Chapter 73

Shen Yue, female, 12 years old, lived a smooth life (probably), smart as hell, her wish in her previous life was to make the person she liked to like her back, now her wish is to be able to open the door with a fingerprint lock to welcome a cozy and relaxing weekend.

But her head currently doesn't contain the knowledge to open a fingerprint lock.

She only knows how to open locks with iris scanner and 64-bit passwords.

However, the fingerprint lock should be similar to the iris lock, it just needs to extract biological information to unlock it.

Are the methods to extract iris and fingerprints the same?

Shen Yue took out her phone, about to search on Baidu, then suddenly froze. That's right, she forgot, this was not her original phone anymore.


She...had lost access to Baidu.

It all started two days ago. Shen Yue somehow got an ulcer, so she took out her phone to search on Baidu why people get ulcers.

The answer Baidu gave was: You're welcome, it's likely cancer, recommend going to the hospital to get examined.

Shen Yue was shocked, didn't expect there would be such good news, so she hurriedly went to find big brother to express her wish to spend the rest of her life in the hospital.

After big brother asked her questions seriously, with a completely black face, her access to Baidu was taken away permanently from her phone.

Although she could download Baidu again, big brother wouldn't be happy right?


So Shen Yue gave up on asking Baidu, and opened her class group chat instead.

Although she spaces out at school all the time, she clearly understands that her classmates are very capable.

Just yesterday when she secretly viewed the group, she saw classmates discussing the feasibility of criminal methods from detective novels. Maybe she could ask how to collect fingerprints.

Shen Yue opened the class group called "Lovely, Three Brains", Ye Yin was currently challenging other classmates to see who could solve the same problem using the most methods. Photos kept popping up, looked like the competition was intense.

While Qing Xiaoyu occasionally sent a message to keep score for the two, and stirred things up.

Shen Yue took a look, said she didn't understand, then exited.

Thinking hard early in the morning, as expected of people with three brains, she was different, she only had one, so she didn't think.

Shen Yue looked at the screen, waited until the barrage of photos stopped, then started typing.

[May I ask, how can I collect fingerprints at home?]

Shen Yue sent the message and stared at the screen waiting for replies.

Very soon, Qing Xiaoyu was the first to reply to her.

[Why do you need to collect fingerprints at home? Did something happen? Do you need me to call 110 for you?]

Seeing Qing Xiaoyu misunderstood, Shen Yue quickly explained.

[I want to get into my fourth brother's room, but his door is locked, so I wonder if I can open it by collecting fingerprints.]

After Shen Yue said this, the group fell silent for a while, then Gao Qin broke the quiet.

[Yue...we're mature seventh graders now, doing things like peeking at your brother's room is unacceptable.] Shen Yue: ?

[He's crying. My big brother said don't ignore him or he'll be in danger, and told me to go bandage his wounds.]

Shen Yue didn't mention the deal she made with big brother.

Things like deals, if you tell others, they lose effect.

Shen Yue's words seemed to flip some switch, the group suddenly became excited.

One by one, usually silent people started popping up, messages kept coming nonstop. Taking a closer look, they were all about methods to collect fingerprints.

Shen Yue read through them one by one.

[There is a method to collect fingerprints from smooth, poreless surfaces like glass cups, window frames and light switches. First, gently brush away fingerprint dust on the smooth surface with a soft fur brush. The dust was originally stuck in the crevices of the fingerprints from sweat. After removing the dust, the hidden prints become visible. Then, press clean adhesive tape onto the fingerprint, and press the tape onto a sheet of paper to transfer the print onto the paper.]

Shen Yue remembered this, and continued reading the next one.

[Find a bill or other paper your brother has touched, spray ninhydrin on it, then iron the paper with a heated iron. Wait for a while, and the fingerprints will appear.]

Shen Yue skipped this one directly. What ninhydrin, she didn't have that.

[Try iodine vapor.]

[How about getting a laser gun that can reveal fingerprints from the police uncle?]

[If you can find the police uncle already, why not just call 119?]

Seeing this comment, something clicked in Shen Yue's mind and she suddenly understood.

That's right, why go through so much trouble to collect fingerprints? By the time she figures it out, Fourth Brother could be dead already if he's really in danger like big brother said.

