Volume 20.5 Chapter 3 - Achievements and Goals

Part 1

The following year went by in the blink of an eye.

Today, it's my turn to graduate.

It's the Ranoa Magic University graduation ceremony.

It's my graduation ceremony.

My view has always been one from the side of the student council.


This time, I had to squeeze into my uniform and sit among the graduates.

Surrounded by classmates I don't really know, I listened to the principal's speech.

The principal's speech, I've heard it a few times, it's the same as ever.

Maybe he reads it off the same document every year.

A time when currently enrolled students would hear it doesn't really exist, so there's nothing to worry about.

However, it's not very stirring.


I haven't spent much time at the school itself.

I've also taken few classes, and in the end stopped coming even to homeroom.

It feels like I'm enrolled in name only.

Nevertheless, in regards to my research on the study of chant-less magic, I submitted a paper on its teaching methods and received the proof of membership of a C rank magic guild.

I guess, with that, it's just hard for me to call this a moving experience.

However, I have many fond memories.

Reuniting with Sylphy, becoming friends with Zanoba and Cliff, sexually harassing Rinia and Pursena whenever possible, talking about memories of Japan with Nanahoshi, drinking with the laughing Badigadi…

Saying farewell to this place.

I think I'm about to cry.

Oh, I do have an emotional attachment to this place?

It's deep indeed.

Part 2


I accomplished everything I had to this year.

Primarily, I laid the groundwork in the Asura area.

Staying in the Asura Kingdom for a few months, we created a subdivision of our mercenary group, a Zanoba Shop branch office, and a factory for the production of goods.

All of which we achieved with Ariel's assistance.

Thanks to Ariel, we'll smoothly be able to gain associates.

When I asked her if she would be willing to cooperate with Orsted in the future I received some reassuring words, "That was my intention from the beginning."

With that in mind Ariel gathered men from her own faction together and threw a party.

It was set up under the premise that, with my backing, they would be able to forge a connection with the 'Dragon God' of the Seven Major Powers.

Although fundamentally we only gathered people under Ariel, it was just members of her faction.

In short, it was people who have the backing of Ariel. Ten or twenty years from now they will be in key positions within the kingdom.

The majority of them were Ariel's yes men.

However, there was also a slightly different type of person there.

That is Water Emperor Isolte.

I don't understand exactly what chain of events led her to be brought along, but the Sword King Nina was also at the venue for some reason.

I'm glad that the Sword God Style and Water God Style are cooperating with Orsted.

I told Eris that I would entrust persuading Nina to her, but, in the end, I wonder how that will turn out?

It sort of seems like the three of them were playing around for a while, but I haven't heard the results.

My expectations are low, but that I was able to make a connection to a talented person like Nina through Eris is helpful.

Honestly, about the revival of Laplace in 80 years, most people don't seem to get it.

So, I think some of the language in my solicitation might have been said carelessly.

However, Ariel holds their reins.

If that's the case it should be fine.

She's our dependable Asura Branch Manager.

When I reported to Ariel that, "Eris has given birth to a boy, he's my third child." she was extremely pleased.

Then she said with a mischievous face,

"That's right. In that case why don't we set up a betrothal between one of your children and a member of the Asura royal family?

If we do that wouldn't our relationship become even stronger… ?"

From her, I think that was said seriously.

On reflex I thought, "Don't joke around." Although I was strongly repulsed, I'm producing a lot of children; it might be good to make a connection with powerful people through marriage.

To everyone else, excluding Ariel, I appear to be Orsted's mysterious supporter; it's probably a little scary.

However, it might be a relief if a member of my family were engaged to a relative of Ariel at this time.

Ties of blood are deep.

However, I don't intend to use my children that way.

No, I might consider it if one of the children seriously starts talking about wanting a royal wedding or wanting to become a princess.

Anyway, it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that I have things in the Asura area completely within my grasp.

The nobles led by Ariel, the Water God school, and if we're lucky we might get some people from the Holy Land of the Sword.

The manufacturing facilities and the store front for the Ruijerd figure sales are also doing well.

