Chapter 11: Chapter 11: Rong Yan Returns

Half an hour later, a detailed file on Rong Yan was delivered into Li Shengxiao’s hands.

If Rong Yan were here, she would definitely be gaping in shock.

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Because the file was so comprehensive that it only stopped short of pointing out the exact spot where a mole was on her body. Of course, anything related to why she went abroad five years ago and any information regarding Little Baby had been thoroughly erased, leaving no trace to be found.

“Miss Rong’s records after going abroad seem to have been deliberately tampered with. Does young master wish to investigate further?”

Information like this, intentionally wiped clean, was very difficult to trace.


If someone went to the trouble of erasing it, they definitely didn’t want others to find whatever it was.

“No need.”

Li Shengxiao finished reading the material and set it aside.

“This is all I need.”

All he needed to know was whether Rong Yan had a boyfriend or not!

Based on the information, her so-called reason for rejecting him earlier didn’t hold up.



Seeing that he wasn’t concerned, the butler didn’t press further and quietly stepped aside, hesitating before saying, “Young master, Miss Rong and Mr. Shi seemed to have been together in the past. Could it be that they still have… unresolved feelings?”

Li Shengxiao gave him a look, and the butler didn’t manage to finish his sentence.

He stood up, his posture both lazy and domineering, casting a glance at the butler before leaving confidently and powerfully, “Do you think any woman who I’ve pursued would still fancy Shi Mufeng?”

Do you think any woman who I’ve pursued would still fancy Shi Mufeng?!

The butler was left speechless!

Indeed, compared to his young master, Shi Mufeng wasn’t even qualified to carry the shoes!

Wait a second, the old butler suddenly realized, staring at the retreating man in shock—was the young master seriously considering pursuing Rong Yan?!

Meanwhile, Rong Weiwei had just finished an event. She maintained a smile in front of the media’s cameras, which promptly disappeared the moment she was out of their sight.

She casually handed her handbag to her assistant and got into the nanny car, rolling up the windows to shut out the enthusiastic fans outside.

“Weiwei, should we head back to the company?”

“No, drive me home.”

Rong Weiwei gently curved her swan-like neck, lowered her eyelashes in thought, and then pursed her lips before making another call. The phone rang daintily, and the person on the other end picked up immediately.

Her lips curled into a tender smile as she sweetly called out, “Mom.”

“I saw a dress at the mall that would suit you perfectly, so I bought it. When I get back, would you like to try it on?”

The lovely woman on the phone chided gently, “Silly child, why did you buy another dress for me? I already have so many, more than I can wear. You should spend more on Mufeng.”

“Mom~” Rong Weiwei cooed ingratiatingly like a young girl, “It’s only right for me to buy things for Mom. Mufeng can wait in line after you.”

“Really now, oh you… I’m always worried that someone might bully you out there with that personality of yours,” the woman on the phone complained, but inside she couldn’t have been more pleased.

“Not gonna happen. With Mom and Dad, and Mufeng around, who could bully me? But there is something…I don’t know if I should tell you.”

“What is it?”

She hesitated for a long time before mumbling vaguely, “Mom, my sister came back. Today, Mufeng and I ran into her…”

Jiang Meiqi reacted fiercely, her tone filled with disgust, “What is she back for! Weiwei, are you okay? She didn’t start trouble for you again, did she?”

What difference did it make if she was the biological daughter, she still couldn’t compare to the one they had brought home, could she?

Rong Weiwei lowered her eyelids, hiding the mirth in her eyes, and reassured in a soft voice, “I’m fine, but my sister ‘accidentally’ fell off the sidewalk and got hit by a car. Someone took her to the hospital. I wanted to follow them, but I couldn’t catch up. So I had Mufeng go to the hospital to look for her, not sure if he found her or not.”

“You had Mufeng go looking for her? Are you out of your mind? You know she’s up to no good, always restless, trying to steal your things! Honestly!”

“No, sister even wished us well. Though… though… she might still be angry with me. After all, Mufeng knew her first, and I was the one who came between them.”

Jiang Meiqi dismissed the concern, her tone still displeased, “Dating isn’t the same as marriage. Mufeng likes you, how does it count as intruding? Besides, you are her sister. She’s tried to set you up several times before. She even got pregnant after running off and messing around with some man, shaming everyone and that’s why Mufeng broke up with her, it has nothing to do with you!”

“Mom, my sister, she…” Rong Weiwei seemed intent on defending Rong Yan.

But the person on the other side clearly didn’t want to hear it and cut her off abruptly, “Enough. Let’s not talk about her. Your father and I will handle her matters. Sweetheart, don’t you worry about it.”

“Mom, I’m concerned about your health. The doctor mentioned you haven’t been sleeping well lately, and I fear you might be worrying over my issues again and neglecting your own health.”

Jiang Meiqi’s anger softened, laughing, she said, “Don’t worry, I need to stay in good shape to see you and Mufeng get married and to help take care of your children.”

Rong Weiwei blushed coyly, “Mom~~”

“Alright, alright, I won’t tease you anymore. Now that Rong Yan is back, you need to be extra careful, understand? Don’t go around naively all day. You’re the only heiress to the Rong Family now, and If the Shi Family finds out about her past actions, they might see you in a negative light. Don’t let irrelevant people cause the Shi Family to have a bad impression of you.”

“I understand. I’ll listen to you, Mom.”

Rong Weiwei put away her phone, her smile growing wider, her mood more elated than ever.

Rong Yan wanted to come back, did she? Weiwei was about to show her who truly ruled this world!