Volume 20 Chapter 8 - Emergency Situation, Zanoba True Motive

Part 1

Ten days have passed since the battle.

Thanks to our hostage, the enemy has put forward an offer of truce to Zanoba.

We sent a message back to the capital.

We wrote about our victory, taking the hostage, and the possible truce.

It's been proven after the fact that there is no force left which can make all out war on Shirone now.


If Pax doesn't act like a total moron, I won't complain.

Well, we haven't received a reply yet, so I feel a bit uneasy.

Everyone inside the fort is wildly enthusiastic about the battle.

To them Roxy and my magic was amazing, Zanoba, who cut through the enemy was also amazing.

This place has been filled with relaxed excitement.

Thanks to my part in the success of the battle, or perhaps because I captured the assailant, the soldiers of the fort have softened towards me.


Even so, the excessive courtesy they had shown me is still there.

But I think their facial expressions aren't as stiff.

They have started to smile at me recently and when they come to talk they do it with a bright expression.

The magician who they didn't know may have become a fellow soldier to them.

At least there wasn't a single man that came to blame me for the death of those who were caught in my saint ranked magic.

Thanks to things like the attitude of the men,

the day to day counseling with Roxy,

and my concern for Zanoba, my mental state was recovered.

I am able to believe that I did not make a mistake; my actions were not at fault.

It's better to not focus on the past's troubles.

Here in this world I am a subordinate of Orsted.

In order to protect my family I have made an enemy of a god.

A time like this was bound to come some day; I should have prepared.

It's a fragile calm but this is the path I've chosen.

However, in the future, I probably won't participate in war even if I'm begged.

In this other world, how should I say it… It's another universe.

At the same time, perhaps I'll have to kill again.

It is tiring if I dwell on each person one by one.

If I can avoid killing, then that's what I'll do. This is my decision.

It won't pay to worry for days about each person I may have to kill, it would just cause unnecessary mental damage.

Well, let's reorder my thoughts.

Even though I have been wary these last ten days, nothing has happened.

Both my mental state and my magic have made a full recovery.

I'm in perfect condition.

The Magic Armor MK-I is still setup and I remain vigilant.

I am in a better position now than at the audience with Pax; the Death God should have attacked then if he was going to.

After all, Hitogami may have had nothing to do with this affair.

It must be as Orsted said.

This event originally happened but was not recorded in the diary.

Even without me Zanoba must have somehow handled this.

Perhaps he wasn't even summoned.

This may have been a waste of time.

However that isn't something I should say.

There is still a possibility that Zanoba could have died this time.

Regardless, the war is over.

There is no longer an enemy country arrayed against the Shirone kingdom.

Zanoba should also be satisfied.

I should be able to persuaded him to come home to Sharia now.

Thinking of him staying close to Pax is repugnant.

Part 2

"Mmmnnn … !"

I stretched myself out in the morning sun.

Hitogami is unrelated… probably, I think.

If he's done nothing here, then the possibility of a trap is as low as possible.

After I thought about it like that I slept soundly for the first time in a long while.

And nothing happened while I was sleeping like a log.

So, it's not a trap after all.

With this new refreshed attitude, I decided to go wash my face in the nearby river.

I could also use water magic, but it isn't the same kind of feeling.

At the river the soldiers were washing their faces and brushing their teeth in groups of two and three.

"Oh look, it's Rudeus-sama."

"Thank you for your good work at watch every night!"

"Iya, I thought that doll must surely be part of Zanoba's hobby, but it was a magic tool after all!"

I had quickly become surrounded.

I'm a very popular person.

Being pampered day after day like this, it may be my first time.

At any rate, the soldiers of Shirone wear a light brown pair of shirt and shorts outside of combat.

The uniform is the same for both sexes.

Moreover the women do not seem to wear a bra when they go to bed.

The young archer girl who had hugged me is here; potchi rises up a bit.

I'm seeing something precious, it's a sight for sore eyes.

"I wondered what caused this crowd to gather, it's Shishou."

So Zanoba also comes here.

Also this guy, from head to toe is dressed just like the soldiers.

There is no hint of royalty here.

Because of his skinny limbs and underdeveloped muscles, he gives off the impression of a NEET.