This, when combined with the Mercenary Troupe's transportation unit, should allow the Ruijerd figures to spread throughout the Central Continent.

It's perfect.

If I'm able to, using this method, meet up with Ruijerd sooner, I'll be really happy.

The next step is to advance into the King Dragon Kingdom, and make preparations to use the Death God Randolph as a go between to form that relationship.

There isn't an existence like Ariel this next time, so it's going to be difficult to deal with.

I expect it to take at least two or three years longer.

Asura Kingdom was the tutorial stage.

From here on out is the real game.

Let's talk about the research results.

First is Zanoba.

This past year he has been occupied with directing the setup of our store's sales and marketing, so he has not been able to do any research.

There was no other way.

In the space of a year, he launched stores in both Sharia and Asura.

It's been hectic.

However, because of Ginger and the guys from the mercenary group acting as managers, and because Ariel is the brains skillfully supporting our financial affairs, the shop itself is doing well.

The dolls and picture books haven't exploded in popularity, but are steadily selling.

The table of exercises for reading and writing in the latter part of the book seem to be especially popular.

I don't understand why the bonus material is the most popular part, but the result is good.

Essentially, without the sponsorship of Ariel and Orsted, we would have had to close down immediately after we opened; there is no reason to be hasty.

Next let's talk about Cliff.

He spent this year deepening his relationship with his family and furthering the curse research.

It's all for dispelling Elinalize and Orsted's curses.

Although there was no breakthrough on that front.

He seems to have come across some tall hurdles.

He was successful in improving the effects of the magic tool, but it is still incomplete.

However, thanks to his work, Elinalize can now go more than one year without needing to be sexually active.

The person herself, however, still has an unquenchable libido.

Finally, there's me.

This time I have also reaped some results.

While moving between The Magic City Sharia and Asura Kingdom, I was thinking about a method to summon the Magic Armor.

Perugius had said that the method was nonexistent, so I went to Nanahoshi for advice.

Meanwhile, I discovered a certain law.

This regards bidirectional transfer magic circles.

What is on top of the circle when the transfer is invoked is 'exchanged'.

In other words, for two magic circles A and B, whatever is on circle B will move at the same time as circle A.

Because of the timing of transfer circles being based around the moment that things are placed on top of them, it is a very difficult law to observe, but if you think about it, it's likely.

It's a good argument, isn't it?

Still, realizing this was a huge boon, and it allowed me to hit on a groundbreaking idea.

The Magic Armor, I can place it over a bidirectional magic circle in advance.

I can then carry around a scroll with the sister transition magic circle, lay it out, and trigger the transition magic.

Then presto, the Magic Armor sitting on that circle will automatically be exchanged with whatever is on the circle I invoke.

Following this idea, I set up the Magic Armor in the basement of the office and tried it out; it was a smashing success.

As a result, it is now possible for me to summon the Magic Armor MK-I no matter where I am in the world.

It's the birth of a Gund*m! It's that kind of guy.

Nevertheless, it takes a huge scroll that has to be prepared in advance, and the weighty armor tears the scroll each time it is summoned, so each sheet is single use.

The number I can carry is limited.

Similarly, if another pair of scrolls is made, it can become a way to escape using transfer magic. This discovery has produced versatile results.

Then there is Orsted.

He is skillfully moving forward.

The telephone… He wasn't able to make it, however he did manage to produce a lithograph communication device.

It apparently uses the same construction as the "Seven Major Powers Stone Monument" which was built by Technique God.

What is drawn onto the main lithograph is then copied onto the sub lithographs, it's a mechanism like that.

If each person walks with a main and sub, then instant communication by letter is possible at any time.

However, this is also heavy, and carrying it around at all times would be rather difficult.

Moreover, it consumes quite a large amount of magical power.

Setting it into a foothold would be desirable.

It's a fixed telephone.

For now, the first pair has been installed in Orsted's office and a private room of Ariel's.

Every night Ariel is down on her knees watching the shining lithograph, 'One of these days, I'll defeat you, Rider!"

This research has that kind of feeling.

Then we should talk about the things concerning the children.

