
[Congratulations host for obtaining 60Ml of Demoniac Yin Qi, from individual Elsa]

Back inside Elsa's room Yohan gasped as he released his Yang qi inside Elsa's body, at the same time Elsa also released her Demonic Yin qi once again, both of them are panting and drenched with Sweat, it's been so many hours since both of them started Dual Cultivating together and released their respective Yin and yang Qi many times at that point that they forget the count.

"I think we should take some rest before continuing again"Elsa caressed Yohan's naked back and whispered in his ears while taking a heavy breath, Yohan slightly raised his head and looked into her beautiful eyes.

"Yes you are right, we should take some rest, your body need proper rest," Yohan said to her as he remember that she was not in a condition to walk when they first arrive here, Yohan was indeed impressed with Elsa that she lasted that long despite having that kind of weakness, she is indeed something else.

"It was fun and I want to keep going on but I don't think I can keep up with you, give me some time to recover my strength, "she said gently moving her fingers around his bare back."Just take proper rest, I am pretty sure you will recover in no time, "Yohan responded to her and the next moment he took out his little brother from her body and reached by her side placing his head next to her head looking into Elsa's eyes in a gentle manner, Elsa face slightly turned red and she moved her face closer to him by putting her head on his shoulder and placing her left arm over yohan's chest.

"Can I ask you something?" she said, looking into yohan's deep eyes, hearing her Yohan moved his left palm and caressed Elsa's back.


"You don't have to take permission, tell me what you want to know?"Yohan responded to Elsa.

"What happened to your eyes, your eyes used to be Dark blue clear like an ocean but right now they are looking completely different, I am feeling suppressed by the simple glance of your eyes, this never happened before," Elsa said to Yohan looking into his eyes, she had noticed the change long ago but due to her condition she couldn't able to ask him about those eyes but now she is interested of knowing what exactly happened to him, Yohan is slightly taken aback by surprise but he knew sooner or later she is going to ask him about his eyes, he expected this and he is also aware that this is going to troublesome for him and his eyes going to cause a ruckus when he returned to his family, he can't tell them that he got divine eyes and he could peek into the feature for a short amount of time, he has to come up with some kind of excuse to hide the fact that he got divine eyes.

"It's okay if you don't want to tell me, don't mind me, I was just curious and wanted to know if everything is alright with you, you don't have to tell me anything" suddenly elsa said seeing Yohan in a daze, in instant Yohan snapped out of his daze and shook his head.

"It's not that I don't want to tell you or something like that, the thing I for myself am not even sure what caused the change but somehow it is related to my last breakthrough," Yohan said looking at Elsa while caressing her back, a confused look appeared on her face.

"Is it related to your last breakthrough?" she asked him.

"Yes it is definitely related to my last breakthrough, something has changed since I stepped into the heavenly soul realm, I am feeling different in many ways," Yohan said as his eyes beamed, he was not joking he was feeling ridiculously strong after reaching heavenly soul realm, he was feeling that he can destroy everything in his path in blink of an eye, previously when he killed those two guards he felt nothing for them, there was no hint of remorse, he enjoyed killing those guards and wanted to go all out with asura but as soon as he saw Elsa he came to his senses.


"Your talent is unrivalled Yohan when I first met you I don't feel anything from you but the moment you freed me from that prison by sharing your soul, I felt something that I never felt before, whenever I think I about that time I felt goosebumps," Elsa said to Yohan for some reason her face was slightly pale.

"What are you talking about, what did you feel back then?"Yohan asked as he got curious seeing those kinds of expressions on Elsa's face, if she felt something then this meant that Evelyn might also feel something similar because she is also Yohan's soul bond.

"Eternal darkness and that pressure that I never felt before..."elsa muttered as she looked at Yohan in worried manner, Yohan gulped nervously seeing those kinds of expressions on her face.

"Eternal darkness?"Yohan muttered, Elsa nodded her head and took a deep sigh.

"I can't explain to you what I felt back then but it was something that I don't want to feel again '' Elsa whispered as she snuggled Yohan and closed her eyes. Yohan tried to open his mouth but for some reason, he stopped.

"Get some sleep," he muttered in a low voice.


"That bastard how did he able to use his Cultivation base freely inside this castle, either way, I am almost there, just have to take a few more stairs to reach the upper floor, he already activated every single defensive formation by accessing the upper floor that's the reason why I am having trouble of climbing"a woman gasped as she looked upwards in the direction of the bright light, this woman was Vanya who was closed to reach the upper floor of the castle, her body was drenched with sweats and both of her hands was on her knees, it was not an easy feat to climb the castle because of those formations that triggered after Yohan left her sight, the higher she was climbing the more pressure she was feeling bypassing every single floor, Vanya clenched her fist and gritted her teeth and by using every ounce of her strength she pushed herself all the way up and a few moments later she stepped into the upper floor.

But a moment later she fell on her knees and placed both of her palm over the ground which was made by pure white marbles,she took few heavy breaths.

"I did it"she muttered in low voice and a satisfactory looked appered on her beautiful face.

"You did it what?you kept me waiting all those hours,i was expecting you sooner"Suddenly a familiar voice reached to her ears and the satisfactorily expressions that she was having is replaced by solemn expressions,her heart thumped and with those dark expressions she rasied her head,Yohan was standing with crossed arms and looking her with smile.