Chapter 361  

Chapter 361   – An Emperor’s Duty

In Ye City, the previous government meeting hall had transformed into a throne room and a palace .

In front of the throne room, a star altar with a bronze 3-meter cauldron, filled with riches and incense sticks, each with the size of a man’s arm .

Pig heads, roasted ducks, boiled chickens, fruits, wines, fishes, dumplings, rice cakes, noodles, and many other delicacies lined on the altar .

Tong, donned in golden dragon clothing, bowed to heaven with incense sticks in his hands .

Xun Yu did his stuff, reciting words in the scroll in his hands, worshiping the heaven and earth .


Tong got stuck in the ceremony, bowing to gates which the locals believed they were gates of Heavenly Peace and Meridian for half a day .

In the late afternoon, all traditional heaven worshiping ended, and Tong could sit after a long while . He leaned on the throne, which was made out of pure jade and jewels .

As there was not enough cushion, Tong groaned from the hardness of the seat .

’I’m going to get hemorrhoid at this rate . Oh, wait, my demonic body skill is still on me . I can’t get sick . ’

With worn-out legs and mental exhaustion, Tong did not pay attention to anyone in the throne room, letting Xun Yu doing all the works .

Currently, a banquet celebration was still ongoing within the throne room . Twenty dancers with skimpy red clothes waved their hands around, moving in synchronization . High ranking officials only presented in the hall, watching the dancers as they enjoyed wine and food on their private table .


The dancing session ended, and new performers entered . They were another group of dancing girls . Meanwhile, the previous dancers changed their roles, transiting into maids . Each of lecherous old men invited one of the dancers to their side, becoming their private maid . Soon, these dancers might end up becoming their new concubines .

Xun Yu also invited the leading dancer to Tong’s side, hoping to make her Tong’s concubine as well .

The girl was the most beautiful among the tropes, which made many old officials drool just by looking at her smooth skins and a perfect S body shape .

"Your majesty, having only one prince is bad for the dynasty . You will need to produce more prince and princesses to stabilize the kingdom . I hope that you won’t reject this . "

Tong looked around to observe the people’s reaction . Fortunately, Friday and Medusa left with their army and did not attend the coronation ceremony today . Or else, there might be a bloodbath .

All attendants around Tong gazed at him with expectation . At the moment, Dong Bai had not entitled as Tong’s empress yet as she was too young, so they were hoping that Tong would choose a new empress soon .

With a bitter smile, Tong invited the young dancer to his side .

Without a conversation lead, Tong turned to her, "What’s your name?"

"My lowly self is surnamed Du . Your majesty can name me to your liking . "

"Huh? Du surname?"

"Is there something wrong with my surname, your majesty?"

Tong’s smile cramped . He inspected the face of this Du girl . Upon the closer look, her beauty was no less than Hua Shi or Xiao Wu . Also, her clean smooth body, her manner, and her body movement management revealed that she was from a noble family .

’I have heard of this surname before . Where had I heard it?’

As Tong could not recall an influential person in this era with the surname [Du], Tong planned to dig into her background .

"Where are you from, lady Du?"

"My lowly self is from Bing Province, your majesty . "

"I’m sorry that my next question might be rude . Did your father try to give you to another man recently?"

The dancer took her time to think, which she nodded .

"There was someone who asked me for marriage . But because of the invasion from the previous emperor Liu Ping, my wedding was canceled, and my fiancé returned into Xiongnu’s territory . "

Tong squinted his eyes when she mentioned "Xiongnu . "

’Bing Province, Xiongnu . Is there a historical figure that I forgot in that territory?’

Tong sighed and continued his questioning without thinking .

"What was your fiancé name, if I may ask?"

"Qin Yilu, your majesty . "

’Qin Yilu ... Qin Yilu!? Lady Du!? Du Shi!?’

Tong remembered this girl now . Historically, she was a wife of Qin Yilu .


Du Shi was known for her beauty, and she was the mother of Qin Lang, a future general under the Wei Kingdom .

Qin Yilu, Du Shi’s husband, served under Lu Bu after he had joined forces with Dong Zhuo . In 192, he disguised as Dong Zhuo’s guard, which he participated in the Dong Zhou’s assassination . He and Du Shi followed after Lu Bu, and they ended up in Xiapi .

When Xiapi fell to Cao Cao in 198, Qin Yilu was not with his wife as he rushed to Yuan Shu in Shouchun to request for the reinforcement .

Guan Yu, who joined Cao Cao along with Liu Bei at that time, begged Cao Cao to give Du Shi to him . Curious why this stern general wanted this woman so badly, Cao Cao visited Du Shi himself . Upon seeing her beauty, Cao Cao took her in as his concubine and refused to give her to Guan Yu .

Qin Lang, Du Shi’s son, became Cao Cao adopted son after the event . Because of her beauty, Du Shi gave birth to two Cao Cao’s sons and a daughter .

As for Du Shi’s husband, he was killed by Zhang Fei during the time Liu Bei rebelled against Cao Cao and stole the Xu Province .


Tong had to wipe the sweat on his face as fate pranked him too often .

’The mourning period for Hua Shi and He Xing hasn’t ended, and a pretty girl that smitten Guan Yu is presenting herself to me on a silver plate!? What absurd luck . ’

Lady Du, who was observing Tong from the side, took out her handkerchief and wiped Tong sweat .