First is Lucy.

My eldest daughter is five years old.

Her birthday party was held just this last month. She received gifts from the whole family and was in a state of delight.

She has grown up quite energetically.

It feels like it was just the other day that she was toddling around and speaking with a lisp. Now she walks with firm footing and, although her speech isn't perfect, she can speak clearly.

Her favorite words are 'no' and 'stop'.

Furthermore, she is receiving special classes in black magic from Roxy and Sylphy.

Every day she practices magic in the morning, and then spends the evening with Eris swinging a stick around.

It's completely like my former life.

Lucy seems to view it as natural, but when looking from outside it appears terribly Spartan.

Because of that I might indulge her carelessly.

As a result, when she sees my figure she'll jump up with, "Papa!"

Super cute.

In addition, she became aware of her status as the older sister after having come through her five years old birthday celebration.

These days she skillfully gives Lara and Arus attention.

As for the thing where Lara and Leo are always together, she seems to view him as some kind of brother, and loves him along with Lara.

A few days ago, she took a brush and combed out Leo to unmat his fur.

It was a really heartwarming sight…

However, afterward it was discovered that the brush was Sylphy's.

It had been taken without permission and filled with dog hair; she was furiously scolded.

"But, Mama and Leo, they're both white!"

was Lucy's excuse.

Children say the damnedest things, and I let a chuckle escape my mouth. This only added fuel to Sylphy's anger, and she didn't speak to me for the remainder of the day.

It was only from Lucy's arbitration that I was forgiven.

"From now on I'll use Papa's brush, so forgive Papa."

Oh well.

Because of the flow of the conversation, I lost a brush, but that's a cheap price.

Then there is Lara.

The future messiah has become two years old; she still has the same sullen face which never cries.

However, that isn't to say that she lacks energy.

This girl, who can now toddle around, spends her time traveling around the house.

She doesn't stick to anyone, but instead just wanders wherever her curiosity takes her, here and there throughout the house.

This kind of independence, it's something she inherited from her mother.

It's dangerous to take your eyes off of her, she is never in the place you think she is, but she has the guard dog Leo always by her side, so that helps keep her out of dangerous things. It isn't a problem.

If she falls asleep then Leo curls up around her as if to protect her.

Lara, herself, seems to think of Leo as a convenient servant or something for her own use.

Recently we've caught her firmly clinging onto Leo's back as a method of transportation.

Once when Eris took Leo out for a walk she discovered that he was wearing some kind of backpack-like thing; that was Lara. That kind of thing is troubling.

Leo may be reliable, but that kind of thing makes me slightly anxious.

Oh, I don't know the reason, but Zenith appears to be Lara's favorite.

She just sits on Zenith's knee and looks up at her.

It's a heartwarming scene of a grandmother and grandchild, except that there isn't any conversation.

Finally there's Arus.

The eldest son has become one year old, and he loves breasts just like his father.

He loves them, both large and small. Of course he loves his mother's, Eris's, but also the smaller ones of Sylphy and Roxy, all the way up to the large ones of Rinia and Pursena.

While being pressed against their chests he is filled with happiness, just smiling and looking delighted.

He seems to understand that the sizes are not ranks.

However, he gets so excited that he's likely to pee a little; it makes me a tiny bit anxious about his future.

By the way, when I hold him, he cries. He also cries immediately when I pick him up.

Even if he's sleeping peacefully, if I pick him up he'll become fussy. Then when he wakes up he'll cry with a, 'What the hell is this!?' kind of feeling.

He seems to exceptionally dislike the chests of men.

I might just cry too…

Ha, I am slightly lonely after all, but there is no helping it since I wasn't even there for his birth.

At the same time, I am worried about just how easily he will hand out his chastity to various women.

After he grows a little older, it might be a good idea to clearly, exactly, educate him. Yeah.

The kids leave that kind of impression.

Generally, this year was filled with achievements.

I want to say, "Let's all try and do just as well next year."

Part 3

Well, the graduation ceremony wrapped up while I was reminiscing on the past year.

Of course, I wasn't the valedictorian.

