Chapter 1030: The war  

"I didn't know that I could do this with Raine's body…" Hope felt really weird about using the powers of the other guardian angel. She felt like she wasn't borrowing but stealing from Raine. First her body, now her powers.

Meanwhile, from Serefina's left side, Lilac stepped forward and crouched down before putting her hands on the ground while staring at the Hydra, which had almost escaped from the confinement of fire that had been keeping the monster in place, as the three dragon beasts had nearly fell to the ground when the devils stopped time, causing them to need a moment to return to their original positions.

From inside the frozen river, strong roots emerged, which wrapped around the monster very tightly and even though the roots caught fire, new roots would reappear, continuously replacing the burnt ones.

Meanwhile, at the same time, the ground in front of the witches and shifters shook and was lifted, creating a high wall, to block the curses the devils had been launching to kill the witches and shifters.

Only, several shifters and faes were already on the other side of the barrier, and led by the three Donovan as they charged forward to attack the devils who were still confused, as they couldn't understand why their powers didn't yield the expected results.

They also tried to break down the wall, but were unable to.


It was only then that those who were fighting, realized that someone else had helped them, and when they turned around, all they found were the two Guardian Angels and Serefina, the pure- blooded witch.

But, in the next second, when the ground flattened again as the barrier disappeared, they could see that the three people were actually standing in front of them.

Lilac, Serefina and Raine. In fact, who occupied Raine's body was Hope or more precisely her soul.

And almost at the same time, Jedrek felt the presence of the two women who were too important in his life, causing his focus to get a little distracted, but Kace hit his side and he returned to focus on what was happening in front of him.

Meanwhile, the white beast Torak, took a quick glance at Raine and narrowed his eyes. He felt odd when he saw his mate. As if she was not Raine… maybe this was just an instinct, because the mate bond between the girl that looked like Raine didn't seem to be strong enough.

But then, Torak knew that other important issues needed his attention now, so he returned to focus on the five devils who were currently trying to revive the dead shifters, faes and dragons from their deaths.


Yes. They were using the same trick again.

They were resurrecting the supernatural beings, who had died and made them their accomplices.

Those actions were really very disgusting and disturbing, because they had to fight their own comrades.

And what was more dangerous was; those devils managed to awaken the nine dragon beasts in no time and now they started moving. Nearly alive. However, not to fight against devils but them.

And the aim of the dragons now was the three dragons and the phoenix, who were concentrating on burning down the Hydra.

The three dragons had returned to their original positions and they were now performing the dance of the dragons again, continuing what they had started.

However, no one knew how long it would take for the phoenix and dragons to finish off the monster.

On the other hand, Lilac stood in her place and tried to protect the magicians with her power. Now great roots popped up from the ground, dancing around Lilac as five out of the nine dragons that had been revived, attempted to attack her.

"We will be here to protect you," said one of the ten magicians, who were standing around Lilac, surrounding her to protect her.

magic "Thank you," Lilac said and refocused on the problem before her. Now the five dragons were trying to charge at her, but the magicians threw them away.

However, the other four dragons were trying to do the same thing in succession, overwhelming them.

As that happened, from the around them, thickets rose from the wet ground, entangling the beings from hell and the supernatural beings who had been killed and revived by the devils.

Crushing them hard.

This battle, was not only filled with fire, but had also turned into a forest of thorny scrubs.

Attacking at the front, was the three Donovan's as Serefina teleported herself and Hope to the front.

Hope climbed onto one of the minotaur's bodies and wrapped her arms around his neck, while Serefina continued to teleport from one point to another to follow the white beasts' movements.

"Bring Hope closer!" Serefina shouted at the minotaur who was carrying Hope, but it seemed that the supernatural being was confused.

Even though he didn't really know the guardian angels, he knew their faces to recognize that the person on his back was not Hope, but Raine.

Noticing this slight confusion, Serefina growled, "Bring that guardian angel over here!" she shouted impatiently.

Because the minotaur took too long to understand the witch's orders, Kace stopped immediately and when the minotaur ran past him, he immediately grabbed Hope from his back before placing the guardian angel on his own.

[hold on!] Kace spoke through the mind-link and Hope immediately grabbed onto the beast's body, trying to keep her body from falling or rolling away, because it would end badly at such speed.

Hope tried to open her eyes as the wind started to hurt her skin and saw how the five devils were trying to use the power of Lilac to hold their position and tried to use Raine's power to stop time, so they could kill them rather easily.

Hope barely managed to prevent that from happening until now, because it wasn't her own power and she didn't really know how to control it.

If the devils continued to push their limits, it was not impossible that Hope wouldn't only lose control over time, but also control over her own realm, which meant Lucifer could be free again.

Raine, where are you?