"Are you sure that the car was over here? I thought they said it was further down than this?" The man asked as he leaned his head out the passenger window, lifting his sunglasses so he could have a better look around the edge of the road.

"I am pretty sure it was right around here. There's no telling where the car might have landed. Just keep looking." The driver replied. He was doing his best to look around as well but had to keep his eyes focused on the road since there were cars passing them in the other lane.

"I am looking, but I'm not seeing anything yet. Maybe you need to go further up so we can turn around and try on the other side." The first man suggested as tried to lean further out the window. With the way that the road winded, it was hard to see over the ledge.

"Do you want to take over driving then and I can look? You can't even find a needle in a haystack, how am I supposed to trust that you won't miss something?" The driver grumbled. He had originally been the one who wanted to do the sweeping, but his friend insisted he does it because he had 'better eyes for it'.

"Trust me, I don't think that it would be all that hard to miss a black SUV in broad daylight. I'm pretty sure that you just need to keep driving further down and we will find it." The other insisted as he clapped on the side of the car to encourage his friend to keep driving.

"I swear Ken if you dent this car or miss what we are looking for and get us our asses handed to us on a silver platter, I will hurt you." The driver growled as he speed up so he could reach the U-turn in order to get back onto the other side of the road.

"Slow down a moment!" Ken suddenly shouted causing the other to slam on his brakes rather harshly.


"What in the hell?" The driver snapped. He was about ready to smack the back of the other's head until he saw what he was pointing at."Isn't the car we're looking for?" Ken asked. It was a little ways off the side of the road and down the hill but it certainly looked like a black SUV. |action

"Possibly. We need to find a place to park before we can get out and take a look though. Put your head back in and roll your window up. You shout one more time and everyone for the next three miles is going to know what we are doing." The driver warned causing the other to pout.

"I was only doing what you asked of me." Ken grumbled as he rolled up the window before getting his pack of smokes out.

"Share one with me why don't you? I need it after all the stress this is putting us through." The other obliged his friend, going so far as to light it up after he had put it in the other's mouth.

"Do you think now that we've found them that the next part will be easy?" Ken mused as he took a drag of the cigarette, releasing it as he watched them drive off to a small side road. It meant that they were going to have a little way to walk back to where they had seen the car, but it was better than getting spotted stopping closer by.

"That depends on whether or not they're still alive or awake. Zane is known for being a devil. If he has somehow managed to survive, what we have to do next will be the hardest part of all of this." The driver replied as he stopped the car.


"Just make sure you put your silencer on before you get out and the safety is off." The driver told the other as he opened the glovebox where their guns were kept.

"Shouldn't we have brought something to protect ourselves with Lewis if this is how it is going to go?" Ken asked as he handed the other his gun.

"If we had been given the option, I have said yes without a second thought. We weren't though so we're just going to have to make do with what we have and hope things are working in our favor."They spent two more minutes smoking their cigarettes before putting them out. They needed to be able to focus best as possible on what they would be doing next.

By the time that they walked back to where the SUV was, Lewis felt somewhat better when he didn't see any signs of movement coming from it. He made sure that they kept their guns hidden so as to not alert suspicions if anyone was around.

Two men coming around with guns always gave off the wrong impression. They needed the element of surprise in this case if they wanted to maintain the upper hand.

Lewis motioned for the other to go ahead of him as he stayed back slightly. Because of how tinted the windows were, it was hard to see if there was anyone else still inside of the car. Some of the windows had been obviously broken but they were on the side that was furthest away from them.

Hopefully, things were actually working out in their favor and there was nothing there for them to do except confirm that the targets had been killed.

"I think that we are in the clear, I'm not-" Ken's voice was suddenly cut off as he walked around the other side of the car. What couldn't be hidden was the sound of the scuffle that was taking place on the other side of the car.

No gun was fired, but there was definitely commotion that indicated that someone was very much awake and alive.

"Shit." Lewis cursed under his breath as he drew his gun. There was no way that he could shoot through the other side of the car without risking injury to his companion. Not knowing who the other person who had grabbed him was meant that he needed to be very careful.

Lewis crept around the side of the car. He knew that whoever it was had the same disadvantages that he did. He was just going to have to be the quicker one if he wanted to come out on top once he spotted whoever it was.

Luck sounded like it was on his side as he came around the front of the vehicle. The sound of scuffling was still going on which meant that Ken was likely not dead yet.

What a treat it was for him when came around the side and saw that it was Zane who had been struggling with his just deceased friend.

"Well, well. Maybe today is the day that you finally get to be sent to hell." Lewis smirked as he raised his gun, cocking the trigger back caught the mafia boss's attention. Based upon the surprised look on his face, it seemed as though he hadn't heard the other before he approached.

Maybe luck was on his side that day was all he could think as he fired off the silent round.