Not even considering how much class I skipped, I didn't even take a final exam. It's not possible that I would be asked to be valedictorian, and even if I was I would refuse.

I tried rather hard to avoid a duel tournament after the graduation ceremony.

For some reason it feels like a girl confessing to a powerful man in order to gain social status.

I ran into vice principal Jinas at the front gates and was greeted with, "I am glad I recommended you."

In particular, with respect to Jinas, perhaps I am still being taken care of.

I want to make sure Norn can go to school, and even Lucy in however many years.

When I told him so, Jinas was so moved that he began to cry.

Then it was evening.

We all gathered together at our regular bar.

It was going to be a farewell party for Cliff.

But this also serves as my graduation present. I graduated without taking any tests and don't even get my own party.

Still, I'm happy.

So, Cliff's journey to the Sacred Country of Milis is in one month.

He's going to pick a fight.

It's his own battle.

The how and why of the fight, I don't exactly know.

I understand maybe half of it, but the other half is unclear.

For Cliff, joining the fight has been difficult until now.

In the middle of that, he took the poison fang of Elinalize.

By making full use of detoxification to change that scratch into experience and love, he's become ready to fight now.

"I'll become an executive officer in the Milis religious order by any means. Once I have, then I'll return for Lize and Clive."

With that declaration, Elinalize had been in a trance listening.

She is strong.

If it were me, and, for example, Roxy declared, 'I'm going to the Demon Continent to become a Demon King!' There is no way I would be able to calm down.

Just trusting in success and waiting.

That's easy to say, but really believing in it and waiting for the results knowing that a terrible conclusion is lurking in the future… I don't think many people can do that.

Regarding that matter, Elinalize seems to completely trust Cliff.

Even if she doesn't place blind faith in him, to some extent she has made a clear decision.

She should have some anxiety, but she is trying to make sure that it isn't noticed by Cliff.

She hasn't reached her age by simply putting on airs.

At that time, that is what I was thinking.

"Rudeus, can I borrow you for a minute?"

It was only after the party was over that my perception changed.

Elinalize, as soon as the party ended, was calling me outside.

At that time, I was in a complete harem state.

Sylphy was asleep, using my right knee as a pillow,

Roxy was drinking, riding on my left knee,

Eris had approached and rested her head on my right shoulder.

My hands were touching soft things to both the left and the right, and, partially because of the effects of the alcohol, I was thinking, 'Perhaps tonight I will be able to have three people at once.'

"… Yeah, sure."

But, after looking into Elinalize's face, my drunkenness cooled down a little.

Her earnest expression was unbecoming at a party.

I could easily imagine what her business was.

It was obviously something you should not be speaking about when you are drunk, I knew that too.

Immediately I neutralized my intoxication with detoxification magic, stood up, and peeled the three wives off of me.

"What? Rudy is cheating? Cheating is wrong. Cheating is only okay when it's with me… nn~tsu…"

Sitting down the drunk Roxy, I silenced her with my lips.

"Mmm, Rudy's thighs, nnn, I wonder if they need to be padded…"

I placed Sylphy's head onto Roxy's lap.

"Rudeus… I, also, my second son will be a good boy."

I placed Eris's head on Roxy's shoulder.

"Well, let's go."

I came out of the tavern along with Elinalize.

"Hey Rudeus, about Cliff, there's a request I want to make."

Right away, Elinalize cut to the chase.

I had somehow knew that it would be about Cliff.

Elinalize, this entire year, has been worried.

It's expected that she would be worried.

"Although, saying these things, it might be bad for Cliff… after all I'm a little anxious about it."

Elinalize said this while exhaling white breath.

From her perspective, Cliff is still very much a child. She has taken him and loved him as a husband, but there are probably also feelings for a brother and a son inside of her.

Even if she doesn't show it, she should be anxious.

"Is it because he'll be going alone?"

"Is that okay?"

Unintentionally I asked again.

Elinalize should be respecting Cliff's decision.

