Chapter 14   - Yu ·Ultimate Voice Con· Yan

Yu Yan didn’t really understand StarTV’s reporting system. He had refreshed the webpage several times, but the notice was still pinned to the top of his stream. It didn’t seem like a system bug.

The barrage was still being bombarded, but the direction of the conversation was obviously different now. Besides the mass amounts of question marks covering the screen, there were many people who tried to speak up for him.

Yu Yan glanced at it but then hurried back to the game.

“How about it, Xiao Yan? Did you ask? Is it a bug?” Lu Xiuhe said, “This is actually the first time I’ve seen something like this, so awesome!”

“Didn’t ask, let’s finish the match first.”

No. 4 heard something, and asked doubtfully, “No. 2 is an anchor? Which channel ? I watch livestreams every day, why don’t I recognize your voice?”


“I’m not an anchor.” Afraid of disturbing his teammate’s play-style, Yu Yan denied it.

Lu Xiuhe then interrupted, “Well anyway, hurry up and enter the circle . You’re already taking damage.”

Yu Yan glanced at his and 1’s health bars, making sure they could make it into the circle, and then started his little motorcycle again.

Lu Xiuhe and No. 4 had already been waiting for them in a small house somewhere in the wild area. Yu Yan drove his motorcycle to the warehouse attached to the house and jumped off. “Uhhh…”

Yi Chen also got off the bike and stood still to hear what the little anchor wanted to say.

Yu Yan raised his head and didn’t continue.


He had wanted to ask if the other party had any first aid kits, but after thinking about it, he wouldn’t get an answer even if he asked.

So he walked up to Yi Chen’s avatar, dropped a first aid kit and two energy drinks, and then went upstairs.

The next circle quickly refreshed, and they were in the center of the map.

No. 4 exclaimed, “Ha ha! This circle is pretty good! Let’s ambush people from this building . Maybe if we just keep lying here, we can eat chicken? I’ll close all the doors… Hey! Where are you going, No. 2?”

“Pochinki.” Yu Yan descended from the right side and didn’t even turn his head to look back.

No. 4 couldn’t understand. He had to jump to damn Zharki, and when they just managed to get a good circle, he had to go to Pochinki??

At this point in time, the battles in Pochinki should’ve finished. The surviving team must hold all the spoils. He… was only taking an AKM and S12k to join that party ?

“Don’t go, it must’ve already been completely emptied by other people!”

“I know.”

“You know and you’re still going?! When you get there, if there are still people in the city, aren’t you just going there to die then?”

[This No. 4 is so annoying. If you like to play, then play, if you don’t want to play, then scram.]

[No. 4 shut up for me!!]

Yu Yan also thought that No. 4 was a little irksome. “Lu Xiuhe, coming?”

Lu Xiuhe responded, “Hey, daddy, I’m on my way.”

Yu Yan subconsciously glanced at the map and found that 1 had actually followed behind Lu Xiuhe.

He said, “1… No. 1, you just wait for me in the house.”

“I’ll bring you back something nice.”

Yi Chen had taken two steps, then paused, and turned to decisively run back.

This was the first time he had been labeled with “needs to be protected”. After trying this label out for more than ten minutes, he felt that it actually was pretty fine.

[The anchor’s outrageous words are just filling the sky.]

[I want money, and I want to be the boss of the anchor!! I also want to lie there and wait for good things!!!]

[The Boss was told to go back and just went back? Really doesn’t have any courage ?]

[What the hell do you know? This is called being flexible. That’s why other people are bosses, and you’re not.]

The two people split up upon reaching Pochinki, mainly to find the locations of surviving players, not to search for items.

Lu Xiuhe called out, “All the doors over here have been opened, and no one is here.”

“No one’s here either.” Yu Yan passed by three lootboxes, which were piled together, but didn’t even turn to look at them. “Go to the end of the city and have a look. Be careful.”

[Anchor, check the boxes to see if there’s anything good.]