As it is, the soldiers dropped down on one knee for Zanoba.

"Alright, go back to washing your faces."

"B, but…"

"Generally, you don't need to place me on a pedestal. I am the same as you Gentlemen, I'm just sleepily getting up."

While saying so Zanoba makes a deep yawn.

Over the last few days Zanoba has been busy with the cleanup after the battle.

I don't know the details, but after a large scale battle there are a number of troublesome things that have to be dealt with.

By the way, the dead bodies left on the battlefield had been neglected.

During the last few days a bunch of men dressed like bandits appeared out of nowhere, stripping equipment, they slipped away unnoticed.

People who specialize in that kind of thing will be drawn to the battlefield.

Occupation: looter.

I was mulling all this over while kneeling by the riverside with Zanoba.

"… So, how is the truce proceeding? Is it coming along well?"

Initial persuasion: light jab.

If a truce is struck, then there won't be a need for you to be in such a place Zanoba.

The war is at an end.

"Yes, Yesterday we got a reply.

The rules have not been hammered out yet, but it will all be concluded in time.

Now, there will not be another attack for three years at the least."

After hearing Zanoba's words a soldier uttered, "Oh."

This might not have been something that should have been heard in a place like this.

Since it is good news though, it shouldn't be a problem.

Even so, in three years…

In other words, the North Country, despite it's crushing defeat, has not given up completely on their invasion.

If it is assumed that the current commander will be let go because of his complete defeat, who will his successor be?

How do they intend to supplement their diminished troops?

Will they just break the recently agreed upon truce without an honorable justification?

Various factors are entangled over those three years.

At a minimum it would take three years.

So, in reality it will take longer.

"But that's good. In three years time Shirone should be able to rebuild itself."

I see. This could also be seen as stalling.

Certainly if its just buying time, that should be more then enough.

"Can he do it, that King Pax?"

"Even I could do it."

Zanoba answered so proudly.

I don't know about it myself, but perhaps there is already a plan.

In any case, I've seen the end of this war.

The whole thing was unsatisfying.

"Anyway, it should quickly become peaceful."

"Yes, it should."

Zanoba said so happily, but his face was sad.

Well outside of wartime this guy has no role to serve.

Well now, how to convince him?

"Zanoba, now that this battle is over, what will you do?"

Second jab.

Accidentally, it came out like a death flag.

This is like the method you would use to break the ice before you propose to your lover.

It's already far too late to buy the bouquet. Even I don't have that much self confidence.

"I will return to the capital for now and make ready to receive word from His Majesty.

I do not know if I will continue to be assigned to this fort as it is…"

"You intend to remain in this country then?"

"Haha… Isn't it obvious?"

The magical armor has not been completed.

Research of the automatic doll, also has stopped before completion.

Our plans to sell dolls with Julie was also just able to finally get a foothold.

Won't there be all of those kinds of regrets?

No, there definitely should be.



"Once the truce is signed don't you intend to come back to the Magic City Sharia with me and continue to make dolls just as always?"

Now I've turned it into some kind of marriage proposal.

I should have bought that bouquet.

But well, I think it's okay if I say that kind of proposal.

We're not getting married.

I'm just asking him to discard his country and pick me instead.

With a wet face Zanoba looks at me.

He's expressionless.

It's hard to believe that until now there was a fun atmosphere.

This is bad.

I'll be turned down.

I've failed.

I confessed right from the start without setting the right mood.

This is regrettable.

This atmosphere says I'm dumped.

Oh ah.

"Shishou, could it be… ummm…?"


Right then noise suddenly rose up from the fort.

The sound of horses running, clip-clap, can also be heard.

We don't have cavalry in this fort.

Who is making that sound then?

As I thought that, I looked around the edge of the fort and spied a person coming at us on horseback.

"Fumu, that's a messenger from the capital."

At those words from Zanoba I also stand up.

"Probably Pax has sent us a statement about the truce."

"What could it be. Maybe it is a message that instructs us to invade and destroy the enemy nation."

"Oh yeah? But I also feel like we could do it if you are there Shishou."

We wait for the approaching horse while joking.

As we watch it approach, we notice that the rider is a familiar person.

It's a person I also know.

"Ginger ~ ?"