"At first I thought it would be alright if I just watched over the way his decision went… Isn't it important whether this goes smoothly or not? Although Cliff is a child that can work hard no matter what, it's a hard thing to go into that circle of people…"

Like a child, bashful in front of strangers…

No, I understand.

Certainly, Cliff has such a place in his character.

After all, until graduation, he never made any friends outside of us; I can see that.

Even though it's the Sacred Country of Milis, Cliff will be alone, a black sheep; that Cliff who always makes the greatest effort will still be trying his best.

Oh, that's dangerous, some tears seem to be coming out.

"… But, I've promised not to help."

I also want Cliff to succeed.

I want him to skillfully climb to the top of the Milis order.

He doesn't have to rise all the way to the top, but I want Cliff to go as far as he can go.

Separate from collecting comrades for Orsted, I want to help him as a friend.

However, I was told not to help.

It may have come from his mouth a year ago, but I agreed to it; it's that kind of thing.

"You can't do anything?"

" … "

"At least in the beginning, that's the way it has to be. There's nothing I can do, but if Cliff becomes troubled I will immediately set out, just like that."


I don't intend to call such a silly thing a promise between men.

I'm also worried about Cliff.

He is strong, but there can be things which are harder.

It might be that the hardest part will be the first hurdle.

Not being able to clear that first hurdle, and then overexerting himself, Cliff could go down.

I don't want to see that.

It might be best if I lend my hand in the beginning.

Cliff might be reluctant, but even the power of your friends is still your own power.

The people who will help him in an emergency is something Cliff earned at school.

Looking at it that way, I am one of Cliff's forces.

Of course, I should not help too much.

" … "


I've let my gut decide.

But will the member collection for Orsted be alright?

While Cliff was busy in Milis, I was planning on trying to expand our activities into the King Dragon Kingdom.

I could leave it to Aisha and let her make the move.

I wonder if it would be problematic to change my next target to Milis…

Making a Zanoba shop in the Sacred Country of Milis's home turf will be difficult.

However, if we limited it to just forming a mercenary group, that shouldn't be a problem.

For the time being I could just set up a mercenary group and continue to attract human resources and intelligence.

About the shop, if Cliff is successful, it would be nice to do some behind the scenes work again.

"I understand, I'll also go to Milis."

"…! Thank you, Rudeus!"

Even Elinalize, I'd want to take her.

If we entrust Clive to my house, we could go and help Cliff in the Sacred Country of Milis.

However, she has promised Cliff.

At home, raising Clive, she has to wait.

"Well, I'll use my own judgment on whether or not to aid Cliff, but thank you in advance."

"Of course I understand."

Elinalize let a sigh of relief escape her chest.

One way or another, she just wants to support her husband…

I also don't want him to be dissatisfied with his bride…

After all, he has a good woman.

Part 4

Then the farewell party was over.

I brought back my three drunken wives, then I laid each to bed.

The children were already in bed.

To be able to come home drunk even though I have young children, it's all thanks to Lilia and Aisha.

To thank them, I returned to the living room.

Because of the thing with Elinalize, I want to discuss the next branch construction with Aisha.

Once I entered the living room I was faced with a heavy atmosphere.

Norn had left the party midway.

Lilia and Aisha were house sitting.

Those three people, with difficult expressions, I met face to face.

"What's this?"

"Ah, Onii-chan… it's about this."

In front of those three people was a single letter.

I took it up.

The name of the sender was "House of Latreia".

I remember; it's Zenith's home.

At last, all the way from the sacred country of Milis, a letter arrived.

Even though it's addressed to me, it's already been opened. Well I guess that's fine.

Looking at the body of the letter, it reads,

I have received your report.

My daughter Zenith is in a state of insanity.

As soon as possible, I want you to return Zenith to the Latreia family household.

If they are also with you, please bring Norn Greyrat and Aisha Greyrat.

~Countess of Latreia, Claire Latreia

Those are some terribly short sentences.

Or maybe it is better to say they are steady.

No, there isn't any reason to read ill intent into this letter.

It's just written commands.

"To receive this kind of letter now…"

Then, I had started to ask a question but stopped.

Thinking about it, I had sent out a letter around five years ago.

