Chapter 396   - Crouching Young Tigers and Tigress

Chapter 396   – Crouching Young Tigers and Tigress

Cao Ang, Cao Cao’s first son and Tong’s hostage, was currently training in the Ye Military Academy, which had been constructed last year when Cao Cao was busy trying to obtain Xu Province.

He was also aware of his status as a hostage. To survive, Cao Ang could not allegedly hint that he planned to resist against Tong. As a result, he swallowed his pride and followed all instructions that all Tong’s subordinates gave him.

Despite the politic suppression and the surveillances, Cao Ang showed a promising talent in the military, which got the praise from Lu Zhi. However, compared to other legendary figures in the same generation, such as Zhao Yun, Xu Huang, or Taishi Ci, Cao Ang was far behind.

March 30th, 191 AD.

Today, as well, the 16-year-old Cao Ang did his best on his field training. His horseback spearmanship got better to the point that he could defeat 99% of the trainees in the military camp and more than half of the a.d.u.l.ts in the garrison forces.


Still, the rest of the few 1% in the academy was a bunch of monsters.


A little 9-year-old girl laughed as she smacked Cao Ang off his horse with her pole stick.

Once again, Cao Ang lost to this young monster.

She was Hua Shi and Tong’s only daughter, Zhang Min. As if she succeeded her mother, she obtained Hua Shi’s face and her valiant manner. However, she inherited Tong’s athletic genes and decisiveness.

The little girl did not sit on her horse. Instead, she sat cross-legs on it in a relaxed manner.


"One hit K.O. again. Zixiu, you need to work on your reaction. You’re too slow!"

Cao Ang grumbled as he patted the dirt off his soft leather armor before he got back on his feet.

"Overclocking your brain at your age is bad for your growth, your highness."

"Then, why didn’t you use it?"

"I want to, but I can’t! I can’t still understand the inner force manipulation!"

Two riders came to the two, along with several field physicians to check Cao Ang.

One of the hors.e.m.e.n was the 10-year-old adopted son of Tong, Liu Xie. As for the other, it was a follower that Liu Xie recruited, which was also the strongest student in this academy, who was the same age as Cao Ang.

The top student got down from his horse and examined Cao Ang’s health.

Seeing that Cao Ang was unharmed, he sighed in relief and turned to Zhang Min.

"Princess, please don’t use your immortal power in a fight against mortals. It’s unfair."

Zhang Min snorted, "All is fair in wars! Zhongda always said that in class, and my father agrees with it, too!"

Liu Xie shook his head, "But this is a drill. What if you accidentally kill him? Please don’t forget that his father is the Marquis of Wei. If something happens to him, your father will be mad."

Zhang Min pouted, "Humph! I was not the one who initiated this sparring match. He asked for it!"

Cao Ang bowed to Liu Xie and his bodyguard, "The princess is right. Your highness, it was my fault that I got knocked off the horse. This is a part of our training, so I’m prepared to hit a few times."

Liu Xie and his follower nodded at Cao Ang in admiration.

"Very well, brother Zixiu. How about this? Next time, spar with me instead. We have a similar level of skills, so we should learn with each other. As for the princess, she should spar with Wenchang instead."

Zhang Min raised her both arms to complain, "BOO! Wenchang always refuses to use his overclock mode! Fighting him at slow speed is no fun!"

Wenchang, the strongest student, had a wry smile on his face.

"My apologies, your highness princess. I get nosebleed every time I use that. His majesty also told me that I shouldn’t overuse this skill unless I’m in a life-and-death situation."

"Bullshit! If you don’t keep practicing, how will you get used to the backlashes!?"

The teenage sighed, "I haven’t mastered the art of self-regeneration yet, your highness. I’m sorry that my talent doesn’t match with you."

"Eh, forget it. I’m going home to play with Zhongda and Ziyang!"

Zhang Min galloped away to return the horse to the instructors. Meanwhile, the three men shook their heads in resignation. This princess was too strong for them to handle.

Liu Xie muttered, "I pity anyone that fancies her for a bride."

Cao Ang nodded, "Agreed."

However, Wenchang’s corner of his mouth twitched.

"Let’s get Zixiu patched up. We have to join the competition in the next two days."

All three men had a nervous expression. Wenchang turned to Liu Xie, "I hope your father won’t be cruel this year, your highness."

"I’m sorry. From my experience, he is a devil incarnate."

Cao Ang lamented, "I hope we won’t embarrass ourselves this year."



April 1st, 191 AD.

All top students from the military academy, public schools, and the literature school of Cai Yong gathered before the royal palace to join the annual competition between young students.

This festival was first held last year to display all the capabilities of all students under the age of 20. The mastermind of this project was Te Langpu again.

The purpose of this gathering was to weed out the low-quality schools that took advantage of the local people. At the same time, he promoted competitions, as well as encouraging all students that they had a goal in life.

All authorized schools and academies in Ye were allowed to send their best students to participate. However, students or instructors who disgraced their school would get their license revoked.

At first, the competition revealed a sign of failure, as many local schools failed Tong and Te Langpu’s harsh tests. Thankfully, Cai Yong’s Literature and Art School produced many talented maidens while the military academy had scouted a couple of gifted children. These young students became the stars of last year’s competitions.

All champions received gold coins and a noble title from Tong directly, while all responsible instructors of these children would also be rewarded. These prices awoke the desire of many instructors and ambitious young students.

As such, once a year, grand competitions would be held in the palace for all representative talented children and instructors to fight for fame, prestige, glory, and wealth.

In the morning, Lu Zhi held an examination of art and cultural students. Zither students from Cai Yong’s school held their public concert to display their skills.