Ginger rode up to us on the horse with a desperate look.

I wonder what's going on.

As soon as Ginger sees us she cranks her neck in our direction and proceeds straight at us.

The soldiers form a wall to protect us.

Then Zanoba cried out,

"She is my imperial guard! Open the way!"

With those words from Zanoba, the soldiers give way quickly.

Before Zanoba can make a move Ginger falls from her horse with a relieved expression.

"Ginger, what happened!?"

"Ha… haa…"

Zanoba picks up on it as well, Ginger's deep distress.

She isn't hurt, but has the dark complexion of sever fatigue.

Perhaps she has been riding her horse for 24 hours straight.

"Oh, there is trouble in the imperial city Latakia.

The former warlord Jade has become the focal point for an uprising in the name of the 11th prince.

They have surrounded the Imperial castle with their forces…"

As she said that, Ginger began to choke and then fainted.

"The 11th prince? Ridiculous, that boy should have had only 10 people within the Shirone royal guard… Ginger! We need a more detailed description… oi!"

"Calm down Zanoba, let her rest first."

I get Zanoba to stop shaking Ginger.

Then, for the time being, we carry her into a room.

Part 2

th Prince Haruha Shirone

Three years of age

He is the child that former king Palton Shirone sired in his later years.

His mother was the daughter of farmers and, as such, he wasn't originally in a social position where he could become king.

Therefore Haruha was treated as if he did not exist.

He was given an estate in the corner of the Shirone kingdom with his mother, and had been living quietly under the name of a local feudal lord.

There was externally little to know about his existence.

The former King Palton Shirone, at the same time, had a sister who is the warlord Jade's mother.

Both of whom were killed during Pax's great purge.

That only leaves the warlord Jade.

He had formerly sworn allegiance to the king.

Jade, in spite of only possessing farmers, was able to raise them up. Because of his talent with tactics in this regard he was allowed the position of warlord.

Thanks to Jade becoming a warlord, the family is no longer hungry; a wealthy life was possible.

There was one important factor.

The king expected this position to be repaid with Jade's younger sisters when called upon, it was that kind of obligation.

At the time of Pax's coup, Jade had been stationed at Fort Karon.

At that time their were nearly 1000 people defending Fort Karon.

Jade led 500 of those and went to the capital Latakia.

However, it was too late when he arrived. The king had already died.

The royal family was waiting with reports of that massacre.

The forces defending that capital at that time numbered 2000.

As he marched forth with his soldiers, Jade's force swelled to 1500 with reinforcements from local feudal lords.

Factoring in Jade's repute as a tactician, fighting and winning would be possible considering the numbers.

That is if you only looked at the numbers…

The army of Jade, with it's increasing number of commanders, split in two.

The reason is that Pax had promised to treat the local lords in the same manner as always.

Some of those local lords had rushed in at the spur of the moment. Some were not happy with the former king, some lost their nerve, and some actually agreed with King Pax.

Looking at the noble's disagreement, Jade realized that he could not win.

He surrendered to Pax and swore allegiance.

Of course even though Jade took such an action, there was dealings behind the scene.

His sister's child, the 11th Prince Haruha Shirone, was alive and he had learned of it.

He would endure it for now.

Under the banner of Haruha, he would wipe clean his regrets towards the deceased previous king.

This was his vow.

Then, under the surface, Jade began to move.

He collected dissidents behind closed doors and shored up his forces.

He organized the rebels who had been eagerly awaiting a chance since Pax's uprising.

Now there was a chance for success.

And then the time came.

The northern country showed signs of invasion and Pax was forced to move military power into the north to meet them.

Because of Jade's head hunting and the after effects of the coup, the Shirone kingdom's troops had dwindled.

There would be no reinforcements from the KDK.

I do not know if it would fall, but Shirone's strength would now be inferior to the northernland.

If Fort Karon is penetrated then Pax will be forced to send away his treasure, the Death God.

This is what Jade was thinking.

He had miscalculated; the third prince Zanoba Shirone had returned.

He had also brought with him the return of Roxy Migurudia who was once court magician, and Rudeus Greyrat who had overthrown the Water God Reida and North Emperor Auber at Asura kingdom.

