Chapter 395   - Sun Ce and Zhou Yu in Lujiang

Chapter 395   – Sun Ce and Zhou Yu in Lujiang

December 15th, 190 AD.

As conflict at Xiapi and Langye temporarily settled, a new storm was brewing at the west.

Vida watched the west border on the top of the Wuwei County wall.

The last quarter provision supply from their home country was due last month, but no one appeared to deliver the goods. Without food and products to trade, the civil officers kept bugging him that the city suffered a deficit, and they did not have enough gold or food to pay their employees or officers.

Vida, too, would not get paid!


’Did something happen back home?’

He was afraid of a coup d’etat among the Xiongnu Tribes under Khan. Had someone overthrown Khan’s regime in their mainland, they could have also stopped sending supplies here, leaving Khan and his army to die by the Hans.

As Vida’s worries grew, he assembled his army and all mercenaries.

In December, the weather was harsh in this region. As an arid land with mostly desert and sand, the winter and the snow hindered all travelers.

The average temperature of this region was minus 10 degrees Celsius or 14 degrees Fahrenheit. The lowest could even drop to minus 20 Celsius.

As such, mobilizing any army this month would be foolish. However, Vida had no choice. Had they not moved, they would die starving!


When all Vida’s cataphracts and hoplites heard the bad news, they panicked.

"Should we desert here and go home?"

"What about our pay!? We haven’t gotten this month’s pay yet."

"Don’t bother about the wage. We’ll die if we stay."

"Can’t we plunder the locals and wait for the spring? We can’t move in winter!"

"We can, but it will be tough."

All opinions were varied. However, most of them were against retreating or deserting this winter.

Vida made his decision, "Let’s start robbing the local people. Kill all elders and children. Sell the women and enslave the men for manpower. We’ll prepare to go home."

"What about Khan? Won’t he return to retaliate?"

Vida grinned, "He’ll be busy fighting with the Hans. He can’t do everything by himself."


This winter was a nightmare to the Wuwei population as the garrison soldiers turned rogue on them. All soldiers with odd faces slaughtered peasants, adducted women, and enslaved helpless farmers.

March 10th, 191 AD.

Spring arrived.

The mercenaries survived despite the lack of food supplies. As they had stolen everything from the locals, they were happy with the loots, wealth, women, and additional provision.

Vida gathered his cataphracts, hoplites, and the new recruits out of the city. Today, they scheduled a departure trip back to the west, hoping to return to their kingdom.

With the recruits from the local militias, desired to abandon their farmer life for the sake of wealth and freedom, Vida gained more soldiers.

,000 Mercenaries and 20,000 militias marched west along with 50,000 slaves, men, and women. Their first destination was Gan Zhou.


Han Sui and Ma Chao were stationing in Jincheng, a county south of Wuwei and west of Tianshui. Both of them had been enslaved by Khan’s brainwashing skill, and they were protecting the commandery in their lord’s stead.

Early this year, they had heard about the lack of supplies commotion from the refugees and reported this matter to Liu Yang and Khan in their clan chat.

Khan also gave them an order.

"Ignore Wuwei and gather at Tianshui. All forces will mobilize to Yi Province of Liu Yan."

This was a move that Liu Yang and Khan had envisioned ages back, but they did not have enough resources for a large scale expansion.

Like Tong had suspected, Khan did not lay a good foundation on his kingdom’s economy. He overly relied on system skills that it hindered his training, growth, cultivation, and reputation as a lord.

But now, Khan had collected enough lifespans to produce all resources required for another expansion.

Unbeknownst to everyone, Lu Bu was lurking behind their territories, watching the preys left its nest.


Sun Ce, Sun Fang, and all family members of the Sun Clan reached Lujiang without being stopped by the local lords. Wan of Yuan Shu was in chaos, and the order was lax, so they crossed the territory with ease.

Liu Biao was also too busy dealing with the southern tribes below Jing Province. He also did not pay attention to Sun Fang and Sun Ce’s movements.

March 25th, 191 AD.

Before Lujiang County, 20,000 soldiers gathered in an array along with their luggage.

The historical reunion between Sun Ce and Sun Jian’s left behind subordinates should have occurred in the year 195 here, the city of Lujiang. Although many otherworlders interfered with the historical timelines, it still happened.

Zhou Yu, the legendary figure, was currently a handsome teenage in his 17th. He was born the same year as Sun Ce, his sworn brother.

His long black hair and beautiful face captivated Sun Ce and Sun Fang’s followers.

