"It is indeed bigger than before." Liam sat atop Luna and observed the red pillar of light that was close to their guild base. Beneath him, the restless undead stirred, their movements growing more agitated with each passing moment.

Crimson Abyss had managed to maintain tenuous control over these creatures, keeping them confined within a strict border. But now, that order seemed to falter as the undead pressed against the boundaries, testing the limits of their captivity.

The air itself carried an eerie aura, a palpable manifestation of the growing nether energy. It pulsed with a dark power that seemed to feed the strength of the undead, making them more formidable adversaries.

Liam could see that their guild fighters were struggling to maintain the order they had established, their efforts stretched thin against the rising tide of malevolence.

However, he did not intervene. This was because these were still the first-level fighters of the guild, simply training with the undead.

"Crimson Abyss is not so weak." Liam chuckled lightly. Not long after, several units of seasoned fighters arrived. This group of people was easily able to crush the undead despite their rising strength.


Apart from them, soon, another group of people also arrived, the true elites of the Crimson Abyss guild. Shen Yue, Mei Mei, Rey, Alex, Madan, Lan Deming, Lan Fen, and everyone were present without the exception of any single person.

On Liam's command, the combat power of the entire guild had assembled near the pillar to be ready and prepared for whatever was about to happen.For the worst-case scenario, the fifteen golems also stood guard to provide the final support for the guild.

And if this was still not enough, Liam stood at the back of the chaos, waiting and watching everything that was unfolding. Unlike when the hive hills arrived and the isons descended upon the community, this time, everything was a lot more organized.

Every single person was aware that a war could break out at any second now, and they were all ready for it, willing to place their lives on the line and fight for their survival.action

Time ticked by as the ground beneath their feet trembled, and the undead horde surged forward endlessly. Soon the first signs of chaos started appearing. The red pillar of light started weirdly sputtering, sending out concentrated waves of nether energy outward.

The black ripples assaulted the world, and with each wave, the undead forces became stronger and faster. As the tenth ripple echoed, suddenly, from within the rift emerged a horde of abominable creatures, twisted and grotesque in form.


Among them were hulking brutes with razor-sharp claws, agile and shadowy assassins that moved with unnatural speed, and sinister spellcasters who wielded dark magic with malevolent intent.

The ground shook violently as the monstrosities poured forth, their eyes glowing with an unholy light. The atmosphere grew thick with the stench of decay, and the screams of the damned echoed in the air. It was a scene of pure chaos and devastation.

Liam's eyes narrowed as he surveyed the onslaught. "So now it begins…"

Noticing the shift in the battlefield, Alex immediately commanded the elite team to take charge, and the entire group hurriedly switched their formation.

Mei Mei cast a life-bloom buff spell that extended like a green wave, clashing head-on with the black ripples. The assassins, including Shen Yue and Lan Deming, moved to the forefront, mixing in with the darkness as they tried to scout out weaknesses in their new enemies.However, this was easier said than done, as all sorts of creatures had now popped out as if they were coming straight out of hell.

Cloaked in tattered robes, there were undead spellcasters who channeled the corrupted energies of the nether. With a wave of their skeletal hands, they unleashed bolts of dark magic that threatened to obliterate whoever stood against them.

There were ethereal beings wreathed in wisps of dark energy. These spectral undead hovered above the ground, their malevolent gazes fixed on the living. With their chilling magic, their attack slowly drained the life force from their victims. If allowed to continue, only empty husks would be left behind.

Towering over their lesser brethren, there were hulking undead monstrosities that possessed immense strength and resilience. Their bodies were a patchwork of decaying flesh, and their frenzied attacks could crush both bone and armor, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake.

There were also several ghouls mingled in with these. These ravenous creatures resembled emaciated corpses, their gnarled claws and serrated teeth designed for tearing into flesh. With their insatiable hunger, they charged forward with their sheer numbers and savage ferocity.

And lastly, the most powerful among these emerged, the dark warriors.

Once noble knights, now cursed with undeath, these armored warriors retained their martial prowess even in their twisted form. Wielding wickedly sharp blades and clad in darkened armor, they commanded the undead forces with strategic precision, their blows infused with necrotic power.

While the first battalion had only consisted of zombies and skeletons, this time, the enemies were a lot stronger and far more skilled. The third wave of the apocalypse was finally showing its true color.

The levels of these enemies were also not simple. While the undead mages and the undead specters ranged between Level 70 and Level 90, the rotting brutes and the bone-spike ghouls ranged between Level 50 and Level 110.

Commanding this massive horde of undead, the death knights that stood at the top of the army were shockingly Level 150!

At the same time, most guild members of the Crimson Abyss were still lingering around Level 40. Even the so-called elites of the guild were around Level 50 and were yet to form their mana core.

Liam's gaze hardened as he assessed the situation. However, he still did not interfere. This was because, just like the other side, Crimson Abyss had also made their own preparations.

Faced with an enemy far stronger than their level, no one took a step back. Instead, a newly formed special task force stepped forward front and center, taking charge of the battle.