jedrek worry about what actually happened to her that she looked so weak.

Never had Jedrek seen Serefina this weak before, except when she felt the pain she would feel once a month as a result of the side effects of her resurrection.

Meanwhile, Torak was still leading the shifters behind him to kill the beings from hell, although his eyes kept glancing at Kace and the guardian angel, who was on his back, hugging him tightly.

Torak was sure it was Raine, but the feeling she emitted was completely different, and even if it was Raine, how could she seem more comfortable with Kace?

This was puzzling, but at the same time, he couldn't let this thought bother him and returned his focus to slash his sharp claws at the enemies before him.


"You don't need to be afraid, you're safe with me," The devil kept whispering to her. "Forget everything and you won't feel this painful feeling again."

Belphegor then cupped his hands on both sides Raine's face, who looked confused and was not in her right mind, he then leaned over to kiss her again.

And as soon as their lips touched, Raine felt it again… something was wrong…

Her eyes then caught the moon hanging in the night sky, behind the large windows of this dark corridor.

And immediately, she knew what was not right... the understanding came all of a sudden…

Raine's hand then started to move up Belphegor's shoulder, which made the Devil smile against Raine's lips, thinking that the guardian angel had finally given the response he wanted.

It was just that, when Raine's two hands reached his neck, she actually pressed Belphegor's throat and pushed him away.

So strong that the devil crashed and hit the other side of the wall in this corridor and as soon as the guardian angel stood up, the Sloth could see the anger in her eyes and immediately, the window glass, which was above his head came shattering down with a deafening sound.