Lena was the first one to come back down as she was impatient to find out what was going on. She hoped whatever the matter was it was something positive rather than one more problem that she needed to deal with.

She waited for Samuel as she didn't think that he would know where exactly to go to find them. Knowing her father, he was likely waiting in his other office. The one which had more accommodating for one that was suffering from a hangover.

It was located further inside the estate than Samuel was used to going. Part of that was also due to the fact that it acted as a safe room of sorts as well because of how it was built and where it was located.

The princess didn't bother knocking before she entered the room. Zane was already in there and Hester was with him. The later was typing away on his computer and had very focused expression his face.

"What's up?" Lena asked as she came over to the desk, the other following closely behind her.

"Hester thinks that Jovani's contact managed to find the guy that we're looking for. The one that would've killed Ashton." Zane explained as he stood with his arms crossed while watching what Hester was doing.

"He's doing cross referencing right now and checking to see what circles the other runs in to see if there is any connection with Marcus or if this is related to something else." He continued, motioning to Hester who was too busy to pay much attention to the others who had entered the room.


"It's a bit hard to do since it seems like he was a rather careful man." Hester explained. Without looking up, he held his phone out for the others to take. He had been the one that had been sent the photo. Lena had requested this from Jovani as Hester was the best person to know what to do with the information and find out exactly what they needed from it.

Lena took the phone while Samuel looked over her shoulder at the picture. It wasn't the best picture, but clear enough that they could tell what the person in it looked like. The most distinct thing about him was a tattoo on his arm which could be visible as he had phone up to his ear and seemed to be talking with someone.

"Isn't that similar to the tattoo that was spotted on Ashton?" Samuel asked, trying to get a better look at it in order to see if he was right or not.

"Similar, but not quite the same. If I had to make a guess I believe that it isn't a genuine one but perhaps a mock used for disguise." Zane replied."Hester did a comparison and found that there are a few subtle differences between the two. One of which is that it doesn't seem like it is a real one."

"So you think that he used it simply to infiltrate their group just to kill Ashton or he was killed before he found out that there wasn't part of their family?" The princess asked with a frown. It sounded like a mess even though this was a positive bit of information that they got ahold of.

Still though, it didn't quite explain what Ashton was doing in their company and why he was taking the money. It didn't seem reasonable to assume this person of interest simply killed the other because he was syphoning money out of a big business. That motive seemed rather weak.


"That's what Hester is trying to find out. Beyond figuring out who he was and that Ashton knew him and was reported as being one of the last people to see the other alive, there isn't much else they got about him." Her father replied glancing over at the other as she handed the phone back to him.

Samuel didn't miss the fact that there was an odd look that passed between the two one this happened, but when Lena narrowed her eyes at him, it seemed like he decided to drop it as he turned his attention back to what Hester was doing.

"You don't have to stand around waiting if you don't want to. I have honestly no idea how long it will take me to sort through all of this stuff." Hester warned them. He didn't mind them wanting to know the moment that he found anything of interest. He felt a little like he was boxed in in the small office with more people now standing around.

"We're just waiting a few minutes to make sure that you don't find anything quicker than expected. Then, we'll leave you to work in here." Zane replied.

He needed to catch up on some sleep, but there were also other meetings that he needed to take care of today. Julius was still out for the next few hours as he didn't get a chance for a break as someone was coming in for a business deal and he couldn't put off meeting him.

"This two also shouldn't be spending too much time on this as well." Zane added.

"We have three days off before returning to work. Spending a few hours on this won't take away too much of that time." Lena replied. She didn't want to waste the free time that she had with Samuel, but she also didn't want to miss out on hearing back anything important about this matter since it was going to effect them as well.

"If you would prefer though that we leave and wait until you have something solid for us, we can leave for the time being as long as you agree to text." The princess looked at her father when she said this.

"I can have Hester do that. Information from me would likely be delayed because I have a lot scheduled today. There is something that I would like to talk with you about before that however." Lena had to refrain from sighing when he said this.

But didn't object when he came around to open the door so that they could head out of the room. Samuel got the idea that he was supposed to stay there with Hester while this was going on.

It wasn't a closed-door conversation so Zane only waited until they were a little ways out of the office before he turned to talk with the other.

"Is this something related to last night or not?" Lena asked. She already had an idea of what it was that the other was going to want to talk about.

"This is related to last night." Zane confirmed.

"You think that there's something wrong with the way the relationship is proceeding between Samuel and me and think things should be different?" She guessed but was rather surprised when he shook his head.

"I don't care about that so much as long as the two of you know what you're getting into and it's a discussion you both have. I am concerned about what trouble what might being stirred now that Samuel is being recognized as part of the Vedova Nera." He explained.

"There were a number of things I had last night that I'm not exactly thrilled about." He admitted.

"While I trust that most of our men have the common sense not to do anything, I'm not sure of those who fall under Jovani's jurisdiction. They seem to be more of the rougher types than those under us."

"You think that they have a problem with him because of the alliance or because of his position even though he's new?" Lena asked. Jovani had warned that there might be some issues taken with him, she didn't expect though that it would be being made known on the same day as the announcement.

"Both from what I have had relayed back to me." He replied as he ran a hand through his hair.

"Some thing that it was a calculated move on Samuel's part or his family's to help position him well before he reentered the family. Others think that we're purposely using him to get ahead and he's simply going along with everything."

"Isn't that Jovani's job to straighten those things out?" Lena asked.action

"Jovani would only be able to take care of so much though." Zane pointed out.

"People know the position that he holds as well as his relationship to Samuel and with us. It's not likely that they would bring this type of stuff up around him." The unspoken part of that was also that they might react differently to Jovani since him and Samuel were related.

"So you think that this is something that we're going to have to keep track of in order to make sure there isn't a ripple effect?" her father nodded his head.

"While I'm certain Jovani is capable of watching out for Samuel, I think that there are still some things we will have to watch out for.." This wasn't how Lena had been hoping to spend her afternoon the day after her engagement party, but such was life.