Chapter 360  

Chapter 360   – Reorganization

Many new emperors of a new dynasty named their empire after their tribes, such as Xia, Shang, and Zhou . Some used their previous title and noble rank as their dynasty name .

Cao Cao was entitled as a Duke of Wei when Liu Xie, aka Liu Xian, was still the emperor of Han . When Cao Pi took the throne, he named his kingdom after his father’s title, Wei .

Sun Quan had been bestowed with a title of Duke of Wu before he raised his the Wu Kingdom .

Even the Han Dynasty, which Liu Bang found, had its name from Liu Bang’s birthplace, Hanzhong . Furthermore, Liu Bang received a similar title like the others, the Duke of Han .

After Liu Bang defeated Xiang Yu and unified the country, the name of the Han Dynasty was a given .


Unfortunately, such a case did not apply to Tong . He never received any official title from an emperor, and only his father had a measly title of Julu Governor .

The Prince Consort title he had was a hoax, which he conned He Xing into naming him . Moreover, it would be inappropriate to change its dynasty name as its successor, Liu Xie, was still present .

To avoid chaos and resentment from his officers, Tong retained the dynasty name of Han, which satisfied all Han loyalists and Tong’s supporters .


Two days after the coronation, Tong, Te Langpu, and Sima Fang established a new organization, the FBI, aka the Federal Bureau of Investigation .

It was under the jurisdiction of the department of justice that Sima Fang was overseeing . The purpose of this FBI was to crack down any immoral or illegal activity within the official court . For example, if someone attempted to assassinate the opposition faction, the FBI will get rid of that person, colluded officials, and their entire family without exception .


This organization would be the third faction which would remain neutral and keep the balance between two factions in check as they maintain the order .

As for the FBI director seat, Tong transferred Lu Zhi from the Silver Axe Legion into this position . Since Lu Zhi was a hybrid-Han loyalist and Tong’s supporter, he could keep his neutral stance without a problem .

Sima Fang also placed his eldest son, Sima Lang, as an intelligence supervisor to learn the rope .

Because the department of justice lacked a leading figure, Tong also transferred Tian Yu to be the police superintendent . He would be in charge of governing all policemen and police organizations in all affiliate cities .

In history, Tian Yu joined forces with Cao Cao in the late 200s . He achieved meritorious deeds by repelling northern border tribes in his early years and helped Cao Ren repelling rebels in 210s .

During the reign of Cao Rui, Tian Yu was sent to guard the northern borders again . However, he traveled south to assist the battle at Hefei in 234, which he successfully defended Hefei from Wu invasion . He was later appointed as the protector of Wuhuan and returned to his post in the north . Tian Yu was one of the few famous generals who died a natural death .

Since Tian Yu was good in defensive warfare, Tong was confident in Tian Yu’s potential to grow as a general of all garrison forces .

Although it was a biased move since Tian Yu was on Tong’s supporter side, it showed that Tong was still in power since he had influences in the third faction .

Because Tian Yu occupied the superintendent position, Sima Fang could be officially entitled as the Minister of Justice . With this title, Sima Fang would be the boss of Lu Zhi, Tian Yu, and Sima Lang .


After settling the judges of this infighting environment, Tong reorganized all military legions to support their country’s stability and watch the borders .

Tong separated Zhang Liao and Li Feihong from the Mountaineer Legion . In turn, he transferred Gao Shun, who had initially been Lu Bu’s subordinate, back to this force along with Ju Shou, who was from the Ghost Legion .

Tong renamed the Mountaineer into the Redhare Legion since all of them were now sporting redhare as their standard warhorses . Also, because of Li Feihong constant breeding of redhare breeds, they had enough red horses to supply other units as well .

Lu Bu resumed the role as their legion grand commander, and they were sent back to Bing Province . In the future, they could act as a spearhead to dive into the northern borders .

The Redhare Legion was left with 25,000 mixed cavalry unit, and they had to increase it back to 40,000 elites by the end of this year, which would be their homework .

The Silver Axe Legion had to return to Beiping Commandery, keeping Xiangping and Ji forces in check .

Xu Huang, Zhang Bao, and Zhang Liang retained their posts . Since this unit lacked a strategist, Tong sent Jia Xu to assist them . However, he transferred Bo Cai and Zhou Cang away .

The Silver Axe did not suffer any damage from the battles in the Luoyang region, so their 40,000 soldiers remained the same . However, Tong gave similar homework to Xu Huang that he had to increase its size to 50,000 by the end of the year .

The Ghost Legion of Zhang He returned to Henei as ordered . Qu Yi, Han Hao, and Gao Lan retained their posts in this legion, but Tong added the new face into the mix . Xun You, the cousin of Xun Yu, was transferred into this legion as their new strategist in place of Ju Shou .

This unit did not need to increase its size as their number of 60,000 soldiers was the highest among all legions . However, their efficiency and their training level were lower than the Redhare and Silver Axe . Therefore, Tong gave Zhang He and Xun You homework to train them into elites .

The transferred personals, Li Feihong, Zhang Liao, Zhou Cang, and Bo Cai formed a new legion, the Monster Legion .

Zhang Liao became their grand commander while Li Feihong assisted him as his strategist . 20,000 soldiers from the Immortal Legion also integrated into their group, so they could be deployed right away .

All of them deployed and left for Ganling city to reinforce the order and stability near the Yellow River . Their homework was not increasing troops or training them like the others . Instead, they had to become the local’s military farmers, which they would assist the peasants to cultivate the lands .

