Grandpa Tang furrowed his brows to show concern for his friend. If only that palm was not resting on his face to hide that cunning smirk on his face, anyone would have thought that the man was truly feeling bad for his friend.

"Sigh...Youngsters these days, you don't know what have I gone through for this."

Grandpa Mo frowned "You also had to suffer like me?"

"Worse than you! Xiao Li put me under house arrest, Xiao Yuhan also reprimanded me. I even said this has got nothing to do with you but I was really helpless," Grandpa Tang's old face drooped down like he has suffered great injustice.

Foxes, you grandfather-grandson are a pair of foxes. One is fooling the granddaughter and another one is playing with the grandfather. Humph!

Grandpa Mo slammed his hand on his thigh "Humph! They are being too much. Weren't we trying to just matchmake them? What's there to be angry about? I don't get what's going on in their heads."

Grandpa Tang's beard shook as he tried hard to control his laughter. He sighed "Let them be. Did you just come to know about their marriage?"


"Sigh...No... It's been over a month but I was abroad so I didn't get the chance to come here," Grandpa Mo sighed incessantly causing Grandpa Tang to raise a brow. After sighing a few more times, the old man finally said "Lihua had an argument with little princess."With that, Grandpa Mo summarized the whole event of how Grandma Mo insulted Tang Li's parents and her upbringing and how Tang Li left that place without turning back after the face off.

Grandpa Tang closed his eyes to suppress the fury in them.

"Tell Zhang Lihua to stay in her limits. Family background? Upbringing? Who the hell does she thinks she is to point her fingers at my princess? Even if Tang Li becomes a criminal, I, Tang Cheng will protect her till the day I die. Let alone the fact that she is as pure as snow without a single dark spot on her. Even if Tang Family doesn't exist anymore, I don't need my granddaughter to lower herself in front of anyone. Unreasonable? Yes, I am. As long as Xiao Yuhan and her are in love, I'll support them. If they don't want each other anymore, I will shield my princess from the old man. Did she even need anyone's darn judgement?" Grandpa Tang bellowed as his breathing became irregular.

He took deep breaths to calm himself and Grandpa Mo quickly patted his back to calm the man as he said "Cheng, I have always seen her as my own granddaughter. She is even more precious to me than all my grandchildren. Lihua is wrong, I have not supported her this time."

Grandpa Tang nodded his head slightly. He knew his friend very well otherwise he wouldn't have allowed his precious pearl to enter that family. No, he was never so desperate to have her married. It's just that his declining health was like a hanging sword, he cannot be sure when he will leave the world.

He knew how much Mo Huizong and Mo Chen doted on his Xiao Li. So, he wanted her to get married to Mo Yuhan, even if there was no love, that would have been responsible for her to give him some face as his business mentor.


Lucky, they are already in love. If something happens to him, he will at least die without regrets.

"Cheng, what are these documents about?" Grandpa Mo's voice snapped him out of his thoughts.Grandpa Tang's face no longer had that playfulness as he glanced at those documents "Someone is messing with my girl."

"Who the hell dares to?" Grandpa Mo's eyes turned equally fierce.

"The Song Family."

just because his grandchildren keep secrets from not to make him worried didn't mean he will remain unaware of these events. Connections? If they have connections, then he is their grandfather, once the legend of business. How could he not know if something is bothering his little girl?

"W... What?" Grandpa Mo was stunned "Old man Song will never do that to a younger generation. We both know what kind of person he is."

"Is it?"

Grandpa Mo scoffed "You even slept with his girlfriend, and he only shouted at you once."

"I was drunk that night and she came to me. It was just a one-time thing man. Moreover, that old man started ignoring me after that,'' Grandpa Tang snorted.

"You slept with his girlfriend yet you have the nerve to think that he will come and chit chat with you like olden times."magic

"Sigh... I know it isn't him, but there is something wrong with this whole fiasco. This Song Family matter is giving me bad vibes. I just hope nothing goes wrong."

Grandpa Mo's eyes darkened "Even if we haven't talked in ages, you should believe in that old man. If something goes wrong, we are still there to protect our children. Furthermore, as long as my grandson is there, nothing will happen to our princess."