From here to the Sacred Country of Milis it is pretty far, even by horse it takes two years.

The mail in this world is not very developed.

It's not surprising if a letter gets hung up in some strange place.

If the mail carrier is attacked by a demon, there is a possibility that the letter itself will be lost.

So, getting a reply five years later, you could say that is reasonable.

"Hey? Is this all there is to the letter?"

"Yes, that's it."

Lilia answers me.

There is no concealed extras or a second letter, nothing like that.

"Is that so…"

Considering the few years it takes to send the letter here, it's pretty short.

No, that might be the reason.

The Latreia house would also know it would take a long time to travel the long distance and reach us.

Taking into consideration the fact that it may not even reach us, only what was important was included.

It is written out like an instruction manual in order to make sure the other party gets all of the information they need. It's reasonable if you consider that.

The commanding tone is just to let us know they want us to visit no matter what.


"… Obaa-chan, she hasn't changed."

… And, the reactions of the two sisters were rather different.

Norn blatantly sighed, Aisha received the letter with a cold look.

Both of them were wearing a face like her name wasn't something they wanted to hear again in their lives.

To see the reactions of these two, this person called Claire, I could see she has the kind of personality to write this kind of letter.

" … "

By chance I looked toward Lilia and even she was making a troubled face.

I wonder if she's really that unpleasant of a person, this lady named Claire…

I don't know because I haven't met her.

"Danna-sama, do you intend to go to her?"

Watching Lilia, she suddenly raised her head as she said that.

My answer was already decided.

It was just, I had been looking for an excuse to go to Milis.

This is timely.

'Nice timing' is what I would call it.

"More or less, because of this letter, we have no choice but to take Mother to Milis."

" … "

" … "

The sisters and my step mother exchanged significant looks with one another.

Apparently I said something wrong.

I wonder if this woman named Claire is no good.

But, if you are told that your daughter is crippled with memory loss, you'll want to see her.

It's a parent thing.

I wanted to look for a way to help Zenith, they should be the same.

Zenith seems to have run away form her home, but according to Paul's story, the house of Latreia had been funding the Fedoa search team.

That is also more or less something we owe them for.

They also seem to be somewhat of a force within Milis as well, so this will be a good chance to introduce myself.

"Well, anyway, I was planning to move into Milis someday.

You can also think about it this way.

This just came about at the right moment."

"Oh, hold it, wait, Onii-chan. Weren't we planning on working into King Dragon Kingdom starting next month?"

Aisha said that in a panic.

Of course, that was my original intention.

Form a mercenary group in King Dragon Kingdom, while relying on the Death God Randolph and Princess Benedict's connection, and get a sponsor to help manage another Zanoba shop.

Aisha had been making arrangements to help me.

It was just like in the Asura kingdom, I had relied on Aisha during the launch of our mercenary branch.

Then she along with the talent she collected along the way would launch the mercenary group.

Then the hired soldier corps is brought online during the subsequent month.

Two months later, the soldier corps is ready to leave Aisha's hands and move independently.

Her skill is magical.

"Now that this letter has come, it needs to be handled quickly. Milis needs to take priority… incidentally, we'll also be able to greet Grandmother."

"Ehhhh~ … "

Aisha had a blatantly unpleasant look on her face.

Even though we just celebrated her coming of age ceremony a few months ago, this part of her hasn't changed.

"… Onii-san, I do not want to go."

Norn said so.

She said it with finality.

It's fine if she doesn't go; if she doesn't want to go, she doesn't have to.

She was making the same unpleasant face as Aisha and speaking seriously.

"School is important for me right now, there is also the student council. I can't make time for this for months."

" … Well, that may be."

Even though I've graduated, Norn is now a senior.

She has one year left. After those classes and the final, she'll have to graduate.

Unlike me, Norn has been through six years of actual school.

I don't want Norn's six years to be wasted.

"Well, Onii-chan. I also, ummmm… Yes, the rice! I can't go because there is a favorable harvest of Onii-chan's rice!"

That's what Aisha came up with.

I know better.

