Chapter 782 is angry

"Zhou Tian Xian Zun" is completely angered.

I have cultivated the realm of "virtual fairy". The effort to raise my gas can be described as a mountain that doesn't move, laughs at the changes in the world, and changes in the sea. But Fang Han’s language is too vicious, and no one can bear it.

"Primary, I want to kill you alive. No, it won't let you die so painfully, but your soul, permanently imprisoned in the flames, accepting the hardships, so that you can't live like death!"

"Zhou Tian Xian Zun" did not immediately start, but waved his hands, immediately between the sky, the layers of dark clouds, the underground large floor blocks moving in the dark, the space in the void began to creak, and the chains were smashing. The sound of a peerless *** is quietly condensed.

This is to prevent the Fang Han from running away and to begin to show the world.

Fang Han is blind to all of this.


"Old things, you don't have to hang around the void, I won't run away, today I will drive you out of the door. Don't mess with the wind and rain in my feathering door. And, your two disciples, First, as you mess up the feather door, give me a gift of sin. Great Pudu, big scorpion, refining me!"

The arrogant voice was transmitted from Fang Hankou. The two Zhou Guangxian disciples, who were holding the "Zhou Tian Xian Zun", suddenly burst into pain in the seal, and the spiritual imprint was transformed one by one into a cold. puppet.

Among the eight floating sects, many demon, demon, and protoss warriors have been sacrificed, empty, and need a strong presence to supplement. These two disciples are worth more than one billion ordinary demon.

"Zhou Xin, Zhou Xian, my two disciples!"

Seeing this scene, Zhou Tianxian respects the eye of the virtual fairy, which is cracking open, and does not wait for the space to be completely ***, and the palm of one hand is coming to the side: "Da Yi Shen Quan!"

In an instant, around the body of Fang Han, there were eight eight sixty-four giant palms, and the palms showed different seals, forming a gossip array, wrapping the square cold.


"Is this little ability to deal with me?"

Fang Han body swayed at random, five fingers turned into a dragon to catch, tearing out of thin air, the power of the world spurred the great seal of the world, the above shows the shadow of the great emperor, directly shocked! Hey! All the handprints, all collapsed, all the space ***, also shattered.

"Comfortable, the law of the world spurs the perfection, so it's like a duck."

Promoted to the "king of the kingdom", with the rules of the world, Fang Han uses the laws of the world and the power of the world in the incomprehensible device to echo each other. Smart.

If it is said that the smashed road is a big hammer, it is not a square cold before the promotion of the kingdom of the kingdom. It is a three-year-old child, waving a big hammer, it is dangerous. Not to mention hurting people.

Now he is promoted to the "world of kingdom", which is equivalent to a three-year-old child, became a strong and powerful brawny, wielding a hammer, naturally it is amazingly lethal.

Cangsheng Dayin, under the urging of Fang Han, between the moments, the expansion becomes larger, and it shrinks into dust. The huge force is between the ups and downs, and the pulling force is generated. The clothes are torn and hunt.


Zhou Tianxian retired a step, his face showed a look of surprise: "You have cultivated to the kingdom of the kingdom! Just the display of the genius, the great seal? In the hundreds of thousands of years ago, no great world *** The fairy of air transport."

"Where is there so much nonsense!"

Behind Fang Han’s water and fire, the wings are moving, and the body is awkward. It is close to the “Zhou Tianxian Zun”, and a fist hits it out. This fist is ordinary, but it contains a lot of poisonous techniques, silent, just Soft and comfortable, secret and gloomy, hit the back of the "Zhou Tian Xian Zun".

"Kids, broken corpses!"

Zhou Tianxian respected his body and swept away, avoiding Fang Han’s fist, and then flew down his hands like an eagle to present his claws, *** vertical space, and shrouded Fang Han again: “You thought you could crack my big Easy God Boxing? Big Yishen Boxing is created by the ancient Jinxian. It is surrounded by all sides. In this big Yishen boxing, even if you concentrate the world into dust, it has no use. Wait for me to catch you. See how let me craft you!"

"Good speed."

When Fang Hanxin moved, he immediately felt that this "Zhou Tian Xian Zun" was not so easy to deal with. However, he was psychologically prepared, and he had a lot of experience in fighting against the masters of the virtual fairy. Suddenly, the body was shaken, and all the magic weapons were combined into one. The great sorrows, the big sputum, the large cutting, the big law, the creation of the gods. The verses are combined, and the whole person is turned into a black-lighted axe, and the "Ghosts and Amazing Works" is displayed.


Wuguang axe, on the spot flashed, broke the "Zhou Tian Xian Zun" big easy **** fist, but also strangled before his face.

“Well?” Feng Baiyu saw Fang Han’s display of “Ghosts and Amazing Works” and his face moved.

clang! Zhou Tianxianzun saw the ghost and the great work of the great sorcerer, and his face showed a dignity. Suddenly the body flickered, punching and punching, and the bombardment of the storm was on the big axe.

