The moment the third wave of the apocalypse started and a group of undead spilled out of the red pillars of light, Liam had already issued an order to the guild to make the necessary preparations.

So along with the elites of the guild, Alex, Kang Minah, Lily and a group of 20 people also stepped forward taking charge of the battle. This newly groomed team had everyone who showed affinity for the divine element no matter how small.

At the same time, another group of people also stepped forward. This group was led by Mei Mei and had everyone who had an affinity for the natural elements, especially those who could cast lifebloom, a skill that nourishes life force and heals but in this case deals damage to the undead.

With these three teams taking charge of the assault, the battle quickly stabilized. The guild started raiding the newly arrived undead, attacking each one of the big guys with a raid mentality.

When one side was around Level 100 and the other side was around Level 50, the fight was completely skewed to start with but with the golems in picture, the three teams were able to focus on one big shot at a time and bring the undead elites down one after the other.action

While the golems held down the fort, almost the entirety of the guild focussed on one high-level undead at a time and bombarded it with all sorts of skills, quickly bringing down the health and blasting the damned thing to bone dust and rubble.


Especially the divine affinity group and the nature affinity group were pulling in huge damage numbers, completely overpowering the undead.

The only ones who could pose any real threat were the Level 150 death knights standing at the back of the army and observing everything. Weirdly, these monstrosities did not act. Instead, they stood around the red pillars, doing nothing.On the other side, Liam also calmly observed everything that was going on. He did not intervene just yet and only watched the progress of the battle, especially the death knights.

"Are they guarding the red pillars?" He wondered, seeing the way the death knights stood still like statues, not even budging when their forces were being pummeled.

Alex's divine shield and divine blast were taking out dozens of undead soldiers each time and severely injuring the undead elites like the rotting brutes and the necro mages.

Her attacks were focused and precise, obliterating any undead unfortunate enough to cross her path. The power of the divine element flowed through her, purging the darkness and restoring balance to the battlefield.

Kang Minah, with her growing control over the divine element, unleashed beams of radiant energy that sliced through the horde.


Lily, Derek's sister was new to everything but after her encounter with the isons she was now a lot more skilled. It was clear that she had a hardworking personality just like her brother.

Mei Mei's emerald crown shone splendidly as the little girl proved to be deadly to the undead. The elements responded to her command, striking down the undead with fierce gusts and electrifying bolts.

Rey's arrows pierced through the ranks of the undead, finding their mark with uncanny accuracy. Each shot was imbued with the power of mana, causing the undead to explode, turning them into dust before they hit the ground.I think you should take a look at

Not just these, but every single elite member of the guild was pushing their limits.

Together, the three teams coordinated their efforts, targeting the most formidable enemies first. They unleashed a barrage of devastating attacks, combining their divine and elemental powers to overwhelm the undead forces. The battlefield became a spectacle of divine light and natural energy, as the undead crumbled under the onslaught. The fallen remained fallen, unable to once again rise and create havoc.

However, more and more undead endlessly poured in from the red pillars. While the low-leveled undead barely gave any experience points, the higher leveled undead were a treasure trove of experience points.

Because of their sheer numbers and difference in levels, everyone was leveling up in a frenzy. The only problem was stamina. Liam had already taken care of this part by brewing some stamina potions which were handed out to the elites of the guild.

Slowly and steadily, the average level of the guild was increasing one by one. A couple of hours passed by in this manner but shockingly the death knights, still standing near the red pillars, showed no signs of movement.

They exchanged glances, their glowing eyes filled with malice. It was as if they were waiting for something, a command or a signal.

Liam's gaze narrowed as he observed their behavior. The logical thing would be to let them be as is since each one of the death knights was Level 150 and there seemed to be three death knights at least.

If they wanted to avoid confrontation and were willing to give them time to increase their strength, then it was best to take that time. However, Liam had a feeling that it would be a bad idea to do so.

He could sense that there was more to these death knights than meets the eye. There was a purpose behind their presence, and it was tied to the red pillars of light.

Though his current condition was far from ideal and he did not know what the outcome of the battle was going to be, he had to go in now. He had observed everything as much as he could.

Now the only thing that was left was to get into the battlefield in person and see what the hell was going on here one way or another.

Without hesitation, Liam made his decision. "Let's go." He nodded at Luna and charged forward, finally starting his move.

Along with him, a new undead army appeared on the battlefield and this time the undead were fighting on the side of the living.

Liam immediately felt a tug of pain in his soul but he ignored it, cracked his neck and approached the death knights, his presence commanding and his aura emanating power.