That doesn't seem good.

Also, she just asked the butler, and Fourth Brother's room can only be opened by big brother himself. That means...

Calling the police it is.

That makes sense.

She was just a little kid, what could she do!

Shen Yue gradually got lost in the self-hypnotism of being a little kid, decisively took out her phone and dialed the emergency number.

She described the dangerous situation Fourth Brother could be in to the other end of the call clearly and articulately. Just then, a butler happened to walk by Shen Yue, heard the call and immediately rushed over to stop her.

After apologizing nonstop for 300 times, the call was finally ended.

The butler wiped the nonexistent sweat on his head, and seriously taught Shen Yue, "Young miss, don't make prank calls to the emergency number. Emergency resources should be saved for those truly in need. Making false police reports is punishable."

Shen Yue nodded, took her phone back from the butler, pointed at Shen Jize's room and said, "But big brother said Fourth Brother is injured, he'll be in great danger if we ignore him."

"Injured?" Hearing this, the butler suddenly became nervous. He quickly called the bodyguards at the door to come in, somehow found tools, and used the most primitive method to break into Shen Jize's room, finally succeeding in opening it.

Almost as soon as the room door opened, the atmosphere tensed up.

Shen Yue craned her neck to look, Shen Jize was sitting on the bed, which was already stained a large red patch, looking horrifying even from afar.

Seeing the door suddenly opened, Shen Jize was startled. He yelled at the door, "Don't come over! Don't come over!"

The butler was very helpless, but didn't seem to be the first time seeing this kind of scene either. He could only gently advise, "Fourth Young Master, you're injured and need bandaging."

"Go away, don't bother with me."

"Fourth Young Master..."

"Go away, wuwuwuwuwu." He cried again. Shen Yue watched with fascination on the side, but after thinking about it, she felt she could understand this feeling.

How strange, nevermind, just complete the mission first.

So without heeding Shen Jize's wuwus and resistance, Shen Yue walked straight to his bedside, lifted the blanket to find the wound, and started disinfecting it.

Seeing Shen Yue approach him, Shen Jize looked terrified. But the more critical the situation, the less he could speak. He could only keep crying, looking utterly pitiful.

Today was the first time Shen Yue experienced the feeling of incessant wuwus.

Also, during the bandaging process, Shen Yue discovered that Shen Jize's body seemed different from normal people's. Despite being just a regular wound, the amount of blood loss was far greater than normal.

Abnormal blood clotting.

No wonder big brother asked her to come take a look, or he really could've died.

After finding hemostatic medicine at the very bottom of the first aid kit and applying it to Shen Jize's wound, Shen Yue also put a huge bandage on top.


Shen Yue appreciated her successful labor, took a photo and sent it to big brother to show she had completed the task. Then she decisively threw away the first aid kit on the spot and walked away coolly, going back to bed and slowly lying down.

Shen Jize stared blankly at Shen Yue's decisive departing back, stunned.

That's it? She just left like that?

Without asking anything?

He was crying the whole time, wasn't she curious?

Why did she help bandage his wounds?

Shen Jize had many questions he wanted to ask, but didn't say a single one out loud.

He was afraid.

The butler had been standing at the door without saying a word. Seeing Shen Yue leave and Shen Jize stop crying, he finally spoke up, "Young Master Si, the first aid kit is under your bed. Miss Xiaoxiao has brought you another one now. You must dress your wounds promptly next time."

Shen Jize looked at the first aid kit Shen Yue had left behind, and then at his own wounds. Suddenly, he pressed down hard on the wounds.

It hurt so much.

So it wasn't a dream after all.

Other than big brother, would there be someone else who cared if he was hurt or not?

Shen Jize couldn't be sure, nor dare be sure.

At this time, Shen Yue was already lying in bed, reporting the results of her fingerprint collection to her lovely classmates who each had three heads.

[I didn't take any fingerprints, just smashed the door directly.]

Soon, the group chat became lively again discussing this sentence, and finally came to a conclusion.

[The optimal solution is often the most straightforward approach. For example, why would I show my work when I can calculate the answer mentally?]

[What you said makes sense.]




[So Teacher Niu why did you say I didn't do my math homework when I only wrote down the answers?]

[How would I know? He scolded me too.]