Chapter 567: The Girl’s Tears-II  

Leviathan's happiness only came from a single place which was his small but the beautiful family. Living as a human had the most difficult part which was to conceal his demonic self. But with his wife's loving and kind nature it wasn't long before everyone in the new village they moved on to take a great liking toward them.

"Mr. Levi!" Called one of the men who had a towel wreathed around his neck. "G'morning! Another work in the town? You are so successful that I really want to know how you got that work. Perhaps being a literate person is the key?"

Leviathan had a power which was immense. It was something he inherited from his father. While most demons would love to display their power, Leviathan dislike them. Other than his prowess, Levi had another enormous wealth which he stored in Hell. He didn't have to work but since he had married his wife in the human world, he wanted to try living like a human and it appears after taking the work as the advisor of a merchant, they had made quite a fortune for their small family.

He only smiled in response and politely says, "I am lucky to be able to learn a few skills that contribute to now."

"Of course. But pity," sighed the man, "If I was like you, I would have been able to teach one or two things to my twin daughters."

"Elise is also studying right now. If you allow, you can bring your two daughters to our house. Adelaide love to teach especially to children," offered Leviathan. In Hell, he would always keep things to himself because he knew that every moment demons would want to stab his back in order to gain his position. He would have never lend his helping hand to others if he was in Hell although today was different.


"Really?!" The man's eyes lighted up, "Oh, please please! I would be really joyful over the sun with your help. I will surely tell those two to come and visit your house. Once again, thank you, Mr. Levi!"

Leviathan didn't smile as he was a person with a rather toneless mien. But one person could never miss the small glitter on his eyes. Adelaide who had been behind him chuckled as she says, "You are doing so well for being a first timer as a human."

Leviathan's lips immediately softened, "All because of you, dear."

"For certain," chuckled Adelaide who didn't shy away from taking the credits. "Haven't I always been the positive light for you?"

Coming closer to Adelaide, Leviathan kissed her cheeks, "You are naturally. How is Elise?"

Adelaide had been smiling but when her daughter's name was mentioned, her smile went wider, "Good question! Our dear daughter is a genius! Do you know how she had been reading books faster than other children?! I bet soon she can work beside you."


Leviathan laughed, "No matter how smart she is working soon with me won't happen that soon."

"You say that because you haven't seen her skill by your own eyes!" Adelaide beamed proudly. "Anyway, let's go back home."

Leviathan could feel his wife's hands wresting around his arm and he let himself be pulled by her as they left the place. Inside the house, a girl with bright red hair sat on the floor with books opened in front of her. With her sharp hearing she could head the sound of footages and quickly come to the door to greet her father and mother.

"Mother, father!" Elise called their names and hugged the two by their legs.

Leviathan brought his hand forward and bring Elise to his arms, "My girl, I'm back," he kissed her cheeks for Elise to chuckles.

Adelaide who was beside them can't help but join and kissed her cheeks as well, causing small giggles to leave from her small lips.

"What have you been doing?" Leviathan questioned her and Elise looked fully spirited when she said.

"I read books!" Elise said to her father, "and mother told me that amazing story again."

"That story?" Leviathan raised his eyebrows while looking at Adelaide who had broke into a grin.

"She must be speaking of my adventure with the cooking pan," Adelaide said with a hum of pride.

Leviathan can't help but chuckle and shake his head, "You must meant to say how you beat up a dem— a bad guy with the cooking pan alone."

"Mother is strong!" Beamed small Elise in response.

"She is," Leviathan agreed. As he placed his hand around Adelaide's shoulders he gave his wife a loving kiss on her cheeks.

"Well Elise, can you now go and clean the book you have made a mess with in your room? Mummy will cook you a delicious pancakes that you love." Hearing the promise, Elise quickly pushed herself from the floor, her small hands and legs took her a while to bring herself up from the ground.

"It's a promise!" Elise giggled lightly as she dashed to her room.

Left alone, Adelaide and Leviathan was still full with smile after their daughter's share of cheerfulness. "How is your work? Isn't it difficult?" Adelaide question as she brought the cup of tea she had prepared for him.

"Not really. It wasn't that much different to the work I did in the castle back in Hell," Leviathan murmured a small thank before taking a delicious sip of the tea. "How is Elise?"

Adelaide's smile turned smaller, "You must mean her ability's progress. For now I don't see anything in her that come from either our angel or demon's side."

"Angel's power are pure, they do mostly healing and only a part of them could attack," Leviathan answered. Seeing his wife sitting before him he heaved his breaths, "The case which would be our problem if Elise inherit more of my demonic ability. Not only it is difficult for her to control the demonic ability and nature she soon posses, it isn't an easy task either for her who has both angelic and demonic power. When I was around eighteen I suffered some of the backlash of having both bloodline. Both power oppose each other."

"I know," answered Adelaide with a heavy sigh, "But Levi, I like you didn't get the normal experience of being a simple person. Our child, she is special, a treasure of one of a kind, but I want her not to feel any different than the humans around her. I know you have been opposing to the idea of her making friends of her ages as you fear that one day she wouldn't be able to stay in this village again. But I—"

"You want to try," Leviathan completed her words and Adelaide nodded promptly, letting her loose red hair to danced as she does. "I am still a bit adamant on that idea," Adelaide's head sunk under his watch. With a chuckle he added, "But I have changed my stubborn mind a day ago and think that it is the right time for Elise to make friend. It would be unfair for me to restrain to her from the things she wish to try."

"Oh!" Adelaide jumped from her seat and pulled her husband to a hug, "I know you would soon agree!"

"Because I am a pushover?" Leviathan asked with one raised brows.

"No," when she giggled it reminded him how his daughter also shared the same giggle, "I mean because you are my husband who will only support me. I knew I didn't make the wrong choice by agreeing to marry you! But who should Elise be friend with? She never has children around her age before. I am thinking to go with someone cheerful."

"Actually, I have just talked with Woyld," Leviathan said waiting for the name to ring bell on his wife's head.

"Natashia's husband! You mean their twin daughters?"

"Yes," he confirmed. "He wanted to teach his children how to read and write for their better future. I think as you can do both and is teaching Elise, why not have them at the house together?"

Adelaide's smile beamed wider with bouncing happiness, "You are the best!" She lovingly hugged Leviathan who can't help but widen his smile.

"Buttering me up again. But remember not to share too many hours with them. They maybe kind people but still are humans and there are up to certain things we can hide successfully from them."

"I understand we will only play with each other for three hours, that should be plenty!" Adelaide continue to speak about what she wish Elise would do as their daughter was quite bubbly but shy, she spoke of how with time Elise would soon make great friends which Leviathan agreed to.

He was happy to see how joyful Adelaide was and Elise when he told him she would soon have friends coming over her house without knowing that was the start for their peaceful life crumbling down as a certain person put their eyes on the small family.magic