One axe and one person, fighting in the high air, rising higher and higher, between the moments reached the hurricane of nine days, the overwhelming violent walk, all kinds of magical spurts everywhere, the mountains outside the feathering door, everywhere began to collapse Some mountains flew up, and endless groundwater slammed into the sky from the foot of the mountain, accompanied by magma.

The nine-day hurricane seems to have been replaced by greater power. Converted into Fang Han and "Zhou Tian Xian Zun". In space, some planets were swayed and turned into meteors.

"How did Fang Han become so powerful? Actually, he can compete with the virtual fairy! He also cultivated to the kingdom of the world, Bai Yu, you are not saying that he has just cultivated into the creation of the realm, it takes a long time to understand the law of the heavens? And... The power of terror."

At this moment, Yuhua Sansheng and other elders are too stunned. Looking at Fang Han and "Zhou Tian Xian Zun" played hard to break down. The devastating power fluctuations of a stock were passed down. The three saints of the Feathers only promoted the power of the feathered Tiangong, and shrouded the mountains again, lest the foundations of the gates of the Yuhuamen be razed to the ground.

"A very good means, I was able to compete with the predecessors of the celestial being Zhou Tianxian."

Zhao Shenyang’s face is strange, like a dream, can’t believe the facts at hand.

"At least it is Zhou Tianxian Zun Nai, why can't he!" Wang Kunlun paled, suddenly shouted: "All the feathers disciples, quickly enter the Yuhua Temple, so as not to be affected by the aftermath of power, even if the giants, I met The aftermath will also be broken."

"It's no wonder that Fang Han will be so arrogant, he is actually prepared." Wu Mingkong hid into the Yuhua Temple, urging this unique device, once again concentrated, seeing Fang Han and "Zhou Tianxian Zun "The battle over the very high nine days, one person and one axe, colliding with each other, every collision, destroying thousands of parallel spaces, each time the flickering, almost reached the space, and then shuttle back.

The sun and the moon in the sky were opened with a hole, and countless fireballs fell and burned in the earth.

This is the destructive power caused by the master of the virtual fairy, it is a disaster.

"Meng Shaobai, you still don't want to go, wait for Fang Han and Zhou Tianxian to fight, then let's talk." Suddenly, Feng Baiyu pressed one hand on Meng Shaobai's shoulder.

At this time, Meng Shaobai, like a dead gray, never imagined that Fang Han was so savage, and Zhou Tianxian respects these characters are directly resistant, but in his heart, there is still a glimmer of hope: "Mysterious innocence is hidden in the dark. To deal with Fang Han, if in this fight, suddenly there is an attack, kill Fang Han! Then it is complete."

"Is this the strength of Fang Han? Fight against the virtual fairy!" Yuhuamen made a lot of elders, surprised. Can not describe the mood at this moment.

"Yeah, Fang Han’s strength at this time, I’m afraid it’s the emergence of the Three Sacred...”

Among the feathering gates, there is such a disciple, and all of them are in a complicated mood.

They are now waiting for Judgment Day to wait for Zhou Tianxian and Fang Han, who have already fought in space, to win.

"Three saints? When necessary, we have to help the cold."

The wind white feather suddenly passed on the mind.


After the emergence of the three holy sacred feathers, I heard the sound of Feng Baiyu: "Fang Han and Fang Qingxue, the Emperor's pen is extremely good, after all, it is my disciple of Yuhuamen, then Zhou Xianxian obviously wants to master my feathering door, in In the big robbery, I got the secrets of many treasures in the world of Xuanhuang. I can’t rely on it! Fang Han’s current strength is enough to lead the group. In this robbery, we will definitely be able to spend it.”

"It’s just like this..."

Feathered Sansheng, a secret exchange.


A loud bang, the ripples of mana, spread out, shattered all the turbulent streams of millions of miles, and all the solid meteorites were turned into ashes. One person and one axe separate.

The change of "Ghosts and Amazing Works" has revealed the entity of Fang Han.

And Zhou Tianxian Zun is a face of iron blue, standing in the dark space, watching the cold.

"Zhou Tianxianzun, how do you feel?" Fang Han smiled casually, and his body was rolling down. His spirits were full of enthusiasm and enthusiasm. He just had a fight with Zhou Tianxian, and he spurred the perfect machine. The kind of comfortable feeling is unmatched by any enjoyment: "Let's just, between the ten breaths, I have made a total of 3.7 trillion yuan. Do you think that you still have a chance to defeat me?"

"Kid, don't be mad, you are relying on the number of unique devices, and there is a source of wilderness to supply energy." Zhou Tianxian blinked, just played, he already understands that he can not beat Fang Han, Not to mention that it was killed.

"I have capital madness!" Fang Han took a step forward and prevailed: "Do you think that you can be stabilized and stabilized by the realm of the virtual fairy? Tell me the truth, I am not afraid of the Protoss of the Protoss. Still afraid of you? Moreover, when you are innocent, do you know? Mysteriously, I have to deal with me, but I am afraid of any clues, so I will treat you as a chess piece!"