Jade had also planned to contact Zanoba in the event that he had returned to have vengeance upon Pax.

However, Zanoba bowed down to Pax and headed to Fort Karon.

Jade's calculations went amiss.

Fort Karon fought off the enemy with a historic victory and so the Death God never had to leave for the front.

The declining military power was also on its way to a full recovery.

The force gathered at the north would also likely return to the capital soon.

This may have been his last opportunity.

Considering this, Jade launched his coup.

He gathered up all of the soldiers he had left in waiting and took up to occupy the capital.

He surrounded the royal capital.

This was the summary that Ginger, who woke up after several hours, told us.

Ginger was in town at the time, but escaped by taking advantage of the confusion caused by the revolt.

She came straight to Zanoba without stopping.

Part 3

"When I left the capital, the King seemed to have shut himself up in the castle with a handful of guards… but I don't know the details or the current situation."

In a calm voice Ginger finished telling us everything she knew.

Apparently Pax is under siege.

It's been a few days since the revolt happened.

It won't be funny if Pax dies or even if the royal palace is occupied.

But the Death God is one of his troops.

It wouldn't be surprising if the rebels were annihilated instead.

Breaking through the siege shouldn't be hard if he intends to escape.

Why a siege?

There is a lot I don't understand.

This time we need to be careful of the situation.

"We need to immediately get to the capitol and see things for ourselves."

Zanoba said so as if it was just a walk to the general store then stood up.

Ginger made a relieved expression.

However after hearing the next words her expression froze stiff.

"I will rescue His Majesty and help him escape here to Fort Karon. If that isn't possible then I will invade using a secret royal path and come to the aid of His Majesty."

"Please, please wait!"

Ginger's body shot up from her resting position.

She restrained Zanoba with a desperate look.

In regards to this girl, she was entrusted with Zanoba and that's exactly what her expression says.

"What now? Don't worry your little head, Ginger. Just stay here and rest your body."

"No, do you… Do you really have to go to King Pax as an ally?"

Ginger says this in a tone you wouldn't believe.

Zanoba turns back.

He's making an unspeakable expression.

"Naturally I will. To begin with, I don't even know the 11th Prince's face or anything other then he was born. It's suspicious, we can't truly even know if he has inherited the blood of my Father."

He has a point.

Finding Pax to be unbearable, the warlord Jade may have created the 11th prince as a puppet.

His younger sister may have been pulling a shell game on the King.

Ginger's eyebrows are bent like the character ハ.

It's an expression that is impossible to understand.

"Once you are committed to King Pax as an ally, what will you do then?"

"Things like that, I will leave to His Majesty. If he says so I will crush the rebels."

"How… How can you come to the aid of a person like that?!"

Zanoba's eyebrows move, twitching.

It's an expression of anger.

" 'A person like that'? Ginger, you, just who do you think you are talking about?"

"I know it's disrespectful, but Zanoba, you surely know what Prince Pax did?"

"Just what did he do!?"

"I, my entire family, they were taken hostage!"

Zanoba's eyebrows move, fluttering.

Come to think of it I experienced the same thing.

I had nearly forgotten it was so long ago.

Well it's sure to be an unpleasant memory for anyone.

The side that was bullied will not forget the fact.

"I can't can't think much of a king who has to take his own bodyguards family as hostage… I do not think that king is worth being protected!"

It's the kind of line the feudal lords of the Edo period from my former life needed to hear.

But certainly, in this country, the ability to win royal guards was supposed to be a measure of power within the royal family.

The greater the number of royal guards, the closer to the throne you became; there was that kind of system.

They aren't just simple subordinates, they are vassals.

Forced to take hostages to keep them, that may be taboo.

"Haha, Ginger, allow me ask you the contraposition: This Zanoba Shirone… why do you serve him?"

"That is because…"

"I, in the past sold you. That isn't an act worthy of a member of the royal family. Why does Ginger still follow me?"

The reason why Ginger was in a situation where her family were taken hostage, it should have been because Zanoba sold her.

He traded her in exchange for the Roxy doll that Pax had bought.

Just why has this person stuck with Zanoba…

Ah, Zanoba's mother, it was a promise to her.

"That is, Zanoba-sama is an extremely wise person…"

However, Ginger did not say it.

