Chapter 172   - When His Majesty Had A Name (1)

Before sending Martia to Kyre, the Emperor summoned us once again. Just to make our lives more difficult.

?While you finish your job with the rebels, it's better if your sister stays at the Palace,? he stated.

Just like that, the only thing I was glad to have changed returned to its intended place.

I tried to convince him that Kyre shouldn't be left without someone from our family. To no avail.

In the end, Martia reassured me.

?It will be all right,? she said while patting my shoulder. ?I'm a big girl right now. And I like the colours and liveliness of the court.?


I left once again, this time towards the east. In the central valley, surrounded by mountains, people were starting a revolution.

According to my memories, that was going to transform into bloodshed. First, the local nobles were going to die under the common people's fury.

Then, the army would have marched from the capital and killed everyone on their way.

There were no winners in that civil war.

My worry wasn't about surviving the lynch. I could do it in many ways. In particular, because I knew it was going to happen.

What I feared was the aftermath. I didn't want my Queen to hear that I participated in a massacre.


I didn't want all those people to die either. Not being involved would have been better, but since I didn't have a choice, I could as well save them from their fates.

When I arrived, everything was calm. The local nobles had just executed what they believed were the heads of the movement. Too bad those were just decoy. However, the population didn't like that fact.

I could sense their stares as I ordered a couple soldiers to take down the bodies and let their families bury them. I could read their thoughts as they wondered what the heir to the throne was doing there.

The local governor arrived as soon as he heard about the matter.

?Why aren't the criminals still hanged?? he inquired to the guards. ?They need to send an example for the next people that'll try something like that.?

?And what have they done, precisely?? I inquired.

The man glanced at me for a moment, analysing everything: from the clothing to the short sword hanging from my belt. He took notice of my age and the fact that I was proudly standing in the middle of a square where he needed something like thirty guards to keep him safe.

?They threw stones at the Governor's carriage,? he replied, moving his head to the side. As to imply that they got what they deserved.

?And why did they do that??

He frowned, displeased. ?Are you perhaps from the capital? Has the Emperor sent you??

?That's correct.?

?And they thought that someone as young as you can solve the problems we have here??

?I might as well try,? I grinned. ?Throw this man in prison for tonight. Tomorrow, we'll consider whether to solve it on our own or send him to the Palace.?

?You can't do that!?

?Oh, indeed, I can. You disrespected his majesty, the Emperor. Twice, to be precise. The first time when you called him, and then when you questioned his majesty's decision.?

The bodyguards moved their eyes between the governor and me, trying to understand how unwise it would have been to move against me.

I had a couple of soldiers from the capital with me. The coat of arms of the royal family was visible on the uniforms. It would have been dangerous to hurt one of my soldiers, regardless of my identity.

When it became clear that they would let go and supposedly lose their job, I walked to the centre of the square.

?People of Lorenia,? I shouted. ?His majesty, the Emperor sent me here to help you solve the problems that are afflicting your days. Disloyal subjects will be judged according to the laws. And incompetent officers will be changed.? With some luck, wiser men would have taken their places.

It was easier than I thought.

?Who the hell are you??

I turned towards the governor, still struggling in the guard's clutch. He had tried shouting orders to his bodyguards, to no avail.

?My name is Alexander of Kyre,? I revealed. How come he didn't know? Hadn't he been informed from the capital?

Dealing with a dumbly cruel governor had been easy. The hard part would have been convincing the Emperor to send someone that could keep the peace for some time.

?I can go back to the Palace,? the knight next to me said, dumbfounded. ?I have to refer to his majesty about what happened.?

?All right. Also, there is a need for someone capable in this place. The roads are almost non-existing. The common buildings are falling apart, temples are full of poor children and elders. People are hungry, and it won't do any good if they stay like that any longer. Especially to his majesty's name.?

They would have been less rough thinking that I was sent for them to be better, but it would have been even worse if their expectations were betrayed. If they knew that the Emperor sent me here to keep them under control and not put the officers in their place... It wouldn't have been good.

Using the Emperor's name to my advantage had been a risky move. Yet, it brought me some advantages in the court too. My Imperial Uncle had been pleased by it and decided to leave me there to solve the most pressing matters.

Trained by the issues I encountered in Kyre, I didn't need much to find the last of those that embezzled or used their powers to torture the weak. People started seeing me as a sort of saviour.

I made sure to remind them that it had always been his majesty's idea to send me there.

I couldn't solve the internal problems Lorenia's society had, but I delayed the outbursts quite much. When I left, almost a year later, everything seemed promising a better end.

It was just an impression, I knew it, but it wouldn't have been a problem I had to solve.

I was going to marry my Queen and think of this period as training for the life that was awaiting me.

I could also tell Elias about this. It could be of help to him.

The fact that I couldn't remember his first achievements, his teenage years, not even the first book he read wasn't such a wonder.

I had remembered my previous like a bit at a time. With time, I would know everything about it.

When I saw Martia again, she was taller. Also, she had a new friend. She met our cousin, the little boy that was going to become the Emperor in a couple of years.

They were playing together in the royal gardens. Martia's gardens.

She had been taking care of the yards for the whole year, so the gardens were full of roses and pretty flowers.

?Xander,? she called me when she saw me in the distance.

An irrational fear had always lingered in my fear. I was scared that my sister wouldn't recognise me if I was away for too long. Still, she never forgot.

When I met the next Emperor's eyes, I remembered the last encounter I had with him. It had also been the first. He just asked me if I still wanted to help them, and he sent me away without further words.

The nine-year-old boy in front of me was still innocent of that sin. It was hard to understand and even more challenging to accept.

Yet, he didn't do anything. He was going to, eventually.

Maybe, he had found himself in a desperate situation, just like me.

Maybe, his aides weren't helping me.

Maybe, he thought that honouring a deal would have been enough to stop a war, that it would have helped him with the rest of the issues he was facing.

No matter the truth, I couldn't start resenting him even before he did anything. Not to mention that I should have been thankful.

If it weren't for him, how would I have met my Queen?

?See, Malholm, this is my brother Alexander,? Martia said.


?Yes, he's also your cousin.?

He observed me as if I was somehow interesting.

?The Crown Prince?? he whispered as if he was looking at a historical figure. ?The Archduke of Kyre??

?Him!? Martia confirmed with a proud grin.

?It's... It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, your highness...? he muttered. His shyness was such a surprise.

Only after staring at him for a moment or two, I remembered that he was just a bastard at that time. When Martia elbowed me, I cleared my throat.

That was right. I had to make some use of my knowledge.

He was going to become the next Emperor. I could build a friendly relationship with him; I was just in time.

My long-term bet could help me in the long run.

?It is a pleasure for me as well,? I replied, ?your highness.?

Martia tilted her head, surprised. Then, she seemed to understand.

?Oh, don't pay too much attention to him, Malholm. Xander always says strange things. Let's go play some more. It's almost dinner time, and it's better if we're not late again.?