Chapter 733   - Third Bun Is Out of Question (1)

The next time Li Meili gained her consciousness, she found herself in a private hospital room. She was dressed in a hospital gown and her nose picked up a slight scent of bleach and something medicinal mixed with the scent of lemon.

"Thank goodness you are awake."

Li Meili frowned and turned her head. Zhang Jiren looked at her, his handsome face filled with anxiety. He was obviously worried about her. Behind him stood Tang Moyu who had been pacing back and forth, waiting for her to wake up.

"W-what happened?" Li Meili asked.

"You fainted. Luckily, Elder Lan had seen you and rushed you here." Tang Moyu was the one who responded, her voice had a hint of worry in it. "Don't ever scare me like that again. You have no idea how helpless and scared we were when we've received Elder Lan's call."

"Oh." Li Meili had no idea how to respond. She didn't want to trouble anyone but she was thankful that they managed to find her in time before anything else happened, but that didn't mean she didn't want to burrow her face on her pillow to hide her embarrassment.


"I'm sorry," she muttered and Zhang Jiren frowned.

"What are you sorry about? It should be me who should be sorry. I shouldn't have left you on your own this morning," he retorted. If he had known this would happen to her, he shouldn't have left to go to his office to have an alone time to sort out his thoughts.

"I'm sorry for causing you trouble…" Li Meili apologized.

"It's not trouble, Meili. You know this," Tang Moyu chimed in, watching her best friend and Zhang Jiren interact with each other. Was she imagining things or the two seemed closer to each other since the last time she'd seen them?

Meanwhile, Feng Tianyi who was seated on the leather couch remained silent. He was aware what his wife was thinking at the moment and knew the answer to her unspoken question, but it wasn't his place to raise the issue about the other couple with them in the same room.

"How is Leyan? Is she alright? Is she okay?" Li Meili took hold of Zhang Jiren's hand, her eyes begging him to tell the truth.


"Leyan is fine." The moment Zhang Jiren answered her, the door opened with a single knock before Dr. Huang entered. The stethoscope around her neck bounced against her pristine white coat as she shifted her hands holding the lab results.

"You gave us a little scare, Miss Li. How do you feel now?" she asked the patient.

Zhang Jiren helped his wife sit up, arranging the pillows behind her so she could settle comfortably. Tang Moyu didn't miss how he looked after her best friend— even opening a bottle of water for Li Meili when she whispered that she was thirsty.

"I feel better now," Li Meili answered Dr. Huang.

"We ran a few tests." Dr.Huang flipped the papers in her hand before eyeing Li Meili. "Your blood pressure is quite low but your blood sugar is high. Are you eating proper meals?" She then eyed Zhang Jiren.

"En," Li Meili immediately responded when she noticed the doctor's accusing look at her husband. "Although I feel thirstier and frequently go to the washroom these days. Is there a problem?"

"You might have gestational diabetes but we have to run another test to make sure but since your family has a history of diabetes, you might be at greater risk," Dr.Huang answered honestly.

"Is it dangerous for Meili and Leyan?" Zhang Jiren asked the doctor.

"If it goes untreated, yes, but since we are giving Li Meili appropriate care, it shouldn't be dangerous for the two of them."

Zhang Jiren released a breath he didn't know he was holding.

"What do we do then?" Tang Moyu asked. She needed to convince Zhang Jiren later not to leave Li Meili on her own from now on.

"I'm putting her on bed rest. It's best for her to relax and take things easy," Dr. Huang said before turning to face Li Meili. "Don't exert yourself too much. I'm sure your husband can arrange things for you. Try to eat healthy and small meals. You and your baby should be fine if you follow the instructions," she added with a smile before saying goodbye and walking out of the room.

"Do you think we need more people to look after Meili?" Tang Moyu asked her husband.

Feng Tianyi shrugged. It wasn't his place to tell Li Meili and Zhang Jiren how to live their lives.

"I'll ask Elder Lan to stay with her whenever I'm not at home." Zhang Jiren knew that Li Meili wasn't comfortable having so many people looking after her that was why he kept their household helpers at minimum.

"That would be great," Tang Moyu nodded. "But try to see if you can find a private nurse to look after her needs. Also, check the food she's eating. No junk food and cola," she added, knowing that her best friend was fond of sweets.

"Alright." Zhang Jiren easily yielded to his elder sister. "I'll also ask someone to prepare a wheelchair at home just in case she was too tired to walk."

Li Meili watched the discussion between the two and turned to Feng Tianyi for help but he only watched the two with amus.e.m.e.nt. Finally, she raised a hand getting the attention of the siblings. These two were starting to drive her crazy!

"Excuse me. Aren't you going to ask me if I'm fine with all of your plans?"

Zhang Jiren turned to face her as though he was only noticing her just now.

"I'm the patient here, you know. Aren't you going to ask for my input?" Li Meili huffed at them. "I'm pregnant, not sick in case you are forgetting."

"Meili, we are just doing what your doctor asked us to do," Zhang Jiren said in defense.

"It's for your own good, Meili," Tang Moyu agreed with him.

Li Meili wanted to face palm. She knew she couldn't win against these two.