Chapter 191 Attack Exam (2)


Dolores glared at her with strong intensity.

“Ho ho ho. What are you looking at?”

Ms. Sadi, also known as ‘Sadi de Sade’, questioned Dolores. She wore a black military hat, had long violet ponytails, hair protruding like horns, and pale skin resembling a corpse. A black conquest cloak hung over her shoulders, secured by a loose belt with a coiled whip in the middle. Her common-sense-killer heels had a staggering height of 31 cm, and the tips were as sharp as daggers. Instead of fingerprints, terrifying scars, rumored to have resulted from her biting her fingers during a drunken stupor, adorned the fingertips.

She quietly released her Aura and focused it on Dolores.



Dolores, despite the cold sweat trickling down, met Ms. Sadi’s gaze head-on. Normally, anyone would have averted their eyes under such a menacing stare, but after the events with the Demon, the matured Dolores didn’t shy away from expressing her displeasure at her injured underclassman.

“Oh my? Look at this little girl.”

Ms. Sadi flicked her whip from her hip. Then, with a clatter, she took a few steps toward Dolores, who was being scrutinized.

“Where does a blood-stained wench like you get the nerve to glare at an adult? Is this how a student council president behaves?”


“Ho ho ho, my, does your daddy Humbert know how you’re looking at me?”


Dolores’ body became drenched in an even colder sweat as Ms. Sadi gradually exuded an oppressive aura. Despite the fact that Dolores had faced Dantalian and grown, Ms. Sadi’s intimidating presence was entirely different—a truly ‘diabolical’ menace.

At that moment,

“Enough of your disdain for exemplary students, Ms. Sadi.”

A voice interrupted Ms. Sadi’s words. Banshee Morg, blocking Dolores’ way, confronted Ms. Sadi.

Dolores felt the pressure that had been bearing down on her vanish as Banshee stood between her and Ms. Sadi.

Meanwhile, Banshee warned Ms. Sadi in a low voice.

“Is this your attitude during the sacred midterms? Excessive testing for the assigned student was bad enough, and now resorting to verbal abuse and violence… Do you want to be fired?”


In response to Banshee’s words, Ms. Sadi spat out a glob of phlegm.

“What is this?”

An expression of disbelief crept onto Banshee’s face at Ms. Sadi’s insolence.

However, Ms. Sadi ignored it and retrieved something from her waist—a large glass bottle, half filled with vodka. She bit into the long, narrow neck of the bottle.

Crunch, crunch.

Chewing on the glass shards as if they were candy, she swallowed them along with the vodka. Banshee stared at her, dumbfounded.“Is that alcohol? No, how can you behave like this in an exam where students’ lives are at stake?”

“This isn’t alcohol, old man~”

“Do you even smell alcohol?”

“The alcohol percentage in this is merely 35%, what kind of alcohol is that? It’s just water.”

“This insane woman…”

As Banshee’s words started to lengthen, Ms. Sadi turned her head abruptly. Then, as if to signal that she didn’t care to listen, she provocatively stuck out her tongue.

“Things have certainly improved in the world. It’s quite a sight to see a lowly Morg servant, who used to handle corpses and clean the mortuary, able to provoke the wrath of someone from the Sade Family.”

However, Banshee also had immense pride in his lineage.

“Hmph! That’s a story from hundreds of years ago. Now it’s Morg, one of the seven great clans. Besides, how much did the Sade marquisate fall? Your position is nothing more than a junior viscount at best.”

“Ah, what a dull world. Everything should just go to ruin.”

Ms. Sadi, having pretended not to hear, turned her head away as if she couldn’t be bothered.

Professor Banshee issued a warning to her.

“How far do you think the principal’s protection will go? If you continue to mistreat students recklessly in the next exam, I will discipline you with the authority as the next vice-principal.”

“Nay, nay, bitch. Try me.”

While Ms. Sadi still didn’t show any sign of acknowledging, she no longer laughed or ignored the words that Professor Banshee spat out while alive.

Professor Banshee put pressure on her and turned away.

He knew very well why she was allowed to continue teaching despite causing casualties every year.

The preservation of nobility. The nobility believed that if their dignity was excessively tarnished, it shouldn’t be tolerated. There were a few more factors.

One of them was her unparalleled combat sense. Additionally, she possessed genius abilities in criminal psychology, predicting and tracking criminals ahead of time, and excelling at apprehending them.

‘Only a lunatic can understand other lunatics?’

Professor Banshee shook his head slightly.

Ms. Sadi was undoubtedly a genius when it came to talent and ability, but due to her twisted character, it was difficult to utilize her.

Looking at it now, the promising elite, Sancho Barataria, was severely battered by her.

Fortunately, Sancho had a resilient spirit, and there didn’t seem to be any significant trauma yet.

How many promising elites had suffered from traumas that made them wet themselves just hearing Ms. Sadi’s laughter after what she did to them.

Many dropped out or withdrew from school mid-term. Even those who managed to graduate often became fragile and unable to engage in fights anywhere else.

Considering this, Professor Banshee felt grateful to Sancho, who had a strong spirit. Dolores, standing next to him, also looked at Sancho with pity.Sancho’s luck was incredibly bad. Of all people, it had to be ‘her,’ Ms. Sadi.

But the nightmare had only just begun.

“Ho ho ho. Come on up next. I promise, I’ll be gentle from now on~”

Ms. Sadi continued to call her assigned students to the arena.


She slapped her mud golem avatar’s thorny vine whip against the ground a few times.

Eventually, the next student in line ascended to the arena.

Thwack! Thwack! Thwack!

As everyone had anticipated, the results were just as expected. The student in question failed to land a single effective hit on the mud golem and retired after being tortured by the whip, achieving 0 effective hits, 4 effective evasions, 0 effective defenses, and 0 critical hits.

The next student to step up after Sancho managed a pitiful score of only 4 points, shedding tears in the process. Subsequently, the pattern continued – no one could successfully attack the golem imitating Ms. Sadi’s movements, merely dodging the relentless whip onslaught. Moreover, once hit, defending against subsequent attacks became nearly impossible.

Scores like 4, 3, 8, 6, 5, 7, 4… it was a parade of dismal results.

The 17 points Sancho scored seemed incredibly high in comparison.

Meanwhile, the professors watching were each grinding their teeth.

“Sadi, that crazy woman is dragging down the average scores!”

“Watching this unreasonable exam year after year makes my stomach churn!”

“Why does the principal keep favoring her?!”

“Maybe it’s the last bit of respect for the fallen Marquis Sade.”

“Damn it. Such irrational and unjust treatment. Shouldn’t social status and class be divided differently?”

“There’s nothing we can do. It seems the students in that segment were just unlucky.”

“Later, we could give extra points for assignments or behavior to those students who suffered in grades.”

“Still, from the vice principal’s perspective, it’s fortunate to have her. Lowering the principal’s approval ratings.”

While these complex thoughts were swirling among the professors, Ms. Sadi continued to laugh gleefully, turning the students into pitiful wrecks.

“Ho ho ho. Training dogs and making them sweat is quite fun. Well, not just sweat, but turning them into a bloody MESS, HO HO HO.”

Watching her whip students and treating them like dogs had already incurred the anger of many.

This wasn’t about a teacher educating their students but rather a strong person unilaterally assaulting the weak.

Finally, after giving a score of 4 points and retiring the student who had just faced her, Ms. Sadi summoned the next one to be trained.


“Oh? You seem like a somewhat talented dog. Worth training, I guess.”

Ms. Sadi’s eyes lingered on a student standing beneath the arena.

Expressionless face, and always exuding a cold aura.

It was Vikir’s Turn.