Well, she may value this and that because of the royal family.

'I'm here because your mother asked me to be', will not be said.

"Is Pax not also a resourceful and competent man?"

"I want to do it, and then doing it without thinking of the consequences, that is His Imperial Highness Pax. It's not wisdom, he is just clever… doing such a thing, he is plainly a fool."

"I'm just a fool with a doll fixation. Pax and myself are exactly the same kind of person."

"It is different."

Kneeling, Ginger looks up toward Zanoba.

"Zanoba is a miko. You have so much power that if you were not wise many more people would have been killed by you up until now. It could be that you pretend to be foolish… I wonder?"

She has a point.

Zanoba sometimes says some deep things.

He read and understood the ancient documents of the automatic doll and even made the Magic Armor.

This time he saw through the situation immediately and his grasp of the battlefield was fast as well.

His insight in the past has also been remarkable.

It seems like he could just be acting and speaking the part of the fool.

However, his love of dolls would be true; that's not acting.

Nevertheless, he does not make a wise appearance in public.

"I am originally a fool. I just have a thing that I love and want to do excessively."

"Then let's go back to the magic city Sharia. There Zanoba, you can do what you love for the rest of your life."

"I won't go. The doll only moves after it is handled."

"Wh… what… ?"

Ginger then turns her head to me, she is looking towards me.

Her eyes say, 'Please also say the same to him.'

Certainly I think what Pax did is unforgivable.

He captured Lilia and Aisha to lure me in and then set a trap to make Roxy his sex slave.

There is also the matter that he struck Lilia forcefully.

Recently I had not thought about it and so I could remain calm, but now that I've been reminded my guts boil over with rage.

"Hey, Zanoba, I also disagree."


"Pax certainly might have changed a bit since going to the KDK, but Pax is not a companion that you should bet your life for."

With an angry face Zanoba turned toward me.

"Like I told you before Shishou… I am a servant of my country. The country belongs to the king… If the king is not safe isn't that a problem?."

"Didn't you say, 'My duty is to engage in war with other countries. It is because I am reliable in this manner that I was permitted to live.'?"

Zanoba remains silent.

I remember word for word.

"Whether the king is Pax or the 11th Prince, does it matter either way? Your work is not to settle the troubles between the royal family. Once the war with the Northern country is over and the truce is signed, haven't you achieved your duty magnificently. Isn't that how it is?"


"Wouldn't it be a nice ending? To continue living normally in Sharia. Let's go home together, eh?"


Zanoba places a hand on his chin and looks toward the sky.

Now I am watching him closely.

"That is an attractive proposal but… it is not possible for me to accept it."


I'm not calm.

For persuasion I should remain calm.

This opponent won't change his opinion even if I raise my voice.

I can also see that there is a hole in my logic.

Just because the job is over doesn't mean he can say hello-goodbye to his position in the royal family.

I see.

Yeah, I get it.

But it would still be good to go back with that kind of excuse.

"Let me ask you why."

"Well… it's unexpected, but even you don't understand."

Of course I don't understand!

No, I need to calm down.

Patiently, be patient.

Surely there is a reason that Zanoba has become obstinate.

I'll stay here and listen patiently until I can unravel his motives.

"…Zanoba, Pax should be afraid of you."

"So what?"

"Because of something like that, that fellow annihilated the rest of the royal family."

Even if Zanoba doesn't hold a grudge against Pax, the other side is underhanded.

It's only natural to be suspicious of someone with such a shady past.

"He could easily have the Death God help him take care of you."

" … "

"Let's put whether to rescue Pax or not aside.

Even if you help Pax now,

Pax won't come to trust you.

He'll just betray you.

At any rate, once he has a chance he'll kill you.

That isn't the kind of place you should want to rush into."

Zanoba said nothing.

He just looked at me with a sullen face.

"You… Before you said the country would die and there was nothing I could do.

I understand that I could die during war,

but the idea that I will die because Pax is jumping at shadows is laughable.

After all, I am only here because I was called to the service of my country."

" … "

Zanoba closed his eyes and was silent.

I breath in slowly to prepare my next words with care.

"It's that, Pax is my younger brother… he's my last blood relation."

