Chapter 15   - Do you know why you’re so noob?Yu Yan was 10/10 absolutely a voice con, but compared to other voice cons, he seemed to be a bit more… No, not a bit more, but exceedingly more picky.

When he was a child, he liked using a radio to listen to a certain announcer read letters addressed to the station. He did this regularly for four years, come rain or shine. Later, when the announcer left, the radio was abandoned in a corner to accumulate dust, never to be used again.

Then, there was a foreign animation voice actor. He overheard this voice when he passed an audio-visual shop. After he went home, he lapped up all the animations that that CV had done. Those shows were still intact on his computer. Unfortunately, the CV was old and wasn’t suitable for main male lead roles. He went on to voice uncle roles.

Yu Yan could still remember the first second when he heard the CV do his big uncle voice—he had nearly crushed his earphones.

After repeatedly doing this several times, Yu Yan frowned and found that something wasn’t quite right——

The voices he liked… all seemed to be male voices.


It wasn’t that he thought girls’ voices weren’t nice to listen to. Like everyone else, he thought girls with soft voices were cute, and girls with high and cold voices were elegant. But besides that, he didn’t have any other peculiar emotions towards them.

… It wasn’t like when he heard 1’s voice, where he started blushing, and his heart had begun pounding. It even felt as if the hollows of his palms had small hammers gently beating inside them.

Just now, he almost trembled and gave away his entire inventory.

Lu Xiuhe said, “Stop dreaming, I won’t give it to you.”

Yu Yan curbed his bubbling energy. After he finished tossing everything, he turned around to leave, his back giving off the feeling of being in a hurry.

[It’s not up to you to refuse.]


[Gunfight right here, whoever wins gets the gun.]

[You guys are bullying people here !]

The PC and console versions of PUBG were different from PUBG mobile—friendly fire would actually damage teammates.

Lu Xiuhe trembled. “It can’t be that you want to murder your own son ?”

“… No, everyone, don’t speak nonsense. I never kill my teammates.” Yu Yan paused, “Although, my teammates weren’t carrying Mini14s before.”

Half a minute later, Lu Xiuhe dropped the Mini14 onto the ground. “… Why do you have only one gun on your back? When you tossed the M24, why didn’t you pick up the one that Boss was holding?”

At the time, Yu Yan had run away from his patron, so how could he have the heart to wait for Boss to throw him his gun?

“He had a S686, I thought it over, and you don’t know how to use it anyway.”

Lu Xiuhe: “…” Who on earth had he provoked?? Not only being threatened into handing over his gun, but also having to suffer this personal attack?!

“Thank you so much. I don’t feel guilty at all right now.”

“That’s good.” Yu Yan ignored the grievance in his words, loaded the gun, and left Lu Xiuhe’s sight without looking back.

“I dropped the S686 where I was.” Yi Chen opened his inventory, picked up all the things left by the little anchor and equipped them. “I don’t know how to use markers, come and get it yourself .”

Yu Yan didn’t expect that Yi Chen would open his mouth again. After two seconds of silly fixation, he started to move again, albeit exasperatingly slowly.

… Really nice to listen to.

Really want to record it ….

No, no, I can’t. Boss spent money on me, but I’m still thinking about secretly recording his voice. Truly too excessive.

He told this to himself in his heart and hurriedly pushed the thought back down.

Lu Xiuhe said, “Hey, I’m coming, Boss…”

No. 4 shouted, “Someone’s here! NW, behind the rock!”

Yu Yan shifted his view and quickly caught sight of a level 3 helmet beside the stone.

He opened his scope and aimed at the helmet, but didn’t rush to shoot.

[Shoot , what are you just standing there for?]

[Don’t know what the anchor is doing. He also keeps stopping as he walks. Do you think he’s busy with something ? It’s really inconvenient without the camera on…]

[Cheaters don’t dare to turn on their camera so that you won’t see how he shoots.]

“With a level three helmet, it takes three shots to kill.” Yu Yan said, “He’s also moving, so it’s hard to get headshots. He has a level three helmet, so he’s probably also holding a good sniper rifle. Their hilltop is also higher than the height of our house. If they snipe me, I’ll have to suffer losses. I have to sneak attack them.”

[This is the first time seeing you so scared.]

Yu Yan continued to take aim. “I’m not scared. If it’s a gunfight, I’m not afraid even if all I have is a pistol.”

Immediately, people started to say he was just talking big.

[… After watching the livestream for several days, he’s really not boasting.]

Obviously, their enemy hadn’t discovered them. Yu Yan’s team only saw the enemy with the level three helmet walk two steps and then suddenly stop—then proceed to take out an energy drink, open it and drink it.

At once, Yu Yan was ready to press down on the mouse, but unexpectedly, a gunshot sounded in his ear. No. 4, who held up his AKM with a holographic sight, had moved in front of him to spray at the rock on the hilltop opposite to them.

Not a single shot landed on the target.

The other side had detected them, so immediately shifted his position, and hid behind the stone.

No. 4 exclaimed, “Ah WTF! It looked like I hit them.”magic

Yu Yan responded, “Didn’t.”

“I did hit, I even saw blood!”

[Hahahahahaha your eyes are blind, No. 4.]

