Jovani did all the pieces that he could do while driving. He had contacted Alonso to get a trace of the vehicle that Zane had been in. If one of their phones was up, he would be able to find out where exactly they were at.

He also contacted a few of his other men to put handle the issue on hold until he got back. If the two were connected, he knew that he wasn't going to be the only one who wanted to get a piece of those men. Lena would want to have a say in what happened to them as well.

Jovani also made sure to contact his younger cousin and Romeo to make sure that they didn't allow the princess to leave the house. He didn't know if she was aware of exactly what was going on but knew for a fact that she wouldn't want to sit still if she did.

Leaving the last house was the last thing though that she should have been considering doing at the current moment in time. It would have been extremely reckless. Not like Jovani was one to talk about doing reckless things. He knew that Alonso was already high displeased with what he was doing.

He couldn't sit idly, however. He was the only one on the road at the current moment in time who would be able to reach their location quickly. He needed to get there before anyone else did and assess what was going on.

His driving was half distracted however when Samuel called him to say that there was a problem with getting Lena to stay put. She didn't know what was going on, but her gut feeling was telling her that she needed to find out.

"Figure something out then. I can't have her out here where something might have already happened to her father and brother." Jovani told the other. He knew that his cousin still needed a lot of help when it came to certain things. That wasn't something that he could provide him much of right now though."I don't care what measure it is, I just don't want her leaving until I can see for myself what is going on. One wrong move could make things worse than they already are. We both know that Zane wouldn't want her out here either."


"You can try and tell her that for yourself then. I think that she's about ready to shoot someone if they try to stop her from going through the door one more time." Samuel told the other. He did sound more stressed than he usually did when talking about Lena.

"Why don't you go back out there then and hand the phone over to her. I will talk to her as much as I can but, the rest is up to you because I really need to be able to focus right now." Jovani was thankful that at the current moment in time that there were no police on the road around him and that the traffic was fairly sparse. He would have certainly been pulled over for going twenty miles over the designated speed limit.

Samuel didn't reply to him, but he could tell that by the voices in the background that he was trying to talk with someone. Most likely the princess by the stressed tone of voice coming from the second and third person in the background.

"You better only be calling me if there's something important that you need to talk over. I'm not in the mood to deal with you otherwise right now." Jovani didn't need to be the in the same room with the other to feel the ice coming off her from the other end of the phone.

"I do have something important to talk with you about right and that's that I need you to stay put where you're at. I know you're not going to like what I have to say, but it's important that you do just that for the time being." Jovani replied. He didn't give the other a chance to reply as she continued speaking.

"I know that you're worried about everything that's going on right now but the worst possible thing that you can do right now is react based off your emotions. Even though we just had this conversation not that long ago. I think that it is important to remind you once again that you're not dealing with this alone." He continued as he swapped lanes to pass a car driving in front of him.


"We don't know exactly what is going on right now and the last thing we need is to worry about someone else getting hurt. I will make sure I can take care of what I can and update you when I know what is going on. Your job right now is to listen to those around you. I don't have any more time to talk with you than this, but I don't want to find out that you've left that place by the time I call back."

Jovani didn't get the other a chance to reply before he needed the call. He really didn't have the time to talk with anyone else before he reached the scene. By the ping that Alonso had sent him, it seemed that he had almost reached the location where the car had been.He had to slow down as he got closer knowing that he wasn't going to find it on the road. It likely would have gone over the edge. Clive was a good driver, but there was no railing on these roads to stop a car from going over the edge once control was lost no matter how good the driver was.

He could only hope that whatever happened, he didn't have to report back that it was a fatal accident. That was the kind of news that he hated having to give back the most. It was difficult for everyone involved to hear it.

Stopping the car when he was almost on top of where the phone marker was, he pulled slightly off the road so that he wouldn't be in the way of any oncoming traffic. Thankfully he had had the forethought to take his gun with him. He didn't see anyone else around, but that wasn't a clear indicator that there wasn't anyone to worry about.action

He had to slide down the hill carefully to make sure he didn't lose his balance. The last thing he needed right now was to injure himself doing something stupid before he even found out what was going on.

He didn't bring his own protective vest with him, but he made sure to turn the tracker on his phone should anything happen while he was there. He was not one who was easily taken by surprise but it was always possible especially when his emotions were running high.

The fact that there was absolutely no movement when he found the car didn't bode well with him. The tinted windows made it hard for him to look and see if anyone was still inside and if they were okay. Good for protection, bad at times like these when he wanted a good sign sooner rather than later.

Jovani took a deep breath though to help remind himself to keep his cool and to not lose his focus on what was he was doing. He would be able to handle whatever was in front of him better than the people who were waiting elsewhere would be able to.

Looking around the side closest to him gave him no indication or ability to see inside the car. One of the windows had been partially broken but not enough to give him a clear view. His best bet was going to be checking the back of the vehicle where the hatch was open.

Before he went to look through, he was determined to go around the front to the other side in order to make sure that everything looked clear before he put himself in a bad situation.

His heart pounding in his ears was making it hard for him to focus as he moved carefully around the front of the car. He didn't see anything right away as he reached the hood. It was only when he started to go around the side that something caught his attention.

He hardly had time to focus on it however before he felt something cold pressed against the back of his head and lower back which caused him to completely freeze. This was exactly the kind of position that he had been hoping to avoid finding himself in.

He didn't have to turn around to know that the feeling of cold metal touching the back of his head was from a gun. He knew that feeling too well to not immediately not know what it was.

The question however was who was on the other end of the gun?