"What about me though, do I have to worry that you might do something like that? He asked glancing over at her as he sent the text.

"Only if you catch me by surprise and I don't expect it. It's a defensive result." She answered.

"The only person in my family though that has ever had to deal with that kind of reaction was my brother and that was only because he caught me off guard and thought it would be a good idea to surprise me suddenly one of the times that he had gotten home from England for the holidays." She elaborated. She could tell by the passing scenery that they were almost to the estate now.

"I think the more important conversation though should be how do you want to spend the next three days since I am going to be barred from working." she said as she shifted the conversation on to the other, looking at him expectantly.

"There are few things I could think of that might be enjoyable to do while we have the time." Samuel replied as he went back to texting on his phone again.

"Isn't there anything that you might want to do also that you could think?" He then asked as Clive turned the corner that lead to the road the estate was on."This is your time off as well so I'm sure there are somethings that you'd like to do while you have." It was a thoughtful question on Samuel's part. The problem was though that Lena didn't like being put into a position where she had to make a decision about such things.

"I don't really like having to decide such things. I prefer other people to make the arrangements and I go along with them. It's easier when one has to deal with making difficult decisions each and every day." She answered honestly.


Samuel was rather surprised by this at it was again one of the few times that Lena had been honest about something like that.action

"So you would prefer if I stayed in charge of the itinerary for the next few days so that you don't have to worry about making those kind of decisions over small things?" He clarified. He already had ideas about things that he would want to do and if Lena was going to give him the right to take charge of it, he already knew what kind of way he would want to set things up.

Lena simply nodded her head as Clive pulled the car up to the front of the Estate in order to park it.

"Well I do think then that today we should stay here and do nothing after yesterday. I think both of us still need some time to recover after all that alcohol last night." he told. Samuel wasn't certain if Lena was still suffering from a hangover or not. He just knew that his hadn't fully gone away yet and that doing too much might end up triggering it to be worse.

"If we do stay here, I will most likely be spending most of the day sleeping." She warned. There was a lot of sleep that she wanted to catch up on that she had missed from the night before.

"That sounds reasonable. Maybe even take some time to swap the rooms around now that the engagement is official." Even though the other had tried to say this as a harmless thing. The princess knew how to read between the lines to know what he was meaning with his idea of swapping their rooms around.


"Allowing me more time to enjoy the freedom of my own bed before we do that. I also don't think that you're quite ready to be waking up regularly on the schedule that I have for myself everyday." She replied as she stepped out of the car.

She had on intention yet of making what had happened at the hotel an every night occurrence. Unlike other couples, they didn't have the kind of free time to be consistently doing that kind of thing.

"How many free days do you want?" Her fiancé asked as he came around the other side of the car in order to hold her hand before they walked in side.

"As many as I can get away with." Was the answer she gave before they stepped inside.

As much as enjoyed being with Samuel, she still liked having her own personal space to decompress from everything that she had to deal with on a daily basis.

He was a good support system for her but not yet at the point where he could fully understand everything going on enough to be the partner that she needed. It would take time for that to happened since he knew hardly anything about the world that she worked in still despite what Jovani had been going over with him.

"That sounds like you want infinite days." He joked the princess removed her hand from his so that she could get ready to head to her own room.

"Maybe I do." She replied. Not missing the fact that her fiancé seemed rather intent of following her wherever she was deciding to go.

"I wouldn't be able to allow that though. I do rather enjoy spending the nights with you. I think that it is rather peaceful."

"Peaceful when you're not the the one causing trouble." The princess retorted. The conversation ended there when she noticed her father approach out of the corner of her eye. She could tell by the expression that was on his face that there was something they were going to need to talk about.

"When you two are done, there is something we need to talk about." Zane told the two of them. He looked rather tried so his daughter knew that whatever it was was important enough for him to have stayed up rather than sleeping.

Something that would perhaps worrying the intended plans to be able to not work for the next three days.