Chapter 171   - A Wife (almost) Stolen

When we reached the capital, Martia knew very much about my first life.

However, no matter how precise and detailed my story was, I continued to feel as if I forgot something important.

Among all of that, the name Elias came to mind a couple of times. I couldn't grasp who that person was. I couldn't remember, but I was sure I was supposed to know. And it was so damn important!

When we reached the capital, I had to stop pondering and focus on the meeting with the Emperor. Even if I had survived his mood a few times, I always needed to stay on guard against that crazy man.

Martia and I walked into the throne hall, and we found it surprisingly empty. There were only the two of us, the Emperor and three or four aides.

?Your majesty,? we greeted him.


?Oh, why so formal?? he snickered. ?After all, we're related. Call me uncle.?

My blood froze all of a sudden. Was his illness already progressing? What was that familiarity?

Could it all be a trap, an excuse to cut my head?

?How have you been, Imperial Uncle?? I tried, praying that my words wouldn't be the last few I said. Dying for something like that was definitely the most stupid option.

?Not bad, not bad!?

The Emperor seemed quite cheerful and in a good mood.


?I've also heard that you've cleared Kyre's business from those parasites that steal from us. You've done a good job.?

Only four years ago, he sent me to war for the same reason. So that I couldn't regain control over my fief.

And then, he complimented me for being successful?

?I have a couple of issues I need your help with,? he sighed. ?I know that the year you were promised isn't over, but it's quite urgent.?

?Which wars, Imperial Uncle??

?Some rebels are trying to overturn our local governors. They're bothersome, and I'm tired of listening about the issues they bring. Get rid of them, or I'll order the military to march over the territory and clean it for good.?

?I will,? I nodded. For sure, I couldn't leave all those people at the mercy of a bloody tyrant. I just had to pretend to be working on it for a few years. Just until the Emperor died.

?Also, there is a problem with Polis. Still, that is almost settled. That bitch proposed an agreement for the use of the harbour. The price isn't bad, as long as we don't cross it with warships.?

?I'm glad the war is coming to an end,? I smiled. It was nearly time. My Queen had almost done it. ?I will gladly help my country, Imperial Uncle.?

?Awesome. Then, get rid of those rebels for me.?

?I will,? I nodded.

?Also, we have to find a way to make the Grahms lower their heads. They're hitting my delicate nerves with their stubbornness.?

?What happened, your majesty??

?Their son refuses to be of help. I was going to make him become the hero of the war with Polis, but he doesn't want to leave his daddy,? the Emperor snorted. ?I need an important husband for that bitch, or they won't sign the truce.?

I blinked, confused.

?I can be that person,? I tried while Martia moved her eyes between the Emperor and me. She blinked a couple of times, but she didn't utter a word. She was as confused as me.

?You?? the Emperor snickered. ?I can't let my crown prince be some decorative king. It's just a city. The Empire doesn't need it so much.?

?But...? I whispered while my world crumbled in pieces. ?But I can...?

Who was it that stole my future from me?

?Your majesty, might I make an offer for you?? I asked, even before thinking about the matter twice.

I had to reach my Queen, no matter the cost. The Empire could collapse for what I cared.

There were two pairs of blue eyes waiting for me. One was my Queen's, while the other was of a child.

My son? Could that be Elias?

?Talk,? he sighed.

?If I solve the matter with the rebellion, I'd like a reward.?

?What kind of reward??

?I'd ask for the chance to put an end to the war against Polis.?

?So, you think you can beat that witch??

Not really.

?I stand a chance, Imperial Uncle,? I smirked. ?Let me try. I'll deliver to you the best harbour of the continent. And I'll also solve the matters with the population. They will willingly follow you.?


?I'll marry the Queen and convince them to follow me. That way, Polis will be a loyal region of the Empire.?

?Mhm... Not bad. But first, you have to soothe a rebellion and deliver to me the heads of the organisers.?

?It will be done, your majesty,? I said. I bowed my head to hide my grin, but it didn't pass unnoticed to Martia.

She had already understood.

?Also, I was going to tell you earlier, but I forgot,? the Emperor said, all of a sudden.


?Your sister, how was her name again??

?Martia, your majesty.?

?Yes, that. Well, I've found a couple of interesting partners for her marriage. But it would be a problem if Kyre was left without a Lord. You shouldn't underestimate the northern border, boy. So many threats come from there... First, the barbaric tribes. They've been calm for a while, but that can change in a moment. And then, once passed their lands, there is Asteria. My spies are always so wary when talking about Asteria.?

?The Queen of Polis is related to a family of their high-ranking officers,? I said, adding wood to my fire. ?She will make a good choice for my bride.?

?Hmm... I don't like her that much. She's too cunning and rebellious. She refuses to bow her head, no matter how hard we attack.?

She wasn't cunning but smart. And she wasn't rebellious but free.

Yet, I couldn't let the Emperor see my real thoughts. I had to keep them private, for a better future.

?I will take care of that, your majesty.?

With a grin that wasn't less crazy than the Emperor's, I observed the aides whispering for a minute or two. One of them said something to my uncle's ears.

?All right,? he murmured. ?I can let you try. After all, we can change her if she doesn't adapt.?

I just had to drag things longer and convince the next Emperor to send me to Polis. I had enough time to organise my wedding on the same day as the first time. From that moment on, everything would have returned in its place.

Events would have flowed how they were supposed to. And I would have been with my Queen and my newly-remembered son.

Martia would have been responsible for Kyre, and the child Emperor would have lost any control over the Empire.

Piece after piece, the world that I changed was returning to his previous shape. My hope was reborn, and I could again dream of my wife.

There wasn't any duke's son that would have stolen her from me.

?What do we do with Grahm's grandson, then??

I didn't care; he was not my problem.

?I don't know, Imperial Uncle. Might I think about it for a day or two??

?Of course!? he chuckled. ?After all, you aren't going back immediately, are you??

?I'm not, indeed,? I said, even though Martia and I both desired to go back to Kyre.

?Good. You have to know the Palace a bit better. After all, this will be your home. One day; hopefully, not too soon.?

?If it was my decision, it wouldn't happen ever,? I replied. ?I prefer my Imperial Uncle on the throne.?

After the door of the throne hall closed behind our backs, Martia and I looked at each other. We were both relieved that it was over.

Relieved and dumbfounded.

?It looks like neither of us is going to be married off,? she shrugged. ?Maybe, it's better this way. Even though I'm not sure that your Queen will like the idea to become the Empress of the Empire that attacked her home.?

?I won't be Emperor, Martia. I just need to wait a bit longer, and I will be sent to her. Everything will be in order, then.?

?You're so settled on going there.?

?It's my destiny. And I've missed her for so long.?

?You almost got your wife stolen,? she then giggled. ?I was so scared when the Emperor declared it...?

?Not more than me.?

?I can imagine,? she continued. ?But you don't need to worry. I'll help you in any way I can. After all, it's thanks to you if I stayed in Kyre for all those years.?

?There won't be any need for help, Martia. Fate is stronger than our actions.?

I just had to patiently wait for his majesty's last breath. Meanwhile, there was a rebellion to stop and executions to prevent.

I couldn't bring those heads to his majesty. I knew how much those people had suffered before rebelling.

?I'll be busy these next few years,? I sighed. ?But I'll make sure to be home more often!?