Younger brother…

Blood relation…

Because of those words I lost my ability to speak with a single blow.

There is nothing I can say anymore.

Despite this Zanoba continued his arguments.

"Just now, I wanted to try to say that kind of thing. I don't know if you can understand but… but Pax is my little brother."

Zanoba is staring blankly at me.

His face has no color in it.

He isn't trying to express anything, not with his face, hand gestures, crying, laughter, nothing.

This is the real Zanoba, looking straight at me.


Involuntarily, a sigh escaped my lips.

If he's doing this for his brother, and his family, how can I be so strongly opposed?

I can understand why Zanoba is so stubborn about this.

If it was me, and Aisha killed Norn, or possibly the other way around, the first thing I would do is remonstrate her.

But I would have to forgive her.

If the relationship between the both were to become so thin.

The one who survives may have just been at the mercy of some great fate.

Even if you make the wrong action you can still try to move forward.

Even while remonstrating I would still cooperate.

"I understand."

Zanoba doesn't intend to return home with us.

I can understand it.

Is it because his brother lies or is truthful? I do not know.

But, for me, I understand wanting to protect your own blood.

It's not the kind of intention that can be bent.

I'm sorry, Cliff, Julie.

It doesn't seem like it is possible for me to bring Zanoba back with us.

I will, however, follow Zanoba until I'm sure he is able to create a relationship of mutual trust with Pax.

I'll support him in this.

"Honestly, my original intention was to get down on the ground, and half crying, beg you to come back with us, but now, if that is the case, I'll follow you a little longer."

"…Thank very much. As expected of Shishou, if you had begged and cried I wouldn't have been able to go through with it."

"Then I should have done that first."

"Good joke."

Zanoba and I, our voices broke into laughter.

I don't know what I'll say to Cliff.

Julie… if you wish to follow Zanoba, then I will escort you to him.

I'll just have to start from scratch on a new sales plan for the Ruijerd dolls.

We had gotten permission from Pergius and the cooperation of Ariel, and then we had begun to look for talent with Aisha…

For all this preparation over the years, there is a sense of loss.

But it's okay.

If Zanoba has to do this for his family, then I have no choice.

I have nothing I can say.

As for Zanoba and Pax… well, it's not a relationship that I can say is close at the moment.

However, after this, there is no reason that it couldn't improve.

Apologizing for the past, forgiving and being forgiven: that could happen.

Over a long time that can nurture their relationship slowly.

They can repair their mistakes.

I think Pax is a jackass.

But he should be able to change; I've changed.

There isn't anyone who cannot change.

"So it's like that."

Ginger had become pale.

Now that I think about it, she hasn't had a chance to really see Pax since he became king.

To her, Pax is probably still the same as he was in the past.

He is still the old repugnant Pax.

"Ginger, I'm sorry. If it's this kind of thing, then I'm going to have to respect Zanoba's feelings."

Well, in this situation, Pax seems like he will continue to grow into his role as king.

Well whatever, nothing will happen if we don't go to Pax.

If we just come to help on our own, unexpectedly, Pax may change his view of Zanoba.

"It's like that Ginger. Our troubles keep multiplying."

Zanoba patted Ginger's shoulder as he went past her.

"Ah, oh, please wait."

Ginger came tumbling out of the bed after him.

Without even standing up, she clung to Zanoba's feet.

Ginger pleaded desperately.

"Zanoba-sama, I understand that I can't stop you, but please, just one. Just listen to my one request!"

"Go ahead."

"Even if King Pax orders you to, please do not die!"

They were awkward words.

It was probably said on the spur-of-the-moment.

But I understood Ginger's desire.

She only wants Zanoba to live.

It's just that alone.

"Haha, well but…"

"I understand Ginger. I'll bring Zanoba back alive by any means."

In Zanoba's place, I replied.

I'll help satisfy Zanoba's obligation towards Pax.

I won't let him die.

If there relationship is twisted and seems to be hopeless,

I'll take responsibility and return with Zanoba.

The original purpose that had drove me to come all this way with Zanoba was the same.

I have to accomplish that original intention.

It's not something I can forget.

"Thank you Rudeus-dono, I am very grateful."

Ginger bowed deeply to me.