Aisha created a field on the outskirts of the mercenary land, and there is mass producing rice.

Because she has already handed over responsibility to others, Aisha herself is not needed in the field.

I know all about that.

Because I do, I can easily point that out to her.

However, Aisha is in a foul mood.

If I forcefully bring that up, it might trouble our work.

That is to say, without Aisha, I'll have trouble raising the next branch.

It probably won't work out with just me.

Ah, it's like that.

Isn't there a choice other than to go to Milis and confront this?

"I understand Aisha, if you do not want to see her, that's not an unreasonable request.

But, at least come with me to Milis.

Lilia, Mother, and I can go to Latreia and handle that, you can devote yourself towards the mercenary group work.

"… Hooray! Thank you Onii-chan!"

Aisha was suddenly smiling.

Is she really so unpleasant?

But, Lilia doesn't seem to blame Aisha either.

Her scolding fist would ordinarily answer such behavior.

"I understand Danna-sama, I'll accompany you."

Lilia was as expressionless as always, but it's very likely that she does not want to meet Claire either.

Given her position, I understand.

Zenith was a Milis adherent.

Her mother also, will surely be a Milis adherent.

In the Milis religion, I do not know how you would normally treat a person's second wife.

At the least they won't be very welcome.

"Lilia, I'm just multiplying your trouble."

"No, it's a matter of course."

By myself, I can't completely take care of Zenith.

I need Lilia or Aisha.

It would be bad if neither of them came.

"Well, Aisha. This way, I'm going to ask that you switch your target from King Dragon Kingdom to the Sacred Country of Milis."

"Alri~ght! When do we depart?"

"That's right… Aisha, I hope to leave soon."

Better yet, we can match ourselves with Cliff.

Although there isn't a particular reason, there is some distance between the teleport location and Milis.

Rather than travel separately, it might be better to go together.

"Well, after one month."


Even so, about my grandmother.

I wonder what kind of person she is.

After witnessing Norn and Aisha's reactions, I'm a little afraid to meet her.

As for the wives who are drunk and asleep, I'll just tell them about this tomorrow.

Part 5

We are changing our target from the King Dragon Kingdom.

The next mercenary branch will be created in the Sacred Country of Mills.

Aisha told me to start preparing even while she complained.

In addition to the papers for King Dragon Kingdom, she started to write a stack for Milis.

Looking at it, it's probably a document about the kinds of human resources in each country.

Because we don't have direct support from the country this time, collecting talented people is going to be more time consuming.

For the time being, we are looking at about half a year.

For the time it will take to get on track, that's not really an unreasonable assessment.

Also, about Cliff, I told him at once.

By chance, this happened, that from Zenith's home I somehow received this, so let's go together.

Cliff had a wry smile and did not seem to hate it.

"That's to say, somehow, I thought you would find a way to follow me."

Is that so?

I could feel the trust behind that; his words were bathed in relief.

Unexpectedly, Cliff might have also become anxious.

With Zanoba he had said it was good that I was following along, but, this time with him, he had wanted to stick to himself.

The level of fellowship I feel from Cliff is enough to surprise me.

If only it had been that simple to begin with,


Now, towards Milis, there are four people going other than Cliff:

Aisha, Zenith, Lilia, and myself.

Sylphy will be staying at home because without Lilia or Aisha the number of people who can do housework has dropped.

Because of the unpleasantness surrounding the demon tribe in the Sacred Country of Milis, Roxy is staying home as well.

Eris had been prepared to go, but Lilia strongly opposed.

The wife Eris had better not go to that Latreia house, or there will definitely be a fight.

I don't really get what she means though.

However, according to Lilia's words, that person named Claire Latreia is a pretty finicky individual.

It is better for her to not meet Eris, at least I understand that.

It wouldn't be funny if Zenith's home became a source of danger.

Also that kind of journey would be difficult with young children.

For that reason, I had to give up on Eris.

Unusually, it's a situation where the wife does not come along.

… Well, sometimes things like this happen.


Then, as we were gearing up and preparing to leave. It was discovered that Sylphy was pregnant.