Chapter 732   - Not His Place (3)

"I'm just wondering if I did something wrong. If ever I offended you, I'm sorry," she apologized in a low voice. She didn't want him to hate her— not when she thought that they were getting along so well and she was already considering him as a friend.

Zhang Jiren finished his sandwich and eyed his wife. No. It wasn't her who did something wrong. It was him. He wasn't supposed to have feelings for her while he pretended to be her husband.

"Don't be silly. You are overthinking things again. You didn't do anything wrong," he tried to reassure her. Zhang Jiren would never tell her what's on his mind.

If she knew what kind of thoughts or feelings he had for her, Zhang Jiren was afraid that she would find him repulsive. Li Meili didn't seem to mind being friends with him and he should be satisfied with it.

"Are you sure?" she questioned him, her eyes prompting him to confess, but Zhang Jiren had no plans to reveal anything. Maybe once they divorced, he would learn to accept that they were not meant to be and he would return to the kind of lonely life he had before marrying her.

"En. I'll let you know if something's wrong. Don't worry."


Somehow his words made Li Meili bite back the words she wanted to tell him. Was she really overthinking things between them? She didn't know if she should believe him or not.

"Baobao and Little Star's sixth birthday is in two weeks. Would you be able to accompany me?" She then decided to change the subject between them.

"I have a meeting I cannot reschedule in the morning, but I can free my afternoon and evening if you want," Zhang Jiren replied. There was no way in hell he would miss the little buns' birthday party.

"Sounds great." She gave him a weak smile. "I'll find the gift for us to bring then."

"Okay. I'll leave that to you," Zhang Jiren agreed. If Li Meili hadn't mentioned it, he would totally forget about the little buns' upcoming birthday. This would be the first time he would celebrate with them and pondered if he should prepare a separate gift for the two.

Hours later, when she and Zhang Jiren woke up the second time that morning, he left in a hurry to go to the company while she was left behind with Elder Lan. Li Meili shut the door of her workroom and leaned back against it. She still couldn't shrug the idea that Zhang Jiren was avoiding her and wondered why she was even bothered by it.


Her Himalayan cat came to her and mewled as if sensing her distress. Li Meili raised a brow and gave her pet a pointed glare.

"Oh, so you remember now who's your master, huh?" she told the little traitor who's trying to get her attention. Now that Zhang Jiren left for work, Snowy finally remembered who she was to him.

Ever since she moved with Zhang Jiren, her cat that she named Snowy had chosen the man instead of her. Snowy would go anywhere Zhang Jiren was whenever he was home and would constantly try to make her husband pet him.

Li Meili had never seen her cat act this way. In fact, Snowy disliked men before he met Jiren and would always cause trouble even with Tang Beixuan whenever he paid a visit when he was still alive. Snowy would usually try to scratch the faces of any man dropping by at her apartment. Even her older brother, Li Yuanyi wasn't spared at all.

However, this little traitor seemed tamed when it came to Zhang Jiren. Whether he was working in the study or cooking meals in the kitchen, Snowy was surely there, following him.

Snowy would occasionally lie on Zhang Jiren's l.a.p and the man would absentmindedly scratch the cat's ear gently, making the fat feline purr much to Li Meili's irritation.

"Meow." Snowy once again mewled at her feet but because Li Meili could not kneel down and pick him up anymore considering how big her baby bump was, it was just impossible for her to pet him like she used to.

Li Meili blew out a breath before taking a seat near the glass wall where she could oversee the beautiful garden. The trees and shrubs she could view from where she was seated were neatly trimmed and the lawn was recently mowed.

For once, she was thankful that Zhang Jiren renovated this room for her to use. It hadn't been easy for her to work in an unfamiliar place but he made it possible under such a short span of time.

Snowy followed her and leaped on her l.a.p, curling himself up like he used to do. Li Meili gently petted his ears while her attention zeroed in on the dress on display, waiting to be finished. There was less than a week before the deadline and she was confident she could finish it on time.

She wanted everything to be done and ready before she gave birth to Leyan. Whether she lost or not in the competition, it didn't matter as she knew she had done her best already.

Snowy lifted his head and stared at her baby bump before rubbing his head against it affectionately, making Li Meili smile.

"So you like Leyan too, huh?"

Well, she couldn't think of anyone who would hate her daughter. Even Xiao Bao and Little Star were eager to meet their newest cousin.

At least, Snowy seemed to like Leyan too. With her daughter moving more these days, trying to find a comfortable position in her tummy, Li Meili wondered what her daughter would look like.

She shook her head. Whatever her daughter looked like, she would love her unconditionally. Li Meili allowed Snowy to get down from her l.a.p before she stood up, intending to finish the dress for the competition.

However, as soon as she took two steps, everything around her seemed to spin. She faintly heard a knock and Elder Lan's voice as she opened the door before darkness consumed her and she collapsed.