Chapter 781 Old things

"Meng Shaobai, you have inherited the Taoism of the ancient swordless school, and learned the great killing technique, but you don't know who the big killing technique was passed down. It is the killing of the heavenly king. It exists in the time of opening the earth. Strong existence, robbed from the door of eternal life to the big killing technique."

In the chaos of the Chaos, a figure of the whole body of light, standing in front of Meng Shaobai.

This figure is the immortality of the virtual fairy.

"Who are you..." Meng Shaobai was oppressed and unable to move, his face was astonished.

"I am the mysterious ancestors of the mysterious family of the Great Light, and now I will accept it as your son, teach you the power of supreme power, and help you deal with Fang Han, and seize the position of the door of Yuhuamen. You are now Come with me, I will introduce you to a friend of mine, Zhou Yixian, who is taught by Da Yi. He is now missing a close disciple. You have learned to kill the scorpion and inherit the Taoist priest. For him. It is also very valuable. He will definitely try to cultivate you. After my arrangement, you will surely get a lot of water in the door of the feathers. Even if it is too powerful, it will be useless."

Xuan Wuyi grabbed Meng Shaobai... Hey!


This picture is fiercely broken in my mind. Recalling all this, Meng Shaobai’s face is even more smirked: "Now I am equal to the support of two false immortals, one mysterious in the dark, This week, Xianzun is in the clear place. What will happen when Fang Han comes back? I really look forward to it..."

Just thinking in his mind, booming! The entire Yuhua Temple was shaken, and it seemed that someone had bombarded it with a god.

"Who! Who is it?" In the door of the feathers, some elders are standing up.

"It’s Fang Han’s coming back.” Feng Baiyu quietly said.

“Hey!” Zhou Tianxian’s face suddenly changed and his body disappeared.

Yuhua Sansheng’s face also changed and flew outside.


At this time, Fang Han’s big hand has already torn the light curtain, and he has captured Wan Luo, Ling Xiao, and two Zhou Yi Da Yi’s disciples.

Fang Han’s trick was to use the “Hand of God”. At this time, he cultivated to the kingdom of the kingdom. The mana was boundless, and the magical power was invincible. The hands of the gods were arbitrarily shot, and the gods landed the anger of the anger. When you turn it a little, you can't use any of these four people.

"God! How could he be so powerful!" Wan Luo, Ling Xiao thought that he had an adventure, and he got a backstage, able to compete against Fang Han, but did not expect that Fang Han’s strength is far above them. The claws are caught, all the mana is jumping, like the hot oil meets the flame and boils in the body.

In a twinkling of an eye, Ling Xiao, Wan Luo's body pores, there is a rolling flame. Two people became two torches. Then the flesh and blood dried down and became two skin-like corpses.

"Ling Wei, Wan Luo, you two ants in general, clean up Hua Tiandu, I did not clean you up, it is to see that you are too weak, and since then you can keep your life, but you still dare to make waves I will kill you thoroughly!"

The cold and cool road.

In the hands of his god, it contains the net fire of the heavens, burning mana, and has refining the Lingluo Wanlu to ninety-nine.

"Fang Han, you are looking for a dead end." Zhou Tianxian's disciple, a man and a woman roared, but they are helpless. Under Fang Han's mana, even if they use up their magical powers, they can't struggle. The individual gradually shrinks and changes into two small people, sealed in the crystal sphere, and will fall into the palm of Fang Han.

"Stop! Junior, dare!"

At this moment, a vast mana was spurred out of the Essence Temple. With a little movement, the planets in the sky changed color, and the heavens and the earth rotated, blurring, as if the heavens and the earth had returned to chaos, Fang Han immediately felt A very strong force, pulling toward himself, projected to an inexplicable void.

"The means of virtual fairy!"

For the master of the virtual fairy, Fang Han has never been taken lightly. Because this is another form of life. However, he has just played with the protoss of the celestial being "Da Zhai Shen Zun". This virtual fairy goddess can be described as the most powerful and most powerful existence of the virtual fairy, especially the last strike of the eternal life.

Such a tyrannical attack, Fang Han is hard to pick up, not to mention the attack of this virtual fairy.

What is even more powerful is that Fang Han is now reaching the "Boundary Kingdom", and after the double repair of Miss Mi Bao, all the injuries have been restored, and the increase in strength is not the same as before.

In the face of the attack of the virtual fairy, he moved all over the body, and a world came out. The eight floats, the great seals, and the Huangquan map all worked. His palms were turned into dragon claws, and the whole person was turned into a dragon. Form, Megatron nine days, in the face of the inexplicable void in the distance.


His dragon claws felt a collision with a mysterious and powerful presence, and the strength of the other side was bombarded. If all the planets exploded and slammed into their bodies, they would completely destroy the deconstruction of their bodies.

