"Yoh...lord asura"Vanya muttered in a low yet solemn voice, she is about to call him yohan but corrected herself as she don't want him to know that she is aware of his identity, Yohan took a deep sigh seeing that she is trying to act.

"Don't act as if you don't know about my identity, I gave you and your friend a chance to leave but you came all the way here despite knowing that it will cost you your life, don't you value your life"Yohan raise his eyebrows and looked Vanya who is looking at him, her facial expressions changed drastically hearing Yohan.

"So you know about my identity huh, then what are you gonna do now, going to kill me?"She got up on her feet and dusted herself before raising her eyes and looking at Yohan in a serious manner.action

"I am going to give you one more chance because you are related to Elsa, leave this place and forget about her, if you try to resist then I don't have any choice but to stop you, your journey ends here Vanya, from this point on you are not allowed to take any single step forward" Yohan responded to her as he uncrosses his hands and clenched his fist, hearing Yohan a bittersweet smile appeared on her face and she unsheathes the sword that she is carrying on her waist.

"Then we have nothing to discuss here, let's end this for once and all because I am not going to leave this place and I will not let you get away with my sister, she can't leave this place no matter what, "Vanya said as she looked Yohan with killing intent, Yohan turned silent for a moment and a moment later he shook his head."I think you are not doing any justice by blaming her, whatever happened in the past she was not the sole responsible for that, she couldn't handle that kind of power and it lead to that massacre, if you want to blame someone than blame asura and moreover she had been through worst by staying at that dark gloomy place all those years, I think it's high time when you forget about her, you will get nothing dwelling into the painful memories of your past, "Yohan said as he tried to persuade her, no matter what he says to scare her he doesn't want to hurt Vanya but at the same time he also can't let her past through him to her sister, yohan's situation was quite complicated at this very moment and Vanya was ready to put everything on the line knowing that she will gain nothing by fighting Yohan as he beyond her imagination but despite knowing that she intended to fight him.

"You see we can discuss..."Yohan was about to ask her but out of nowhere Vanya slashed her sword with lightning-fast speed without giving him a chance to explain, Yohan bend backwards with the same speed as her attack and evaded that Slash which is intended to cut his head off, he touched the ground and returned to his previous position.

Vanya jumped backwards and the next moment she pointed her sword in Yohan's direction.


"Sword mirage" she muttered and with lightning-fast speed, hundreds of swords appeared in mid-air, Yohan felt a tingling sensation in his spine and he jumped backwards.

"I don't know what you did to lord asura but don't accept me to hold back, I will put everything on the line to kill you, "Vanya spoke as she tightened her grasp around her sword, those multiple swords trembled as all of them reacted to her anger.

"I think there is no point in holding back, I am going to end this in a single attack" Yohan muttered and he closed his eyes and in an instant, he opened them.

"Divine eyes" the moment those words escaped his mouth, he felt tingling sensation in his eyes, both yohan's eyes flickered at lightning-fast speed a couple of times and a weird attacking pattern flashed into his mind, Yohan took deep breath and he closed his eyes and raised his right hand and signalled her to attack him with those frightening swords as those were ready to pierce through his body, Vanya felt disrespected as Yohan closed his eyes.

"Don't you dare to mock me"Vanya exclaimed and with lightning-fast speed she dashed into his direction, those multiple swords followed her tearing the air and some of them even dashed into his direction way more earlier to attack him, a mysterious smile appeared on yohan's face and with the swift movement of his leg he dashed into her direction simply avoiding those swords using his hand or moving his body in weird pattern while his eyes were close shut, for a moment surprised look appeared on Vanya's beautiful face realizing that he was not mocking on her but that doesn't stop her as she was few meters away from him, she threw her sword in left hand and Slashed pointing his neck again but Yohan slightly moved his body downwards in her direction avoiding that Slash from an inch and he swiftly moved behind her placing his back against her back, this happened so fast and was impossible to see from naked eyes, Vanya's heart thumped as she felt yohan's back leaning against her back.

"That was fun but you are ruining this place, I though everyone inside Asura clan respected this place and no one was allowed to raise their weapons inside the top floor as it is against the code of the Asura clan,"Yohan whispered as he can see that those swords that he evaded were hit the surrounding and left slicing marks on the walls and pillars, the entire hallway affected by that previous attacks, Vanya bit her lips as her gaze moved into the surroundings and she realized that he was not joking her last attack indeed caused so much damage to their surroundings.


"Why do you care about the codes of the Asura clan, you do not belong here" she whispered while moving the sword in his right hand swiftly.

"You are right I do not belong here but your sister cares about those codes as she is still holding those values in her heart despite being outcast by her own clan for the sins that she didn't committed in the first place"Yohan whispered, a weird smile appeared on Vanya's face and she slightly tilted her head backwards.

"You are trying to win me over by spouting nonsense, she was the one who bring disasters to the people of the Asura clan"

"She was just a medium, it was asura who tainted her hands with the lives of those innocents, do you think he cares about your people, he don't give a fuck whether your people live or dies, he could stop Elsa from the start but he didn't do that, he stopped her very moment when few of you left in numbers, "Yohan also moved his head and his gaze met to Vanya's gaze.

"I don't care whether you trust me or not, he just wanted to disrupt the function of this clan and he did it by using Elsa, he saw an opportunity of leaving this place using Elsa's frightening talent but in the end, he failed and realized he made a blunder that's the reason why he put everything on her head and became your saviour, even Elsa believe that she is responsible for all those death but in reality, she was just a pawn, "Yohan said looking into her eyes.

"How did you know that?"Vanya asked.

"Just...a hunch"Yohan responded looking into her eyes, Vanya frowned hearing him.

"Let's end this somewhere else, there is a place exists on this floor where nothing is going to come in our path" Vanya exclaimed as he looked at Yohan in cold manner, Yohan exhale deeply knowing she don't trust whatever he said to her and it was logical why did she going to trust him as they recently met and moreover she doesn't have any good impression on him, at the end Yohan gave a nod.

"Lead the way"