Chapter 566: The Girl’s Tears-I  

Blood was all over her hands, no matter how much she wiped it away to her clothes, her bright blue eyes could only see the scarlet red fluids that cover her palms. The next second, Elise saw her hand inside Ian's chest. His eyes while looking at her was lifeless and at the same time a large sound struck the ground, Elise rose from her bed, screaming on top of her lungs that caused the glasses in her room to break including all the windows around her.

Her breaths came out short and hurried from her lungs.

Leviathan at once appeared on her room, seeing his daughter crunching her hands in front of her face. Her bright red hair scattered all around her white nightgown as tears rolled down from her chin.

Lucifer had also came inside the room using the door. Opening it, he saw the scattered shards of glass and it was enough to know what happened. Knowing himself terrible at comforting people who is saddened and instead often rub people's wounds. Flicking his hand, he lighted all the candles inside the room while bringing more with his magic and said, "I will leave you two alone."

Leviathan heard the click sound of the door and slowly he made his way at the footrest of Elise's bed, making small steps like a person who didn't want to scare off a small animal.

"Elise," Leviathan called her name gently.


"I-I," Elise pursed her lips and she shake her head. Nightmares haunt her. While she had hardened her heart so she won't feel pain, the guilt that plague her worsen at any seconds she closed her eyes. She feared sleeping and even though she had tried calming herself by sleeping on the bed where they always shared their nights together, now only emptiness was left inside her heart.

"I don't know what I should do now," Elise confessed honestly. Her words were broken like how she felt her heart was. "Will it work? Will the plan to bring Ian back will work?"

"It will," Leviathan sat on the side of the bed and held her hands. He remembered how small she was when she was still young. Now his daughter had grown up without him seeing her growth. While it saddened him it also make him proud to see her growing well. Although now she had to be hit by a terrible storm of losing the man she loved the most.

Leviathan could only now tell how deeply Ian's existence was to his daughter world.

"I promise you that it will be alright," Leviathan then suddenly saw how Elise scrunched her hand on top of her chest. "What's wrong? Where do you feel pain?"

"My heart," Elise squeezed her eyes as tightly as she did to her chest. "I don't think I can sleep at all. I'm sorry, I knew that you were waiting until I rest plenty enough."


Leviathan looked surprise but Elise knew that the Gate to Hell should have been opened in less than an hour ago.

"You should not be sorry. What is important is for you to rest your feeling. By now, I can tell you have known how your emotions play a large part on your power's magnitude. The stronger your anger or sadness is it would be more difficult to control them," Leviathan sucked his breaths, "It's difficult I know Elise. You are special, a very special child."

"But I can't sleep. When I sleep I hope to dream him. But all I can see was blood— blood all over my hands."

Leviathan wanted to hug her but he didn't know if he should or he could. He was a clumsy father especially as he knew he had never been there for her all this time. He wasn't sure if he truly deserve to bring her comfort now when he was no less stranger to her similar to Lucifer. Maybe Lucifer was even closer to his daughter, he spitefully acknowledged.

"Let me tell you a little story then," Leviathan smiled. "When you were young, you loved to hear stories from me. I don't know whether you would like to hear them again now."

Elise shook her head, "Please tell them," she mustered a smile which was difficult to make it stay properly on her lips. "There are many questions I want to ask you... fa— father," like Leviathan, Elise who didn't have enough closure with her father didn't know how she should act to her father. She barely had memories of the man and yet, Elise could feel the deep bond that they shared.

She knew by instinct how the man who looked at her with full concern deeply care about her like no others.

"But before that, I want to thank you for being here," said Elise to him. Feeling her tears welling she blinked her eyes while Leviathan squeezed his eyes shut.

He wondered just how much pain Elise had gone through that a mere presence of him could make the girl feel happy. She was delighted with the littlest thing she discovered which only told him how harsh the world had been for her.

"I will always be here for you now. I didn't manage to do that before but I will promise to stay here for you whenever you need to," promised Leviathan. "You don't have to call my name for I will always be there for you. Lay down on the bed."

Elise did what he said, placing her head to the soft pillow and Leviathan pulled the quilt to her neck. With his other hand he raised them to the window, and fixed it in seconds with his magic.

"Father," Elise called in a soft voice, "Why can you bring back Ian to life but not mother? I have many questions. Such as why you had erased my memories."

Leviathan looked at her blue eyes that she had inherited from her grandmother and his wife, "Your mother's death was different than Ian's. As I had told you there are certain requirements that needs to be met in order for one to bring back to life. Your mother unfortunately cannot met those requirements and at that time I was in prison... I came too late for her."

"Can you tell me?" Elise then questioned. "I want to know what I have forgotten and why. Why did you erased my memories.

Leviathan knew he had to explain to her sooner or later he closed his eyes opening it again as he says, "I had to. It was to protect you who inherited tremendous prowess from both your maternal and paternal grandfathers."