Chapter 126

Upon arriving at Building 6, Ma Sha announced her name, and a prisoner from Building 6 led them directly to the 17th floor.

Building 6 was the largest building in the entire prison complex, except for Building 1.

Its distinctive feature was that it was divided in half: one half was occupied by inmates with medical skills, as well as doctors brought in from the outside; the other half was no different from a regular hospital.

They even had many of the advanced medical equipment found only in large hospitals. Here, as long as you had money, they could bring you back from the brink of death.

Inside the ICU on the 17th floor was the protector who had been attacked, Leandra.

There were other inmates from Building 2 outside the door, and upon seeing Ma Sha approach, they stepped forward to report the situation.


From their conversation, it was revealed that the attacker was from Building 5. However, considering the usual temperament of Building 5, they would never initiate such a provocation.

Ma Sha pondered for a moment and asked, "Does Si know about this?"

"We beat the person who attacked Leandra half to death. By now, the current leader of Building 5 should also be aware. Given his personality, he should be here soon."

Ma Sha nodded. "If it's Building 5, let's hear what Si has to say first."

At this moment, Li Feng also spoke up. "So, are we just going to wait here? We might as well storm Building 5 directly. Those worthless things can hide in the building all they want. What's the point of imitating Building 4's methods?"

Ma Sha looked at Li Feng, then glanced at the door, but remained silent.


Just then, Shen Yue tugged at Ma Sha's clothes and asked, "When are we going to eat?" Ma Sha was already accustomed to Shen Yue's way of thinking and was about to answer her when Li Feng, who was furious because of the injuries to his subordinates, vented his anger on Shen Yue.

"If you damn want to eat, then get the hell out of here! Building 1 is full of idiots. What nonsense about assassins and protectors? They won't even let us live in peace in this damn prison. Can't you all just hurry up and die? And what's the use of bringing a prison guard? Who are you trying to scare with a prison guard? I can crush that kind of thing with just one hand. Damn it, I really want to kill all of you right now. Building 1 is useless."

Ma Sha furrowed her brows as she listened, and silently shielded Shen Yue behind her.

Everything Li Feng said was true.

First of all, Li Feng was neither an assassin nor a protector. According to the older inmates, before Ma Sha entered this prison, Li Feng had single-handedly dealt with all the inmates in Building 1 and earned a lot of bounty, enough to live a worry-free life.

Then, he didn't rely on the points from assassination missions to rank up the floors but chose to start from the first floor and fight his way up, one level at a time.

The rule for the floors in Building 2 was "the strong rule the top."

After Li Feng fought his way to the position of the leader in Building 2, although protectors and assassins still existed in Building 2, there was no infighting among the inmates outside of their assigned tasks.

That was Li Feng.

It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say he was the strongest in the prison.

What's even more terrifying is that Li Feng has the support of the residents of Building 2. All the protectors of Ma Sha are prisoners from Building 2, and if they have to choose between Ma Sha and Li Feng, they will definitely choose Li Feng.

Now, the fact that Ma Sha's protectors have sided with Li Feng is the strongest proof.

"Li Feng, calm down a bit," Ma Sha tried to appease him, but Li Feng stared fixedly at the barely conscious prisoner in the ICU, seemingly devoid of the ability to think.

Ma Sha immediately understood that the current situation must be related to the reason Li Feng massacred the entire Building 1 in the past.

She turned her head and whispered to Shen Yue, "You go first."

Shen Yue, whose expression had gradually turned dangerous after being scolded by Li Feng, instantly returned to her original appearance upon hearing these three words from Ma Sha.

She suddenly asked Ma Sha, "Are you looking for the person in power in Building 5?"

Ma Sha remained vigilant of Li Feng while nodding.

Generally, except when they need to purchase premium information, the leaders of other buildings can directly contact the leader of Building 3. At other times, the leaders of each building cannot communicate directly with each other. If they insist on contacting each other, they can only send someone to deliver the message and arrange to meet face-to-face in the public area.

Now, if they want to meet the person in power in Building 5, they can only send someone over. However, Ma Sha couldn't be sure if Li Feng, in his current state, could hold on until Si Chengyou arrived.

Shen Yue walked out from behind Ma Sha and directly said to Number 14, "Number 14, summon the person in power in Building 5."

Number 14 was not surprised by this outcome, or rather, he knew it was definitely his task as soon as Shen Yue spoke.


After acknowledging Shen Yue's order, Number 14 immediately began to contact the prison guard in Building 5 and asked him to summon Si Chengyou to the 17th floor of Building 6.

After completing the contact, Number 14, as if oblivious to the atmosphere around him, replied to Shen Yue, "Si Chengyou happens to be in Building 6. He will arrive within three minutes."

Shen Yue nodded, held Ma Sha's hand, and suddenly commanded, "Shoot, but don't kill them."

Number 14 reacted swiftly. Almost the moment Shen Yue gave the order, he took out his gun and unhesitatingly fired at several prisoners from Building 2.

Since the command was not to kill, he aimed only for their legs.

Contrary to what is portrayed in TV dramas, where characters can withstand being shot and continue fighting back and forth, in reality, once shot, due to the hydrostatic shock, humans suffer severe injuries in an instant. If shot in the leg, they would lose their mobility, and it could even affect their ability to complete future tasks.

But Shen Yue didn't care about all that. She only knew that Ma Sha's protectors had betrayed her, and Li Feng had just insulted her.

She couldn't let others insult her, so she wanted to teach them a lesson.

Number 14 swiftly took control of all the prisoners except Li Feng.

However, Li Feng was ultimately a man who single-handedly destroyed an entire building. In the moment he drew his gun on the 14th floor, he quickly reacted and found cover. Seizing the opportunity within the blind spots of everyone's vision, he stealthily approached the 14th floor and his professional team. Swiftly, he snatched a gun from the 14th floor and aimed it at Shen Yue, pulling the trigger.

Ma Sha, being the first to react, pushed Shen Yue aside, but her own arm was grazed by a bullet.

Ma Sha felt fortunate, but Shen Yue, witnessing this scene, inexplicably became filled with anger. She gave the order to the now-engaged 14th floor, "Number 14, kill him."

A deeper smile appeared on the face of the 14th floor, and with an excited tone different from his usual self, he responded, "Yes, ma'am."