“No.” Yu Yan donned the tone of a domineering president, “I never loot from things that other people have already looted from.”


[Really acting like that??]

[Remember you said that, man.]

The barrage fluttered about excitedly. Yu Yan was holding his gun when he saw a flash of gray on the second floor of a house nearby.

“I see someone. House with a green roof, second floor, level 2 helmet.”

“I see them too.” Lu Xiuhe asked, “What do you say? Attack the house?”

“Attack the house?” Yu Yan laughed and said, “Shouldn’t we first figure out how many people there are inside… Someone just washed this city with blood, and the emptied lootboxes number more than your accessories. What are you going to attack the house with? Smoke grenades?”Yu Yan’s fingers reflexively paused, and his game avatar also just froze there.

“Thursday…” The man paused, as if he was recalling something, and continued, “There’s a meeting in the afternoon.”

“Returned? So quickly?”


It seemed as if the other party didn’t know that his words were being heard in the livestream, and so still spoke calmly and composedly.

Yu Yan’s heart seemed to have gone out of control. His heartbeat accelerated the moment he heard the tone of the man’s voice.

Lu Xiuhe asked, “What’s that sound ah? Who’s on the phone?”

Yu Yan responded, “You shut up…”

It was a pity that he stopped him from speaking too late. The man had finally realized something, and his voice cut short.

After a long time.

“I’ll tell you later,” As he finished saying that, only the muffled sound of a cellphone being placed on the desk was heard. Yi Chen then asked, “Can you guys hear me?”

Lu Xiuhe replied, “Can hear you, can hear you! But Boss, why can’t I see a microphone indicator next to your name ?”

Yi Chen raised his eyebrows. “I didn’t turn on the microphone.”


[Ahhhhhh, this voice, I’m dead!!!]

[Could this be a CV…]

[This was intentional ? Even saying that there’s a meeting… Pretending to be a big boss?]

[He’s the mod of the stream ! The anchor didn’t block mod voice chat, and the boss didn’t turn off open mic, so of course, we could hear.]

“Is that so?” Lu Xiuhe said, “Then Xiao Yan, remember to disable Boss’ open mic later.”

Yu Yan wasn’t in the mood to listen to what Lu Xiuhe was saying.

No wonder he’d always heard some small noises before…

Yi Chen kept silent. He put the scope on the gun and was getting ready to leave.

Only to see the little anchor in front, who had already run to the balcony, suddenly turn around and run toward him again.

With the crisp sound effect of several items being dropped, he now had more things in front of him.

An 8x scope, med kit, adrenaline syringe.

The viewers watched on as Yu Yan threw these treasures onto the ground like pieces of trash.


[What, BMing???]

[Just gave two first aid kits, and now giving him a med kit…]

[Also giving the 8x scope to the Boss? Too risky ? Then what are you going to use?? ]

Yu ·Ultimate Voice Con· Yan frowned and said, “I-I’m strong.”

When he finished speaking, a low, slightly breathy laugh reached his ear.

… Yu Yan felt that his ears were about to burn up.

“You take it back .” Yi Chen said, “Giving it to me is a bit of a waste.”

The little anchor stood in front of him for a few seconds and didn’t respond. Just as he was about to leave, he heard a clear “thump” sound.

Now there was an M24 in front of him. magic

“No problem… Bandages and 4x scopes are enough.” After a long time, Yu Yan said, “You take this.”

Yi Chen was even more amused and asked him, “Then, what are you going to use?”

“I…” Yu Yan thought about it. “I’ll take Lu Xiuhe’s “Mini14.”

Barrage: [????? ]

Lu Xiuhe: “??????”

The author has something to say:

Lu Xiuhe: Hello? Bro? What’s going on with you??

Juurensha: Hahaha, ultimate voice con Yanyan

Noks: Lu Xiuhe, you should just shut up. Don’t interrupt Boss Yi. At all.