"Is the weather too warm for you, your majesty? Should I ask the maid for cold towels?"

With a stiff smile, Tong nodded . Du Shi stood and left, calling the servants to get cold towels for Tong .

While she was at it, Tong used this chance to text Friday . As he did not want to get castrated by her again, he requested for Friday’s permission .

Tong: "Friday, I need your permission . "

Dong Bai: "For what? Is there something happening?"

Tong: "Yes . My subordinates have requested me to take in concubines . That’s why I need to tell this to you first . "

Dong Bai: "..."

Friday did not answer or text back to Tong for several minutes .

Du Shi came back with a bucket of cold water and cold towels . She became wiping Tong’s face and cleaned his sweating arms .

All officials watched Tong and Du Shi with a wide grin . Once Tong started taking in the first concubine, they would have a chance to offer their daughters, granddaughters, or their beautiful relatives to Tong in the future . If they were lucky, one of their relatives might ascend to the throne as the next empress, and their status would rise as a result .

Only a few officers did not dare to make such a move . They were the people who had been enlisted into the clan chat .

Xun Yu read the clan chat with sweat on his face . He understood about the positions of Dong Bai and Diaochan . On the surface, Tong was their King . In reality, Dong Bai and Diaochan’s standing was higher than Tong .

If they did not give Tong the permission, the future of the Han Dynasty might be bleak .


With a sound of clan message alert, Xun Yu gulped as he prayed that they would allow Tong to have concubines .

Dong Bai: "I have to be the empress . The rest of the girls can do whatever they want, but they can’t take this position . "

Tong was surprised by Friday’s change of heart . Had it been before, she would have cursed and killed him on the spot .

Diaochan: "Friday can’t marry you yet because of her age . Once she’s 16 or 18, make sure to come and take her back with you . She doesn’t suit to be a grand commander of an army for a long time . "

Tong: "I know . Friday, I’m really sorry . "

Dong Bai: "It’s fine . You’ll be with me forever after this life is over, so I don’t mind . "

Dong Bai: "But I have a condition . "

Tong: "What is it?"

Dong Bai: "You have to take my mother in as your concubine as well . "

Tong also spat blood when he saw the messages .

’What had she eaten!? Why did she offering her mother to me!?’

Tong: "Friday, WTF!?"

Dong Bai: "My mom is using Diaochan’s body . If you don’t take her in, she will end up becoming someone’s wife because of that greedy Wang Yun!"

Tong: "What about her opinion!?"

Diaochan: "I don’t mind . It’s just a relationship in-name . "

Tong: "Will you be in danger if you’re single?"

Diaochan: "Obviously . Wang Yun is planning to give me to Liu Xie . Do you want your mother-in-law to marry your adopted son?"

Tong: "WTF!? That will be too awkward!"

Diaochan: "Then, let me hide in your inner palace . I’ll be the head concubine in your harem, and I’ll help you manage the girls for you . This will unload a burden on your shoulders . "

Tong: "..."

Diaochan: "Do you mind having me in your harem?"

Tong: "... No . "

Friday: "Good . It’s settled . I’ll be your empress while my mother will manage your concubines and your future harem!"

Tong’s sweat intensified . Although the situation favored him at first glance, he had a bad omen . Having a mother-in-law living together with his concubines might give Tong pressure .

The mother and daughter might control his bed activities in the future . Also, all girls in the harem would become Diaochan’s subordinates by default .

’Ugh . I have a headache . It’s good that I throw away the unlimited yang seed skill away, or I might not be getting any sleep when Friday returns . ’

By instinct, Tong glanced at Du Shi in the skimpy red cloth . As a man, it would be a lie that he did not have a hidden desire .

’It had been a while . Please forgive me, Hua Shi, He Xing, Friday . ’


After the banquet, Tong invited Du Shi into his chamber .

Although Tong did not have the infinite yang seed skill anymore, his natural stamina was higher than ordinary humans by miles . As a result, Du Shi only managed to fall asleep when Tong ran out of his stamina at 3 AM .

She smiled in her sleep cuddling with Tong till the morning . She felt more secure about her future as she found a reliable husband today .

Du Shi officially became Tong’s chambermaid since that day, which she was known as Tong’s first royal concubine .


In the morning, Lilim sent him a piece of good news . She had opened a new service for otherworlders .

[Hihi! Heya Tong . Did you have fun last night?]

"Lilim? What do you want from me this time?"

[No . I didn’t want anything from you but your lifespans . Actually, I’m here to tell you about my future service . ]

"What service?"

[Contraceptive service and an emergency viagra service . ]


[You can pay 100 lifespans for a save night, so any girl you mated will not get pregnant . As for the viagra service, it’s as its name . You pay 100 lifespans to me, and I’ll bless you with infinite yang seed for a night . ]


[Also, I feel bad for the girls in the future . There is also another service, infinite yin energies for girls! Your bed partner will have unlimited stamina for a night for only 100 lifespans!]


[Do you like it?]

Tong turned left and right, checking his surroundings . Seeing that there was no one else around him, he gave Lilim a thumbs up .

"Make a shortcut in my system menu . I’ll be your customer . "

[Hahaha! Sure!]

No one else but Tong knew about this conversation and secrets .