As the champion band of the Art and Literature section from last year, no one could argue their performance.

Inside the throne room, many calligraphists exhibited their thought and insight through their writing and calligraphies. Each student wrote a quote or a word as they explained its hidden meaning.

Many public school representatives joined this competition. Among the students, Liu Ye, the champion of last year, participated in the game to defend his title as well. Sima Lang also joined as the representative of the royal academy under Lu Zhi.

In the end, Liu Ye won the 1st prize again with a quote, "A.d.u.l.ts are Overgrown Children."

In the afternoon, it was a debate competition between children who aspired to be strategists.

Sima Yi was the champion of last year’s contest, even though he was forced to compete by Sima Fang. This year, he was also forced to defend his title and the prestige of Sima Clan.

Tong used a fictional scenario, which represented the Battle of Guandu in his other timeline to be the question of this debate. However, he changed the names of all historical characters, so none of the students could connect this battle to their timeline.

All students had to cooperate as one. In this test, they had to come up with the right strategies to defeat Yuan Shao as Cao Cao.

Tong laid out the whole map along with all details about granaries, military camps, soldiers, generals, and weaponry.

Te Langpu and Tong were the judges of this debate. Since they knew the results of this battle in the other timeline, they understood which strategy would work and which would not.

For this competition, Liu Ye and Liu Xie also participated in the debate, challenging Sima Yi’s title.

Liu Ye and Liu Xie came up with a strategy that they would use the firepower of repeating crossbows to mow down all Yuan Shao’s forces in direct combat. Most of the other competitors emphasized on ambushing tactics or hit-and-run tactics. On the contrary, Sima Yi had another idea.

As if he was Guo Jia in the other timeline, he pinpointed Yuan Shao’s weaknesses, the granaries and food supply of the million-man army. He avoided all direct combat against Yuan Shao while he sabotaged Yuan Shao’s personal assets, such as sending fake news, conning Yuan Shao’s officers, and seducing Zhang He and Gao Lan into rebelling against their lord.

As Tong had expected, Sima Yi’s performance outshone all young strategists. Many observers in this debate were astonished by his talent, and his fame spread among the lower employees’ circles. Although the teenage did not come here with his freewill, Tong was impressed nonetheless.

Sima Yi’s ideas even brought attention to all Tong’s strategists in the clan chat when Xun Yu relayed the details. Even Ju Shou, Xun You, and Jia Xu found it challenging in this fiction scenario.

Sima Fang also observed this debate on the sideline. As the sponsor who forcefully sent Sima Yi into the competition, he would not miss the show.

Still, Sima Fang noticed the similarity between the debate subject and borders between Tong’s country and Cao Cao.

’Is his majesty trying to wage war with Cao Cao? This fiction scenario’s territories look so much like ours and Cao Cao’s forces.’

The strategy competition took longer than the schedule since everyone interested in Sima Yi’s strategies. Even a.d.u.l.ts formed groups and studied the tactics among themselves. Several scholars also sweated, feeling jealous of the children that they had this chance, wanting to participate in the debate, too.

After careful consideration, Tong announced Sima Yi as the winner of the strategist contest.

Instead of being happy, Sima Yi grumbled and secretly cursed at Tong. However, when Zhang Min came to celebrate with him, his facial expression changed into a lovestruck-teenage. The two went out shopping together using Sima Yi’s hard-earned prizes.


Late afternoon came the main event, the martial art competition.

Last year, Zhang Min was the champion of this tournament. She won not because of her status as the eldest princess, but she had mastered one of Tong’s skills, overclock mode, since she was seven.

With her extra speed and reaction, not many a.d.u.l.ts could square with her longer than 20 moves. All the children were no match for her.

This year, Liu Xie, Cao Ang, and Liu Xie’s sole follower participated in this competition. Several martial art schools also sent their best students here, hoping to score a title and spread their fame.

Zhang Min came back from a date with Sima Yi just to defend her title. The latter followed after the little girl around as if he was her puppy, which made Sima Fang grimaced.

After two hours of the preliminary matches and tournament matches, two finalists were decided.

The first one was the previous champion, the princess Zhang Min.

And the other one was called by his nicknamed, "Wenchang."

Zhang Min took her long pole stick and pointed at Wenchang with a grin.

"I won’t hold back! Make sure you use my father’s overclock this time."

Wenchang sighed. He might have received some guidance from Tong when he first entered the academy, but he really had not mastered the ability yet.

He glanced at the emperor in reluctant.

Tong noticed this teenager’s nervousness. He nodded at Wenchang.

"Do your best, Wenchang! If you hold back because she’s my daughter, you’ll be in the world of pain!"

Wenchang revealed a wry smile on his face.

"What a cruel emperor. I might be crippled after this."

The referee gave his signal.


The little girl, Zhang Min, disappeared from where she had stood. She reappeared before Wenchang as she thrust her weapon.


The pole stick missed! Wenchang left an afterimage as he side-stepped.

"Forgive me, princess."


Wenchang activated his overclock mode, and everything became a slow-motion to him.


Wenchang’s wooden sword slammed onto Zhang Min’s waist, which forced her to tumble from pain.

Tong sighed and shook his head as he had predicted it. His daughter would not be able to handle this future historical figure with his legacy skills.

The reason that Tong taught Wenchang was not because he was the best student in the academy. He knew about this teenager’s potential.

The referees jumped onto the tournament stage and stopped the match. The victor and the new champion had been decided.


Wenchang was the style name of a great general of Shu Kingdom in the other timeline, Wei Yan.