Yu Yan was also too lazy to argue with him about this. “If you don’t have a magnifying scope, don’t show yourself&#k2026;”

Bang!The people in the car had obviously already discovered them. The sound of the car’s engine suddenly stopped and three people jumped out.

Yu Yan glanced at the map and blurted out, “1, run behind the tree, they can hit you at your current angle—”

Unfortunately, he said it too late. When the enemy had jumped out of the car, they had already opened fire and knocked Yi Chen down.

Yu Yan opened his inventory and looked at the smoke grenade he was holding.

Lu Xiuhe asked, “What do you say, save him or not ?”

They were standing in an open grassland. If they went over to save him, they’d definitely get shot.

Yi Chen said, “No need to save me”

Yu Yan thought about it for a few seconds and then made a decision. “En, can’t be saved… Lu Xiuhe, drink everything.”

Yi Chen was quickly killed by the opposite side. He clicked on the spectate option, leaned against his backrest, and leisurely started to watch the battle.

Yu Yan took out a grenade and was about to pull the pin…

“The opponent is Yan Xiao Yan ?” A sharp male voice sounded. The enemy on the opposite side actually had the all voice channel open.

This voice… It was that little aimbotter laoshu.

It was probably that some stream followers, who were watching both livestreams at the same time, had reported it to laoshu after seeing the kill feed.

“Ah fuck.” Lu Xiuhe couldn’t help muttering to himself, “Enemies are bound to meet on a narrow road…”

Yu Yan didn’t say anything and just pulled out the grenade pin, continuously focusing on the opponents.

“I know it’s you. I heard that you were exposed as a cheater? Bro, you’ve walked in the dark for too long and ran into my banana Ge?” laoshu’s tone was disdainful with undisguised sarcasm, seemingly unaware of the administrator’s announcement. “Fitting.”

Among the five new anchors signed by StarTV, yanxyan was the most troublesome. At first, it was okay, but somehow, yanxyan’s popularity almost caught up to his livestream’s popularity. Naturally, yanxyan was his strongest opponent at the moment.

laoshu exclaimed, “I killed his stream’s boss just now? Really? Alas, the boss is rich but blind, to throw his money to this thing. Just count it as being taught a lesson with these shots… If you want to learn how to shoot, just come to my stream, boss . I’ll wait for you anytime.”

Yu Yan narrowed his eyes, his gaze growing profound. He didn’t rush to refute laoshu.

He took out his grenade, pulled out the pin, remained silent for a few seconds, and without hesitation, threw it into the grass.


With the explosion, a line of white words appeared.

[You knocked down Langyan99 with a frag grenade]

Yu Yan said, “There’s still two more. You go to the left.”

Lu Xiuhe was so angry that he smashed at his keyboard. “OK!”

Yu Yan took out a smoke grenade and threw it into the grass in front of him. The white fog rose rapidly, giving him cover.

[laoshu is very powerful. Don’t be impulsive, anchor , how about sniping him .]

Yu Yan rushed through the fog holding his AKM and quickly flashed behind a tree.

laoshu was almost within reach.

But Yu Yan once again took out another smoke grenade and threw it to the right.

laoshu immediately shot at it, spraying blindly into the white fog.

Yu Yan counted in his heart—35, 38, 40…

Upon reaching this moment, he didn’t hesitate and directly rushed out of the white fog. He accurately determined laoshu’s position, held his right mouse button to aim as he released a burst of gunfire, producing green blood with every shot.

laoshu had just emptied his magazine and had been reloading, so he was shocked by the sudden attack. He immediately swapped guns, blindly opened his scope, and tried to steadily aim at Yu Yan’s helmet. But as a result, as soon as he started firing, he was already knocked out——

[yanxyan knocked you down with an AKM]

The battle had ended too soon. Before the viewers could react, Yu Yan had raised his gun again and killed laoshu.

laoshu’s avatar suddenly fell to the ground, and a lootbox appeared next to Yu Yan.

Yu Yan took two steps forward and came to laoshu.

When the audience thought that he was going to loot, he suddenly reloaded, aimed at laoshu’s helmet again, and directly shot 40 bullets at the ground——

laoshu’s “corpse” vibrated and twitched as it was bombarded with bullets. At last, the corpse’s level two helmet disappeared, after Yu Yan continuously fired at it.

[Whipping a corpse, holy shit, very stimulating ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!]

[So terrible hahahaha]

[Comfy content.]

laoshu had never been humiliated in this way. His voice came out of another player’s microphone, “You fucking—”

“You thought using a cheat software would help you?”

He didn’t expect the other side to be so direct. laoshu was stunned and immediately choked up and retorted, “Laozi doesn’t use any cheat software!”

“Do you know why you’re so noob?” Yu Yan shot at the ground again.

His voice was a little colder than before as he stated, “Because you speak too much bullshit.”

Juurensha: Oooo, badass yanyan! (Also I did love yanyan freaking out over Boss Yi’s voice) And please read Divi’s notes, she worked really hard on them!

Divi: Enjoy my essay of notes. I love it when just desserts are served. F I N I S H H I M!

Noks: Yanyan went from being a salivating fanboy to an avenging angel. Why is that so freaking adorable?!!