Sun Ce and Zhou Yu clasped hands, smiling in happiness upon seeing their brother again.

Both Zhang Hong and Zhang Shao also came out to welcome their young masters. The two Zhangs bowed to Sun Fang and Sun Ce.

"First young master, second young master, welcome to our humble territory. We’ve prepared everything for you."

Sun Fang, acted as their temporary clan lord, accepted the greetings by cupping his fist.

"Thank you for coming to receive us. Still, you don’t need to mobilize an army like this. This is a bit overkill."

Sun Ce also noticed the army behind them too. It was weird for them to dispatch an army to protect him and his family.

"Gongjin, what’s wrong with them?"

Zhou Yu noticed their gaze and explained, "Change of plans, Bofu. We’ll march out."

Sun Ce frowned at his sworn brother, "What happened? Why are you amassing forces? I thought we will lay low in the city."

Zhou Yu shook his head, "My intel agents reported that Cao Cao has been preparing to take this city since winter, and they have spread words that we’re fugitives. By now, they should have reached Shouchun, and they should be on their way here in a few days."


Everybody could hear Zhou Yu’s words. Even Sun Fang was shocked because he never expected that Cao Cao would take the initiative to hunt them.

Zhou Yu continued, "We’re going to flee to Yang Province. We’ll cross the Yangtze River, so Cao Cao won’t be able to follow us there."

Sun Fang found it hard to believe. He did not think that Cao Cao would stop because of a river.

"On what basis do you think that Cao Cao will stop at Lujiang?"

Zhou Yu turned to Sun Fang, "Senior brother, Cao Cao is underprepared at the moment. He has just snatched Xu Province from your father, and your father is still alive under the emperor’s protection. Therefore, he can’t afford to wage another war until he ensures the emperor’s stance toward them. Because of that, Cao Cao won’t have enough resources to expand too far from the northern fronts. The Yangtze River is also a natural defense and a good border between the Yang Province and the north. He will have to rely on the river to protect Lujiang from other minor lords or Liu Biao while he fights against the emperor."

Zhang Shao inserted, "We can explain our reasons later. Please follow us to our carriages, so we can leave this city as soon as possible."

Everybody nodded and followed the elder scholar to their new vehicle.

Sun Fang, Sun Ce, and Zhou Yu got on the same carriage.

Zhou Yu continued what he left off, "Right now, Yang Province is occupied by timid lords. With our current forces, we can take it and establish a new home for our clan."

Sun Ce’s voice cracked, "W-We’re going to attack the whole region!?"

"Yes. I’ll need you and senior brother Fang for this. That’s why we’re waiting for both of you. Can you help us? We don’t have many generals that can lead troops."

Sun Fang pondered, recalling his memory of the other history.

The governor of Jianye should have been Liu Yao, who fled from the chaos because of Yuan Shu in the year 194. However, Yuan Shu had yet to declare himself an emperor, so Liu Yao had not moved to Jianye yet. He wondered who would be the lord of this city.

Sun Fang nodded, "No problem."

"Are your injuries healed? I heard you are crippled."

"That’s fake news I released to keep myself alive. Zhang Tong and all otherworlders want me dead."

"Ah, good move, senior brother."

Meanwhile, Sun Ce got nervous when he heard that they had to attack a stranger’s city to steal it. When he imagined that he had to lead this massive force without the help of other senior officers, such as Cheng Pu, Han Dang, or Huang Gai, he could not keep himself calm.

Sun Fang noticed Sun Ce’s panic, he patted his younger brother and soothed him.

"I’m here with you. Don’t be afraid."

Sun Ce nodded, "Y-Yeah. I was just nervous that I have to lead troops without other uncles."

Sun Fang chuckled, "Fool! Uncle Zhu Zhi, Sun Jing, Wu Jing, and I are by your side. What’s there to be afraid?"

Zhou Yu also laughed, "It’s not like you, Bofu. You had always jumped in head-first when it came to a brawl. After you grew up a bit, you got scared?"

"Hah? I scare of no one, even Cao Cao or Zhang Tong! I’ll show you how I lead these troops and conquer the entire Yang Province!"

Sun Fang’s face twitched as he turned to Zhou Yu, "Do you think only 20,000 men will work? We are short on men and generals. If it’s only one or two cities, then I can understand. But I don’t think that we can win the entire province with only 20,000 soldiers."

The young strategist revealed a faint smile, "Both of you will find it that this conquest is actually easier than you could have thought."