"Kara, I think there is another member in the Song Family that we all are unaware of. This person's record is almost erased as if he never existed but look at this picture. Although it is old and blurry, you can see that Old Master Song and Master Song are quite close to this person. Master Song and this boy are wearing same kind of clothes as if they are..."

"As if they are brothers," Tang Li completed the sentence which Mo Zihan left unsaid, "What about younger generations of Song Family?"

"None! They either don't have descendants or else they have hidden them too well. No matter how I tried, I couldn't find a single thing."

"No need to be high-profile or else we will be breaking the rules. The royal families aren't supposed to investigate each other neither can we attack each other. It is a breach of treaty which was passed on from generations," Tang Li reminded the man.

She twirled her chair around and gazed out of the French windows. It was the time of evening, birds flocking around from faraway places as they returned to their homes.

She closed her eyes. She was tired of all this, all this truth, investigations were leading to new unsolved mysteries, it was like walking around in a maze. She calculated all her steps as she moved forward, yet suddenly she realized that she was back to her initial point. Should she give up on it?

The picture of her grandfather, lying in the hospital flashed in her mind. The old man who was strong to the point that she saw her as superhero, suffered from sudden cardiac arrest resulting in him being hospitalized and slowly becoming the weak man that he never was.


She opened her eyes and the doubt earlier was replaced by determination. Give up? Never. She will make them pay. Even if her and her brother have revived the Tangs, that doesn't give the real culprits the right to escape from the punishments they deserve for the horrendous deeds they have done.All this happened just because of her mothe... that woman. She not only was naive but also a fool.

But she, Tang Li, is neither naive nor has she ever been soft-hearted. Tang Family assets, countless properties, Trillions of bank balance? It never mattered to her. Since they dared to mess with her happy family once, she is going to make them pay back with their life.

Give up? What a lame joke!


"Can you inform Old Master Tang that his friend is here to meet him?" Grandpa Mo spoke calmly to the Tang Family butler as he stood at the main entrance of Tang Ancestral Villa.

The butler was surprised by the Old Man's attitude. People say that the man too cold and unfeeling yet who would have thought that Old Master Mo is completely opposite different from the rumors. Such a warm-hearted old man, people should never believe in hearsay.


The butler bowed deeply before retreating quickly to inform Old Master Tang of the visitor.

After a few minutes, the butler returned with a big smile on his face "Old Master has ordered me to escort you to his room. This way please..."

Grandpa Mo nodded his head slightly before quietly following the butler.As soon as he saw Grandpa Tang, Grandpa Mo's eyes glittered like scattered stars "My dear friend, Chengcheng, how have you been?"

Old Master Tang, who was sitting on the couch while reading some reports suddenly got goosebumps allover. Chengcheng...eww!

He quickly stood up to walk towards the old man but he was suddenly enveloped in a deep hug "Chengcheng, I heard from some little birdies that you feel unwell sometimes. I dropped all my works to see my dearie as I was really worried about you."

Grandpa Tang: "_" Is this old man drunk? Or has he gone crazy due to old age?

The butler almost got tears in his eyes. Such a touching friendship.

'Sigh, Old Master is really lucky to have such a caring friend,' he bowed and quickly retreated.

As soon as Grandpa Mo heard the sound of those retreated footsteps, he slightly narrowed his eyes before peeking outside. The large hall was completely empty, not even a single person there.magic

He quickly pushed Grandpa Tang to the couch before dusting off his clothes as if he just touched something disgusting, he snarled "You fuckin' old man, how dare you play with me!"

The caring old friend was long replaced by this angry old man out to take revenge.

Grandpa Tang caressed his beard as he narrowed his eyes slightly. Seems like this Old man is aware of how he pushed all the blame to his head?

"Cough... Old man, you shouldn't get angry at this age."

Grandpa Mo harrumphed twice "Setting them on a blind date, faking an illness, wasn't it all your idea? Just how did I become the culprit? Do you know how much that piece of wood...cough cough... grandson of mine reprimanded me?"