"Hey! This little attack can't be compared with the ancestor's holy fist, the three strokes of the day. I directly solved it." Fang Han secretly applied the force, the body's reincarnation disk ran for a long time, put that power The solution is clean.

And the other hand continued to keep the two men and women in their hands.

Big seal!

These two men and women were sealed in it, and in the crystal sphere of the palm, they did not move, but they cursed and roared in their mouths.

"Peace, put these two people at a speed, or you will die without a place of burial!" A force almost close to Tianwei came down, and the whole curtain shrouded the feathers of the mountain, showing a wearing black and white. The "Fang Tian Xian Zun" form of the cloak, this week, Xian Zun was surprised, as if he did not expect Fang Han to actually break his trick, or hold his two outstanding disciples in his hand and seal it.

These two disciples are all cultivated in the territory of the universe. Even if they are based on the strength of the "big easy to teach", it is not easy. In the world of Xuanhuang, it is equivalent to the head of the fairy.

In this way, he was taken by Fang Han’s living cockroach and sealed up. This “Zhou Tian Xian Zun” felt no light on his face.


Behind Zhou Tianxianzun, he landed many elders in the feather gate, feathered Sansheng, and Fengbaiyu.

These people saw the return of Fang Han, and they immediately suppressed the disciples of "Zhou Tian Xian Zun" and suddenly became shocked.

"Fang Han, quickly put the disciples of Zhou Tianxianzun, this is the Yizun of the Great Yi, the status is lofty, and I Yuhuamen is an alliance, to help me feather the door against the Protoss robbery, he is not what you can offend , Immortal, this Zhou Tian Xian Zun is a virtual fairy, do you know?"

Yuhua Sansheng, Zhao Shenyang looked wrong, stood up, yelled at Fang Handao.

"Fang Han, you don't want to cause a big disaster." Wu Ming's face has also changed. In front of this scene, he is really difficult to resolve, can only restrict Fang Han.

"This is the outstanding disciple of our feathering door. Fang Han, the position of the head is his, but now it seems that his character is so proud, it is difficult to take the helm of the head, the position of the head, or the genius of Meng Shaobai. Yes, look at our face, Zhou Tianxian respects not to have a general knowledge with juniors."

Wang Kunlun respected Zhou Tianxian: "Meng Shaobai! You persuaded your master. You are now a disciple of Yuhuamen. In the future, it will be your industry. You have to make the door of the feathers prosperous."

"Yes! Three saints." In the eyes of Meng Shaobai, the secret light was shining, stepping forward, laughing at Fang Han: "Fang Han, about you can't think of it, my luck will be so good. I got it. A virtual fairy is accepted as a righteous son, and another virtual fairy is accepted as an apprentice. Today, when you come back, you think you can glory and glory. Unfortunately, you are wrong. In this way, you kneel down and hand over the treasures of your Tianwu library and surrender to me. How about I spare your life? Master, do you agree to disagree with me?"

"Well, this kid can sacrifice the treasures of Tianwu's library. I can spare him a life. I have also got a photo of Huang Quan, and I also donated it to him. I can still ask him for my innocence. Otherwise, I let him go, and Xuan Wuyi will kill him." Zhou Tianxian respected.

"Ha ha ha ha!" Fang Han quietly listened, suddenly, Yang Tian laughed: "Meng Shaobai, your ant something, dare to talk to me! Virtual fairy, virtual fairy I am afraid? Yuhua Sansheng, you promised me to hold me as the head of Yuhuamen, but now it has changed. When I am really cold, I don’t have the ability. Although I am not in this position, but I am still going to get it back. You are so A week old fairy respects the old things scared? This old thing, can you get me? It is a joke, I thought that I have never seen a big scene in Fang Han? This scene, I saw much more. Come here, old things, still I am more than a stroke, if you can't help me, then let's go, don't waste my internalization."

Fang Han’s current strength can escape in front of the virtual fairy when he is in the six-day life. Now promoted to the kingdom of the world, the strength is more than ten times stronger, and is not afraid of the master of the virtual fairy in front of himself, can completely compete.

He didn't feel anything, but all the people were shocked by his language.

No one expected that his language was so mad, even if it was a mud bodhisattva, he would be mad at him with three liters of blood, let alone a living person.

Meng Shaobai also glanced, his face was pale, and he felt an anger burning from the liver and gallbladder, and there was a feeling of seven cigarettes on his head. The lungs are almost blown up.

"Fang Han, hello, you are very good! You are arrogant, arrogant, I know that you are powerful, but I did not expect that you are arrogant to this extent, you are looking for a dead end." Meng Shaobai suddenly retired : "Master, this person has been incurable, completely mad, and quickly killed him. Yuhua Sansheng, you are also together!"

"Peace! I have never had such a heavy anger on a person in my life, only you." Zhou Tianxian Zun, step by step.