Tong also announce another official legion in public, the Demon Legion . Dong Bai(Friday) would be their grand commander, and the strategist would be Diaochan . Zhang Xiu and Zhang Ji would also be their assistant generals since they were close to Dong Bai .

Although Friday could not use her Xiao Wu form and engage in combat, Tong transferred his skills to her and Diaochan just in case . He gave Diaochan [Create Food] and [Firearm Creation] while Hua Shi’s trademark [Bow Mastery] and [Homing Arrows] fell to Friday’s hands .

All remaining 30,000 soldiers from the Immortal Legion also moved to Demon Legion, which they would travel to the Pingyuan City to defend the southern borders .

Their homework development was similar to the Monster Legion, cultivating the lands while they were on duties .

As for the legion under Tong’s command, the Immortal Legion, Tong appointed Xun Yu as the legion strategist, and he transferred two men into the group . One was Zhao Yun, who did not have a post . As for the other, he picked a dark horse who was hiding within Kong Rong’s ranks, Taishi Ci .

The young thousand man commander was astonished when he was promoted . Even Kong Rong was surprised that Tong picked a soldier from his ranks into his personal troops .

Because this legion transferred all soldiers to other battalions, they moved all 10,000 reserve troops and new recruits from all cities into the unit, which their goal is to expand the size to 30,000 men before December .

Other former governors, such as Zhang Jiao, Zhen Yi, and Kong Rong, got their raises and entitled as a marquis of their territory . However, they did not have the right to command any legion in their cities .

A newcomer, Wang Yun, also got the boon of these changes . He received a title as the governor of Nanpi, which he could take control of Yuan Shao’s former home city . He was tasked to coordinate with the department of justice to expand the garrison policemen there .

Unfortunately, Tong did not have enough hands to protect Kong Rong’s Beihai City . Therefore, he transferred the 10,000 reserve policemen from Julu to Beihai, helping him garrisoning the city from a possible invading from the south .

With all these movements, Tong finished the policy for this year . For the sake of his country foundation, they would develop their domestic power further . Once they did not have to rely on Li Feihong’s food and [Create Food] ability, Tong would expand his kingdom again .


May, 188 A . D .

Cao Cao obtained all spy reports in details, which included the future plan for emperor election in the next 12 years .

Cheng Yu and Cao Cao had to read the reports three times as this move was too absurd .

Even someone like Pu Jing had to scratch his head in baffled, "Is Zhang Tong nuts!?"

Cheng Yu groaned, "He’s mad . His court will split into two, and they will destroy themselves from the inside . I don’t see the point why he creates a chaotic environment for his subordinates . "

Pu Jing sneered, "If it’s a something republic monarchy, I can relate . But choosing an emperor by an election? Talk about creativity, it’s so creative that it’s stupid . "

Cao Cao, on the other hand, had not commented or criticized Tong yet . He picked a different report and skimmed through it the fifth time .

Ten minutes after the frantic search, Cao Cao held his mouth .

"Putin, do you know anything about Tong’s organization called Police Department and a newly created FBI?"

Hearing the keyword, Pu Jing frowned, "FBI? Federal Bureau of Investigation? Are they trying to use that system here? Mengde, can I see the report?"

Cao Cao passed five scrolls to Pu Jing, which he sat and read it with widened eyes .

While Pu Jing was reading them, Cao Cao began his analysis, "Zhang Tong splitted his subordinates into two factions . Then, he created a new organization with someone from Sima Clan as the head . From our past investigation, didn’t Zhang Tong kill Sima Xin? Why is this Sima Fang still serving him knowing that Zhang Tong killed his son!?"

Cheng Yu shook his head, "They’re insane . I don’t see the merit in this . Let’s leave them alone, Mengde . Since they are committing political suicide, let’s ignore Zhang Tong and focus on our expansion . We need to be ready for Yuan Shu and Yuan Shao’s movements . "

Cao Cao nodded, but he paused to wait for Pu Jing .

Another ten minutes passed, Pu Jing raised his head to look at the two .

"Zhang Tong took a gamble . "

"What gamble?"

"A long term one . Zhang Tong hasn’t splitted his subordinates into two factions but three! One under himself, one under Liu Xie, and one under the Sima Clan!"

"Huh? What’s the point of that? I still don’t understand . "

"The newly founded FBI is an organization that investigates into the officials’ deeds . They are an intelligence agency that looks into the corruption issues, which will keep the internal fighting in check . However, because of the rivalry between factions in the future, all sides will try to outwit the others . They will strengthen their forces while they discover their opponent’s weaknesses . As a byproduct of that, his kingdom’s strength will enter a rapid growth period at the cost of Zhang Tong’s absolute control . "

"Sounds ... good in the paper, but it will be impossible on the practical level . In reality, they will focus more on destroying others rather than the development . "

"Indeed . Humans are smart creatures . They will exploit that system from the inside for the sake of their interests . That’s why I said it’s a gamble . "

Cao Cao caught up with the idea . He stared into the eyes of Pu Jing, "If it’s a gamble, then Zhang Tong has a chance to succeed . "

Pu Jing nodded, "Yes . But it won’t be Zhang Tong who will turn this plan into reality . "

In Pu Jing’s mind, an image of an obnoxious president of a country flashed back . He clicked his tongue in an annoyance whenever this chubby face man showed up in his thought .

’Te Langpu . ’